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  1. For3me4eveR

    Iron Golem Spawner not work!!!

    My ig not spawned. This is maybe server bug ? IGN: For3me4eveR Check the F home . i Place ig spawner in /f home Faction Name: DayWalkeRs ill buyed 1 ig and 18 hoppers 1 ig = 1m 18 hoppers = 720k (each for 40k) Fix hurry :C
  2. VoxLight

    {Moved to Skyblock}

    {this thread has been moved to the skyblock section}
  3. Ninja 4837

    Anti-Cheat Suggestion

    My suggestion for Pika Craft Anti Cheat is to request for a Powerful Custom AAC Config to the author. I've seen many AAC servers having different AAC configs according to number of hackers,types of hacks,etc. Though Pika has improved a lot after having the AAC in the server but I'd still...
  4. ExoFoux

    Can't Donate to the server !

    Hey ! today i wanted to buy new rank also some more keys .. when i tried to purchase it just keep saying me "The card was Declined" ! every time ! and i couldn't do nothing ! please help me solve this problem i really want to donate ! here some imgur pictures : http://imgur.com/a/eEBD0
  5. S

    Island gets Swapped Out

    Me and my friend were playing the other day, and frankly did alot of things, until I played OPSB today and type in /is and I'm being ask if I want to choose from the 3 biomes, and I was like "Did OPSB even reset?" So I stay calmed until my friend told me that our Island was safe and right now...
  6. iMzSpEedY

    [Bug] Weird sentence // BuildWars

    Hey! So I was playing on BuildWars and I clicked this button that said "rules", and I clicked it again, and it said this: I think that this sentence isn't right, but I might be wrong, please correct me if I am wrong. Have a nice day :) Regards, iMzSpEdY
  7. iMzSpEedY


    I have been pvping for a bit now on Practice, and I see people glitching in the ground or "flying" really much. This is annoying for 2 reasons: 1, people will think they hack (phase), but they don't so there are loads of not real reports. 2, you can not hit people good in the ground, and when...
  8. iMzSpEedY


    When you go to "Staff Applications" or "Ban Appeals", it says it only shows yours for your privacy, but if you go to someones profile page, then click information and then go to "Show all threads by [Player], you can see his ban appeals and staff appeals I think (I could see mine.). Could an...
  9. RaVo

    WARNING:bank system

    Dont use enchanted items in the bank system. It bugged out for me and I lost all enchants:(!!!
  10. F

    OpFactions1 mcmmo problem

    so hey my name is FireFistasce and i have been playing for a long time theres a issue with op factions: people have too much mcmmo and because of that they break armor easily like if someone has 25k mcmmo they need 15 hits to break armor and Sweetpvper has 150k axes mcmmo last season there...
  11. Shanan

    Please read this.

    I don't know, where to put this thread. So I'm posting it here. So I went to Creative 1.9, and suddenly my chat started talking by itself. It suddenly started swearing and said 'I am not fine' 'I tell on pple' 'f***!' I disconnected, as I thought it probably would start telling Ip addresses...
  12. A

    OP Prison Bug

    A bug in OP Prison /p h is broken
  13. Deviate

    Bug: Votes are not distributed correctly across all servers

    Hey, While voting I discovered that my votes are not added to all servers when I vote, for some servers I need to be online at that moment on that server in order to retrieve my votes. This happens for example on Op Fac server 1, but not on Op Fac server 2. When I join the second server my...
  14. C

    Normal Prison Bug

    Staff help me I'm a fan of banners but everytime when I place the banner and broke it, it turned into a black banner. Idk if it's a glitch or whatsoever but please someone help me and try to fix this bug/glitch:(:)
  15. I

    Factions Koth Bug ??

    I am IIPizzaMazeII from Pikacraft .. (play.pikacraft.eu) is the server adress .. I am currently playing on regular Factions .. and I have been playing for about 2 days now .. so currently .. I just found out that there is a koth happening ( DesertKoth) where in I'm very close .. but then...
  16. SaimTheGamer

    Is This A Bug Or Was Somebodi Trolling Me?!?!

    So it was a normal day.I started making a really big room under Sea Shop and i started clearing it up.After a while i found a skeleton whit a op bow whit knockbac 2 for sure beacose i was knocked 6 blocks back when he hited me and he did a lot of dameg then usual skeletons so i was weirded out...