I will try to explain exactly how to play properly & which strategies to use
"try" being the key word lmao
even if you're an experienced player looking for some more advice - this is the right place to look for it.
if you're an experienced player don't use this it will literally make you worse lol, if ur just starting out then it's fine
of all, I would advise you to learn how to ninja bridge consistently. There are a lot of online tutorials for this. I won't link any of them, simply google "how to ninja bridge in Minecraft" and watch some videos.
yeah, this is helpful but with the "strategy" you're discussing you'll get beaten by a guy shift-flatbridging
you learned how to ninja bridge it's time to utilise it in a real Solo game.
i speak from experience when I say don't do this, go on a practise server or something. only do this once you're 100% confident in your speedbridging, if you just learned it 5 seconds ago the chances of you failing are very high
when you collect 4 iron from the generator immediately buy blocks and cover your bed with 8 wool.
don't bother. unless your enemy actually kills you, this is a dumb thing to do
Wait for 12 iron, buy more blocks, and speed bridge to your opponent as fast as you can.
why would you wait this long? you're gonna be too late to stop someone rushing you. this is stupid.
That's why I recommend always rushing with 64 blocks
on your first rush, go with minimal blocks. don't be stupid
buy a wooden pickaxe if they have end stone
by the time your guide makes people get out of the generator they can already buy tnt lmao
At this time you should have enough gold to buy the iron armor too.
what??? listen I know I said your guide makes people wait long to actually rush your first enemy but you can't be serious when you tell people to wait for iron armour before moving on to the second rush, awful
In Solo attack is the best defense
I would disagree with this. since you're alone, your base will be wide open when you start rushing someone. if you're a decent player you most likely won't have to worry about your bed on a server like pika, but let's be real decent players are very scarce on this server. while I support rushing and playing risky more than anyone else, never let your guard down
If you decide to go to mid (like I usually do)
thanks for explaining why you shouldn't be the one making a guide
I would recommend you to spend your first 8 emeralds on obsidian
refer to my previous statement
rush other bases with TNT
don't underestimate tools.
You can get haste if they have obsidian, (sry quoting fucked up lol good website)
haste is absolutely usless and will not buy you much time at all unless the maps on pika are absolutely stupid idk I haven't seen them but it's pika so they might be, anyway you can break obby faster than someone is able to respawn so don't waste dias on haste unless you bought every other upgrade
I personally don't recommend buying a miner fatigue trap because it costs 2 diamonds and doesn't notify you when someone's at your island, so I think the Escape room trap is much better.
if it's anything like jartex, which I assume is the case, miner fatigue is the 3rd best diamond upgrade. buy it asap. it's basically escape room but if escape room was 500x better
You can use that to destroy wood bed defenses instantly.
wouldn't do that unless you got too much iron, fb jumps and knocking people are more useful imo since there's tnt and tools that can do that
pearl at your opponent's base after drinking your potions
mainly do this if you've got an extra pearl or if you still have a bed, saving your pearls for when you get knocked as a final is so much more useful and reliable
If your opponent has a large bed defense carry 2-3 TNT's with you
or, you know, bring tools
listen, hate to be that guy, but I saw people reacting with "this guide is good!" and "nice job" when that really isn't the case. felt like pointing out the mistakes. i would say I'm sorry, but I'm really not. please learn from this and don't make future guides without an actual bedwars players' help. cheers