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  1. Milkeewayy_

    Pistons Not Working Properly

    Hey, i wonder why my pistons are not working properly. I was testing a small sugarcane and bamboo farm. When they reached the oberservers the pistons made sounds but not pushing, when there isnt any sugarcane the piston works fine. Is afk farm not allowed? But if its not allowed why do i see so...
  2. murder19001

    Can I use this mod?

    My friend's laugh at my spelling, So can I use this mod? https://sk1er.club/mods/autocorrect pls answer
  3. S

    Hits not registering

    Almost half of my hits are not registering especially in bedwars which made me loose so many matches Any suggestions on fixing this problem ? i'm on 1.16.1
  4. R

    how do i advertise shops please help i am new

    hey guys i am new here and i dont get shops too much so i didnt know how do i advertise my shops am i doing it wrong? i right clicked several times
  5. R

    insane lag in survival bug or glitch or lag machine

    there is some insane amount of lag going on in survival from the 2 or 3 days, the lag comes every 10 mins and goes of 10 mins and comes again after 10 mins, its like someone is setting a lag machine and refiling it every 10 mins, we dont know why but our ping remains same but we cant open chests...
  6. C

    how to upgrade enchanted spawner

    so I have an enchanted spawner but how can I upgraded, I can't mine spawners sooo.... how can I do it?
  7. I

    Placing enchanted spawners on top of ea

    So u literally cant get espawners in ur inventory so i cant sell espawners can any mod see this so they can fix this problem i cant pick up espawners and stack them. So whats the point? Do i have to buy a donator rank????!
  8. E

    Minecraft crashing due to firework particles in mcmmo fights, HELP

    My minecraft crashes whenever someone uses mcmmo on me or when I try to use superbreaker(I believe that is what it is called)(Also in the bedwars lobby trying to use the booster gadget) . I looked up for a solution in the mcmmo github page but according to one of the threads I read, the only...
  9. Lt_akgamings


    Can someone SS me to see if there's anything illegal, I just bought a used pc so I want to be sure that everything is ok.
  10. S

    Okay I know I'm being annoying now lol but

    Why did my black scrolls disappear when i sold every ink sac in my inventory lol? Could be a bug but I hope you fix it. I lost my money again lol.
  11. teng

    Donor Shop

    I'd Like to Suggest a Donator Shop on Survival game. I've seen that many of donator player find it hard to play survival, so something came out of my mind a SHOP where you can Buy And Sell Materials (FOR DONATOR ONLY) Now Adays. Donator is like a normal player, they're only advantage was the...
  12. YG100

    My Donator+ rank dissapier

    Hi in 2017 i bought rank donator+ in opfaction and in 2017 i always played in opfaction 1 in the name YG100 but i change it to DeezNatsGT and my Donator+ rank dissapier if someone can help me with this and tell me how can i get the rank or the money please sent me a message
  13. A

    Is there a way to delete a acc

    I just want to know if i can delete one of my acc i have registered i have 8 {Max Registered} i wanted to get one of my other accounts because it has a minecon cape. Also can you add "Help" as a command anyone can do because i dont have permission. Thats really it i cant find any posts...
  14. J

    Mute Appeal

    Hi I was banned on BigBootyHoe2 and was ip muted, I was wondering if this could be changed and I could be unip muted because I wasnt beligerent I just had an inoppropriate name. Thanks
  15. B

    No drops

    I got a cow spawner and the cow isn't dropping a thing I think it also happens to my other spawners too my blazer isn't dropping things help me
  16. K

    How do you clame land

    I cnow how to clqme land for your clan but how do you clame for your self? I have tried the golden shovel thing and it aint working. Plz help
  17. FA1BI

    Chests disappearing

    So I logged on and saw that all of my chest disappeared and all my loot is gone. PLS HELP the base is claimed and its not raided there are no holes in the base
  18. V

    İ want HELPER rank

    Hello PikaNetwork's Helper And Admins, First i want Helper Rank because i am 7/24 online and i am HiveMC's Helper İ am watching hacks, And Masterson is not online but i am 7/24 online Please give me HELPER rank...
  19. Emkis

    is it possible to change gamemode?

    I want to do a PvP minigame in my plot. But i don't know is it possible to change gamemode?
  20. H


    As an OG Galactix player (since map 1) I have noticed that since the new owners have come to the server you haven't focused much on galactix at all. From me and fellow galactix players I would like it very much if you were to work on galactix as it would be good for the players as well as you...