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  1. W

    ban report

    His Name is Stafi hi grifed my island and took 3 beacons and destroyed 2 rabbit spawners and destroyed nearly third of our island level structure and killed all of our pets and villagers and destroyed our farm but luckly he forgot to destroy his private chests that prove that he was apart of our...
  2. W

    Please help me was griefed

    someone i(cukriko) invited in my team on skyblock griefed me and took 3 beacon around 120 expensive blocks and 2 rabbit spawners pls ban him his minecraft name is Stafi
  3. YasinErkilic

    Glitch or Bug with /sell all

    I had a lot of loot from warp mine but when i did /sell all it gave me very little money. btw the video evidence was rendered it got corrupted so there is lots of flashing colors but the content can still be seen and shows the glitch. i have the video i would like attach but i cant seem to...
  4. D

    Issue, need admin.

    Hello there! I am not sure in which section to post this, but I figured that this would be the most suiting. I would like to catch an Admin. I could not find any Email-adresses? But I do have a vast issue here that I would love to have resolved. So any admin, please contact me here ^^ Thanks!
  5. J

    Fix this a soon as possible

    DiamondBender gave me slimeball fly command and I right click to apply it it didn't work for me but it works for aweebab when he right click on it and then DiamondBender give me snowball champion rank but when I right click it it trows and didn't apply rank so you need to fix something about...
  6. Y

    Unsupported Protocol version 107

    GUUUYS.. Pls help me! i never played the server yet cus i keep getting this error. ;A; I really want to play. can anyone please help me how to get rid of the error??
  7. W

    Missing rank

    Hi, I bought a donator+ rank a long time ago. I quited playing minecraft for a while but now I wanted to join the server and so I did but I saw my rank was missing. By the time I bought the rank my minecraft name was: SPAANSExPEPER I changed it a couple of times already. My current minecraft...
  8. DinosMagicWorld

    Need help with an issue...

    Recently,while looking through Pika's shop I found out that you can pay by "Phone"? Can someone explain what this is and what does it mean?
  9. X


    I was wondering, if I could get a staff to transfer my champion rank from one account to another in op fac 1, or, is that just simply not possible?
  10. VoxLight

    Weird Connectivity issues with SB and OpSB [VID][SOLVED]

    9/17/16 Connection Issues: The first issue I had was when I wanted to try out OPSkyBlockl, and upon clicking on the server from the server selection menu (Compass) it would appear to load into the server, however, drop me off at the Main Hub spawn. I didn't think much of it, considering I had...
  11. A

    The leader of the island kicked me out... HELP!!!

    Hey first of all i want to ask sorry cause i don't really know how to speak english but i'll try and i hope that someone can help me. So what happened is that when i was playing classic skyblock with 2 other players the leader of the island kicked us of the island and keep with all our items. I...
  12. S

    help how i forgot my pass >?

    how i forgot my pass i dont remeber it
  13. LexX

    cant login

    ive been trying to login with my password each time i get in and the problem is it kicks me out with having the pass right and whenever i try to register it just says you have already registered this username, like who would have anafuahfawfoiawjfoaf123 as his name???? thats impossible. pls help
  14. P

    How to apply for staff? if a spot is open.

    Can someone help with staff?? I do NOT know if there is an area open for it. PLEASE HELP.
  15. D


    Casually checking in the server to notice this. Isn't it meant to say "server" or what.
  16. D

    Ban Bow Boosting :D

    You've seen it before. Perhaps you have fallen victim to it yourself recently. You are running away and just when you think your safe, BAM! You get killed because that nub took advantage of a glitch that even Mojang said they will fix. Take a few seconds to imagine you just get your Protection 4...