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  1. hijackrusty

    Classic SkyBlock: Starter Guide!

    Hey Guys! :p Just got a bit bored and thought I'd write this Starter tips guide for anyone new joining the server or anyone new to skyblock! I know it's been done before but it's always easy to see a new thread when you're new on the forums! Where to begin? Firstly start off by getting yourself...
  2. hijackrusty

    Come build and make $$$ (in-game)

    Hey Guys! If anyone wants to help out on my skyblock, just looking to expand and build some houses, farms and grinders so I can eventually set up some shops for you guys. If you wanna help out, make some extra (in-game) money, or just have fun; then msg me on here, in game, or add my discord :D...
  3. P

    New player help

    I've only recently started playing SkyblockOP why isn't any of the mobs moving. Hostile or peaceful. I cant breed anything and i cant seem to get any answers. I cant seem to repeat a question without getting the same message please don't repeat messages. The Hostile mobs don't move which barely...
  4. Under


    So its me Sugarciety, but i changed my name to 5jq but now i dont have my rank or leval anymore PLease i beg you help!
  5. H

    Forgotened Password?

    Hello there! I am Hiroaki0513 and I love this account but I forgotened my password because the last I played pika-network than I recently remember is 2017, I don't know why I can't opened it but my friend know that it was mine because we've been played for a month in this server and that is the...
  6. XBON123

    Helping out

    Hey guus XBON here so since I have a donator+ rank and have some time to spent when I em not working i thought I could dupe some stuff for new players and get them going in he right path show them around he server help whit ranks and other things you new guys need •But if I em doing a nice...
  7. A

    My Island

    Hy, please admin team, my friends banned on skyblock him ist Island Leader.. Please make me Island leader Thanks!! Sorry for bad english!
  8. V

    I lost my Rank in game

    I had a cobra rank in the game until yesterday 21/12/2017,today 22/12/2017 when I logged in I lost my rank and I couldn't open my private vaults 1-15, i ranked up then to guardian and i could open my pv 2 and i found the stuff i had before losing the rank. i made a video of my game log of...
  9. xcoughee

    Griefing report

    So i was playing in 'Pika-Network > surviva'l and the nickgamer007gr(innocent) has messaged me reporting that a player by the name HasanReyiz3131(griefer) has placed his chest all with [lockette] around his house i also checked that nickgamer007gr has claimed his house and yes. Proof: For...
  10. MangoKisa

    MangoKisa - Introduction

    Hey, Im MangoKisa. Im 14 Year old player who likes to play different gamemodes. I like to play with friends and have adventures with them. I like Factions, Prison and Skyblock. Other gamemodes doesn't intrest me so much. I like to help people who need help or/and are new to the server. I like to...
  11. Sapperdeflap

    There are so many Hachers HELP

    pls staff spend more attention on particle There a re so many hackers!! Turn ur vanish on en spec some hackers! they have the Crayst hack and they dont get banned! Only a simple kick! pls pika fix this problem!
  12. MrRavagen

    Ranks? What do each 1 do?

    Before I want to buy any rank, can I know what does each 1 do? /warp ranks doesn't help. /warp library doesn't exist. So I found out that Unicorn gets Repeaters & Minecrarts, but what else do they get? Mystic? Custom? Before I waiste money can I get knowledge of each of them, thank you :)
  13. Old_Prophet

    IMPORTANT invitations to join servers READ THIS

    Lately we have come across several reports of people that tell us that their accounts have been hacked, right after they have been joining servers that they were invited to by other players. There are several reasons we do not allow the mention of server names and ip addresses. That we do not...
  14. R

    Help, Im trapped!!!!

    Hello. Please help me I'm trapped in the portal trap Im trapped inside the trapper's plot, I remember his name including patcher and he's Prestige - F Please send help :(

    Help Me Choose!

    Hello Community, So am kinda tired of not having a skin in MineCraft so am thinking of switching my premium account with the one am using now and I need your help by voting in the poll here. I tried to change my premium MC name but the name is already taken :( So I changed my premium...
  16. P

    Halp My pickaxe disappeared

    I had my efficiency 8 pickaxe in inventory and then I fell from a height and died and lost the pick. I was at my own island and this is a keep inventory server. So the Server glitched, stole my pick and Admins won't help me. PLEASE help me get support so we can all get our items back from...
  17. Gergerino

    The MCMMO Guide of OP Skyblock!

    In this guide I will learn you what McMMO can do and some tricks and tips to get (fast) McMMO! I hope this will be usefull. Use /stats to see your all your different skills. You can train these skills. Here under you will find for each skill how to get easy experience...
  18. _ImSiwan


    : How To Make Fast Money : Make a mobfarm and sell the mob drops at /shop This is the best way to make money in survival right now. So this is only my suggestion on how to make fast money => : NOTE : Physical emeralds are now useless/worthless in survival it`s based on money now. : How To Claim...
  19. I


    i have multiple premium crate keys what should i do with them
  20. Austun

    creative ranks

    hey so i came back from my school and when i logged in in the server i found that there is a new update remove the design of the plots and removing the ranks and adding levels i mean Updates are good right but what im angry about is removing ranks ranks is what make people build to make them...