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  1. HarrisKING

    Accepted Discord Enhancing the Discord server

    Username: HarrisKING Suggestion: Enhancing the Discord server Detailed description: Hey! I'm here to make a suggestion regarding the discord server for PikaNetwork. As we all know it has been in the same shape as it is currently for many years, and I think that it's time for a change! Discord...
  2. HarrisKING

    Rank Information

    Rank Information If you play Survival, you have probably encountered players that have a rank. Ranks are a way to support PikaNetwork and get rewarded for it in exchange for items and other goods you can use in-game. Ranks can be bought on the PikaNetwork webstore (Here) or won through crates...
  3. HarrisKING

    Accepted Survival Survival Suggestions for the next reset [Part - 2]

    Username: HarrisKING Suggestion: Survival Suggestions for the next reset [Part - 2] Detailed description: This is a continuation of the other suggestion as I had run out of character limit. Here's a link to the first part...
  4. HarrisKING

    Accepted Survival Survival Suggestions for the next reset [Part - 1]

    Username: HarrisKING Suggestion: Survival Suggestions for the next reset [Part - 1] Detailed description: • Pre-release test If we go two seasons back, Gunfire conducted a pre-release test for Survival before the game mode was released publicly for the reset. The test came out to be...
  5. HarrisKING


    Hi my name is Harris 😀 I hope that's enough 😔
  6. HarrisKING

    Accepted Global [GoldShop] Using Iron before Gold / Option before purchase

    Username: HarrisKING Suggestion: [GoldShop] Using Iron before Gold / Option before purchase Detailed description: It's quite a simple suggestion, the PikaIron should be used before the PikaGold or show a pop-up with the option to choose which currency to use to make the purchase. Here's an...
  7. HarrisKING

    Accepted Survival Survival suggestions before reset

    Username: HarrisKING Suggestion: Survival suggestions before reset Detailed description: • Earlier Reset Survival should reset earlier this season. It is already boring and full of duped items and dupers. • Pre-Release announcement on survival discord for tests like previous season This...
  8. HarrisKING

    Accepted Survival Make the yellow world and blue world rates as same as the red world rates

    Minecraft Username: HarrisKING Suggestion: Make the yellow world and blue world rates as same as the red world rates Detailed description: Hello, I'm here to suggest fixing the number of spawn rates in the blue, and the yellow world, this is completely unfair that players in the red world...
  9. HarrisKING

    Accepted Survival Disallow being able to kill mobs which are NAME TAGGED even hostile ones

    Minecraft Username: HarrisKING Suggestion: Disallow being able to kill mobs which are NAME TAGGED even hostile ones Detailed description: Hi, I already know this has been suggested by another member, cygnus321 Which is this suggestion...
  10. HarrisKING

    Denied Website Add a separate section for staff reports in the "Applications & Reports" category.

    Minecraft Username: HarrisKING Suggestion: Add a separate section for staff reports in the "Applications & Reports" category. Detailed description: I think you should add a separate section for staff reports, this will make reporting staff members a lot easier for users as if the staff broke a...
  11. HarrisKING

    Pika-Network Skyblock and OpSkyblock discord.

    Pika-Network Skylock + OpSkyblock discord. Pika-Network Skylock + OpSkyblock is a community based server for the players of OpSkyblock and Classic Skyblock. This server is the best place for every Pika-Network OpSkyblock and Classic Skyblock player to join and discuss about skyblock things and...
  12. HarrisKING

    Denied Survival Some improvements to the current Survival gamemode.

    Minecraft Username: HarrisKING Suggestion: Some improvements to the current Survival gamemode. Detailed description: Hi, I'm here to suggest a few things which I'd like to be changed in the Survival gamemode. Warp PvP: I don't think warp pvp is a thing to be existing in the Survival...
  13. HarrisKING

    Accepted Survival Tweaks to the black market

    Minecraft Username: HarrisKING Suggestion: Tweaks to the black market Detailed description: Sell options - So currently there's an option to sell 1 item 2 items 4 items 8 items and 16 items. Many people have stuff in large amounts to sell at the black market and 16 items are the highest...
  14. HarrisKING

    Denied Allow every rank ( VIP , Elite , Titan ) for Private games

    Minecraft Username: HarrisKING Suggestion: Allow every rank ( VIP , Elite , Titan ) for Private games Detailed description: Hey I'd like to suggest to allow every rank of minigames to host private games of BedWars. It's really unfair for us low ranked people. You expect people to buy a 75...
  15. HarrisKING

    Accepted Survival Allow Wizard & NOBLE to use color codes in Public Chat

    Minecraft Username: HarrisKING Suggestion: Allow Wizard & NOBLE to use color codes in Public Chat Detailed description: Hey I'd like to suggest to allow the top 2 ranks of survival to have to ability to use color codes in Public Chat. It would make it much better to make shop...
  16. HarrisKING

    Accepted Survival Make survival system better!!!

    Minecraft Username: HarrisKING Suggestion: Make survival system better!!! Detailed description: Hello there my name is Harris. I'm here to state the issue of survival tps. Survival tps has been a huge problem since the start of the new season with very low tps. Many things are not possible to...
  17. HarrisKING

    Accepted Survival Renaming

    Minecraft Username HarrisKING Suggestion: Renaming Detailed description: Allow us to rename netherite items and tridents thank you Allow rename for Turtle Helmet Trident Elytra Name Tag ( with colors ) Fishing Rod Shears Reason(s):
  18. HarrisKING

    Denied Global Reporting

    Minecraft Username HarrisKING Suggestion: Reporting Detailed description: Why not add /report It will be very helpful and quick for other Preventing to go to forums open another tab then do a long report Check example || || V Reason(s): Example(s): /report (Username) (Proof)
  19. HarrisKING

    Denied Survival Reset Survival!!!

    Minecraft Username HarrisKING Suggestion: Reset Survival!!! Detailed description: I would love to see a survival reset this survival season has been pretty laggy and buggy and stuff and many people are abusing bugs and pretty much everyone made a lot and are very bored and they have...
  20. HarrisKING

    Accepted Survival Slimes Splitting up

    Minecraft Username HarrisKING Suggestion: Slimes Splitting up Detailed description: So we all know that slimes break down to 3 after a one huge slime is killed and then the 3 break down to 4 each but however they dont split up in PikaNetwork Survival which kind of sucks to be honest and that...