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  1. klall

    Ping Spikes?

    I ususally get 20-30ms but sometimes ill spike to 200ish ms and then come straight back down to 40ish ms. Dunno if its just me, wanted to ask if anyone else has experienced this recently
  2. krsy123

    I am on the leaderboards!

    I am on the leaderboards finally in the "lifetime top 15 kills" section. I know it's 12th place and its nothing to flex about but to me this never happened before lol. (I took this photo this morning so, this might have changed and I am probably out of the leaderboard now) but, just wanted to...
  3. T

    Bridging / Jumping Practice mode

    Is it possible to add bridging practice tnt jumping fire ball jumping into practice mode I think it will be really helpful
  4. krsy123

    You guys outdid yourselves with the update!

    This update is amazing! The new maps all look pretty good, they're well built, the design is extremely good too. The hub also looks amazing! It has lots of free space which is pretty likeable. The game mode selection screen too is just as good too. I like how it's more descriptive and, how it...
  5. krsy123

    When does the "Practice" gamemode usually reset?

    The title says it all. Just wanted to know when do the stats in the practice gamemode reset. Is there even an estimated time on when do they usually reset? I couldn't find a post that talked about this. If I did miss a post that included an answer to my question then, I am sorry. It would...
  6. N

    Can i be banned??

    Hi, i am a normal player but i can combo with 4 cps now it really look that its impossible but i can so i want to know can i get banned for it
  7. T

    Practice server 350-ish players without server problems (please read further)

    Would it be possible to like have 2 lobbyes in Practice and these lobbyes and their games would be split across 2 servers? I mean it would allow over 300 players in practise, and there wouldnt be any lag problems... Please if you read this (admins) write me a message so i can know, what you...
  8. B

    TNT jump practice

    My username: BritishSettler Suggestion: TNT jump Detailed description: So, I am not very good at tnt jumping, and I want a minigame for tnt jump practice. Thank you if you accept it! Reason(s): I just want to practice tnt jump.
  9. B

    Add a /ignore system

    Hello, this post is basically the title. I hate it when little kids start spamming /msg and spectating every single fight becuase they lost and think i'm cheating. the admins should add something like a /ignore command to prevent this from happening. I'm pretty sure some staff have /msg turned...
  10. 1


    h t t p s: //yo utu.be /xjblQ i8XUwA His nick - 666lorok666
  11. 1

    Hacker in practice

    This is video where he using hack h t t p s : / /w w w . y o u t u b e. c o m / w a t c h ? v = R 1 A Z b _ 9 G T M U & f e a t u r e = y o u t u . b e His nick - TTGamer04
  12. terriboy

    hacker in practice

    there are so many hackers on practice its unbelievable. one of them is xX_NightDemon_Xx he uses auto clicker and morrena


    Guys before this video starts i want to state that those people who have already reached 2000 kills on practice i congratulate them on their accomplishment . I just wanted to celebrate
  14. IsolatedReaper

    I need help dealing with kb

    I play a lot of different servers....Mainly Hypixel, But pika is my fav cracked server so i used to play here a lot. But After the updates I found out that the knockback of pika and hypixel is vastly different. The pika server kb is too low..and i get disoriented switching between hypixel and...
  15. IsolatedReaper

    Knockback in PvP

    Does anyone else think the practice knockback is too low like me? Does anyone like hypixel kb implemented here? I am a 250 ping player in Hypixel but I still like hypixel kb... The kb is too low and is stupid enough in modes like combo. Even Badlion kb is better , because we can atleast get some...
  16. IsolatedReaper


    I really think there is a need to increase the knockback in practice....There is very less knockback and it makes roding sometimes useless. Also the knockback in combo should be increased a little bit more as with the strength 2 pot,the player dies very quickly. Maybe its just me finding this...
  17. IsolatedReaper

    A few comments by a nerd

    The current practice server system is epic...The queueing system is god..And the Helpers in the server actually really does their work properly.... But there is one thing I dont understand....They say my ping is around 150-200..Which is perfectly fine.. But the server is always lagging and i...
  18. IsolatedReaper

    Fix Practice

    What I actually want to say is 2 simple things....First make the water and lava takeable cause it is really buggy and even when we take the source it persists.....Next what I want to say is to make blocks placeble on water I know there is a lot of spelling mistsakes,But pls forgive me
  19. EzHackusate__

    The Pot Lag

    There is some pot lag on the mode that has splash potions. If you throw it, there is a little delay BUT noticeable. It really affects the game. Sometimes when turning back and potting, it won't give you the full heal because it didn't hit your body or close directly to ur leg. In order to heal...
  20. Comic

    Build UHC Partys :D (Join Now to Practice )

    Hey guys, I was just playing a few Build UHC Partys on Pika and I really enjoyed them, so it gave me an Idea :). If you guys are interested in playing ffa Build UHC partys we can have them on Pika and we can co-ordinate the timings as well. If you think you are interested in playing Build UHC...