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  1. W

    Purchased item didn't receive yet

    As you'll said i'll be patient so i make a payment related ticket because i received an email that has transection ID.i don't know it's the transection ID can anyone give me an example of transection ID so i can confirm it's the transection ID .how long have i need to be waiting ? And i need to...
  2. E

    Not able to join pika discord

    I have recently tried to join pika network discord but it showing link expired unable to join and when i tried joining from discord server list it showing user is banned from this guild but i have recently created account on discord plz staff look forward to this technical error plz.
  3. F

    I got banned for no reason.

    I got banned for 2nd time for doing nothing.I admit that i was using cheats 1 year ago.I left cheats and i am playing fair.Pika system is not good i think.Why are banningme? its 1 hour ban but dont ban for no reason>My name is FUNIT1.
  4. O


    i am a old player of pika network playing around since 2019 i sometimes quit for 3 - 4 months for having a break recently 2 months ago when i came back again i got time out problem in OPfactions like when i got to new warp i got timeout or when fighting bosses i got time out or IN...
  5. xYozer

    Account stats transfer

    Hi there! I need help with transferring my stats from one account to another. Can you provide me with a legal guide...
  6. TheCursedDragon

    Please make changes

    Minecraft Ign: EnprogramYT Suggestion: Bedwars in pika is already best for cracked players, but please make some changes to make it better. Description: 1. There are already way too maps, so I don't think more maps are needed. And the old maps like fortress, tower, castle etc. should be added...
  7. xX_GeekGamerPlaysMC_Xx

    Inquiry | Spawner Requirement

    I've been waiting for some of the spawners I've placed on my island for quite some time, and it hasn't spawned a single mob yet. I just wanna ask if there are some requirements that are needed to be followed or applied for spawners to work? I know that one of them is the light level for the...
  8. C

    i cant PLAY THE GAME

    i found this place i used to play on, pikanetwork i hop on it and it says login last time i remember playing this i didnt need to login i obviously dont know my password so i make an account "this username has already been registered!" DUDE! what am i supposed to do then?! i see i can reset my...
  9. RamiClient

    Unable to login to PikaNetwork.

    Hello! I have recently purchased premium minecraft, and my friends still play cracked so l wanted to play on pika. When l logged on, however, (for the first time on this new account), the server told me to login to my pika account. My ign is RamiClient. Idk what to do here bec l can't really use...
  10. P

    how to use ?

    làm thế nào để sử dụng ?????????????????? giúp tôi với how to use ?how to use ?how to use ?how to use ?how to use ?how to use ?
  11. IamaDevil

    Help me Please as a member

    Guys I need help see i am placing spawners so the island worth should be increased instant in increasing in 15+ mins also i am not placing ,1 2 spawners i used 100b on my spawner so can anyone tell me why it takes time pls?
  12. Flawlessly

    How shall I buy ranks on OpFaction?

    I don't see ranks for Opfactions on the Pika store, the crates are the only way to get the ranks? or is there any other way to buy the rank directly.
  13. A

    lag problems

    hi i have been experiencing lag problems, i was just chilling grinding on op skyblock, and i just got to 15000 ping, my internet is ABSOLUTELY FINE and this always happen, im from indonesia and normally have 200 - 300 ping in pika, i dont lag that much, i waited for a day to play pika, but i...
  14. M


    can anyone please help i cant join pika network in 1.8.9 for some reason but i can join it in 1.15.2 . the problem is i never do pvp above 1.8.9 pls send help
  15. E

    Help! I can't play creative!

    I can't play creative because I am constantly kicked! But I am new on this server. My nick is: yMrJake_
  16. N

    I Need Help!

    I play Survival I put the sign in my chest but I can't open it too, I tried the break sign but I can't.
  17. J

    Change of username

    Hey! My friend and I started playing on this server one day ago (november 21 2018) and we were building a huge house. Its under the username “Florencee”, I’m an admin on that plot and my username was JustMeIris. We thought it would be a good idea to change our usernames so we’re matching. We...
  18. Master_Virus

    How Can Retrieve My account password?

    I fogot my account password for not playing minecraft for a long time how i can retrieve my account ?