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  1. I

    About The Dam Console Ban

    I know that I shouldnt say any of this but Im going to let it out. THE CONSOLE SUCKS AT BANNING PEOPLE. About half of my faction has been banned by Console. I myself have been banned by Console 7 times. I am now Perm Banned by console and Im PISSED!!! Get the staff to do what they are suppose to...
  2. Galactico

    Is Philippines banned from connecting to Pika?

    I have been getting a Connection Refused response from Pika ever since it went down last December and have never been able to play here ever since. I tried it with different times when my internet service provider assigns different IP addresses. I even tried it in another computer at another...
  3. T


    Ok,I 'm a player LEGIT I'm banned beacause in the duel there is a connection lag BECAUSE I'm french and between USA and FR there is a distance then a moderator (Davidva) ban me for killaura Why ? My family is on the connection 24/24 I'm not cheat forever I hate cheater Please understand my Post...
  4. W

    ban report

    His Name is Stafi hi grifed my island and took 3 beacons and destroyed 2 rabbit spawners and destroyed nearly third of our island level structure and killed all of our pets and villagers and destroyed our farm but luckly he forgot to destroy his private chests that prove that he was apart of our...
  5. J

    Unfair ban - Baneo injusto

    Hola me han del baneado Por USAR La Escalera SI Estas agachado no te pueden empujar (Puedo demostrar) me han del eco baneo ONU injusto y Permanente (Me gusta mucho jugar un this Servidor) Aparte yo no uso ningún Cliente Que tenga El hacks Y Si pudises Borrarse el prohibición (ja Que al no aber...
  6. M

    Banned :(

    Hello, I played Kit-PvP, but now I'm banned. I didn't anything wrong. Can someone give me an unban? Because I want to play Kit-Pvp further with my friends. Thanks for your help! Greetz,
  7. aammiirr2323

    unabn me

    hi i sended 5 ban appeal but them not see my ban appeal :'( admins unban me please :'( who banned you?: daantje8 why you banned ? :antikb-forcefield why we must unban you?: i want play opskyblock please unban me :(
  8. olcio

    Ban plis read

    would like to ask for unbans. I love this server and I like to play on it, it is the pleasant atmosphere and good administration. I know I broke the rules for which I apologize but I would ask for 2 chances.
  9. R

    Ban Appeal - DuButterbirne

    Good Day Staff / Owner / Admins. Today i would like to say Sorry Because i use Antiknockback, i'll tell you that honestly because i cant defeat them 2v8 we are only 2 and some of them are hacking they use killaura and they killed me 2x , Im Really Sorry about what i Did Yesterday, I Hope You...
  10. O

    why i got banned ?

    why i got perma banned for kill aura?
  11. S

    Why did I get banned?

    I got banned today for tp trap for seven days.Why?
  12. Ronnie1974

    Ban this SCAMMER!!

    This is to report of a scammer 70theke in PVP. This guy bought keys and didnt pay and claimed to pay another player and when i asked the other player he refused to have received any money and the player who stole my 32 votekeys gave me some of keys and on protesting paid only 500 whereas he...
  13. C

    Please read this, for admins

    I came here to explain what happened to me. A few days ago I was banned once and for use NO Slowdown in Kit-PVP, this time, all right after this happened never used hack in Pika. Then I came back just playing Eggwars and Skywars, and Autoban system banned me another 3 times wrongly, I do not...