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Apr 19, 2021
Dear Server Staff,
I hope this message finds you well. I have a few questions and concerns regarding the server that I hope you can address:
  1. New Survival Season: I'm very excited about the next season of Survival and was wondering if you could provide an estimated time for when it will begin. Even a rough estimate would be helpful for planning. If this information isn't available yet, I completely understand, but any insights would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Vote Links: I've noticed that one or two of the vote links were not functioning properly recently, which has made it more challenging to collect daily vote keys. Will all the vote links be fixed and working again soon? The daily vote keys are a significant part of my gameplay, and having all the links functional would enhance the overall experience.
  3. Claim Loss After Bans: My friend encountered an issue where he lost a significant claim after his account was banned. This resulted in someone else claiming his area of terrain, which was quite frustrating. Is there a way to prevent this from happening in the future? Perhaps a system that temporarily protects a player's claim after they get banned, giving them a chance to appeal or resolve the issue, would be beneficial. Any advice or solutions you could provide on this matter would be very helpful.
I appreciate the time and effort you all put into maintaining and improving the server. Your dedication does not go unnoticed, and it contributes greatly to the enjoyment of the game for many players, including myself.
Thank you for your time and assistance. I look forward to your response.
Best regards o7,