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Update OpPrison - Reset | December the 5th 2020

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The Pika
Oct 16, 2019
Pika - This is a good server where you can't say sh*t or p*ssy (cat).

Also Pika - Introducing DRUGS


Feb 25, 2016
Put a "How to Play" Post in forums. Which includes all plugin commands.

Really hard to blindly finding out commands. Didn't even know /etshop until 2nd or 3rd day of playing and took us weeks to find out which commands are allowed in plots and which are not.

Silver Wing

The Pika
Mar 14, 2019
SilverWing_YT / Silverizz
Put a "How to Play" Post in forums. Which includes all plugin commands.

Really hard to blindly finding out commands. Didn't even know /etshop until 2nd or 3rd day of playing and took us weeks to find out which commands are allowed in plots and which are not.
Damn I reacted with agree
But didn't wanted to ruin your 69 reaction score
So I took it back


Pika Lover
Nov 16, 2020
eeeeeeeeyyyyyyy i like that reset, is there any free ranks and money there?


Sep 2, 2020

OpPrison - PikaNetwork 2020

December 5th 2020, 18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 MT / 11:00 PST

Greetings PikaCrafters,

It has been a while since we have had a reset announcement, hasn’t it? Well we are excited to announce this brand new reset we have planned for prison!
The reset will take place on 8PM CET - Saturday, December 5 2020 so mark it in your calendars now!

Our theme for this reset is a dark alleyway/crime scene, but for now, you can enjoy a festivity Snowy and Christmasy spawn.
We will go back to the original spawn we planned on once December is over.

Within this forum post will all the changes we made and plan to make be listed. If there is still something you want changing, feel free to reply to this thread before its release, if there is enough support for it, we will consider making the change. We are especially wondering If there are any blocks you are missing within the shop, suggest anything that could maybe help you

Let's not make it longer and go straight to the details since that's what people are interested in.

When planning the introduction to the season, we thought, why not introduce it with a rank giveaway or some store credit?
If you want to enter this giveaway please head over to the official post on our instagram page.

The release of the brand new OpPrison server is scheduled on Saturday, December 5, 2020, we are expecting the release around 8 PM CET.
Saturday 5th December 2020

18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 12:00 MT / 11:00 PST

Please note:
The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 8 PM CET.


🎄 | Christmas -Themed Cell Build Competition

We have decided to run a Snow/Christmas themed build competition. This will take place from the prison release on the Saturday right through until Wednesday 23 December. All users can participate in this competition and we want you to spice up your cell, and when we say spice it up, we mean blow our heads off with creativity! There are no limits to your creativity, although you must not break any of our server rules in the process, think outside the box, not just your classic Santa Claus or Christmas Tree.
We will review all of the entries to find our winner.

For more information and where to submit your entries, click the following link: coming soon.
  • 🥇 1st Prize: $75 Store Voucher
  • 🥈 2nd Prize: $50 Store Voucher
  • 🥉 3rd Prize: $25 Store Voucher
⛏️ | BlockTop event

We have decided to add the following event to prison, called BlockTop. This is a start of the map event and entails mining blocks. The more blocks you mine, the higher you will be on block top. This is a competition, so if you place within the top 3 people on the leaderboard at the end of the second week you will be rewarded. If you wish to check your current position on the leaderboard, simply run /blockstop in-game and it will tell you your position.
  • 🥇 1st Prize: $75 Store Voucher
  • 🥈 2nd Prize: $50 Store Voucher
  • 🥉 3rd Prize: $25 Store Voucher

🏆 | Gang Top Rewards
This new season of prison, will we have each 2 weeks payouts for the top gangs, this will go on till the end of the season. This will be paid out every Saturday.

Every 2 weeks Rewards: #1, #2, & #3
  • 🥇 1st Prize: $75 Store Voucher
  • 🥈 2nd Prize: $50 Store Voucher
  • 🥉 3rd Prize: $25 Store Voucher
End of the Season Reward:
  • 🥇 1st Prize: €250 PayPal Money + €250 Store Coupon for Prison
  • 🥈 2nd Prize: €100 PayPal Money + €150 Store Coupon for Prison
  • 🥉 3rd Prize: €150 Store Coupon for Prison
The end of the season rewards will be paid out after 70 days of the release!

Please note: Having multiple gangs with alt accounts or splitting up your gang to win gtop is not allowed! This will disqualify the gangs from the competition.
Please note: Gang has to be at least 14 days old to enter this competition.
Please note: If your gang gets caught hacking accounts, abusing bugs, or similar illegal behavior, they will get disqualified


Among other things, the following has been changed/updated:

📝| Fixes & Bugs
We have listened to your feedback. Since last season was our very first, we expected there to be a couple of bugs, so we have taken all of the reports you have submitted and we have worked on each and every single one of them to make sure that they aren’t repeated this season. If you do encounter any bugs or issues in the new season please use the bug report system the same as the last map and we will look to fix them as soon as possible during the new reset!


Unfortunately, during last season when we implemented plots we experienced a number of performance issues, and even though plots was a great feature for prison to add we cannot simply fix the issues within this public plugin so we have decided to change it up and introduce our own custom cells plugin for this reset.

Cells are typically like islands on skyblock, you can start with a maximum of 4 people in your cell, however you can upgrade your cell and increase the member size.
Not only can you upgrade the members you can also upgrade the size of your cell. Have control over the permissions and much more!

Inside those cells you can store armor, weapons and much more! They are located in a separate world that can be accessed by typing /cell command.
This is also the help command for cells so if you’re looking to see the full list of commands available with this plugin run that as well!

Use the cell to start your own shop and make a profit, create a competitive environment with a casino and gamble or farm resources. If you’re more creative you can use the cell to just build and have fun.

TIP use [cell] in chat! All players will be allowed to type [cell] in chat which will create a clickable chat message, if a player clicks the chat message he will be teleported to your cell!

🌱| Drugs
In the spawn area, take a walk behind Santa and a secret entrance will be found, in this area you will find an NPC. The drug dealer npc will sell you seeds that you can harvest drugs with inside your cell. After harvesting them, head back to the drug dealer to sell them for a great price.

The drug dealer allows you to purchase different drug seeds and you can only sell a selected amount of fully grown drugs per day back to him. The sell prices is a fraction of the price of your rank up. This introduces a new element to the economy and gives users a fun, new way to get extra money.

💤| Autominer
Last map, you could use autominer to stay online and earn money, but once you got to a certain rank it wasn’t worth using and this is why we have decided to rework the system to rebalance it and benefit everyone equally. We have added miner upgrades this season to AFK and make some extra money with no effort!
  • Miner Speed Upgrade - Increase the speed of your autominer to make them mine blocks even faster.
  • Token Greed Upgrade - Your autominer will find tokens more frequently and in higher amounts.
  • Money Boost - Your autominer will increase the amount of money it earns whilst selling blocks in your inventory.
  • Pickaxe Upgrade - You can now enchant a autominer pickaxe in the same way you would enchant a normal pickaxe.
⛏️ | Pickaxe Settings
This feature was in massive demand last season so we have finally brought it out to you! The pickaxe settings will allow you to disable enchants on your pickaxe.
To access this, simply execute the command /enchanttogggle and click on the enchants you wish to disable. If you want to enable them again, run the command and click on them again and they’ll be back active.

🐧| Pets
Feeling lonely? Never again with these little buddies. Collect pet eggs and hatch them to get a random tier pet.
Every pet will give you a different boost and the higher the tier the better. This season are we bringing in 2 types of pets that will give either a token or money booster when having one.
We have also provided 5 different rarities. These range from Common to Legendary and this impacts the size of the boost given.

🔐| Private Mines
We have added some new features to private mines. Permissions have been added and we have also given more upgrades allowing you to customize your private mine to your taste. The permissions we have added are:
  • Claim tax
  • Autominer use upgrades
  • Percentage of lucky blocks
  • Private Mine tax
🎄| New Builds
With the new season, of course, brings new builds!
A new spawn has been built and implemented to fit the festive season, Snowy and Christmasy. We will go back to the original spawn once December is over. This is a dark crime alleyway spawn, but for now you can enjoy the festivity.

🎨 | Aesthetic Changes
Visuals are everything, we are obviously in a game. We have upgraded the spawn, announcements, vouchers, scoreboards and more help commands. In general, we have decided to take a user-friendly and modern approach to our elements.

🗓️ | Christmas Calendar
Since we are in the December month will we this year have a daily Advent Calendar. You can claim a daily reward every day in the run-up to December 25th.
Log in and claim your reward which could be tokens, a booster and some other special surprises. Claim your daily reward through the Advent NPC or by using /advent.

📬 | Misc. Updates & Changes

Here's a list of some of the smaller things that have been added with this update.
  • You will now be able to use the [item] and [inventory] command for the gang chat, you can show off your items to your teammates only with this update.
  • If you use /tokens withdraw (amount) you will get a cheque with the amount withdrawn. We have brought this into reduce scamming and make life a little bit easier.
  • Additional server stats on the tablist.
  • Setting added to let members claim private mine tax.
  • Prison bombs updated to no longer leave TNT in the maps.
  • Upgraded the percentage of mine that is lucky blocks in private mines.
  • Color codes will be ignored in nickname lengths
  • All plugins updated to the latest versions.
  • Updated backpacks are stored.
  • Fixed problems with support for 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.15
  • Added lore onto the pickaxes and backpacks to show original owner
  • Added /compact command to compile 100 drugs into 1 block
  • Gang chat will be ignored by the chat cooldown.
  • You are now able to see your prestige within the tab list!
  • The prestiges will be colorful, within the tablist.
  • The prestige colors are customizable with each prestige.
  • Fixed not receiving tokenboosters from godly crates.
  • Seasonal vouchers have been added to the crates
  • Added permission for /ci
  • Fixed bug related to drop confirm when inventory is full.
  • Prison now also finally has added a variety of unlockable kill messages. After unlocking a kill message you will also be able to change the primary and secondary color of it!
    (If you don't like the kill messages do you always have the option to disable them inside /settings!)
  • Added some lore onto the pickaxes and backpacks to show who was the original owner.
  • Updated the money formatting.
  • A new seasonal crate has been added.
  • Fixed problems with chestshop.
  • Added scrolls within crates.
  • Fixed bug with the pickaxe merchant declining pickaxes
  • Added the settings to disable kill messages ( Updated version)
  • Option to make auction house differently formated
  • Setting to disable or enable afk messages
  • and more we most likely forgot to mention....

If you encounter any bugs, be sure to make a bug report HERE. We will be checking this section regularly in order to fix things as soon as possible.
Make sure to let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions. We are always open for it as we are always looking for ways to improve our server.


Questions & Answers
Q: What will be kept after the reset?
  • Purchased ranks from our store
  • Purchase or won out of crates commands/ranks
Q: What will be lost with the reset?
  • Cash
  • Plots
  • Items
Q: Why did opprison reset?
A: Opprison just needed a reset, it wasn't updated for months. So to make opprison working again was a reset required. So here it is a fresh new reset with updates!

This means all claims, items, money and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. Of course, all purchases will be reissued so nobody will be out of pocket in that regard. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features, and updates the different kind of gameplay and style being provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!

We hope to see you in our new OpPrison server soon!
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
/plot merge fixed?


Epic Pika
May 20, 2020
Suggestions :
-Allow Private Mine members to reset mine even when the Private mine owner is offline

-Buff the keys class Keys class is 45 € and we just get 1 godly and 2 unique keys from it which is worthless paying for it just add 1 more godly and 2 more unique nothing more for it

-Buff the crates like Miner crates last season almost everyone used 15 stacks + totally just to get the miner set which gives a 30 percent more multiplier

-prone click to open a full stack of token keys at once

- We cannot use the command /g vault even if we purchase the perks in the /gang.
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