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Should Creative Reset?

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Epic Pika
Sep 4, 2016
To start off, Creative is in fact NOT a gamemode like factions, minigames etc.; which are competetive. Creative is for "Creativity" unlike the games i listed. Games like factions need to reset, because its competetive. you cant compete forever therefore there are seasons, and in minigames its a similar situation. But in creative, there is not competition except... uhm.... literally just money. You are saying the economy is broken, Even though its correct, resetting the creative will restart the bug aswell. By resetting the server you arent permanently removing the bug. If you dont fix the bug, it will occur again.
Resetting the server for economy is stupid anyway. Money isnt the primary goal of creative. building is. If you reset every single people's builds (i asume thousands, right) just because some people found a way of getting money by using bugs. money doesnt even do anything except w/e.

Including me, (w/ 1 month of playtime) a lot of people spend A LOT of time into their builds, i doubt they'd want them to reset. New players keep coming into the server and build things. think about how frusturated you would be if you joined, and made a beautiful house, and boom 2 days later its gone, puff, nothing. instead of resetting creative because "iTs buGgY" why wont you try to find the source of the lag (ps. its probably not "A lOt oF plOtS") such as lag machines or LAGGING plots. not any plot.

Creative server is meant to last long... its not competetive. economy is broken? then go fix it. is it lagging? find the source of it. resetting everybody's builds because "its been a year since last reset" is LITERALLY stupid. ie jartex's creative wasnt resetted for 3 years. and its been a year since its last reset, and they arent planning about working on it anytime soon either.

to specifically answer everything you said above;


Then they should find the source of the lag. and fix it. resetting it because of that is nonsense.

And? you also are free to report the said person by clicking THIS link for exploiting a bug. and make a bug report by clicking HERE

You can make a suggestion by clicking THIS link and suggest to disable portals.

As you can clearly see on the screenshot, he states that they arent planning on resetting the creative anytime soon. This thread wont help. yknoe that.

citing what i said

Creative isn their priority because its not competetive, there are no dates or events to keep up on. Creative is by far the most "free" gamemode in Pika. they work on, say factions or minigames, why? because they are competetive, and people constantly play on them. Creative is a gamemode of interest, if you like it, you play it, if you dont, you dont, there are no goals or such, you do you. there are no rewards, its all about entertaining yourself. not competing against anyone.

other servers?
Also, don't you just play in Jartex now UG?
Jul 10, 2020
Do you think that Pika network's developers should reset Creative? It is currently extremely laggy and also crashing every hour or so. The economy is also broken, a person, that shall not be named, currently has 50 trillion credits/dollars that can be seen on spawn. There are also constant end portal spams (Note: Survival also had the same problem.) I have asked a developer if they plan on resetting the server but they have said that they do not have any plans on resetting creative. (Note: Refer to this forum post for the message: https://pika-network.net/threads/creative-not-restarting-yet.122951/ ). I do doubt that the developers do not have any plans on creative since the player base in it is seemingly lower than their other servers.
back in days i would play a lot of creative and i absolutly loved it i mean the old creative
you could do /head - or make custome fire works and etc ...
but in the new one most things are blocked yea reset would be cool


Great Reporter
Jul 1, 2019
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does that change my point
Also, don't you just play in Jartex now UG?

instead of a reset why not add them to the current crea?
back in days i would play a lot of creative and i absolutly loved it i mean the old creative
you could do /head - or make custome fire works and etc ...
but in the new one most things are blocked yea reset would be cool