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  1. parvagamer2

    Why did they remove Bedwars recap?

    Why Pika removed the recap thing after every bedwars game end !? That was a very good feature.. Bring it back Also why did they removed the minigames rank kits from skywars, like vip kit, elite kit, titan kit ? Please bring back bedwars recap such that we can spectate the whole game, not just...
  2. Wondermine

    Made a python Wrapper to PikaNetwork API

    Hello there PikaNetwork Community developers. Lately, I made an API wrapper for the PikaNetwork API. It can help developers to get data easier and make the job of parsing and organizing that data easier that ever! It makes pythonic objects from the data it gets from the API and returns it to...
  3. D

    Skywars ruined by hackers

    Dear all, For about 14 days now, it has become impossible to play a round of Skywars without encountering at least one hacker who is able to kill 6 out of the 11 other players. This is due to the fact that everyone can now teleport, in addition to a fly bypass that has been available since the...
  4. ImAhmadAbdullah

    </> PikaNetwork API </>

    What is an API? An API (Application Programming Interface) is a way for two or more computers to communicate with eachother. It is a type of software interface, offering a service to other pieces of software. PikaNetwork has an API? Well yes, sadly it is not known to most of the programmers in...
  5. Dytel

    Cheaters in BedWars are exponentially increasing in my games. How about you?

    Alright so, ill start by saying I really do love Pika, because the pvp mechanics are just perfect but I have a slight issue. NoCheatPlus. For the love of any god, please change it or upgrade it. I used to play ages ago before I took an 8 months break and there werent many hackers but they were...
  6. June22

    Creative Reset Poll

    Do you think that Pika network's developers should reset Creative? It is currently extremely laggy and also crashing every hour or so. The economy is also broken, a person, that shall not be named, currently has 50 trillion credits/dollars that can be seen on spawn. There are also constant end...