Just take this simple.
you looked into a broken mirror. You thought you are as good as a hero could be, too bad. You are just a hopeless villain that thinks 1 + 1 = 3.
And change your way of thinking.
If people like YOU hate being with dickheads, then there WILL be someone to hate being with TOXIC PEOPLE. If you are such a TOXIC WASTE, forum is NOT YOUR PLACE.
Your personalities is non of my business, huh? You better tattoo that in your mind. Is this even possible if you play on this server, type on this forum? If you offend others, your personalities are the reason. And if others offend you, you act like we are all dumb!
If no one tells you what is wrong about your life, you will NEVER SUCCEED. You will NEVER CHANGE. You will always be dumb as fvck and think the world is yours.
What? there is such rule that you cant do team griefing? TOO BAD NOT IN THIS SERVER.
If you created this warfare just for suggesting, you are really an idiot. You act like the server must accept your suggestion. Try forcing yourself to eat dog sh1t and see what happens. You will probably get irritated, right? That's what the admins who read this topic feels like! You tries to fight back so the server itself thinks it is a good idea. After all, this is NOT your server. You can't force anyone to do what they must. There must be hackers, trollers, griefers, or even afk teammate hogging in your forge. You can do NOTHING.
calling other d1ckheads and screaming " i didnt rage" is a bad idea. Think before you leap, suckass.
Listen, to other user, i am really sorry but if you keep fighting back to this awkward illogic human who really have no life, you will have no more brain cells. Leave this homeless kid alone and enjoy the "Great life" in his dreams which is just getting hit by a truck. It is just like being an admin and reading ban appeals that says like this.
What hacks do you use? - autoclicker
Why should you be unbanned? - im geometri dash player and is a good clicker / my finger turn into autoclicker / my mouse keep clicking even when i plugged off the usb of my mouse / etc as there's so many dumb appeals you can think of.
this is a hidden message, specially made for this kid. it is not like screaming i dont want to be with dickheads is a really good way to express your stressful emotions. you sound so racist and you will probably be the reason of world war 3.