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  1. ItsSanuk

    Ideas about the new KitPvP update?

    Aside from a few modifications to the map (it is a old map) there's nothing new except the crate , changed the level system back to the old one, daily quest and some other changes which are minor changes.
  2. N

    Reset Opinion

    last season, lag was not a problem i had 80 mbps connection and went like 30-50 ms but now i got the same connection strength and go from 100 up to 400 most of the time. Everything got nerfed, quests even last season were useless now they get just even more hatred for having like 10 non working...
  3. AJGamer_YT

    Bedwars real update

    When will more things be added in bedwars ( like : invisibility potion, Bridge egg and other things ) that are not available in pika network right now??
  4. krsy123

    You guys outdid yourselves with the update!

    This update is amazing! The new maps all look pretty good, they're well built, the design is extremely good too. The hub also looks amazing! It has lots of free space which is pretty likeable. The game mode selection screen too is just as good too. I like how it's more descriptive and, how it...
  5. A

    Update BedWars

    PikaNetwork bedwars need to update like that of Jartex........pls update Pika Bedwars
  6. Enderbrine_YT99

    The server is dying (i think)

    In My Opinion The Server Is Dying Cause : 1- I Fell Like The Players Are Bored From Pika , There Is No New Except Of Events ...ects (Repeated Things). 2- The Games Are The Same In All The Servers (That Makes The Players Bored). 3- The Staffs Are Not Working As Intended (For Example When You...
  7. H

    Can we add mines?

    Hey! I know that there was a reset that happend and Id like to make a suggestion cause My brain stoped working when the "suggestions of the reset of OPSkyBlock"came out,So that happened my suggestion is basically in the title of this Thread is just caves/mines that would be a really good add to...
  8. SmashArmsHD

    Suggestions - Update

    Hello Community, The Administration would like thank everyone for your suggestions! Unfortunately we have been incredibly busy lately so we have not had the chance to look at all of them yet. We have recently had a change of management and development in the team. We have new people, we made a...
  9. AlphaPizza

    Future of Classic Sky Block?

    After a series of hacking attacks on the server, players are yet in confusion over when they can continue playing normally again? Inspite of a rollback, the hacking was done once again and the server was left in anarchy. Will these attacks stop? Rumors of a server reset are also circulating...
  10. Old_Prophet

    Update about the update....

    Robin Nijmeijer-vandaag om 00:42 @everyone @DutchminerHD - Is still working on Op-Factions 2 which means Op-Factions2 will be getting released as soon as possible once it's finished. There have been some unexpected incidents during the build of Op-Factions2 that messed up the release schedule...
  11. KittenofRoyalty

    Redstone College *Update*

    The College of Redstone in the prison server has been put on a delayed opening. The reason for this is that while building the college we had a lot of minor problems occur and that delayed the building of it. We also had some trouble coming up with the curriculum for the college classes. I am...
  12. N

    New update- stacked mobs question

    Hi i wanted to know more stuf about these stacked mobs, like, if i want to breed my cows, how do i do so efficiently if they are just gonna stack? same with pigs for food. Also, are ah and stacked mobs all changes? or are there more?
  13. Red_404

    Is There a chance Survival will update to 1.9,1.10 of 1.11?

    well its been a long time i guess. Survival still on Mc beta 1.8.9 well is there a chance?