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  1. ayaanplayz

    How to post a staff Application

    Head over to https://pika-network.net/apply and fill out there anyways have a great day
  2. M

    Please read this is just some advice

    Hello uhh i target this thread mostly to staff cause i wanna make a suggestion for bedwars and skywars there is a left section (what i mean by left section is when u spawn and go left theres a huge board under the sign "info") of the skywars and bedwars main lobby that just says what bedwars is...
  3. E

    Survival /quest Not Working

    I Break Wheat... (Fully Grown) And it stays at 0/50 I mine Cobble and it stays at 0/500 SO WHATS UP WITH THAT
  4. D

    Closed Questions about Minigames rank.

    Hi, I have a question. I saw on the store website that you can upgrade your rank. I am VIP now on Skywars and Bedwars (Minigames). I want to upgrade it to Titan, but there is no option for it. There is only VIP to Elite and Elite to Titan. How can I upgrade it? Or do I just need to buy Titan on...
  5. Old_Prophet

    This is REALLY disturbing

    I don't know about you guys (and girls), but there are some subjects, that I really do not want to read about in chat. That are absolutely not fit to even talk about on a (minecraft) game server. Among those - but not exclusively - are war, genocide, sex, especially with children, and rape...
  6. D

    Hey there can I help you?

    Well im new but not new new 4 years ago I was a lot on this server until my Minecraft was hacked and now where back with a rand new acc im ready too help you make the server a nice place hacker free wanna talk too me on dc sure if I can help you just ask it or just say hi :)
  7. Old_Prophet

    A special thanks to the Server Staff

    For those of you have have not ever been involved in maintaining a Minecraft server, or a on-line community, this maybe a strange post. You are used to say that it all sucks and nag about how shitty it all is and how lazy the staff is. But I would like to seize the opportunity, especially at the...
  8. FA1BI

    Chests disappearing

    So I logged on and saw that all of my chest disappeared and all my loot is gone. PLS HELP the base is claimed and its not raided there are no holes in the base
  9. S

    admins r u dumb

    ok wtf i got banned 4 times becouse of hacking what are you guys up to all i do is 9cps i can record and send my gameplay and ban if u dont believe
  10. SilkTouchV2


    Sooo I have a lot of glitches. Glitches that concern other players and me too. 1: when you tp to a location you always or at least most of the time get some damage, a way to avoid dying is eating a grapple but it is a glitch that worries me. 2: too much lag, in warp FPS I died to person just...
  11. FailedHacker

    Event EVENT: SPLEEF!

    SPLEEF! Hosted by: FailedHacker & HakunaMyFapa _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello PikaCrafters! The Staff Team will be hosting a spleef event on the 13th of April at 6.00 PM GMT...
  12. R

    Alright, this is dumb

    Makes sense that stafff is allowed to swear while i get muted for it. These mods must have negative iq points.
  13. M

    S.O.S Staff

    Hello all well? I came to say that I was fined by MrFrenco, I am from Brazil and I am translating the message, on the server I speak in Portuguese and was mutated by an inappropriate word but did not say anything inappropriate. My nickname is: matetomala1. help me
  14. A


    Hi bros i have a problem andI do not know who to turn to. i was banned for speed hack in spawn. but i did my post in appeal section, the staff just say im hacker and blocked my post , I uploaded the evidence that he is in an error, he says i was walking very fast (speed hack); but in the video...
  15. I

    About The Dam Console Ban

    I know that I shouldnt say any of this but Im going to let it out. THE CONSOLE SUCKS AT BANNING PEOPLE. About half of my faction has been banned by Console. I myself have been banned by Console 7 times. I am now Perm Banned by console and Im PISSED!!! Get the staff to do what they are suppose to...
  16. Under


    So its me Sugarciety, but i changed my name to 5jq but now i dont have my rank or leval anymore PLease i beg you help!
  17. I

    I like turtles

    lol I'm trying to get 30+ forum posts so I can apply for staff, wish me luck! :D
  18. I

    Read me (especially staff)

    I created an staff application but I didn't even read the rules before posting lol, so please ignore that appeal and I'll make sure to get 30+ forum posts and I'll wait a month after that... Thank you! :)
  19. vSyndrome

    Can we get some practice ranks please guys :)

    Quick post can we get some ranks on practice please i have money to spare and like practice so...


    WE WANT MORE COMPETTIVE FEEL IN PRACTICE RANKED MATCHES : -MY SUGGESTION : Elo should be shown of the player before a match . Ranking system must be added according to Elo which would increase competitive in ranked matches -...