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  1. Enderadarsh

    Glitch in Skymines

    There is a glitch in skymines due to which nobody is able to kill hoglin and obtain leather . Please ressolve this issue as soon as possible.
  2. X

    Smuggler rank -> Guardian rank

    Exchanging Smuggler rank voucher in OpPrison for Guardian rank voucher in SkyMines. (permanent all) Its the same price in golds and irons. Discord: RaguuLP#0378
  3. X

    SkyLord rank -> Regent rank

    Exchanging SkyLord rank voucher in OpSkyBlock for Regent rank voucher in SkyMines. (permanent all) Its the same price in golds and irons. Discord: RaguuLP#0378
  4. ieoub

    Trading skymines items

    Im trading skymines items vs pika gold or comment your item trade / offers here. 7.000.000 $ 3 x ancient warps 4 x dark essence elytra 4 random common tag box Pickaxe : Effeciency XIII, fortune X Pirates Swing blade voucher 25 enchanted golden apple sout armor trim voucher : full set
  5. amasi_op

    The new pickaxe skin

    (RESOLUTION WAND) skin is not work. when i Break the blocks i don't get double mine drops is this happen to u all?
  6. B

    Glitched items

    When I completed 14 level I got some netherite also I got from another level but I can't use them to upgrade my items other netherite and this netherite are different so I want to replace them to real one My username Biswajit__ It's in skymines in my /PvP 1 it's 1stack+
  7. JamGamer632

    Bug in /timeplayrewards Skymines

    The total hours played for the season are not accumulated and only the daily hours are saved and it makes it impossible for me to advance 12 hours in the /playtimerewards So I can't claim more since the total time played does not fit within this section.
  8. VoidTyrant

    Swapping Skymine rank with Skyblock rank

    I have 1 monarch perm rank voucher in skymine that's worth 20,000 pikagold (normal price). I'm searching for someone who's interested in swapping perm rank in skyblock. Requirement- Minimum: SkyGod perm (worth 12,500 pikagold) + anything perm (negotiable) Max: SkyKing perm (worth 22,500...
  9. ieoub

    Skymines Complete guide for beginners

    SkyMines combines mining and island surviving : players gather resources. upgrade gear/items , expand islands, and engage in PvP battles, and this is your full guide to how to play skymines on pikanetwork Worlds 🗺️ : (use /travel to teleport ) when you join skymines. you are now in the...
  10. VoidTyrant

    Selling Monarch Rank - Skymine

    Selling: (2) Monarch rank for 45 eu *The price can be lower if u hve anything to offer other than pikagold *Any question just dm _fallenangel21 in discord
  11. VoidTyrant

    Selling Perm 'Monarch' Rank

    Hey guys, im here selling permanent rank 'Monarch' for Pikagold only. Fyi , this is top rank in skymine mode. Monarch Rank Price in /goldshop - Normal Price: 20,000 pikagold Discounted Price (65% Halloween): 7,000 pikagold and rn im selling this perm rank for only 5,500 pikagold stock: 2...
  12. T

    I got disconnected and lost killstreak

    Hello! I wanna ask about something. I was playing normally and suddenly someone with no armour started hitting me. I was about to kill him suddenly I got disconnected to lobby. This happened twice and I lost 30k $$ and something more important than this my 233 kill streak. Why this happened?? I...
  13. K


    How do the payouts work, if we end in top 3 does every member gets 15E worth of iron. or its spllited betwen all members?
  14. D3vilHunt3r

    Enderchest Bug

    Hey everyone I found a bug that is I lost my loot in my ender chest. Yesterday I puted my loot in ender chest I mean I used / pv command and I puted my loot in there  why I puted them? Because I wanted to go afk on obsidian generator that is in my island until today. I had diamond pickaxe with...
  15. YousafWitherBoss

    Skymines Ranks & Classes

    On Skymines, you can win donator ranks through crates, or purchase them in the Goldshop using gold or iron currency. You can also buy them from the Store. In-Game Ranks Guardian (€ 4.00) The color of your messages in chat will be white You will have access to 2 Player Vaults The size...
  16. Itz_Oxbow

    How to get rich in Pikanetwork Skymines

    View: https://youtu.be/y5E2pvilNyU?si=e9hH45F_k6Jy4s-j
  17. RunRobDog

    Skymines Discord

    🚀 New Skymines Gamemode on PikaNetwork! 🚀 Hey everyone! We are excited to announce the launch of our brand-new Skymines gamemode on the PikaNetwork Minecraft server! 🌟 What is Skymines? Skymines is an innovative gamemode that blends the best of skyblock and mining, creating a unique and...