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  1. Xephor_EX

    OPSkyBlock - Tokens lost after L4 Rankup

    Server: OPSkyBlock In-Game Name: Xephor_EX Current Rank In-Game: L4 Discription: After I ranked up to L4 just an hour ago, I saw that my inventory was full and while no one was there, I was able to get the lapis key from the ground which I got from the rankup but found out that there were no...
  2. S

    Island gets Swapped Out

    Me and my friend were playing the other day, and frankly did alot of things, until I played OPSB today and type in /is and I'm being ask if I want to choose from the 3 biomes, and I was like "Did OPSB even reset?" So I stay calmed until my friend told me that our Island was safe and right now...
  3. theloneking

    [OPSB] Cant Rank Up to [L4]

    got all the requirements for ranking up to L4 about an hour ago, as you can see on the right side, i already completed the 25 votes, but when i do /ar check, i still cant rank up. help/fix please. thanks! @Deviate @Boomclaw
  4. theloneking

    [OPSB] Suggestion and Inquiry

    if anyone know me, im TheLoneKing, with 3 blaze grinders (2 with 15, 1 with only 4) 1 skelly (15 spawners) 1 nether skelly grinder (10 spawners), magma cube farm (40 spawners), enderman farm (3 spawners), iron golem farm (2spawners), 3 full beacon, with 11mil and [L5] rank. but after the server...
  5. O

    SkyBlockClassic Ignore Command?

    With the upcoming reset for skyblock the /Ignore command to mute someone just for yourself would be of great help. There are some spammers. In chat who advertise their stuff, casinos games, people who spam you with /msg or even /tpa, people who just rage out on you. So that is a suggestion. I...