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  1. zenryu_

    Guild Skill Tree GUI not working

    Hello, the guild skill tree GUI does not open up when trying to access into it.
  2. Leagend77777

    Bug While Making Appeal

    Hi I'm Leagend77777 There Is False Perm Mute On My Alt And I Can't Make Punishment Appeal On Punishment Appeal Forum, How That I Can't Upload Photo I Tried Everything Like Changing The Photo To Png To JPEG but Still I Can Not Make Appeal What Should I Do ?
  3. Hydro6

    Server Crash

    Hey, I was in the middle of a game and got disconnected from my Bedwars game. Might want to look into this issue.
  4. r9zee


    Im playing peacefully on my acc grinding prestige a bit when all of a sudden my internet goes out and when i come back i see my self dead. Theres nothing wrong i prolly glitched and som1 hit me and killed me right?. When i respawn i see that my pets are gone. My leaflet my zeus lion dragon...
  5. D3vilHunt3r

    Enderchest Bug

    Hey everyone I found a bug that is I lost my loot in my ender chest. Yesterday I puted my loot in ender chest I mean I used / pv command and I puted my loot in there  why I puted them? Because I wanted to go afk on obsidian generator that is in my island until today. I had diamond pickaxe with...
  6. A

    Don't craft seasonal voucher it's bugged

    After you use it, this error will pop-up instead of the rank and the voucher will be gone :D I'm still trying to reach someone via ticket but i'm being ignored, i hope i can recover the lapis. You're welcome!
  7. ieoub

    how to fix Sorry not a valid playername

    I have also been struggling with voting using the 7th link even though I have a purchased Minecraft account. I contacted the website's email and Twitter but got no response. I tried these steps to fix the error; it got fixed, but I don't know if it was luck or something else. Try it out and...
  8. theususrper

    Lazy devs or just bad at their job?

    A week ago I reported a bug where, Once you reach level 50 as a miner in survival, all ores such as Coal, Copper, Iron, Quartz, Ancient Debris, Redstone, Lapiz, Gold disappear with the entire vein once you mine it and you get no drops (with the exception of deepslate diamonds). This happens due...
  9. theususrper

    Dropped items missing on allay.

    Got my hands on an allay yesterday, when I tested it I found that no matter the amount of Items I drop, the allay picks it all up and returns a single item. The issue is caused by the dropped item optimization mod where all dropped items render as a single element. Requesting a fix because it...
  10. BelgskeFTW

    New Bug on OPFAC

    Hello, Today Styx2342 did found a new bug. Details about the bug : There is a 1x2 hole in the border that seperates Spawn from Warzone, going trough this hole you can escape the Combat Timer because you enter spawn. This bug is not a old one but i think it is this ssn. No worries i already...
  11. TimeGodDio

    Wrong Rank From crate

    It says in the epic crate i earned sentinel rank but gave me a guardian rank voucher
  12. UxxM4DxxBR0

    Miner lvl 50+ Game breaking

    Wanted to know when Miner lvl 50+ will be fixed. As it stands now, I cannot complete player levels as simple as mining 24 Lapis Ore blocks and the perks of the lvls don't work. I've spent money here since I do enjoy the community, but losing the ability to complete things based on a bug tied to...
  13. N

    Level Rewards bug

    Hi. When we complete a level, we want to benefit from its rewards, but unfortunately, some rewards such as key boxs, Classes, tag boxs, etc. are bugs and when we want to get them, they are not given to us and they disappear. Please Check of them and fix it . thanks noiaw
  14. W


    As a title, not even have a single zombie at night! Feel like the server is going down day by day :)
  15. invincibleventi

    prowler set not working

    i put all of the prowler armour pieces on and i didnt get any effects.not the resistance or 1.05x money nor the fire immunity
  16. T

    /AH didnt give me money

    sold 3 rare boxes for 60k tokens and didn't recive my tokens when they were bought! thanks username is TobiD2009
  17. Z

    Wolf head

    Hello, i started playing today and had some issues with the wolf heads as i cant "use" them (with a right-click). I suppose this is not an intended feature, so i was wondering if you had any idea of when this bug could be fixed. Thank you, Z4th4n.
  18. Flame__

    Most chaotic voting top month

    this month has to be the most chaotic vote top i have ever seen, the 1 month that i try to get vote top on, every single person from #1 to #10 is using some sort of bug, sure, some of u may call me out for bug abusing as im also on vote top, but i assure u, i wasnt the person who abused...
  19. TheWackyGuy

    Lost crossover pickaxe

    I used the professor crate that I got from the crossover crate. While using the professor crate I got the crossover pickaxe and 25k tokens, I only got the 25k tokens but not he crossover pickaxe why did this happen? Did i occur due to a bug? Or was this how it was supposed to be and I didn't...
  20. T

    Bug Abuse

    So many players abuse this bug in warp end, so fix this asap. And btw here is a photo of KinderKiller doing it. https://prnt.sc/Z3w4-9641xwX