Hey Paotzyyy
I hope you are having a wonderful day. I seriously want a map update in skywars I am super board of the old maps. Because of this issue people are not playing skywars and the number of people are decreasing day by day.
The second issue is that there are no private games allowed to the people who don't have ranks, isn't that unfair for players. Look, there are very little servers with private games and if pika allows people to do private games, more players will join the server. Trust me this will work. :)
Your Faithful
I hope you are having a wonderful day. I seriously want a map update in skywars I am super board of the old maps. Because of this issue people are not playing skywars and the number of people are decreasing day by day.
The second issue is that there are no private games allowed to the people who don't have ranks, isn't that unfair for players. Look, there are very little servers with private games and if pika allows people to do private games, more players will join the server. Trust me this will work. :)
Your Faithful