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Useful: Stay Safe On Pika Network


The Pika
Jun 17, 2021
Stay Safe On Pika Network

Throughout my 8 years on this server, I've mostly been annoyed by a persistent issue, autoclicking cheaters. Admitting that I'm not exempt from making mistakes like many of you, I've faced consequences for my actions. This experience lead me to create this thread, aiming to keep you informed, ensure your safety, and help you understand the functionality, usage, and detection of cheats for effective reporting, as well as keeping your account safe and secure.

Before reading on I must state that this thread has nothing to do with the team of Pika Network nor does suggest or demand any changes or suggestions, it is purely informative for the community's best practices.

Thanks for your time, enjoy!

How Is Pika Network Protected From Cheaters?

Anticheat Plugin

Pika Network, as a cracked server, has inevitably faced challenges with cheaters over the years. Like any server, whether premium or cracked, Pika Network has been using anticheat plugins, with Polar currently in use. Despite efforts to maintain fair play, players have often raised concerns about the effectiveness of these anticheat plugins, alleging false bans. The reality is that such complaints often stem from misunderstandings or cheaters themselves, as the plugin's primarily target blatant cheating cases. Given the server's size and player volume, false positives can occur without blame assigned, this is why ban appeals exist.

Polar Anticheat, the chosen plugin for Pika Network, has replaced Matrix to the best of my knowledge. Developed by NotLucky, Johannes, and UniqueGuy, it adopts a Software as a Service (SaaS) model with cloud checks to minimize CPU usage. Compatible with various Minecraft versions, including modern servers with old combat mechanics, Polar prioritizes high cheat detection accuracy while mitigating performance impact. It necessitates specific system specifications, provides Docker/Pterodactyl support, and operates on a recurring subscription model with both yearly and monthly plans. Server owners can explore enterprise plans by application.

Please note that Polar is a SaaS model, with a broad anti-cheat system, it can detect more than the listed cheats, because a check can usually block similar types of cheats broadly.

For further questions, you can find Polar's website here.

Staff Team

Approaching the subject of the Pika Network staff team requires careful consideration by my side. Since the network's inception in 2014, these individuals have been the driving force behind its operations, dedicating their time and effort as a volunteer service team. While team members have come and gone over the years, their collective commitment has remained focused on serving the players best interests. I am confident that they will continue to do so diligently until the eventual closure of the server.

Acknowledging their humanity, the staff, like us players, have made mistakes along the way. However, these experiences have served as valuable lessons, contributing to the team's growth and transformation into seasoned professionals. Instead of merely operating behind the scenes, the staff has been the pillar of security and moderation, actively ensuring a fair and enjoyable environment. Their efforts include employing various procedures such as screensharing and thoroughly reviewing player reports to identify and address cheaters.

It is essential to recognize the significant contributions of the staff team, as documented in the current list available here. Past members are also acknowledged with the Veteran role on both Discord and forums, symbolizing their lasting impact on the Pika Network community.

Cheats & Hacks

Before diving into this list, it's important to note the existence of a comprehensive documentation created by Arrly, one of the network's administrators. In this documentation, Arrly provides insights into some of the most prevalent hacks, offering guidance on how to detect them and report players utilizing such techniques. For a concise overview, I strongly advise reading Arrly's
documentation, available here.

Presented below is a list of all cheats and hacks that require your attention. Feel free to inform me if there's a specific one you would like me to include:


KillAura is a combat-related cheat that automates the process of attacking nearby players or entities. It essentially grants an unfair advantage by automatically swinging the player's weapon at targets within reach. This cheat is commonly used to gain an upper hand in Player versus Player (PvP) situations.

Usage: Players employing KillAura will notice that their attacks are automatically directed towards nearby entities, giving them a significant advantage in combat situations. It removes the need for manual aiming, making it easier to overwhelm opponents. Users often toggle this cheat to activate or deactivate it at their discretion, depending on the situation.

Detection: Detecting KillAura can be challenging due to its automation, but there are telltale signs that players can observe. Look for unnatural and consistent movements, especially when engaging in combat. If a player seems to be hitting targets with superhuman precision or reacting instantly to new entities entering their vicinity, it may indicate the use of KillAura. Additionally, erratic behavior in the player's crosshair or an unusually high attack rate can be red flags.

Fly Hacks

Functionality: Fly hacks enable players to defy gravity and move through the air, giving them a significant advantage over others. These cheats manipulate the player's movement to simulate flight, allowing them to explore the game world from the skies. Fly hacks are often used for quick travel, evasion, and gaining a strategic vantage point during PvP encounters.

Usage: Players activate fly hacks through modded clients or external software that injects code into the game. This manipulation overrides the game's normal movement mechanics, granting the player the ability to fly at will. Fly hacks may have different activation methods, such as keybindings or toggles, depending on the specific cheat client being used.

Detection: Detecting fly hacks can be challenging or blatant, there are certain behaviors that may indicate a player is using this cheat. Look for sudden changes in vertical movement, an unusual speed of ascent or descent, and abrupt stops mid-air. Observing players who consistently navigate in the air without using legitimate means (e.g. /fly) is another red flag. Keep an eye on player movements during combat or while exploring, as fly hacks are often employed to gain an unfair advantage.

Important Notice: In Minecraft Pocket Edition (Bedrock Edition), the use of GeyserMC, a proxy that allows players to connect Java and Bedrock Edition servers, can also facilitate fly hacks. Players may exhibit erratic flying behavior or move in ways that are impossible without the aid of hacks, as of today, most anticheat plugins haven't found a permanent solution against this new cheating method, there are very little to no things server developers can do about that.


Aimbot is a powerful cheat designed to enhance a player's targeting capabilities. It automatically adjusts the player's crosshair to lock onto opponents, ensuring that their attacks consistently hit the target. In 1.8 PvP mechanics, this cheat typically exploits the predictability of player movement, making it a potent tool for gaining an unfair advantage in combat.

Usage: Aimbot is usually activated through a hotkey or toggle, allowing the user to easily switch it on and off during gameplay. Once activated, the cheat takes over the player's aiming, ensuring that their crosshair follows the opponent's movements with an unnatural precision. Some advanced versions may come with customization options, such as adjustable aiming speed or target prioritization.

Detection: Detecting Aimbot can be challenging, but there are telltale signs that players should be aware of. Look out for unnaturally quick and precise movements, especially when switching targets rapidly. If a player consistently locks onto opponents without any visible effort, it's a red flag. Additionally, unusual patterns in player behavior, such as instant headshots or constant accuracy despite varying conditions, may indicate the use of Aimbot.


AimAssist is a cheat designed to enhance a player's aiming capabilities without resorting to a full-fledged Aimbot. It operates by subtly adjusting the player's crosshair towards opponents, offering a significant advantage in combat situations. Unlike an Aimbot, AimAssist doesn't automate the aiming process entirely but rather assists the player in maintaining a more accurate aim.

Usage: Users typically activate AimAssist to gain an edge in PvP engagements. It becomes particularly effective in scenarios where quick and precise aiming is crucial, such as in Practice. Players may toggle this cheat on/off to manage their advantage strategically, making it less obvious to observers.

Detection: Identifying AimAssist can be challenging, as it operates within the subtler spectrum of cheats. However, certain patterns may indicate its presence. Watch out for unnaturally smooth and precise crosshair movements, especially during high-pressure combat situations. If a player consistently lands critical hits or exhibits an abnormal ability to track opponents through rapid movements, it could be a sign of AimAssist in use. Keep in mind that AimAssist doesn't guarantee perfect accuracy, so occasional erratic movements may still occur. Observing a player's consistency in landing shots and adapting to opponents is key.


The Hitbox cheat manipulates player hitboxes in order to extend or modify their effective combat reach. In a 1.8 PvP environment like Practice, this can be a game-changer, allowing users to land hits on opponents from a greater distance than normal.

Usage: Players activating the Hitbox cheat will observe an unusual extension of their melee attack range. This can result in seemingly impossible hits, catching opponents off guard. Users may exploit this cheat to gain an unfair advantage in combat situations, making it a significant concern for the integrity of the server's PvP experience.

Detection: Detecting the Hitbox cheat can be challenging, but there are certain signs to look out for. Players using this cheat may exhibit unnatural movements, such as dodging attacks more effectively than normal or consistently landing hits that seem impossible under regular circumstances. Additionally, watch for instances where players consistently hit others from abnormal distances. As a player, if you suspect someone is using the Hitbox cheat, pay attention to the combat dynamics. If their hits seem unusually accurate or their movements are erratic, it's worth reporting. Record any specific instances where the cheat becomes apparent, such as hitting players from an unreasonable distance or consistently dodging attacks.


Reach hacks manipulate the player's reach, allowing them to hit opponents from a greater distance than the normal Minecraft mechanics would permit, that being 3.0 blocks (Note: This can change depending on the core of the gamemode or server software). In the context of 1.8 PvP, these cheats alter the game's hit detection system, extending the virtual "reach" of a player's weapon. This means that a player using a Reach cheat can land hits on opponents who are physically farther away than they should be able to.

Usage: Players exploiting Reach cheats typically engage in PvP situations where an extended reach gives them a significant advantage. This can include battles in various game modes such as Kit PvP or even during survival gameplay. The increased reach provides an unfair edge, making it easier for the cheater to deal damage while remaining out of their opponent's striking range.

Detection: Detecting Reach cheats can be challenging, but there are certain signs to look out for. Keep an eye on situations where players consistently hit opponents from unusually far distances. If you notice players landing hits that seem impossible under normal circumstances, it may be an indication of Reach hacking. Additionally, observe the player's movements and attack patterns, sudden and unnatural changes in reach can be a red flag.


AutoClicker is a tool designed to automate mouse clicks, one of the most undetectable Minecraft cheats from anticheat systems, primarily used in Minecraft PvP to achieve faster attack rates. It emulates the action of clicking the mouse button at an extremely high rate, surpassing what a human can achieve manually.

Usage: Players often use AutoClickers to gain an unfair advantage in combat situations, especially in 1.8 PvP where the attack speed is crucial. Usually being an external program or macro, can be toggled on/off by a hotkey. By utilizing an AutoClicker, players can achieve a higher click-per-second (CPS) rate, allowing them to land more hits on their opponents than would be possible through manual clicking. It can also be used for double clicking, clicking on both right and left clicks, simulate clicking sounds, hand exhaustion, butterfly, drag, or jitter clicking simulation, and more.

Detection: Detecting AutoClickers involves monitoring the player's click patterns and rates. An unnatural and consistent CPS rate that exceeds human capabilities is a clear indicator. Additionally, examining the timing and precision of clicks can reveal the use of automation. The harsh reality is that most of the detections are not full-proof and need further investigation.


Criticals, in the context of Minecraft PvP, refer to landing critical hits consistently without jumping (And in rare cases automatic jumping). Normally, in 1.8 PvP mechanics, you need to jump to execute a critical hit. However, this cheat aims to bypass that requirement, allowing players to deal critical damage without the need for a jump. This gives the cheater an unfair advantage in combat situations.

Usage: Users employing the Criticals cheat can perform critical hits effortlessly without the telltale jump animation. By maintaining a consistent stream of high-damage hits, they gain an upper hand in player-versus-player scenarios. This cheat is particularly effective when combined with other hacks, enhancing the overall damage output and making it challenging for opponents to retaliate effectively.

Detection: Identifying Criticals can be tricky, but there are some observable patterns that can help players recognize its usage. Keep an eye on opponents who seem to consistently land critical hits without visibly jumping. Watch for abnormal attack sequences and sustained high damage output. Additionally, pay attention to player movement, abrupt changes in motion during combat, especially when paired with consistent critical hits, may indicate the use of this cheat. A tip is to check their opponent's hit particles. landing a critical hit usually shows a bubble of particles, depending on your texture pack, on your opponent.

Anti Knockback

Anti Knockback (Also known as Anti-KB) is a cheat designed to manipulate the knockback mechanics in Minecraft PvP, specifically tailored for servers utilizing 1.8 PvP mechanics. When activated, this cheat significantly reduces or eliminates the knockback effect that a player would normally experience when hit by another player's attack, no matter the server's set knockback profile. This provides the user with a distinct advantage in combat situations, as they can maintain control over their movement even when under attack.

Usage: Players employing Anti Knockback often activate it during PvP encounters to gain an unfair advantage over their opponents. By mitigating or nullifying knockback, the cheater can maintain proximity to their target, making it difficult for opponents to create distance and retaliate effectively. This cheat can be especially frustrating for legitimate players engaged in fair and competitive fight, like Sumo.

Detection: Detecting Anti Knockback is quite easy, if blatant, it requires an observant eye during PvP encounters. Look for instances where a player seems resistant to normal knockback effects after being hit. If an opponent consistently maintains close proximity without being pushed back as expected, there's a possibility that they are using Anti Knockback. Keep an eye on player movement patterns and the flow of combat to identify anomalies. Before reporting, make sure that you also check the player's ping (Connection with the server), since a ping above 150ms is considered laggy and usually delay's, if not eliminate knockback.

Auto Tap

Auto Tap is a type of Minecraft cheat designed to automate the player's attack speed, primarily exploiting the 1.8 PvP mechanics. It achieves this by automatically sending attack packets to the server, essentially simulating rapid clicks without any manual input from the player. This cheat aims to give the user an unfair advantage in combat situations by maximizing their attack speed.

Usage: Players employing Auto Tap typically activate the cheat during PvP encounters to gain a significant edge over their opponents. By automating the clicking process, they can achieve a higher attack rate than humanly possible, leading to faster damage output and increased chances of winning engagements. This cheat is often favored by players looking for an easy way to dominate in melee combat scenarios.

Detection: Identifying Auto Tap can be challenging, but there are certain indicators to watch for. Look out for unusually consistent and rapid attack patterns, especially when the player is engaged in combat. Additionally, monitor the player's click rate to detect any patterns that deviate significantly from human capabilities. Keep an eye on their attack animation as well, Auto Tap may produce unnatural and erratic movements, especially if used by an inexperienced cheater. If you suspect someone using Auto Tap, pay attention to the player's behavior during combat, as this cheat often becomes evident when they consistently maintain an exceptionally high attack speed. While detection is not foolproof, careful observation of in-game actions can help identify potential cheaters.

Super Knockback

Super Knockback is a cheat designed to enhance the knockback effect when hitting another player. It manipulates the knockback mechanics in Minecraft to give the user an unfair advantage in combat situations. Essentially, it amplifies the force with which a player is pushed back upon getting hit.

Usage: Players employing Super Knockback aim to gain an upper hand in PvP encounters, especially in situations where knockback plays a crucial role. By using this cheat, a player can send their opponents flying much farther than what is possible with regular knockback. This can be particularly advantageous in both individual and team-based combat scenarios.

Detection: Identifying Super Knockback can be challenging but not impossible, and sometimes quite blatant. Pay attention to unusually exaggerated knockback distances. If a player is consistently experiencing significantly increased knockback compared to normal 1.8 PvP mechanics, it might indicate the use of Super Knockback. Additionally, observe the player's movement patterns and see if there's a sudden and unnatural increase in speed before or during a hit.

Auto Block

Auto Block is a cheat designed with 2 different scenarios, one to automatically place blocks in Minecraft, particularly useful in PvP scenarios. Or one that exploits the 1.8 PvP mechanics by automating the process of blocking attacks with a sword. When activated, in the first scenario, the cheat swiftly places a block in front of the player whenever they receive damage, providing an instant protective barrier. The scenario used depends on the user.

Usage: Players typically activate Auto Block to gain an unfair advantage in combat situations. By automating the blocking process, users can focus more on attacking while having a constant shield against incoming damage. This cheat is commonly employed in PvP engagements to enhance survivability and increase the chances of winning battles.

Detection: Identifying Auto Block can be challenging and sometimes easy, but there are specific signs to watch for. Observing a player consistently and rapidly placing blocks immediately after taking damage is a strong indicator of Auto Block usage. Additionally, the lack of any manual block placements in response to attacks, combined with an unusually precise and instantaneous blocking pattern, may suggest the presence of this cheat.


NoSlow is a common cheat that affects player movement speed and the ability to sprint. When activated, it prevents the player from slowing down when performing actions such as eating, blocking with a sword, or using items like bows. Essentially, it allows the player to maintain maximum movement speed regardless of the action they are performing.

Usage: Players typically use NoSlow to gain an unfair advantage in combat situations. By maintaining full movement speed while eating or blocking, they can engage in PvP without the usual penalties associated with these actions. This cheat is particularly advantageous in 1.8 PvP mechanics, where timing and maneuverability play a crucial role.

Detection: Detecting NoSlow requires a keen eye on player behavior. Look out for instances where a player maintains normal movement speed while performing actions that should normally slow them down. Pay attention to sudden changes in speed during combat or when using specific items, such as not slowing down through cobwebs, or walking through lava/water very fast, not slowing down when blocking with a sword, or drawing a bow, and more. Additionally, observe if players consistently exhibit abnormal behavior, such as sprinting while performing actions that traditionally impede movement.


Bunnyhop, also known as B-Hop, is a movement exploit that takes advantage of the Minecraft mechanics to enhance a player's mobility. When activated, it allows players to jump rapidly and consecutively without experiencing the usual delay between jumps. This cheat manipulates the game's mechanics to achieve faster movement speed, making it particularly advantageous during PvP encounters.

Usage: Players employing Bunnyhop typically bind the cheat to a specific key for easy activation. Once activated, the cheat enables rapid jumping, creating a distinct and abnormal movement pattern. Users often exploit this during combat situations to make themselves harder targets, dodge attacks, or gain a strategic advantage in PvP scenarios.

Detection: Identifying Bunnyhop in action requires a keen observation of player movement patterns, but it should be easy enough since it is weird to look at. Keep an eye out for unnaturally rapid and consecutive jumps, especially during engagements. The cheat may give players an unfair advantage by enhancing their mobility, allowing them to evade attacks more effectively than normal gameplay would allow.


Speed hacks are designed to manipulate your player's movement speed in-game, allowing you to move faster than intended. These cheats take advantage of Minecraft's movement mechanics, altering the player's velocity to achieve unnaturally high speeds. The functionality is achieved by modifying client-side movement packets, tricking the server into accepting these altered values.

Usage: Players typically activate speed hacks to gain a significant advantage in PvP situations or to navigate the game world more quickly. It's crucial to understand that the usage of speed hacks can be erratic and unpredictable. Users might encounter difficulties in controlling their movements, resulting in unintended consequences such as falling into voids, running into obstacles, or experiencing visual glitches.

Detection: Detecting speed hacks involves monitoring player movement patterns and velocities. Look for sudden and extreme changes in speed, especially when combined with irregular movements. Speed cheats often lead to players covering large distances in a short period or abruptly changing directions without deceleration. Additionally, be on the lookout for players who consistently move at an unnaturally fast pace, as this could be indicative of speed hacks.


Forcefield is a combat hack designed to give players an unfair advantage in PvP situations. When activated, it essentially creates an invisible barrier around the player, automatically attacking any nearby opponents within the specified radius. The hack is designed to enhance the player's melee attacks, making it nearly impossible for others to engage in combat without facing an overwhelming assault. Think of it like a simpler version of Killaura.

Usage: Players activate Forcefield through their hacked clients. The trigger for this cheat is typically set to engage when an opponent comes within a certain proximity, enabling the automatic attack mechanism. This proximity can be adjusted, allowing users to customize the range at which Forcefield becomes active. Some versions of this cheat might include additional features like head triggering, ensuring that attacks are aimed at the opponent's head, maximizing damage output, because the head has a slightly bigger hitbox which can give you more reach.

Detection: Identifying Forcefield can be challenging, but there are subtle signs that observant players can look out for. Rapid and seemingly impossible reactions to incoming attacks, especially in close-quarters combat, may indicate the use of Forcefield. Keep an eye out for unnatural and consistent hits on opponents, particularly if the player seems to be targeting multiple adversaries simultaneously. Another telltale sign is an unusually high hit rate, especially if the hits are consistently focused on the heads of opponents. In the context of 1.8 PvP mechanics, the mechanics of Forcefield often result in abnormally precise and rapid headshots.


Fullbright is a cheat designed to manipulate the game's lighting settings, ensuring that the player has maximum visibility in all environments. It effectively removes darkness, allowing the user to see clearly in caves, at night, or in any low-light situations. By adjusting the gamma and brightness settings, Fullbright eliminates shadows and provides a significant advantage over other players who rely on the game's natural lighting mechanics.

Usage: Players activate Fullbright to gain a strategic advantage in various scenarios. It is commonly used in situations where normal lighting conditions would hinder visibility, such as exploring caves, navigating during the night, or spotting hidden players in shadows. The cheat is toggled on and off through specific keybindings or commands, giving users control over when to exploit the enhanced visibility.

Detection: Detecting Fullbright can be challenging due to its external manipulation of game settings. However, certain signs may indicate its usage. Players with Fullbright may exhibit unnaturally consistent visibility in low-light environments, showing no reaction to changes in lighting conditions. Additionally, sudden changes in gamma and brightness settings during gameplay may be indicative of Fullbright activation.

Important Note: For effective reporting, players should pay attention to the suspected user's behavior in different lighting situations. If consistent visibility is observed in typically dark areas, it is recommended to gather evidence through screenshots or video recordings.


NoFall is a hack that prevents players from taking fall damage. When activated, it allows users to jump from any height without suffering the usual consequences of fall damage. This cheat is particularly advantageous in both PvP and PvE situations, giving players a significant tactical advantage by removing the need to consider fall damage during engagements or escapes.

Usage: Players can activate NoFall by using a client modification that manipulates the game mechanics related to fall damage. Typically, a keybind or command is assigned to toggle this cheat on and off. Users can freely jump from cliffs, towers, or any elevated surface without worrying about taking damage upon landing. It's essential to note that NoFall doesn't require any additional tools or items in the game, making it easily accessible to those who use client modifications.

Detection: Detecting NoFall primarily involves observing player behavior. If a player consistently jumps from heights that would normally result in fall damage without taking any damage, it could indicate the use of the NoFall cheat. Pay attention to players who seem unaffected by fall damage in situations where it would be expected.

Chest ESP

Chest ESP, or Chest Extra-Sensory Perception, is a cheat designed to provide players with an unfair advantage by revealing the locations of chests in the game world. This cheat exploits the game's mechanics to display a visual indicator or highlight the positions of chests through obstacles, making it easier for the player to locate valuable items. Think of it like X-ray but without the transparent blocks.

Usage: Players employing Chest ESP gain a significant advantage in scavenging for loot, as they can quickly locate chests hidden in structures, caves, or even underground. This cheat aids in rapid resource gathering, making it a popular choice among players who prioritize efficiency over fair play, it is a popular choice in gamemodes like Factions, Lifesteal and Survival.

Detection: Identifying the use of Chest ESP can be challenging but not impossible. Look out for unnatural behavior, such as players consistently and effortlessly finding hidden chests in a suspicious manner. Keep an eye on movements that directly lead to chests without any apparent visual cues. Additionally, monitor for repeated instances of players discovering chests even in complex or concealed locations.


AutoArmor is a popular Minecraft cheat that automates the process of equipping armor. It ensures that the player always has the best available armor pieces on without manual intervention. This cheat is particularly effective in fast-paced situations like PvP, where having optimal protection can make a significant difference.

Usage: Players activate AutoArmor to gain a competitive edge in battles by instantly equipping the highest-tier armor in their inventory. The cheat detects when the player loses armor durability or switches to a new armor set and automatically replaces the worn-out pieces with fresh ones. Users can toggle this feature on and off based on their preference, making it a discreet but powerful advantage in combat scenarios.

Detection: Detecting AutoArmor can be challenging, as it operates on the client side without direct server interaction. However, there are some observable patterns that may indicate its usage. Look for instant and precise armor swaps during combat, especially in situations where it seems unlikely for a player to manually manage their armor. Unusual and rapid changes in armor durability can also be indicative of AutoArmor. Players should pay attention to sudden shifts in protection levels and report instances where opponents seem to be consistently well-equipped without any visible delay. It's crucial to differentiate between skilled players who manually manage their armor and those using automated tools.


AutoSteal is a client-side modification designed to automate the process of stealing items from chests. When activated, this cheat allows players to automatically loot items from containers without the need for manual interaction. It essentially streamlines the looting process, making it faster and more efficient.

Usage: To use AutoSteal, a player activates the cheat while standing in front of a chest or other container. Once activated, the cheat will automatically transfer items from the container to the player's inventory without any further input required. This can be especially advantageous during raids, faction wars, skywars matches, or any scenario where quick looting is essential.

Detection: Detecting AutoSteal can be challenging, as it primarily occurs client-side without sending any specific signals to the server. However, some common signs may indicate its usage. Look for unusually rapid looting patterns or players consistently accessing chests without visible interaction. Additionally, sudden shifts in inventory contents, especially during high-stakes moments, may suggest the presence of AutoSteal.


AutoSoup is a Minecraft cheat designed to automate the consumption of soup during PvP encounters. It takes advantage of the game's mechanics by rapidly consuming mushroom stew or any other soups, providing the player with a constant source of health regeneration without the need for manual input.

Usage: Players employing AutoSoup usually engage in combat while relying on the cheat to ensure a continuous stream of healing. The cheat rapidly triggers the consumption of soups whenever the player's health drops, allowing them to maintain high health levels throughout the fight. AutoSoup users often combine this cheat with aggressive PvP tactics to gain an advantage over opponents.

Detection: Detecting AutoSoup requires a keen eye on the player's behavior during combat. Keep an eye out for suspiciously consistent health regeneration patterns that seem unnatural for a regular player. Pay attention to the speed and consistency of soup consumption, as AutoSoup often operates at a pace beyond what is achievable through manual input. Additionally, observe the player's movement and actions during combat. AutoSoup users may exhibit unusual behavior, such as not retreating to heal or engaging in prolonged fights without the need for strategic retreats. Keep an eye on the player's soup inventory and watch for rapid, precise consumption that goes beyond human capabilities. An easy way to identify this is to pay close attention to their swinging while using their sword, in time to heal. If they keep hitting with the soup that is indicating that they are clicking while healing.


AutoPot is a cheat designed to automate the process of consuming potions in Minecraft. It specifically targets the 1.8 PvP mechanics. The cheat is programmed to detect the player's health and saturation levels, automatically triggering the consumption of health or regeneration potions when needed. This gives the user a significant advantage in combat situations, as they can focus on attacking without the distraction of manual potion consumption.

Usage: Players employing AutoPot typically activate the cheat during PvP engagements. Once activated, the cheat continuously monitors the player's health and hunger status. When the preset thresholds are reached, the cheat automatically uses the appropriate potion from the player's hotbar, ensuring a near-instantaneous regeneration of health. This allows the user to maintain a higher level of sustained combat effectiveness without having to manually manage their potion usage.

Detection: Detecting AutoPot can be challenging due to its automation and subtle nature. However, there are certain patterns that can be observed. Look for unusually precise and consistent potion consumption during fights, especially in situations where manual potion usage would be impractical. Pay attention to rapid and precise potion activations that align with the player's health drops. Additionally, if a player consistently avoids low health situations despite intense combat, it may be an indication of AutoPot usage. An easy way to identify this is to pay close attention to their swinging while using their sword, in time to heal. If they keep hitting while dropping the splash potion, that is indicating that they are clicking while healing, that specific sudden head movement from you all the way down to splash the potion while still clicking and then instantly turn up on you again is a classic indicator.


AutoTool is a Minecraft cheat designed to automate the process of selecting the best tool for breaking blocks, optimizing resource gathering. It allows players to seamlessly switch between tools without manual input, saving time and effort during gameplay.

Usage: Players employing AutoTool will notice an automatic tool switch based on the type of block they are interacting with. For example, if you approach a block that requires a pickaxe, the cheat will swiftly switch to the appropriate pickaxe from your hotbar, ensuring optimal efficiency in mining or digging activities. This automation is particularly advantageous in resource-intensive tasks.

Detection: Identifying AutoTool usage can be challenging, but there are key signs to look out for. Observing an unusually fast and precise tool switch without any apparent manual input is a red flag. Additionally, consistent and rapid changes in tool selection, especially when transitioning between block types, may indicate the use of AutoTool. Players should pay attention to instances where the tool selection seems unnaturally responsive or synchronized with block interactions. My preferred method of choice is to monitor the suspected player by looking on how fast he will get the right tool on his hand from the moment of him being in range with the block he is about to break, if he does it instantly without messing up his hotkeys or hotbar even once in a long time, with perfect timing, it is a clear indicator that he is in fact using AutoTool.


AntiAFK cheats are designed to keep a player in the game without triggering the server's AFK detection mechanisms. The cheat often simulates player movement or actions to appear as if the user is actively playing, preventing automatic kicks for being AFK. It's important to note that while some legitimate modifications or plugins may have similar features, AntiAFK cheats are typically intended to abuse the system.

Usage: Players using AntiAFK cheats aim to exploit the server's AFK detection system to stay online without actively playing. This can be misused for various reasons, such as avoiding being kicked for inactivity, maintaining presence in certain game modes, or accumulating in-game rewards without actual participation. Users may employ these cheats to gain unfair advantages or simply to circumvent server rules.

Detection: Detecting AntiAFK cheats can be challenging, as they often mimic legitimate player behavior. However, certain patterns may be indicative of cheating. Look out for consistent and repetitive movements or actions that don't align with typical player behavior. Additionally, sudden changes in behavior, such as an immediate response to an incoming threat after a prolonged period of inactivity, can be a red flag.


AntiBlind is a cheat designed to counteract the blindness effect, giving players an unfair advantage by allowing them to see clearly even when under the influence of the blindness potion. This cheat manipulates the rendering of the game to eliminate the visual impairment caused by the blindness effect, providing an unfair edge in combat situations.

Usage: Players who employ AntiBlind often do so to gain an upper hand in PvP encounters, especially when blindness potions are used strategically during battles. By using AntiBlind, they can maintain full visibility and awareness of their surroundings, allowing them to make informed decisions and respond effectively to opponents. AntiBlind is mostly used in the BedWars gamemode.

Detection: Detecting AntiBlind can be challenging, but there are certain indicators that may suggest its usage. Look out for players who consistently show no signs of impairment when under the blindness effect. Additionally, observe their reactions to unexpected events, as players using AntiBlind may respond more quickly than expected due to their unhindered vision. If you suspect someone is using AntiBlind, try to replicate the conditions under which they were affected by blindness. If the player consistently exhibits abnormal behavior or doesn't display the expected visual impairment, it might be an indication of AntiBlind usage.


Freecam is a popular cheat that allows players to detach their viewpoint from their in-game character, essentially providing them with a free-floating camera. This enables users to explore the game world while remaining invisible and invulnerable. The cheat allows for reconnaissance, finding hidden structures, or gaining an unfair advantage in PvP situations. In most hacked clients or freecam injectable software, the user is only limited to his rendered chunks, before the player's camera is detached.

Usage: Players activate Freecam by using a designated key or command, which varies depending on the hacked client being used. Once activated, the player's camera is detached, and they can move independently of their character. The user can explore terrain, locate bases, and even scout opponents without the risk of being seen or attacked.

Detection: Detecting Freecam can be challenging, but there are certain signs that may indicate its use. Look out for sudden changes in a player's movement pattern, as they might be transitioning from using Freecam to controlling their character. Additionally, pay attention to instances where a player seems to be aware of things they shouldn't know, such as the location of hidden bases or the movements of other players. Unusual and highly precise movements, especially in PvP situations, can be red flags. Keep in mind that detection may not be foolproof in most cases, and most of these reports are getting denied due to lack of evidence.


CaveFinder is a client-side modification that allows players to identify and locate caves, dungeons, and other underground structures without the need for traditional exploration. This cheat takes advantage of certain aspects of the game's rendering engine, making caves and structures visible through solid blocks. It essentially gives players an unfair advantage in finding resources and hidden areas below the surface.

Usage: Players activate CaveFinder by toggling a specific key or command within their hacked client. Once activated, the cheat modifies the rendering process to highlight the outlines or textures of caves and structures through solid blocks. This allows users to easily identify underground features, providing them with a significant advantage in resource gathering, base raiding, and overall gameplay.

Detection: Detecting CaveFinder is primarily based on abnormal player behavior and movement patterns. While the cheat operates client-side, its effects can be observed server-side through the player's actions. Staff members can look for sudden and precise digging towards hidden underground structures, or players consistently navigating directly to caves without any apparent indication. Additionally, watch for players who seem to be aware of nearby caves without proper exploration, or success to walk through dark places without lighting, unfaced.


FastBuild is a common Minecraft cheat that allows players to quickly place blocks without the usual delay. It's particularly advantageous in building situations where speed is crucial, giving users the ability to construct structures rapidly. This cheat essentially bypasses the normal placement cooldown, making building processes much more efficient.

Usage: Players activate FastBuild by binding it to a specific key or using a command provided by the cheat client. Once activated, the player can start placing blocks rapidly without the usual delays. This can be especially useful in situations where quick fortifications or structures are necessary, such as during combat or base building.

Detection: Detecting FastBuild without server-side capabilities can be challenging, but there are certain indicators that players can observe. Look out for unusually rapid block placement, especially if it seems unnatural for a player's typical building speed. Additionally, pay attention to the consistency of block placement intervals. Legitimate players usually have some degree of variation in their building speed, whereas FastBuild will consistently bypass the placement cooldown. If you suspect someone is using FastBuild, try to observe their building patterns and speed over an extended period. Pay attention to sudden changes in building behavior, as this can be a strong indicator of cheat usage. While this method may not be foolproof, it provides a practical approach for players to identify potential cheaters.


FastEat is a cheat designed to exploit the eating mechanics in Minecraft, allowing players to consume food at an accelerated rate. In a typical scenario, when a player eats, there is a cooldown period before they can consume another piece of food. FastEat eliminates or significantly reduces this cooldown, enabling players to eat much faster than intended.

Usage: Players employing FastEat will often be able to regenerate their health and hunger bars rapidly during combat situations or while evading threats. This can provide a significant advantage in battles, as it allows players to recover quickly without the usual delays associated with eating.

Detection: Detecting FastEat can be challenging due to its subtle nature. Look out for abnormally rapid eating animations and inconsistent hunger bar behavior. If a player is consistently consuming food at a pace that seems impossible under normal circumstances, it may indicate the use of FastEat. Additionally, pay attention to combat scenarios where players exhibit unusually swift health and hunger recovery.


FastLadder is a movement-enhancing cheat that allows players to climb ladders at an abnormally fast speed. It manipulates the player's movement mechanics, giving them a significant advantage in scaling structures or escaping from opponents.

Usage: Players activate FastLadder by toggling the cheat through their hacked client. Once activated, it boosts the player's climbing speed on ladders, making it challenging for opponents to keep up or react in time. This cheat is often utilized in PvP situations to gain a strategic advantage or to outmaneuver other players during chases.

Detection: Detecting FastLadder can be tricky, but there are observable patterns that can be recognized. Look out for players climbing ladders at an unnatural speed, which may appear as if they are teleporting or moving too quickly. Additionally, pay attention to sudden changes in vertical movement that go beyond the standard ladder climbing speed. Keep an eye on player behavior, especially during PvP encounters, and be suspicious if someone seems to be effortlessly navigating ladders with superhuman speed. Remember, the effectiveness of detecting FastLadder relies on keen observation and an understanding of normal gameplay mechanics.


Glide is a cheat that manipulates the player's movement, allowing them to gracefully glide through the air. It takes advantage of various movement exploits to achieve this effect. Essentially, it overrides the normal physics of the game, enabling the player to fly without the use of legitimate means such creative mode.

Usage: Players activating Glide often initiate it with a specific keybind or command. Once activated, the cheat alters the player's movement mechanics, enabling them to stay airborne for extended periods. Users can control their direction and speed during the glide, making it a versatile and discreet method of travel. Glide is commonly employed in PvP situations to gain a tactical advantage, allowing players to avoid ground-based attacks and reach vantage points quickly.

Detection: Identifying Glide involves observing abnormal player movements. Look out for players effortlessly gliding through the air without the use of legitimate flight items. Pay attention to sudden changes in elevation or unusual mid-air maneuvers. Additionally, Glide cheats may cause irregularities in player hitboxes, making it difficult for opponents to land hits. Keep an eye on players who exhibit suspiciously smooth and controlled aerial movements.


Jetpack is a Minecraft cheat that primarily focuses on enhancing movement capabilities, allowing players to navigate the game world more efficiently. This cheat grants the user the ability to fly, essentially providing them with a form of creative mode without the typical restrictions. It is crucial to understand that this cheat takes advantage of the game mechanics to manipulate the player's movement.

Usage: Players employing the Jetpack cheat will experience unrestricted flight, enabling them to travel through the air at will. This can be exploited for various purposes, such as escaping combat situations, reaching difficult-to-access areas, or simply gaining an unfair advantage in PvP encounters. Users may activate and deactivate the Jetpack feature through a specific keybind or command, making it a discreet but potent tool for those seeking an edge in gameplay.

Detection: Detecting Jetpack cheats can be challenging due to their nature of manipulating movement rather than directly modifying player attributes. However, there are some telltale signs that may indicate the use of a Jetpack cheat. Look out for players who exhibit unnatural flight patterns, sudden changes in elevation, or swift movements that seem inconsistent with standard gameplay. Additionally, observe for instances where players evade obstacles effortlessly or engage in combat from unconventional angles.


Nuker is a Minecraft cheat designed to expedite block destruction, allowing players to break multiple blocks simultaneously. This is achieved by sending multiple block-breaking packets to the server, tricking it into thinking the player is breaking blocks at an inhuman speed.

Usage: Players activate Nuker to quickly clear out large areas, mine resources, or gain a strategic advantage in PvP situations. It's often used in conjunction with fast movement hacks to maximize efficiency. Primarily used in Lifesteal, Survival, and Prison.

Detection: Identifying Nuker activity involves monitoring the rapid succession of block break packets from a player. The cheat typically displays abnormal block-breaking patterns, with blocks disappearing almost instantly. Keep an eye out for players who seem to dismantle structures or mine at an unnatural speed, especially when combined with suspicious movement. Additionally, be cautious of sudden changes in direction during mining or building activities, as this may indicate the use of Nuker.


Scaffold is a Minecraft cheat that assists players in building structures quickly and efficiently. The cheat automatically places blocks beneath the player as they move, eliminating the need for manual placement. It significantly speeds up the building process and provides an unfair advantage in both creative and survival modes.

Usage: Players activate Scaffold by running a client modification that includes the cheat. Once activated, the cheat will automatically place blocks below the player as they move, allowing them to build structures rapidly without the need for manual block placement. Users can control the speed and behavior of the Scaffold through the cheat's settings, making it a versatile tool for builders looking to expedite their construction projects.

Detection: Detecting Scaffold can be challenging due to its automated and non-intrusive nature. However, there are telltale signs that can help players identify its usage. Watch for unusually fast building speeds, especially in situations where precise block placement is crucial. Additionally, observe for instant and perfectly aligned block placements, as Scaffold tends to operate with high precision. Keep an eye out for unnatural building patterns, such as floating structures or structures that lack proper scaffolding.


Safewalk is a client-side modification that alters the player's movement mechanics to prevent them from falling off edges, even if they walk over air. Essentially, it eliminates the need for the player to sneak while navigating dangerous terrain or structures. The cheat manipulates the client's movement packets to create a false sense of solid ground, making it appear as if the player is walking on invisible blocks.

Usage: Players often use Safewalk to gain an advantage in PvP situations by allowing them to move freely without the risk of falling. It can be particularly effective in bridging or traversing structures during combat. Users activate Safewalk through their hacked clients, usually by toggling it on and off using a hotkey or a command.

Detection: Detecting Safewalk can be challenging since it primarily involves client-side manipulation. However, there are certain patterns and anomalies in player movement that can indicate the use of Safewalk. Watch for sudden changes in movement direction, especially when approaching edges or navigating through challenging terrain. Additionally, monitor for instances where a player seems to defy gravity by walking over air.


Functionality: Sprint cheats manipulate your character's movement speed to provide a constant sprinting effect without the need to press the sprint key. This gives users a significant advantage in PvP situations, as they can maintain maximum speed while engaging in combat.

Usage: Sprint cheats are typically activated through hacked clients or mods. Once activated, the cheat ensures that the player's movement speed is always set to sprinting, regardless of whether they are holding down the sprint key or not. This allows players to move swiftly without the usual drawbacks, such as hunger depletion.

Detection: Detecting sprint cheats involves monitoring player movement patterns. Legitimate players will experience periodic speed fluctuations due to the need to stop sprinting to regain hunger. On the other hand, sprint cheats provide a consistent speed boost without such interruptions. Anticheat systems can flag abnormal movement behavior, such as maintaining a constant sprint speed without the associated sprint key inputs.


V-Clip is a cheat that allows players to bypass solid blocks, effectively "clipping" through walls and terrain. This gives them the ability to move through structures, underground, or even inside bedrock, gaining a significant advantage over other players.

Usage: Players activate V-Clip to navigate through obstructions by exploiting vulnerabilities in the game's collision detection system. This cheat is often utilized during raids, PVP encounters, or to gain unauthorized access to restricted areas. It is crucial to understand that using V-Clip is a clear violation of server rules and undermines the fair play environment.

Detection: Detecting V-Clip can be challenging due to its nature of manipulating the player's position in the game world. However, there are telltale signs that can help identify potential cheaters. Look out for sudden, unexpected movements through walls or terrain, as well as players appearing in prohibited areas. Additionally, abnormal interactions with blocks or entities may indicate the use of V-Clip.



Velocity is a hack that manipulates player movement in the game. It allows players to alter their speed and jump height, gaining an unfair advantage over others. This cheat works by modifying the velocity packets sent to the server, tricking it into believing the player is moving differently than they actually are.

Players exploiting Velocity typically experience increased movement speed and higher jump heights. This can make them more difficult to hit during combat, giving them a significant advantage in PvP situations. Velocity is often used by those seeking to gain an edge in competitive gameplay, especially in 1.8 PvP where quick movements are crucial.

Detecting Velocity can be challenging, as it primarily involves analyzing player movement patterns. Look for instances where a player consistently moves at unnatural speeds or performs unusually high jumps. Pay attention to sudden changes in velocity or erratic movements that deviate from standard player behavior.


Jesus is a cheat designed to manipulate player movement, allowing them to walk on water as if it were solid ground. This gives the player a significant advantage, especially in PvP situations near bodies of water. The cheat essentially overrides the normal physics of the game, allowing the player to move freely on water surfaces.

Usage: Players activate Jesus to gain a tactical advantage during battles, as it allows them to traverse water obstacles without the usual speed and vulnerability associated with swimming. This cheat can be particularly effective in 1.8 PvP, where movement and positioning are crucial for success. To activate Jesus, players typically bind the cheat to a specific key, enabling or disabling it as needed. The ease of use makes it a popular choice among those looking to exploit the game environment to their advantage.

Detection: Detecting Jesus involves observing abnormal player movement on water surfaces. Keep an eye out for players walking on water without any form of boat or potion effects. While the cheat itself may not always trigger other suspicious activities, the unusual movement pattern is a clear indicator. Additionally, watch for sudden changes in vertical position or odd player behavior when near water. In some cases, Jesus may also interfere with other movement-related cheats, causing unexpected interactions.


Ping-spoofing is a deceptive technique employed by some players to manipulate their network latency artificially. In the context of Minecraft PvP, lower ping is often associated with faster response times and better combat performance. Ping-spoofing cheats aim to exploit this by falsifying the player's connection information to the server, making it appear as though they have a significantly lower ping than they actually do.

Usage: Players using ping-spoofing cheats seek to gain an unfair advantage in PvP situations, allowing them to react faster to opponents' movements, land hits more accurately, and generally outmaneuver others. This gives them a significant edge in battles, making it difficult for opponents to predict and counter their actions.

Detection: Detecting ping-spoofing cheats can be challenging, but there are telltale signs that players should be aware of. Keep an eye out for sudden, drastic changes in a player's movement patterns, especially if they seem to be reacting unusually quickly to stimuli. Additionally, pay attention to inconsistencies in their hit registration and the speed of their actions. If a player consistently exhibits performance that seems too good to be true, it might be an indication of ping-spoofing.


Baritone is an advanced Minecraft automation tool primarily designed for pathfinding and movement. It's not your typical hack, but its functionalities can be abused to gain unfair advantages. Baritone allows automated navigation through the game world, automated mining, and building. While it wasn't initially intended for malicious use, it has been repurposed by some players for unethical advantages.

Usage: Players can utilize Baritone to automate various tasks, such as gathering resources, exploring the world, or even constructing structures. The bot is capable of handling complex tasks like navigating mazes, bridging across gaps, and even using items like water buckets and ender pearls for movement. Essentially, Baritone allows for highly efficient and precise movements that would be challenging or impossible for a human player to replicate consistently.

Detection: Baritone is notoriously difficult to detect due to its advanced pathfinding algorithms and the lack of blatant visual cues. However, there are certain signs that might indicate its usage. Look out for unusually precise movements, especially in situations where a human player would struggle. For instance, if a player consistently executes flawless jumps or perfectly bridges across gaps without hesitation, it could be a sign of Baritone usage. Another potential indicator is the lack of typical human errors, such as misjudging distances or falling from heights. Keep an eye on player behavior that deviates from the expected norms in terms of movement patterns and decision-making.

For further explanations or addition of hacks/cheats leave a reply.
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The Pika
Jun 17, 2021
Account Security

I would personally prefer if you read and followed Arrly's account security thread, since the admin knowns better, you can find it by clicking here.

Now let's move on. The Pika
Network, administration prioritizes the security of our accounts. While their systems are robust, there are proactive measures we can take to enhance our account security and minimize the risk of unauthorized access. Please follow these guidelines:

Security Tips:

1. Password Strength:

Create a strong password by incorporating a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. This ensures a robust defense against brute-force attacks.

2. Password Diversity:

Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts. If one account is compromised, having unique passwords for each account prevents unauthorized access to your other platforms.

3. Confidentiality Matters:

Never share your password or account details with anyone, including PikaNetwork staff. Legitimate staff members will never ask for your password, as stated by Arrly himself.

4. Email Verification:

Link your Minecraft account to your email address using the command /email <your email> in the hub. This adds an extra layer of security and account recovery.

5. Unique Server Passwords:

Employ different passwords for each server and website you use. This mitigates the risk of a security breach on one platform affecting others.

6. Mindful Link Navigation:

Exercise caution when clicking links. Be especially vigilant against phishing attempts with URLs that closely resemble legitimate links.

7. File Safety:

Avoid downloading files from unknown sources, as they may contain malware capable of stealing passwords and compromising your account security.

8. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

Enable 2FA both in-game (/2fa in the hub) and on the forums (located under "Your account > Password and security"). 2FA adds an extra layer of protection by requiring a code generated on your phone during login.

9. Premium Account Integration:

Upon logging into the server and entering the hub, you will encounter a book prompting you to link your account with its premium version. This linking process enhances security. If you own the premium version of your account name, ensure you set it by using the command /premium. It's crucial to note that once you link your account and encounter security issues during login, recovery options for your account will not be available.

Common Scams

1. Password Logging Servers:

Exercise caution when registering on cracked Minecraft servers. Avoid using the same password across servers, as some may be designed to steal passwords for use on other platforms.

2. Phishing Links:

Be wary of links from unknown sources. Phishing links often mimic legitimate URLs but may lead to malicious sites. Verify links before clicking and enable 2FA for added security.

3. Direct Access:

Access important websites directly through bookmarks or manual navigation instead of clicking potentially risky links.

4. Account Purchases:

Despite being prohibited, account purchases persist, inviting scams where individuals request your password to supposedly "check" your account. In reality, they may change your email, locking you out. While recovery is possible, it's safer to apply security measures upfront to avoid such risks.

Remember, the only valid link to the Pika Network website is https://pika-network.net/. By following these guidelines, you play an active role in fortifying your account against potential threats. Stay secure, stay protected!


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Jan 16, 2023
Stay Safe On Pika Network

Throughout my 8 years on this server, I've mostly been annoyed by a persistent issue, autoclicking cheaters. Admitting that I'm not exempt from making mistakes like many of you, I've faced consequences for my actions. This experience lead me to create this thread, aiming to keep you informed, ensure your safety, and help you understand the functionality, usage, and detection of cheats for effective reporting, as well as keeping your account safe and secure.

Before reading on I must state that this thread has nothing to do with the team of Pika Network nor does suggest or demand any changes or suggestions, it is purely informative for the community's best practices.

Thanks for your time, enjoy!

How Is Pika Network Protected From Cheaters?

Anticheat Plugin

Pika Network, as a cracked server, has inevitably faced challenges with cheaters over the years. Like any server, whether premium or cracked, Pika Network has been using anticheat plugins, with Polar currently in use. Despite efforts to maintain fair play, players have often raised concerns about the effectiveness of these anticheat plugins, alleging false bans. The reality is that such complaints often stem from misunderstandings or cheaters themselves, as the plugin's primarily target blatant cheating cases. Given the server's size and player volume, false positives can occur without blame assigned, this is why ban appeals exist.

Polar Anticheat, the chosen plugin for Pika Network, has replaced Matrix to the best of my knowledge. Developed by NotLucky, Johannes, and UniqueGuy, it adopts a Software as a Service (SaaS) model with cloud checks to minimize CPU usage. Compatible with various Minecraft versions, including modern servers with old combat mechanics, Polar prioritizes high cheat detection accuracy while mitigating performance impact. It necessitates specific system specifications, provides Docker/Pterodactyl support, and operates on a recurring subscription model with both yearly and monthly plans. Server owners can explore enterprise plans by application.

Please note that Polar is a SaaS model, with a broad anti-cheat system, it can detect more than the listed cheats, because a check can usually block similar types of cheats broadly.

For further questions, you can find Polar's website here.

Staff Team

Approaching the subject of the Pika Network staff team requires careful consideration by my side. Since the network's inception in 2014, these individuals have been the driving force behind its operations, dedicating their time and effort as a volunteer service team. While team members have come and gone over the years, their collective commitment has remained focused on serving the players best interests. I am confident that they will continue to do so diligently until the eventual closure of the server.

Acknowledging their humanity, the staff, like us players, have made mistakes along the way. However, these experiences have served as valuable lessons, contributing to the team's growth and transformation into seasoned professionals. Instead of merely operating behind the scenes, the staff has been the pillar of security and moderation, actively ensuring a fair and enjoyable environment. Their efforts include employing various procedures such as screensharing and thoroughly reviewing player reports to identify and address cheaters.

It is essential to recognize the significant contributions of the staff team, as documented in the current list available here. Past members are also acknowledged with the Veteran role on both Discord and forums, symbolizing their lasting impact on the Pika Network community.

Cheats & Hacks

Before diving into this list, it's important to note the existence of a comprehensive documentation created by Arrly, one of the network's administrators. In this documentation, Arrly provides insights into some of the most prevalent hacks, offering guidance on how to detect them and report players utilizing such techniques. For a concise overview, I strongly advise reading Arrly's
documentation, available here.

Presented below is a list of all cheats and hacks that require your attention. Feel free to inform me if there's a specific one you would like me to include:


KillAura is a combat-related cheat that automates the process of attacking nearby players or entities. It essentially grants an unfair advantage by automatically swinging the player's weapon at targets within reach. This cheat is commonly used to gain an upper hand in Player versus Player (PvP) situations.

Usage: Players employing KillAura will notice that their attacks are automatically directed towards nearby entities, giving them a significant advantage in combat situations. It removes the need for manual aiming, making it easier to overwhelm opponents. Users often toggle this cheat to activate or deactivate it at their discretion, depending on the situation.

Detection: Detecting KillAura can be challenging due to its automation, but there are telltale signs that players can observe. Look for unnatural and consistent movements, especially when engaging in combat. If a player seems to be hitting targets with superhuman precision or reacting instantly to new entities entering their vicinity, it may indicate the use of KillAura. Additionally, erratic behavior in the player's crosshair or an unusually high attack rate can be red flags.

Fly Hacks

Functionality: Fly hacks enable players to defy gravity and move through the air, giving them a significant advantage over others. These cheats manipulate the player's movement to simulate flight, allowing them to explore the game world from the skies. Fly hacks are often used for quick travel, evasion, and gaining a strategic vantage point during PvP encounters.

Usage: Players activate fly hacks through modded clients or external software that injects code into the game. This manipulation overrides the game's normal movement mechanics, granting the player the ability to fly at will. Fly hacks may have different activation methods, such as keybindings or toggles, depending on the specific cheat client being used.

Detection: Detecting fly hacks can be challenging or blatant, there are certain behaviors that may indicate a player is using this cheat. Look for sudden changes in vertical movement, an unusual speed of ascent or descent, and abrupt stops mid-air. Observing players who consistently navigate in the air without using legitimate means (e.g. /fly) is another red flag. Keep an eye on player movements during combat or while exploring, as fly hacks are often employed to gain an unfair advantage.

Important Notice: In Minecraft Pocket Edition (Bedrock Edition), the use of GeyserMC, a proxy that allows players to connect Java and Bedrock Edition servers, can also facilitate fly hacks. Players may exhibit erratic flying behavior or move in ways that are impossible without the aid of hacks, as of today, most anticheat plugins haven't found a permanent solution against this new cheating method, there are very little to no things server developers can do about that.


Aimbot is a powerful cheat designed to enhance a player's targeting capabilities. It automatically adjusts the player's crosshair to lock onto opponents, ensuring that their attacks consistently hit the target. In 1.8 PvP mechanics, this cheat typically exploits the predictability of player movement, making it a potent tool for gaining an unfair advantage in combat.

Usage: Aimbot is usually activated through a hotkey or toggle, allowing the user to easily switch it on and off during gameplay. Once activated, the cheat takes over the player's aiming, ensuring that their crosshair follows the opponent's movements with an unnatural precision. Some advanced versions may come with customization options, such as adjustable aiming speed or target prioritization.

Detection: Detecting Aimbot can be challenging, but there are telltale signs that players should be aware of. Look out for unnaturally quick and precise movements, especially when switching targets rapidly. If a player consistently locks onto opponents without any visible effort, it's a red flag. Additionally, unusual patterns in player behavior, such as instant headshots or constant accuracy despite varying conditions, may indicate the use of Aimbot.


AimAssist is a cheat designed to enhance a player's aiming capabilities without resorting to a full-fledged Aimbot. It operates by subtly adjusting the player's crosshair towards opponents, offering a significant advantage in combat situations. Unlike an Aimbot, AimAssist doesn't automate the aiming process entirely but rather assists the player in maintaining a more accurate aim.

Usage: Users typically activate AimAssist to gain an edge in PvP engagements. It becomes particularly effective in scenarios where quick and precise aiming is crucial, such as in Practice. Players may toggle this cheat on/off to manage their advantage strategically, making it less obvious to observers.

Detection: Identifying AimAssist can be challenging, as it operates within the subtler spectrum of cheats. However, certain patterns may indicate its presence. Watch out for unnaturally smooth and precise crosshair movements, especially during high-pressure combat situations. If a player consistently lands critical hits or exhibits an abnormal ability to track opponents through rapid movements, it could be a sign of AimAssist in use. Keep in mind that AimAssist doesn't guarantee perfect accuracy, so occasional erratic movements may still occur. Observing a player's consistency in landing shots and adapting to opponents is key.


The Hitbox cheat manipulates player hitboxes in order to extend or modify their effective combat reach. In a 1.8 PvP environment like Practice, this can be a game-changer, allowing users to land hits on opponents from a greater distance than normal.

Usage: Players activating the Hitbox cheat will observe an unusual extension of their melee attack range. This can result in seemingly impossible hits, catching opponents off guard. Users may exploit this cheat to gain an unfair advantage in combat situations, making it a significant concern for the integrity of the server's PvP experience.

Detection: Detecting the Hitbox cheat can be challenging, but there are certain signs to look out for. Players using this cheat may exhibit unnatural movements, such as dodging attacks more effectively than normal or consistently landing hits that seem impossible under regular circumstances. Additionally, watch for instances where players consistently hit others from abnormal distances. As a player, if you suspect someone is using the Hitbox cheat, pay attention to the combat dynamics. If their hits seem unusually accurate or their movements are erratic, it's worth reporting. Record any specific instances where the cheat becomes apparent, such as hitting players from an unreasonable distance or consistently dodging attacks.


Reach hacks manipulate the player's reach, allowing them to hit opponents from a greater distance than the normal Minecraft mechanics would permit, that being 3.0 blocks (Note: This can change depending on the core of the gamemode or server software). In the context of 1.8 PvP, these cheats alter the game's hit detection system, extending the virtual "reach" of a player's weapon. This means that a player using a Reach cheat can land hits on opponents who are physically farther away than they should be able to.

Usage: Players exploiting Reach cheats typically engage in PvP situations where an extended reach gives them a significant advantage. This can include battles in various game modes such as Kit PvP or even during survival gameplay. The increased reach provides an unfair edge, making it easier for the cheater to deal damage while remaining out of their opponent's striking range.

Detection: Detecting Reach cheats can be challenging, but there are certain signs to look out for. Keep an eye on situations where players consistently hit opponents from unusually far distances. If you notice players landing hits that seem impossible under normal circumstances, it may be an indication of Reach hacking. Additionally, observe the player's movements and attack patterns, sudden and unnatural changes in reach can be a red flag.


AutoClicker is a tool designed to automate mouse clicks, one of the most undetectable Minecraft cheats from anticheat systems, primarily used in Minecraft PvP to achieve faster attack rates. It emulates the action of clicking the mouse button at an extremely high rate, surpassing what a human can achieve manually.

Usage: Players often use AutoClickers to gain an unfair advantage in combat situations, especially in 1.8 PvP where the attack speed is crucial. Usually being an external program or macro, can be toggled on/off by a hotkey. By utilizing an AutoClicker, players can achieve a higher click-per-second (CPS) rate, allowing them to land more hits on their opponents than would be possible through manual clicking. It can also be used for double clicking, clicking on both right and left clicks, simulate clicking sounds, hand exhaustion, butterfly, drag, or jitter clicking simulation, and more.

Detection: Detecting AutoClickers involves monitoring the player's click patterns and rates. An unnatural and consistent CPS rate that exceeds human capabilities is a clear indicator. Additionally, examining the timing and precision of clicks can reveal the use of automation. The harsh reality is that most of the detections are not full-proof and need further investigation.


Criticals, in the context of Minecraft PvP, refer to landing critical hits consistently without jumping (And in rare cases automatic jumping). Normally, in 1.8 PvP mechanics, you need to jump to execute a critical hit. However, this cheat aims to bypass that requirement, allowing players to deal critical damage without the need for a jump. This gives the cheater an unfair advantage in combat situations.

Usage: Users employing the Criticals cheat can perform critical hits effortlessly without the telltale jump animation. By maintaining a consistent stream of high-damage hits, they gain an upper hand in player-versus-player scenarios. This cheat is particularly effective when combined with other hacks, enhancing the overall damage output and making it challenging for opponents to retaliate effectively.

Detection: Identifying Criticals can be tricky, but there are some observable patterns that can help players recognize its usage. Keep an eye on opponents who seem to consistently land critical hits without visibly jumping. Watch for abnormal attack sequences and sustained high damage output. Additionally, pay attention to player movement, abrupt changes in motion during combat, especially when paired with consistent critical hits, may indicate the use of this cheat. A tip is to check their opponent's hit particles. landing a critical hit usually shows a bubble of particles, depending on your texture pack, on your opponent.

Anti Knockback

Anti Knockback (Also known as Anti-KB) is a cheat designed to manipulate the knockback mechanics in Minecraft PvP, specifically tailored for servers utilizing 1.8 PvP mechanics. When activated, this cheat significantly reduces or eliminates the knockback effect that a player would normally experience when hit by another player's attack, no matter the server's set knockback profile. This provides the user with a distinct advantage in combat situations, as they can maintain control over their movement even when under attack.

Usage: Players employing Anti Knockback often activate it during PvP encounters to gain an unfair advantage over their opponents. By mitigating or nullifying knockback, the cheater can maintain proximity to their target, making it difficult for opponents to create distance and retaliate effectively. This cheat can be especially frustrating for legitimate players engaged in fair and competitive fight, like Sumo.

Detection: Detecting Anti Knockback is quite easy, if blatant, it requires an observant eye during PvP encounters. Look for instances where a player seems resistant to normal knockback effects after being hit. If an opponent consistently maintains close proximity without being pushed back as expected, there's a possibility that they are using Anti Knockback. Keep an eye on player movement patterns and the flow of combat to identify anomalies. Before reporting, make sure that you also check the player's ping (Connection with the server), since a ping above 150ms is considered laggy and usually delay's, if not eliminate knockback.

Auto Tap

Auto Tap is a type of Minecraft cheat designed to automate the player's attack speed, primarily exploiting the 1.8 PvP mechanics. It achieves this by automatically sending attack packets to the server, essentially simulating rapid clicks without any manual input from the player. This cheat aims to give the user an unfair advantage in combat situations by maximizing their attack speed.

Usage: Players employing Auto Tap typically activate the cheat during PvP encounters to gain a significant edge over their opponents. By automating the clicking process, they can achieve a higher attack rate than humanly possible, leading to faster damage output and increased chances of winning engagements. This cheat is often favored by players looking for an easy way to dominate in melee combat scenarios.

Detection: Identifying Auto Tap can be challenging, but there are certain indicators to watch for. Look out for unusually consistent and rapid attack patterns, especially when the player is engaged in combat. Additionally, monitor the player's click rate to detect any patterns that deviate significantly from human capabilities. Keep an eye on their attack animation as well, Auto Tap may produce unnatural and erratic movements, especially if used by an inexperienced cheater. If you suspect someone using Auto Tap, pay attention to the player's behavior during combat, as this cheat often becomes evident when they consistently maintain an exceptionally high attack speed. While detection is not foolproof, careful observation of in-game actions can help identify potential cheaters.

Super Knockback

Super Knockback is a cheat designed to enhance the knockback effect when hitting another player. It manipulates the knockback mechanics in Minecraft to give the user an unfair advantage in combat situations. Essentially, it amplifies the force with which a player is pushed back upon getting hit.

Usage: Players employing Super Knockback aim to gain an upper hand in PvP encounters, especially in situations where knockback plays a crucial role. By using this cheat, a player can send their opponents flying much farther than what is possible with regular knockback. This can be particularly advantageous in both individual and team-based combat scenarios.

Detection: Identifying Super Knockback can be challenging but not impossible, and sometimes quite blatant. Pay attention to unusually exaggerated knockback distances. If a player is consistently experiencing significantly increased knockback compared to normal 1.8 PvP mechanics, it might indicate the use of Super Knockback. Additionally, observe the player's movement patterns and see if there's a sudden and unnatural increase in speed before or during a hit.

Auto Block

Auto Block is a cheat designed with 2 different scenarios, one to automatically place blocks in Minecraft, particularly useful in PvP scenarios. Or one that exploits the 1.8 PvP mechanics by automating the process of blocking attacks with a sword. When activated, in the first scenario, the cheat swiftly places a block in front of the player whenever they receive damage, providing an instant protective barrier. The scenario used depends on the user.

Usage: Players typically activate Auto Block to gain an unfair advantage in combat situations. By automating the blocking process, users can focus more on attacking while having a constant shield against incoming damage. This cheat is commonly employed in PvP engagements to enhance survivability and increase the chances of winning battles.

Detection: Identifying Auto Block can be challenging and sometimes easy, but there are specific signs to watch for. Observing a player consistently and rapidly placing blocks immediately after taking damage is a strong indicator of Auto Block usage. Additionally, the lack of any manual block placements in response to attacks, combined with an unusually precise and instantaneous blocking pattern, may suggest the presence of this cheat.


NoSlow is a common cheat that affects player movement speed and the ability to sprint. When activated, it prevents the player from slowing down when performing actions such as eating, blocking with a sword, or using items like bows. Essentially, it allows the player to maintain maximum movement speed regardless of the action they are performing.

Usage: Players typically use NoSlow to gain an unfair advantage in combat situations. By maintaining full movement speed while eating or blocking, they can engage in PvP without the usual penalties associated with these actions. This cheat is particularly advantageous in 1.8 PvP mechanics, where timing and maneuverability play a crucial role.

Detection: Detecting NoSlow requires a keen eye on player behavior. Look out for instances where a player maintains normal movement speed while performing actions that should normally slow them down. Pay attention to sudden changes in speed during combat or when using specific items, such as not slowing down through cobwebs, or walking through lava/water very fast, not slowing down when blocking with a sword, or drawing a bow, and more. Additionally, observe if players consistently exhibit abnormal behavior, such as sprinting while performing actions that traditionally impede movement.


Bunnyhop, also known as B-Hop, is a movement exploit that takes advantage of the Minecraft mechanics to enhance a player's mobility. When activated, it allows players to jump rapidly and consecutively without experiencing the usual delay between jumps. This cheat manipulates the game's mechanics to achieve faster movement speed, making it particularly advantageous during PvP encounters.

Usage: Players employing Bunnyhop typically bind the cheat to a specific key for easy activation. Once activated, the cheat enables rapid jumping, creating a distinct and abnormal movement pattern. Users often exploit this during combat situations to make themselves harder targets, dodge attacks, or gain a strategic advantage in PvP scenarios.

Detection: Identifying Bunnyhop in action requires a keen observation of player movement patterns, but it should be easy enough since it is weird to look at. Keep an eye out for unnaturally rapid and consecutive jumps, especially during engagements. The cheat may give players an unfair advantage by enhancing their mobility, allowing them to evade attacks more effectively than normal gameplay would allow.


Speed hacks are designed to manipulate your player's movement speed in-game, allowing you to move faster than intended. These cheats take advantage of Minecraft's movement mechanics, altering the player's velocity to achieve unnaturally high speeds. The functionality is achieved by modifying client-side movement packets, tricking the server into accepting these altered values.

Usage: Players typically activate speed hacks to gain a significant advantage in PvP situations or to navigate the game world more quickly. It's crucial to understand that the usage of speed hacks can be erratic and unpredictable. Users might encounter difficulties in controlling their movements, resulting in unintended consequences such as falling into voids, running into obstacles, or experiencing visual glitches.

Detection: Detecting speed hacks involves monitoring player movement patterns and velocities. Look for sudden and extreme changes in speed, especially when combined with irregular movements. Speed cheats often lead to players covering large distances in a short period or abruptly changing directions without deceleration. Additionally, be on the lookout for players who consistently move at an unnaturally fast pace, as this could be indicative of speed hacks.


Forcefield is a combat hack designed to give players an unfair advantage in PvP situations. When activated, it essentially creates an invisible barrier around the player, automatically attacking any nearby opponents within the specified radius. The hack is designed to enhance the player's melee attacks, making it nearly impossible for others to engage in combat without facing an overwhelming assault. Think of it like a simpler version of Killaura.

Usage: Players activate Forcefield through their hacked clients. The trigger for this cheat is typically set to engage when an opponent comes within a certain proximity, enabling the automatic attack mechanism. This proximity can be adjusted, allowing users to customize the range at which Forcefield becomes active. Some versions of this cheat might include additional features like head triggering, ensuring that attacks are aimed at the opponent's head, maximizing damage output, because the head has a slightly bigger hitbox which can give you more reach.

Detection: Identifying Forcefield can be challenging, but there are subtle signs that observant players can look out for. Rapid and seemingly impossible reactions to incoming attacks, especially in close-quarters combat, may indicate the use of Forcefield. Keep an eye out for unnatural and consistent hits on opponents, particularly if the player seems to be targeting multiple adversaries simultaneously. Another telltale sign is an unusually high hit rate, especially if the hits are consistently focused on the heads of opponents. In the context of 1.8 PvP mechanics, the mechanics of Forcefield often result in abnormally precise and rapid headshots.


Fullbright is a cheat designed to manipulate the game's lighting settings, ensuring that the player has maximum visibility in all environments. It effectively removes darkness, allowing the user to see clearly in caves, at night, or in any low-light situations. By adjusting the gamma and brightness settings, Fullbright eliminates shadows and provides a significant advantage over other players who rely on the game's natural lighting mechanics.

Usage: Players activate Fullbright to gain a strategic advantage in various scenarios. It is commonly used in situations where normal lighting conditions would hinder visibility, such as exploring caves, navigating during the night, or spotting hidden players in shadows. The cheat is toggled on and off through specific keybindings or commands, giving users control over when to exploit the enhanced visibility.

Detection: Detecting Fullbright can be challenging due to its external manipulation of game settings. However, certain signs may indicate its usage. Players with Fullbright may exhibit unnaturally consistent visibility in low-light environments, showing no reaction to changes in lighting conditions. Additionally, sudden changes in gamma and brightness settings during gameplay may be indicative of Fullbright activation.

Important Note: For effective reporting, players should pay attention to the suspected user's behavior in different lighting situations. If consistent visibility is observed in typically dark areas, it is recommended to gather evidence through screenshots or video recordings.


NoFall is a hack that prevents players from taking fall damage. When activated, it allows users to jump from any height without suffering the usual consequences of fall damage. This cheat is particularly advantageous in both PvP and PvE situations, giving players a significant tactical advantage by removing the need to consider fall damage during engagements or escapes.

Usage: Players can activate NoFall by using a client modification that manipulates the game mechanics related to fall damage. Typically, a keybind or command is assigned to toggle this cheat on and off. Users can freely jump from cliffs, towers, or any elevated surface without worrying about taking damage upon landing. It's essential to note that NoFall doesn't require any additional tools or items in the game, making it easily accessible to those who use client modifications.

Detection: Detecting NoFall primarily involves observing player behavior. If a player consistently jumps from heights that would normally result in fall damage without taking any damage, it could indicate the use of the NoFall cheat. Pay attention to players who seem unaffected by fall damage in situations where it would be expected.

Chest ESP

Chest ESP, or Chest Extra-Sensory Perception, is a cheat designed to provide players with an unfair advantage by revealing the locations of chests in the game world. This cheat exploits the game's mechanics to display a visual indicator or highlight the positions of chests through obstacles, making it easier for the player to locate valuable items. Think of it like X-ray but without the transparent blocks.

Usage: Players employing Chest ESP gain a significant advantage in scavenging for loot, as they can quickly locate chests hidden in structures, caves, or even underground. This cheat aids in rapid resource gathering, making it a popular choice among players who prioritize efficiency over fair play, it is a popular choice in gamemodes like Factions, Lifesteal and Survival.

Detection: Identifying the use of Chest ESP can be challenging but not impossible. Look out for unnatural behavior, such as players consistently and effortlessly finding hidden chests in a suspicious manner. Keep an eye on movements that directly lead to chests without any apparent visual cues. Additionally, monitor for repeated instances of players discovering chests even in complex or concealed locations.


AutoArmor is a popular Minecraft cheat that automates the process of equipping armor. It ensures that the player always has the best available armor pieces on without manual intervention. This cheat is particularly effective in fast-paced situations like PvP, where having optimal protection can make a significant difference.

Usage: Players activate AutoArmor to gain a competitive edge in battles by instantly equipping the highest-tier armor in their inventory. The cheat detects when the player loses armor durability or switches to a new armor set and automatically replaces the worn-out pieces with fresh ones. Users can toggle this feature on and off based on their preference, making it a discreet but powerful advantage in combat scenarios.

Detection: Detecting AutoArmor can be challenging, as it operates on the client side without direct server interaction. However, there are some observable patterns that may indicate its usage. Look for instant and precise armor swaps during combat, especially in situations where it seems unlikely for a player to manually manage their armor. Unusual and rapid changes in armor durability can also be indicative of AutoArmor. Players should pay attention to sudden shifts in protection levels and report instances where opponents seem to be consistently well-equipped without any visible delay. It's crucial to differentiate between skilled players who manually manage their armor and those using automated tools.


AutoSteal is a client-side modification designed to automate the process of stealing items from chests. When activated, this cheat allows players to automatically loot items from containers without the need for manual interaction. It essentially streamlines the looting process, making it faster and more efficient.

Usage: To use AutoSteal, a player activates the cheat while standing in front of a chest or other container. Once activated, the cheat will automatically transfer items from the container to the player's inventory without any further input required. This can be especially advantageous during raids, faction wars, skywars matches, or any scenario where quick looting is essential.

Detection: Detecting AutoSteal can be challenging, as it primarily occurs client-side without sending any specific signals to the server. However, some common signs may indicate its usage. Look for unusually rapid looting patterns or players consistently accessing chests without visible interaction. Additionally, sudden shifts in inventory contents, especially during high-stakes moments, may suggest the presence of AutoSteal.


AutoSoup is a Minecraft cheat designed to automate the consumption of soup during PvP encounters. It takes advantage of the game's mechanics by rapidly consuming mushroom stew or any other soups, providing the player with a constant source of health regeneration without the need for manual input.

Usage: Players employing AutoSoup usually engage in combat while relying on the cheat to ensure a continuous stream of healing. The cheat rapidly triggers the consumption of soups whenever the player's health drops, allowing them to maintain high health levels throughout the fight. AutoSoup users often combine this cheat with aggressive PvP tactics to gain an advantage over opponents.

Detection: Detecting AutoSoup requires a keen eye on the player's behavior during combat. Keep an eye out for suspiciously consistent health regeneration patterns that seem unnatural for a regular player. Pay attention to the speed and consistency of soup consumption, as AutoSoup often operates at a pace beyond what is achievable through manual input. Additionally, observe the player's movement and actions during combat. AutoSoup users may exhibit unusual behavior, such as not retreating to heal or engaging in prolonged fights without the need for strategic retreats. Keep an eye on the player's soup inventory and watch for rapid, precise consumption that goes beyond human capabilities. An easy way to identify this is to pay close attention to their swinging while using their sword, in time to heal. If they keep hitting with the soup that is indicating that they are clicking while healing.


AutoPot is a cheat designed to automate the process of consuming potions in Minecraft. It specifically targets the 1.8 PvP mechanics. The cheat is programmed to detect the player's health and saturation levels, automatically triggering the consumption of health or regeneration potions when needed. This gives the user a significant advantage in combat situations, as they can focus on attacking without the distraction of manual potion consumption.

Usage: Players employing AutoPot typically activate the cheat during PvP engagements. Once activated, the cheat continuously monitors the player's health and hunger status. When the preset thresholds are reached, the cheat automatically uses the appropriate potion from the player's hotbar, ensuring a near-instantaneous regeneration of health. This allows the user to maintain a higher level of sustained combat effectiveness without having to manually manage their potion usage.

Detection: Detecting AutoPot can be challenging due to its automation and subtle nature. However, there are certain patterns that can be observed. Look for unusually precise and consistent potion consumption during fights, especially in situations where manual potion usage would be impractical. Pay attention to rapid and precise potion activations that align with the player's health drops. Additionally, if a player consistently avoids low health situations despite intense combat, it may be an indication of AutoPot usage. An easy way to identify this is to pay close attention to their swinging while using their sword, in time to heal. If they keep hitting while dropping the splash potion, that is indicating that they are clicking while healing, that specific sudden head movement from you all the way down to splash the potion while still clicking and then instantly turn up on you again is a classic indicator.


AutoTool is a Minecraft cheat designed to automate the process of selecting the best tool for breaking blocks, optimizing resource gathering. It allows players to seamlessly switch between tools without manual input, saving time and effort during gameplay.

Usage: Players employing AutoTool will notice an automatic tool switch based on the type of block they are interacting with. For example, if you approach a block that requires a pickaxe, the cheat will swiftly switch to the appropriate pickaxe from your hotbar, ensuring optimal efficiency in mining or digging activities. This automation is particularly advantageous in resource-intensive tasks.

Detection: Identifying AutoTool usage can be challenging, but there are key signs to look out for. Observing an unusually fast and precise tool switch without any apparent manual input is a red flag. Additionally, consistent and rapid changes in tool selection, especially when transitioning between block types, may indicate the use of AutoTool. Players should pay attention to instances where the tool selection seems unnaturally responsive or synchronized with block interactions. My preferred method of choice is to monitor the suspected player by looking on how fast he will get the right tool on his hand from the moment of him being in range with the block he is about to break, if he does it instantly without messing up his hotkeys or hotbar even once in a long time, with perfect timing, it is a clear indicator that he is in fact using AutoTool.


AntiAFK cheats are designed to keep a player in the game without triggering the server's AFK detection mechanisms. The cheat often simulates player movement or actions to appear as if the user is actively playing, preventing automatic kicks for being AFK. It's important to note that while some legitimate modifications or plugins may have similar features, AntiAFK cheats are typically intended to abuse the system.

Usage: Players using AntiAFK cheats aim to exploit the server's AFK detection system to stay online without actively playing. This can be misused for various reasons, such as avoiding being kicked for inactivity, maintaining presence in certain game modes, or accumulating in-game rewards without actual participation. Users may employ these cheats to gain unfair advantages or simply to circumvent server rules.

Detection: Detecting AntiAFK cheats can be challenging, as they often mimic legitimate player behavior. However, certain patterns may be indicative of cheating. Look out for consistent and repetitive movements or actions that don't align with typical player behavior. Additionally, sudden changes in behavior, such as an immediate response to an incoming threat after a prolonged period of inactivity, can be a red flag.


AntiBlind is a cheat designed to counteract the blindness effect, giving players an unfair advantage by allowing them to see clearly even when under the influence of the blindness potion. This cheat manipulates the rendering of the game to eliminate the visual impairment caused by the blindness effect, providing an unfair edge in combat situations.

Usage: Players who employ AntiBlind often do so to gain an upper hand in PvP encounters, especially when blindness potions are used strategically during battles. By using AntiBlind, they can maintain full visibility and awareness of their surroundings, allowing them to make informed decisions and respond effectively to opponents. AntiBlind is mostly used in the BedWars gamemode.

Detection: Detecting AntiBlind can be challenging, but there are certain indicators that may suggest its usage. Look out for players who consistently show no signs of impairment when under the blindness effect. Additionally, observe their reactions to unexpected events, as players using AntiBlind may respond more quickly than expected due to their unhindered vision. If you suspect someone is using AntiBlind, try to replicate the conditions under which they were affected by blindness. If the player consistently exhibits abnormal behavior or doesn't display the expected visual impairment, it might be an indication of AntiBlind usage.


Freecam is a popular cheat that allows players to detach their viewpoint from their in-game character, essentially providing them with a free-floating camera. This enables users to explore the game world while remaining invisible and invulnerable. The cheat allows for reconnaissance, finding hidden structures, or gaining an unfair advantage in PvP situations. In most hacked clients or freecam injectable software, the user is only limited to his rendered chunks, before the player's camera is detached.

Usage: Players activate Freecam by using a designated key or command, which varies depending on the hacked client being used. Once activated, the player's camera is detached, and they can move independently of their character. The user can explore terrain, locate bases, and even scout opponents without the risk of being seen or attacked.

Detection: Detecting Freecam can be challenging, but there are certain signs that may indicate its use. Look out for sudden changes in a player's movement pattern, as they might be transitioning from using Freecam to controlling their character. Additionally, pay attention to instances where a player seems to be aware of things they shouldn't know, such as the location of hidden bases or the movements of other players. Unusual and highly precise movements, especially in PvP situations, can be red flags. Keep in mind that detection may not be foolproof in most cases, and most of these reports are getting denied due to lack of evidence.


CaveFinder is a client-side modification that allows players to identify and locate caves, dungeons, and other underground structures without the need for traditional exploration. This cheat takes advantage of certain aspects of the game's rendering engine, making caves and structures visible through solid blocks. It essentially gives players an unfair advantage in finding resources and hidden areas below the surface.

Usage: Players activate CaveFinder by toggling a specific key or command within their hacked client. Once activated, the cheat modifies the rendering process to highlight the outlines or textures of caves and structures through solid blocks. This allows users to easily identify underground features, providing them with a significant advantage in resource gathering, base raiding, and overall gameplay.

Detection: Detecting CaveFinder is primarily based on abnormal player behavior and movement patterns. While the cheat operates client-side, its effects can be observed server-side through the player's actions. Staff members can look for sudden and precise digging towards hidden underground structures, or players consistently navigating directly to caves without any apparent indication. Additionally, watch for players who seem to be aware of nearby caves without proper exploration, or success to walk through dark places without lighting, unfaced.


FastBuild is a common Minecraft cheat that allows players to quickly place blocks without the usual delay. It's particularly advantageous in building situations where speed is crucial, giving users the ability to construct structures rapidly. This cheat essentially bypasses the normal placement cooldown, making building processes much more efficient.

Usage: Players activate FastBuild by binding it to a specific key or using a command provided by the cheat client. Once activated, the player can start placing blocks rapidly without the usual delays. This can be especially useful in situations where quick fortifications or structures are necessary, such as during combat or base building.

Detection: Detecting FastBuild without server-side capabilities can be challenging, but there are certain indicators that players can observe. Look out for unusually rapid block placement, especially if it seems unnatural for a player's typical building speed. Additionally, pay attention to the consistency of block placement intervals. Legitimate players usually have some degree of variation in their building speed, whereas FastBuild will consistently bypass the placement cooldown. If you suspect someone is using FastBuild, try to observe their building patterns and speed over an extended period. Pay attention to sudden changes in building behavior, as this can be a strong indicator of cheat usage. While this method may not be foolproof, it provides a practical approach for players to identify potential cheaters.


FastEat is a cheat designed to exploit the eating mechanics in Minecraft, allowing players to consume food at an accelerated rate. In a typical scenario, when a player eats, there is a cooldown period before they can consume another piece of food. FastEat eliminates or significantly reduces this cooldown, enabling players to eat much faster than intended.

Usage: Players employing FastEat will often be able to regenerate their health and hunger bars rapidly during combat situations or while evading threats. This can provide a significant advantage in battles, as it allows players to recover quickly without the usual delays associated with eating.

Detection: Detecting FastEat can be challenging due to its subtle nature. Look out for abnormally rapid eating animations and inconsistent hunger bar behavior. If a player is consistently consuming food at a pace that seems impossible under normal circumstances, it may indicate the use of FastEat. Additionally, pay attention to combat scenarios where players exhibit unusually swift health and hunger recovery.


FastLadder is a movement-enhancing cheat that allows players to climb ladders at an abnormally fast speed. It manipulates the player's movement mechanics, giving them a significant advantage in scaling structures or escaping from opponents.

Usage: Players activate FastLadder by toggling the cheat through their hacked client. Once activated, it boosts the player's climbing speed on ladders, making it challenging for opponents to keep up or react in time. This cheat is often utilized in PvP situations to gain a strategic advantage or to outmaneuver other players during chases.

Detection: Detecting FastLadder can be tricky, but there are observable patterns that can be recognized. Look out for players climbing ladders at an unnatural speed, which may appear as if they are teleporting or moving too quickly. Additionally, pay attention to sudden changes in vertical movement that go beyond the standard ladder climbing speed. Keep an eye on player behavior, especially during PvP encounters, and be suspicious if someone seems to be effortlessly navigating ladders with superhuman speed. Remember, the effectiveness of detecting FastLadder relies on keen observation and an understanding of normal gameplay mechanics.


Glide is a cheat that manipulates the player's movement, allowing them to gracefully glide through the air. It takes advantage of various movement exploits to achieve this effect. Essentially, it overrides the normal physics of the game, enabling the player to fly without the use of legitimate means such creative mode.

Usage: Players activating Glide often initiate it with a specific keybind or command. Once activated, the cheat alters the player's movement mechanics, enabling them to stay airborne for extended periods. Users can control their direction and speed during the glide, making it a versatile and discreet method of travel. Glide is commonly employed in PvP situations to gain a tactical advantage, allowing players to avoid ground-based attacks and reach vantage points quickly.

Detection: Identifying Glide involves observing abnormal player movements. Look out for players effortlessly gliding through the air without the use of legitimate flight items. Pay attention to sudden changes in elevation or unusual mid-air maneuvers. Additionally, Glide cheats may cause irregularities in player hitboxes, making it difficult for opponents to land hits. Keep an eye on players who exhibit suspiciously smooth and controlled aerial movements.


Jetpack is a Minecraft cheat that primarily focuses on enhancing movement capabilities, allowing players to navigate the game world more efficiently. This cheat grants the user the ability to fly, essentially providing them with a form of creative mode without the typical restrictions. It is crucial to understand that this cheat takes advantage of the game mechanics to manipulate the player's movement.

Usage: Players employing the Jetpack cheat will experience unrestricted flight, enabling them to travel through the air at will. This can be exploited for various purposes, such as escaping combat situations, reaching difficult-to-access areas, or simply gaining an unfair advantage in PvP encounters. Users may activate and deactivate the Jetpack feature through a specific keybind or command, making it a discreet but potent tool for those seeking an edge in gameplay.

Detection: Detecting Jetpack cheats can be challenging due to their nature of manipulating movement rather than directly modifying player attributes. However, there are some telltale signs that may indicate the use of a Jetpack cheat. Look out for players who exhibit unnatural flight patterns, sudden changes in elevation, or swift movements that seem inconsistent with standard gameplay. Additionally, observe for instances where players evade obstacles effortlessly or engage in combat from unconventional angles.


Nuker is a Minecraft cheat designed to expedite block destruction, allowing players to break multiple blocks simultaneously. This is achieved by sending multiple block-breaking packets to the server, tricking it into thinking the player is breaking blocks at an inhuman speed.

Usage: Players activate Nuker to quickly clear out large areas, mine resources, or gain a strategic advantage in PvP situations. It's often used in conjunction with fast movement hacks to maximize efficiency. Primarily used in Lifesteal, Survival, and Prison.

Detection: Identifying Nuker activity involves monitoring the rapid succession of block break packets from a player. The cheat typically displays abnormal block-breaking patterns, with blocks disappearing almost instantly. Keep an eye out for players who seem to dismantle structures or mine at an unnatural speed, especially when combined with suspicious movement. Additionally, be cautious of sudden changes in direction during mining or building activities, as this may indicate the use of Nuker.


Scaffold is a Minecraft cheat that assists players in building structures quickly and efficiently. The cheat automatically places blocks beneath the player as they move, eliminating the need for manual placement. It significantly speeds up the building process and provides an unfair advantage in both creative and survival modes.

Usage: Players activate Scaffold by running a client modification that includes the cheat. Once activated, the cheat will automatically place blocks below the player as they move, allowing them to build structures rapidly without the need for manual block placement. Users can control the speed and behavior of the Scaffold through the cheat's settings, making it a versatile tool for builders looking to expedite their construction projects.

Detection: Detecting Scaffold can be challenging due to its automated and non-intrusive nature. However, there are telltale signs that can help players identify its usage. Watch for unusually fast building speeds, especially in situations where precise block placement is crucial. Additionally, observe for instant and perfectly aligned block placements, as Scaffold tends to operate with high precision. Keep an eye out for unnatural building patterns, such as floating structures or structures that lack proper scaffolding.


Safewalk is a client-side modification that alters the player's movement mechanics to prevent them from falling off edges, even if they walk over air. Essentially, it eliminates the need for the player to sneak while navigating dangerous terrain or structures. The cheat manipulates the client's movement packets to create a false sense of solid ground, making it appear as if the player is walking on invisible blocks.

Usage: Players often use Safewalk to gain an advantage in PvP situations by allowing them to move freely without the risk of falling. It can be particularly effective in bridging or traversing structures during combat. Users activate Safewalk through their hacked clients, usually by toggling it on and off using a hotkey or a command.

Detection: Detecting Safewalk can be challenging since it primarily involves client-side manipulation. However, there are certain patterns and anomalies in player movement that can indicate the use of Safewalk. Watch for sudden changes in movement direction, especially when approaching edges or navigating through challenging terrain. Additionally, monitor for instances where a player seems to defy gravity by walking over air.


Functionality: Sprint cheats manipulate your character's movement speed to provide a constant sprinting effect without the need to press the sprint key. This gives users a significant advantage in PvP situations, as they can maintain maximum speed while engaging in combat.

Usage: Sprint cheats are typically activated through hacked clients or mods. Once activated, the cheat ensures that the player's movement speed is always set to sprinting, regardless of whether they are holding down the sprint key or not. This allows players to move swiftly without the usual drawbacks, such as hunger depletion.

Detection: Detecting sprint cheats involves monitoring player movement patterns. Legitimate players will experience periodic speed fluctuations due to the need to stop sprinting to regain hunger. On the other hand, sprint cheats provide a consistent speed boost without such interruptions. Anticheat systems can flag abnormal movement behavior, such as maintaining a constant sprint speed without the associated sprint key inputs.


V-Clip is a cheat that allows players to bypass solid blocks, effectively "clipping" through walls and terrain. This gives them the ability to move through structures, underground, or even inside bedrock, gaining a significant advantage over other players.

Usage: Players activate V-Clip to navigate through obstructions by exploiting vulnerabilities in the game's collision detection system. This cheat is often utilized during raids, PVP encounters, or to gain unauthorized access to restricted areas. It is crucial to understand that using V-Clip is a clear violation of server rules and undermines the fair play environment.

Detection: Detecting V-Clip can be challenging due to its nature of manipulating the player's position in the game world. However, there are telltale signs that can help identify potential cheaters. Look out for sudden, unexpected movements through walls or terrain, as well as players appearing in prohibited areas. Additionally, abnormal interactions with blocks or entities may indicate the use of V-Clip.



Velocity is a hack that manipulates player movement in the game. It allows players to alter their speed and jump height, gaining an unfair advantage over others. This cheat works by modifying the velocity packets sent to the server, tricking it into believing the player is moving differently than they actually are.

Players exploiting Velocity typically experience increased movement speed and higher jump heights. This can make them more difficult to hit during combat, giving them a significant advantage in PvP situations. Velocity is often used by those seeking to gain an edge in competitive gameplay, especially in 1.8 PvP where quick movements are crucial.

Detecting Velocity can be challenging, as it primarily involves analyzing player movement patterns. Look for instances where a player consistently moves at unnatural speeds or performs unusually high jumps. Pay attention to sudden changes in velocity or erratic movements that deviate from standard player behavior.


Jesus is a cheat designed to manipulate player movement, allowing them to walk on water as if it were solid ground. This gives the player a significant advantage, especially in PvP situations near bodies of water. The cheat essentially overrides the normal physics of the game, allowing the player to move freely on water surfaces.

Usage: Players activate Jesus to gain a tactical advantage during battles, as it allows them to traverse water obstacles without the usual speed and vulnerability associated with swimming. This cheat can be particularly effective in 1.8 PvP, where movement and positioning are crucial for success. To activate Jesus, players typically bind the cheat to a specific key, enabling or disabling it as needed. The ease of use makes it a popular choice among those looking to exploit the game environment to their advantage.

Detection: Detecting Jesus involves observing abnormal player movement on water surfaces. Keep an eye out for players walking on water without any form of boat or potion effects. While the cheat itself may not always trigger other suspicious activities, the unusual movement pattern is a clear indicator. Additionally, watch for sudden changes in vertical position or odd player behavior when near water. In some cases, Jesus may also interfere with other movement-related cheats, causing unexpected interactions.


Ping-spoofing is a deceptive technique employed by some players to manipulate their network latency artificially. In the context of Minecraft PvP, lower ping is often associated with faster response times and better combat performance. Ping-spoofing cheats aim to exploit this by falsifying the player's connection information to the server, making it appear as though they have a significantly lower ping than they actually do.

Usage: Players using ping-spoofing cheats seek to gain an unfair advantage in PvP situations, allowing them to react faster to opponents' movements, land hits more accurately, and generally outmaneuver others. This gives them a significant edge in battles, making it difficult for opponents to predict and counter their actions.

Detection: Detecting ping-spoofing cheats can be challenging, but there are telltale signs that players should be aware of. Keep an eye out for sudden, drastic changes in a player's movement patterns, especially if they seem to be reacting unusually quickly to stimuli. Additionally, pay attention to inconsistencies in their hit registration and the speed of their actions. If a player consistently exhibits performance that seems too good to be true, it might be an indication of ping-spoofing.


Baritone is an advanced Minecraft automation tool primarily designed for pathfinding and movement. It's not your typical hack, but its functionalities can be abused to gain unfair advantages. Baritone allows automated navigation through the game world, automated mining, and building. While it wasn't initially intended for malicious use, it has been repurposed by some players for unethical advantages.

Usage: Players can utilize Baritone to automate various tasks, such as gathering resources, exploring the world, or even constructing structures. The bot is capable of handling complex tasks like navigating mazes, bridging across gaps, and even using items like water buckets and ender pearls for movement. Essentially, Baritone allows for highly efficient and precise movements that would be challenging or impossible for a human player to replicate consistently.

Detection: Baritone is notoriously difficult to detect due to its advanced pathfinding algorithms and the lack of blatant visual cues. However, there are certain signs that might indicate its usage. Look out for unusually precise movements, especially in situations where a human player would struggle. For instance, if a player consistently executes flawless jumps or perfectly bridges across gaps without hesitation, it could be a sign of Baritone usage. Another potential indicator is the lack of typical human errors, such as misjudging distances or falling from heights. Keep an eye on player behavior that deviates from the expected norms in terms of movement patterns and decision-making.

For further explanations or addition of hacks/cheats leave a reply.
How is FullBright a hack? that is the only one i disagree with you about. other than that, Good job writing this! i think many other players would find this page helpful


The Pika
Jun 17, 2021
How is FullBright a hack? that is the only one i disagree with you about. other than that, Good job writing this! i think many other players would find this page helpful
It is considered a hack by manipulating the game's lighting settings.

Minecraft is designed to have dynamic lighting conditions, with darkness playing a crucial role in creating challenges for players. Fullbright removes these challenges by providing constant visibility in all lighting conditions, giving users an unfair advantage over those who play the game as intended.

Fullbright is achieved by modifying the game client to manipulate lighting settings, which is a direct alteration of the game's code.

This modification is generally considered a violation of the server's terms of service and the Minecraft End User License Agreement (EULA).


The Pika
Jun 17, 2021
agreed i found myself enjoying reading this thread i am surprised by the depth of knowledge u have shown and hope u have the best in life
Thank you so much, it took hours, do you have any suggestions or requests for it? Perhaps a hack I forgot to add?


The Pika
Mar 6, 2021
This has more info about exploits than hacked clients themselves. I was having trouble understanding what these hacks do. Thx very useful


The Pika
Jun 17, 2021
This has more info about exploits than hacked clients themselves. I was having trouble understanding what these hacks do. Thx very useful
Haha, thank you love, want to see anything else added? Perhaps I can explain anything specific in depth to you?


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Jan 21, 2023
Hello PyroInDaBus,

I think you may have forgot to add Air Jump. I will brifely explain what it does so you could add it into your "Stay Safe Guide",

Air Jump

Functionality: Air Jump is a modification, similar to Jesus or Flight, that lets you "walkorjump" on air. It

Use: Its main function or use is to give an advantage to the player's movement, basically allowing the player to jump on air to make it easier to navigate through difficult terrain or escape in a fight. It is mostly used when other movement modifications are not able to function correctly (or at all) because of the server anticheat.

Detection: You could easily detect a player using it if you see them jumping on air with unregular movement through it. It may be confused with Flight, as it is basically the same modification but slightly altered.


The Pika
Jun 17, 2021
Hello PyroInDaBus,

I think you may have forgot to add Air Jump. I will brifely explain what it does so you could add it into your "Stay Safe Guide",

Air Jump

Functionality: Air Jump is a modification, similar to Jesus or Flight, that lets you "walkorjump" on air. It

Use: Its main function or use is to give an advantage to the player's movement, basically allowing the player to jump on air to make it easier to navigate through difficult terrain or escape in a fight. It is mostly used when other movement modifications are not able to function correctly (or at all) because of the server anticheat.

Detection: You could easily detect a player using it if you see them jumping on air with unregular movement through it. It may be confused with Flight, as it is basically the same modification but slightly altered.
I know it's been a while since I updated this thread. I'll be honest I didn't really care about it since I played again after months, I realize this is not the case.

Will do some research and update this appropriately.


Legendary Pika
Jul 12, 2023
Stay Safe On Pika Network

Throughout my 8 years on this server, I've mostly been annoyed by a persistent issue, autoclicking cheaters. Admitting that I'm not exempt from making mistakes like many of you, I've faced consequences for my actions. This experience lead me to create this thread, aiming to keep you informed, ensure your safety, and help you understand the functionality, usage, and detection of cheats for effective reporting, as well as keeping your account safe and secure.

Before reading on I must state that this thread has nothing to do with the team of Pika Network nor does suggest or demand any changes or suggestions, it is purely informative for the community's best practices.

Thanks for your time, enjoy!

How Is Pika Network Protected From Cheaters?

Anticheat Plugin

Pika Network, as a cracked server, has inevitably faced challenges with cheaters over the years. Like any server, whether premium or cracked, Pika Network has been using anticheat plugins, with Polar currently in use. Despite efforts to maintain fair play, players have often raised concerns about the effectiveness of these anticheat plugins, alleging false bans. The reality is that such complaints often stem from misunderstandings or cheaters themselves, as the plugin's primarily target blatant cheating cases. Given the server's size and player volume, false positives can occur without blame assigned, this is why ban appeals exist.

Polar Anticheat, the chosen plugin for Pika Network, has replaced Matrix to the best of my knowledge. Developed by NotLucky, Johannes, and UniqueGuy, it adopts a Software as a Service (SaaS) model with cloud checks to minimize CPU usage. Compatible with various Minecraft versions, including modern servers with old combat mechanics, Polar prioritizes high cheat detection accuracy while mitigating performance impact. It necessitates specific system specifications, provides Docker/Pterodactyl support, and operates on a recurring subscription model with both yearly and monthly plans. Server owners can explore enterprise plans by application.

Please note that Polar is a SaaS model, with a broad anti-cheat system, it can detect more than the listed cheats, because a check can usually block similar types of cheats broadly.

For further questions, you can find Polar's website here.

Staff Team

Approaching the subject of the Pika Network staff team requires careful consideration by my side. Since the network's inception in 2014, these individuals have been the driving force behind its operations, dedicating their time and effort as a volunteer service team. While team members have come and gone over the years, their collective commitment has remained focused on serving the players best interests. I am confident that they will continue to do so diligently until the eventual closure of the server.

Acknowledging their humanity, the staff, like us players, have made mistakes along the way. However, these experiences have served as valuable lessons, contributing to the team's growth and transformation into seasoned professionals. Instead of merely operating behind the scenes, the staff has been the pillar of security and moderation, actively ensuring a fair and enjoyable environment. Their efforts include employing various procedures such as screensharing and thoroughly reviewing player reports to identify and address cheaters.

It is essential to recognize the significant contributions of the staff team, as documented in the current list available here. Past members are also acknowledged with the Veteran role on both Discord and forums, symbolizing their lasting impact on the Pika Network community.

Cheats & Hacks

Before diving into this list, it's important to note the existence of a comprehensive documentation created by Arrly, one of the network's administrators. In this documentation, Arrly provides insights into some of the most prevalent hacks, offering guidance on how to detect them and report players utilizing such techniques. For a concise overview, I strongly advise reading Arrly's
documentation, available here.

Presented below is a list of all cheats and hacks that require your attention. Feel free to inform me if there's a specific one you would like me to include:


KillAura is a combat-related cheat that automates the process of attacking nearby players or entities. It essentially grants an unfair advantage by automatically swinging the player's weapon at targets within reach. This cheat is commonly used to gain an upper hand in Player versus Player (PvP) situations.

Usage: Players employing KillAura will notice that their attacks are automatically directed towards nearby entities, giving them a significant advantage in combat situations. It removes the need for manual aiming, making it easier to overwhelm opponents. Users often toggle this cheat to activate or deactivate it at their discretion, depending on the situation.

Detection: Detecting KillAura can be challenging due to its automation, but there are telltale signs that players can observe. Look for unnatural and consistent movements, especially when engaging in combat. If a player seems to be hitting targets with superhuman precision or reacting instantly to new entities entering their vicinity, it may indicate the use of KillAura. Additionally, erratic behavior in the player's crosshair or an unusually high attack rate can be red flags.

Fly Hacks

Functionality: Fly hacks enable players to defy gravity and move through the air, giving them a significant advantage over others. These cheats manipulate the player's movement to simulate flight, allowing them to explore the game world from the skies. Fly hacks are often used for quick travel, evasion, and gaining a strategic vantage point during PvP encounters.

Usage: Players activate fly hacks through modded clients or external software that injects code into the game. This manipulation overrides the game's normal movement mechanics, granting the player the ability to fly at will. Fly hacks may have different activation methods, such as keybindings or toggles, depending on the specific cheat client being used.

Detection: Detecting fly hacks can be challenging or blatant, there are certain behaviors that may indicate a player is using this cheat. Look for sudden changes in vertical movement, an unusual speed of ascent or descent, and abrupt stops mid-air. Observing players who consistently navigate in the air without using legitimate means (e.g. /fly) is another red flag. Keep an eye on player movements during combat or while exploring, as fly hacks are often employed to gain an unfair advantage.

Important Notice: In Minecraft Pocket Edition (Bedrock Edition), the use of GeyserMC, a proxy that allows players to connect Java and Bedrock Edition servers, can also facilitate fly hacks. Players may exhibit erratic flying behavior or move in ways that are impossible without the aid of hacks, as of today, most anticheat plugins haven't found a permanent solution against this new cheating method, there are very little to no things server developers can do about that.


Aimbot is a powerful cheat designed to enhance a player's targeting capabilities. It automatically adjusts the player's crosshair to lock onto opponents, ensuring that their attacks consistently hit the target. In 1.8 PvP mechanics, this cheat typically exploits the predictability of player movement, making it a potent tool for gaining an unfair advantage in combat.

Usage: Aimbot is usually activated through a hotkey or toggle, allowing the user to easily switch it on and off during gameplay. Once activated, the cheat takes over the player's aiming, ensuring that their crosshair follows the opponent's movements with an unnatural precision. Some advanced versions may come with customization options, such as adjustable aiming speed or target prioritization.

Detection: Detecting Aimbot can be challenging, but there are telltale signs that players should be aware of. Look out for unnaturally quick and precise movements, especially when switching targets rapidly. If a player consistently locks onto opponents without any visible effort, it's a red flag. Additionally, unusual patterns in player behavior, such as instant headshots or constant accuracy despite varying conditions, may indicate the use of Aimbot.


AimAssist is a cheat designed to enhance a player's aiming capabilities without resorting to a full-fledged Aimbot. It operates by subtly adjusting the player's crosshair towards opponents, offering a significant advantage in combat situations. Unlike an Aimbot, AimAssist doesn't automate the aiming process entirely but rather assists the player in maintaining a more accurate aim.

Usage: Users typically activate AimAssist to gain an edge in PvP engagements. It becomes particularly effective in scenarios where quick and precise aiming is crucial, such as in Practice. Players may toggle this cheat on/off to manage their advantage strategically, making it less obvious to observers.

Detection: Identifying AimAssist can be challenging, as it operates within the subtler spectrum of cheats. However, certain patterns may indicate its presence. Watch out for unnaturally smooth and precise crosshair movements, especially during high-pressure combat situations. If a player consistently lands critical hits or exhibits an abnormal ability to track opponents through rapid movements, it could be a sign of AimAssist in use. Keep in mind that AimAssist doesn't guarantee perfect accuracy, so occasional erratic movements may still occur. Observing a player's consistency in landing shots and adapting to opponents is key.


The Hitbox cheat manipulates player hitboxes in order to extend or modify their effective combat reach. In a 1.8 PvP environment like Practice, this can be a game-changer, allowing users to land hits on opponents from a greater distance than normal.

Usage: Players activating the Hitbox cheat will observe an unusual extension of their melee attack range. This can result in seemingly impossible hits, catching opponents off guard. Users may exploit this cheat to gain an unfair advantage in combat situations, making it a significant concern for the integrity of the server's PvP experience.

Detection: Detecting the Hitbox cheat can be challenging, but there are certain signs to look out for. Players using this cheat may exhibit unnatural movements, such as dodging attacks more effectively than normal or consistently landing hits that seem impossible under regular circumstances. Additionally, watch for instances where players consistently hit others from abnormal distances. As a player, if you suspect someone is using the Hitbox cheat, pay attention to the combat dynamics. If their hits seem unusually accurate or their movements are erratic, it's worth reporting. Record any specific instances where the cheat becomes apparent, such as hitting players from an unreasonable distance or consistently dodging attacks.


Reach hacks manipulate the player's reach, allowing them to hit opponents from a greater distance than the normal Minecraft mechanics would permit, that being 3.0 blocks (Note: This can change depending on the core of the gamemode or server software). In the context of 1.8 PvP, these cheats alter the game's hit detection system, extending the virtual "reach" of a player's weapon. This means that a player using a Reach cheat can land hits on opponents who are physically farther away than they should be able to.

Usage: Players exploiting Reach cheats typically engage in PvP situations where an extended reach gives them a significant advantage. This can include battles in various game modes such as Kit PvP or even during survival gameplay. The increased reach provides an unfair edge, making it easier for the cheater to deal damage while remaining out of their opponent's striking range.

Detection: Detecting Reach cheats can be challenging, but there are certain signs to look out for. Keep an eye on situations where players consistently hit opponents from unusually far distances. If you notice players landing hits that seem impossible under normal circumstances, it may be an indication of Reach hacking. Additionally, observe the player's movements and attack patterns, sudden and unnatural changes in reach can be a red flag.


AutoClicker is a tool designed to automate mouse clicks, one of the most undetectable Minecraft cheats from anticheat systems, primarily used in Minecraft PvP to achieve faster attack rates. It emulates the action of clicking the mouse button at an extremely high rate, surpassing what a human can achieve manually.

Usage: Players often use AutoClickers to gain an unfair advantage in combat situations, especially in 1.8 PvP where the attack speed is crucial. Usually being an external program or macro, can be toggled on/off by a hotkey. By utilizing an AutoClicker, players can achieve a higher click-per-second (CPS) rate, allowing them to land more hits on their opponents than would be possible through manual clicking. It can also be used for double clicking, clicking on both right and left clicks, simulate clicking sounds, hand exhaustion, butterfly, drag, or jitter clicking simulation, and more.

Detection: Detecting AutoClickers involves monitoring the player's click patterns and rates. An unnatural and consistent CPS rate that exceeds human capabilities is a clear indicator. Additionally, examining the timing and precision of clicks can reveal the use of automation. The harsh reality is that most of the detections are not full-proof and need further investigation.


Criticals, in the context of Minecraft PvP, refer to landing critical hits consistently without jumping (And in rare cases automatic jumping). Normally, in 1.8 PvP mechanics, you need to jump to execute a critical hit. However, this cheat aims to bypass that requirement, allowing players to deal critical damage without the need for a jump. This gives the cheater an unfair advantage in combat situations.

Usage: Users employing the Criticals cheat can perform critical hits effortlessly without the telltale jump animation. By maintaining a consistent stream of high-damage hits, they gain an upper hand in player-versus-player scenarios. This cheat is particularly effective when combined with other hacks, enhancing the overall damage output and making it challenging for opponents to retaliate effectively.

Detection: Identifying Criticals can be tricky, but there are some observable patterns that can help players recognize its usage. Keep an eye on opponents who seem to consistently land critical hits without visibly jumping. Watch for abnormal attack sequences and sustained high damage output. Additionally, pay attention to player movement, abrupt changes in motion during combat, especially when paired with consistent critical hits, may indicate the use of this cheat. A tip is to check their opponent's hit particles. landing a critical hit usually shows a bubble of particles, depending on your texture pack, on your opponent.

Anti Knockback

Anti Knockback (Also known as Anti-KB) is a cheat designed to manipulate the knockback mechanics in Minecraft PvP, specifically tailored for servers utilizing 1.8 PvP mechanics. When activated, this cheat significantly reduces or eliminates the knockback effect that a player would normally experience when hit by another player's attack, no matter the server's set knockback profile. This provides the user with a distinct advantage in combat situations, as they can maintain control over their movement even when under attack.

Usage: Players employing Anti Knockback often activate it during PvP encounters to gain an unfair advantage over their opponents. By mitigating or nullifying knockback, the cheater can maintain proximity to their target, making it difficult for opponents to create distance and retaliate effectively. This cheat can be especially frustrating for legitimate players engaged in fair and competitive fight, like Sumo.

Detection: Detecting Anti Knockback is quite easy, if blatant, it requires an observant eye during PvP encounters. Look for instances where a player seems resistant to normal knockback effects after being hit. If an opponent consistently maintains close proximity without being pushed back as expected, there's a possibility that they are using Anti Knockback. Keep an eye on player movement patterns and the flow of combat to identify anomalies. Before reporting, make sure that you also check the player's ping (Connection with the server), since a ping above 150ms is considered laggy and usually delay's, if not eliminate knockback.

Auto Tap

Auto Tap is a type of Minecraft cheat designed to automate the player's attack speed, primarily exploiting the 1.8 PvP mechanics. It achieves this by automatically sending attack packets to the server, essentially simulating rapid clicks without any manual input from the player. This cheat aims to give the user an unfair advantage in combat situations by maximizing their attack speed.

Usage: Players employing Auto Tap typically activate the cheat during PvP encounters to gain a significant edge over their opponents. By automating the clicking process, they can achieve a higher attack rate than humanly possible, leading to faster damage output and increased chances of winning engagements. This cheat is often favored by players looking for an easy way to dominate in melee combat scenarios.

Detection: Identifying Auto Tap can be challenging, but there are certain indicators to watch for. Look out for unusually consistent and rapid attack patterns, especially when the player is engaged in combat. Additionally, monitor the player's click rate to detect any patterns that deviate significantly from human capabilities. Keep an eye on their attack animation as well, Auto Tap may produce unnatural and erratic movements, especially if used by an inexperienced cheater. If you suspect someone using Auto Tap, pay attention to the player's behavior during combat, as this cheat often becomes evident when they consistently maintain an exceptionally high attack speed. While detection is not foolproof, careful observation of in-game actions can help identify potential cheaters.

Super Knockback

Super Knockback is a cheat designed to enhance the knockback effect when hitting another player. It manipulates the knockback mechanics in Minecraft to give the user an unfair advantage in combat situations. Essentially, it amplifies the force with which a player is pushed back upon getting hit.

Usage: Players employing Super Knockback aim to gain an upper hand in PvP encounters, especially in situations where knockback plays a crucial role. By using this cheat, a player can send their opponents flying much farther than what is possible with regular knockback. This can be particularly advantageous in both individual and team-based combat scenarios.

Detection: Identifying Super Knockback can be challenging but not impossible, and sometimes quite blatant. Pay attention to unusually exaggerated knockback distances. If a player is consistently experiencing significantly increased knockback compared to normal 1.8 PvP mechanics, it might indicate the use of Super Knockback. Additionally, observe the player's movement patterns and see if there's a sudden and unnatural increase in speed before or during a hit.

Auto Block

Auto Block is a cheat designed with 2 different scenarios, one to automatically place blocks in Minecraft, particularly useful in PvP scenarios. Or one that exploits the 1.8 PvP mechanics by automating the process of blocking attacks with a sword. When activated, in the first scenario, the cheat swiftly places a block in front of the player whenever they receive damage, providing an instant protective barrier. The scenario used depends on the user.

Usage: Players typically activate Auto Block to gain an unfair advantage in combat situations. By automating the blocking process, users can focus more on attacking while having a constant shield against incoming damage. This cheat is commonly employed in PvP engagements to enhance survivability and increase the chances of winning battles.

Detection: Identifying Auto Block can be challenging and sometimes easy, but there are specific signs to watch for. Observing a player consistently and rapidly placing blocks immediately after taking damage is a strong indicator of Auto Block usage. Additionally, the lack of any manual block placements in response to attacks, combined with an unusually precise and instantaneous blocking pattern, may suggest the presence of this cheat.


NoSlow is a common cheat that affects player movement speed and the ability to sprint. When activated, it prevents the player from slowing down when performing actions such as eating, blocking with a sword, or using items like bows. Essentially, it allows the player to maintain maximum movement speed regardless of the action they are performing.

Usage: Players typically use NoSlow to gain an unfair advantage in combat situations. By maintaining full movement speed while eating or blocking, they can engage in PvP without the usual penalties associated with these actions. This cheat is particularly advantageous in 1.8 PvP mechanics, where timing and maneuverability play a crucial role.

Detection: Detecting NoSlow requires a keen eye on player behavior. Look out for instances where a player maintains normal movement speed while performing actions that should normally slow them down. Pay attention to sudden changes in speed during combat or when using specific items, such as not slowing down through cobwebs, or walking through lava/water very fast, not slowing down when blocking with a sword, or drawing a bow, and more. Additionally, observe if players consistently exhibit abnormal behavior, such as sprinting while performing actions that traditionally impede movement.


Bunnyhop, also known as B-Hop, is a movement exploit that takes advantage of the Minecraft mechanics to enhance a player's mobility. When activated, it allows players to jump rapidly and consecutively without experiencing the usual delay between jumps. This cheat manipulates the game's mechanics to achieve faster movement speed, making it particularly advantageous during PvP encounters.

Usage: Players employing Bunnyhop typically bind the cheat to a specific key for easy activation. Once activated, the cheat enables rapid jumping, creating a distinct and abnormal movement pattern. Users often exploit this during combat situations to make themselves harder targets, dodge attacks, or gain a strategic advantage in PvP scenarios.

Detection: Identifying Bunnyhop in action requires a keen observation of player movement patterns, but it should be easy enough since it is weird to look at. Keep an eye out for unnaturally rapid and consecutive jumps, especially during engagements. The cheat may give players an unfair advantage by enhancing their mobility, allowing them to evade attacks more effectively than normal gameplay would allow.


Speed hacks are designed to manipulate your player's movement speed in-game, allowing you to move faster than intended. These cheats take advantage of Minecraft's movement mechanics, altering the player's velocity to achieve unnaturally high speeds. The functionality is achieved by modifying client-side movement packets, tricking the server into accepting these altered values.

Usage: Players typically activate speed hacks to gain a significant advantage in PvP situations or to navigate the game world more quickly. It's crucial to understand that the usage of speed hacks can be erratic and unpredictable. Users might encounter difficulties in controlling their movements, resulting in unintended consequences such as falling into voids, running into obstacles, or experiencing visual glitches.

Detection: Detecting speed hacks involves monitoring player movement patterns and velocities. Look for sudden and extreme changes in speed, especially when combined with irregular movements. Speed cheats often lead to players covering large distances in a short period or abruptly changing directions without deceleration. Additionally, be on the lookout for players who consistently move at an unnaturally fast pace, as this could be indicative of speed hacks.


Forcefield is a combat hack designed to give players an unfair advantage in PvP situations. When activated, it essentially creates an invisible barrier around the player, automatically attacking any nearby opponents within the specified radius. The hack is designed to enhance the player's melee attacks, making it nearly impossible for others to engage in combat without facing an overwhelming assault. Think of it like a simpler version of Killaura.

Usage: Players activate Forcefield through their hacked clients. The trigger for this cheat is typically set to engage when an opponent comes within a certain proximity, enabling the automatic attack mechanism. This proximity can be adjusted, allowing users to customize the range at which Forcefield becomes active. Some versions of this cheat might include additional features like head triggering, ensuring that attacks are aimed at the opponent's head, maximizing damage output, because the head has a slightly bigger hitbox which can give you more reach.

Detection: Identifying Forcefield can be challenging, but there are subtle signs that observant players can look out for. Rapid and seemingly impossible reactions to incoming attacks, especially in close-quarters combat, may indicate the use of Forcefield. Keep an eye out for unnatural and consistent hits on opponents, particularly if the player seems to be targeting multiple adversaries simultaneously. Another telltale sign is an unusually high hit rate, especially if the hits are consistently focused on the heads of opponents. In the context of 1.8 PvP mechanics, the mechanics of Forcefield often result in abnormally precise and rapid headshots.


Fullbright is a cheat designed to manipulate the game's lighting settings, ensuring that the player has maximum visibility in all environments. It effectively removes darkness, allowing the user to see clearly in caves, at night, or in any low-light situations. By adjusting the gamma and brightness settings, Fullbright eliminates shadows and provides a significant advantage over other players who rely on the game's natural lighting mechanics.

Usage: Players activate Fullbright to gain a strategic advantage in various scenarios. It is commonly used in situations where normal lighting conditions would hinder visibility, such as exploring caves, navigating during the night, or spotting hidden players in shadows. The cheat is toggled on and off through specific keybindings or commands, giving users control over when to exploit the enhanced visibility.

Detection: Detecting Fullbright can be challenging due to its external manipulation of game settings. However, certain signs may indicate its usage. Players with Fullbright may exhibit unnaturally consistent visibility in low-light environments, showing no reaction to changes in lighting conditions. Additionally, sudden changes in gamma and brightness settings during gameplay may be indicative of Fullbright activation.

Important Note: For effective reporting, players should pay attention to the suspected user's behavior in different lighting situations. If consistent visibility is observed in typically dark areas, it is recommended to gather evidence through screenshots or video recordings.


NoFall is a hack that prevents players from taking fall damage. When activated, it allows users to jump from any height without suffering the usual consequences of fall damage. This cheat is particularly advantageous in both PvP and PvE situations, giving players a significant tactical advantage by removing the need to consider fall damage during engagements or escapes.

Usage: Players can activate NoFall by using a client modification that manipulates the game mechanics related to fall damage. Typically, a keybind or command is assigned to toggle this cheat on and off. Users can freely jump from cliffs, towers, or any elevated surface without worrying about taking damage upon landing. It's essential to note that NoFall doesn't require any additional tools or items in the game, making it easily accessible to those who use client modifications.

Detection: Detecting NoFall primarily involves observing player behavior. If a player consistently jumps from heights that would normally result in fall damage without taking any damage, it could indicate the use of the NoFall cheat. Pay attention to players who seem unaffected by fall damage in situations where it would be expected.

Chest ESP

Chest ESP, or Chest Extra-Sensory Perception, is a cheat designed to provide players with an unfair advantage by revealing the locations of chests in the game world. This cheat exploits the game's mechanics to display a visual indicator or highlight the positions of chests through obstacles, making it easier for the player to locate valuable items. Think of it like X-ray but without the transparent blocks.

Usage: Players employing Chest ESP gain a significant advantage in scavenging for loot, as they can quickly locate chests hidden in structures, caves, or even underground. This cheat aids in rapid resource gathering, making it a popular choice among players who prioritize efficiency over fair play, it is a popular choice in gamemodes like Factions, Lifesteal and Survival.

Detection: Identifying the use of Chest ESP can be challenging but not impossible. Look out for unnatural behavior, such as players consistently and effortlessly finding hidden chests in a suspicious manner. Keep an eye on movements that directly lead to chests without any apparent visual cues. Additionally, monitor for repeated instances of players discovering chests even in complex or concealed locations.


AutoArmor is a popular Minecraft cheat that automates the process of equipping armor. It ensures that the player always has the best available armor pieces on without manual intervention. This cheat is particularly effective in fast-paced situations like PvP, where having optimal protection can make a significant difference.

Usage: Players activate AutoArmor to gain a competitive edge in battles by instantly equipping the highest-tier armor in their inventory. The cheat detects when the player loses armor durability or switches to a new armor set and automatically replaces the worn-out pieces with fresh ones. Users can toggle this feature on and off based on their preference, making it a discreet but powerful advantage in combat scenarios.

Detection: Detecting AutoArmor can be challenging, as it operates on the client side without direct server interaction. However, there are some observable patterns that may indicate its usage. Look for instant and precise armor swaps during combat, especially in situations where it seems unlikely for a player to manually manage their armor. Unusual and rapid changes in armor durability can also be indicative of AutoArmor. Players should pay attention to sudden shifts in protection levels and report instances where opponents seem to be consistently well-equipped without any visible delay. It's crucial to differentiate between skilled players who manually manage their armor and those using automated tools.


AutoSteal is a client-side modification designed to automate the process of stealing items from chests. When activated, this cheat allows players to automatically loot items from containers without the need for manual interaction. It essentially streamlines the looting process, making it faster and more efficient.

Usage: To use AutoSteal, a player activates the cheat while standing in front of a chest or other container. Once activated, the cheat will automatically transfer items from the container to the player's inventory without any further input required. This can be especially advantageous during raids, faction wars, skywars matches, or any scenario where quick looting is essential.

Detection: Detecting AutoSteal can be challenging, as it primarily occurs client-side without sending any specific signals to the server. However, some common signs may indicate its usage. Look for unusually rapid looting patterns or players consistently accessing chests without visible interaction. Additionally, sudden shifts in inventory contents, especially during high-stakes moments, may suggest the presence of AutoSteal.


AutoSoup is a Minecraft cheat designed to automate the consumption of soup during PvP encounters. It takes advantage of the game's mechanics by rapidly consuming mushroom stew or any other soups, providing the player with a constant source of health regeneration without the need for manual input.

Usage: Players employing AutoSoup usually engage in combat while relying on the cheat to ensure a continuous stream of healing. The cheat rapidly triggers the consumption of soups whenever the player's health drops, allowing them to maintain high health levels throughout the fight. AutoSoup users often combine this cheat with aggressive PvP tactics to gain an advantage over opponents.

Detection: Detecting AutoSoup requires a keen eye on the player's behavior during combat. Keep an eye out for suspiciously consistent health regeneration patterns that seem unnatural for a regular player. Pay attention to the speed and consistency of soup consumption, as AutoSoup often operates at a pace beyond what is achievable through manual input. Additionally, observe the player's movement and actions during combat. AutoSoup users may exhibit unusual behavior, such as not retreating to heal or engaging in prolonged fights without the need for strategic retreats. Keep an eye on the player's soup inventory and watch for rapid, precise consumption that goes beyond human capabilities. An easy way to identify this is to pay close attention to their swinging while using their sword, in time to heal. If they keep hitting with the soup that is indicating that they are clicking while healing.


AutoPot is a cheat designed to automate the process of consuming potions in Minecraft. It specifically targets the 1.8 PvP mechanics. The cheat is programmed to detect the player's health and saturation levels, automatically triggering the consumption of health or regeneration potions when needed. This gives the user a significant advantage in combat situations, as they can focus on attacking without the distraction of manual potion consumption.

Usage: Players employing AutoPot typically activate the cheat during PvP engagements. Once activated, the cheat continuously monitors the player's health and hunger status. When the preset thresholds are reached, the cheat automatically uses the appropriate potion from the player's hotbar, ensuring a near-instantaneous regeneration of health. This allows the user to maintain a higher level of sustained combat effectiveness without having to manually manage their potion usage.

Detection: Detecting AutoPot can be challenging due to its automation and subtle nature. However, there are certain patterns that can be observed. Look for unusually precise and consistent potion consumption during fights, especially in situations where manual potion usage would be impractical. Pay attention to rapid and precise potion activations that align with the player's health drops. Additionally, if a player consistently avoids low health situations despite intense combat, it may be an indication of AutoPot usage. An easy way to identify this is to pay close attention to their swinging while using their sword, in time to heal. If they keep hitting while dropping the splash potion, that is indicating that they are clicking while healing, that specific sudden head movement from you all the way down to splash the potion while still clicking and then instantly turn up on you again is a classic indicator.


AutoTool is a Minecraft cheat designed to automate the process of selecting the best tool for breaking blocks, optimizing resource gathering. It allows players to seamlessly switch between tools without manual input, saving time and effort during gameplay.

Usage: Players employing AutoTool will notice an automatic tool switch based on the type of block they are interacting with. For example, if you approach a block that requires a pickaxe, the cheat will swiftly switch to the appropriate pickaxe from your hotbar, ensuring optimal efficiency in mining or digging activities. This automation is particularly advantageous in resource-intensive tasks.

Detection: Identifying AutoTool usage can be challenging, but there are key signs to look out for. Observing an unusually fast and precise tool switch without any apparent manual input is a red flag. Additionally, consistent and rapid changes in tool selection, especially when transitioning between block types, may indicate the use of AutoTool. Players should pay attention to instances where the tool selection seems unnaturally responsive or synchronized with block interactions. My preferred method of choice is to monitor the suspected player by looking on how fast he will get the right tool on his hand from the moment of him being in range with the block he is about to break, if he does it instantly without messing up his hotkeys or hotbar even once in a long time, with perfect timing, it is a clear indicator that he is in fact using AutoTool.


AntiAFK cheats are designed to keep a player in the game without triggering the server's AFK detection mechanisms. The cheat often simulates player movement or actions to appear as if the user is actively playing, preventing automatic kicks for being AFK. It's important to note that while some legitimate modifications or plugins may have similar features, AntiAFK cheats are typically intended to abuse the system.

Usage: Players using AntiAFK cheats aim to exploit the server's AFK detection system to stay online without actively playing. This can be misused for various reasons, such as avoiding being kicked for inactivity, maintaining presence in certain game modes, or accumulating in-game rewards without actual participation. Users may employ these cheats to gain unfair advantages or simply to circumvent server rules.

Detection: Detecting AntiAFK cheats can be challenging, as they often mimic legitimate player behavior. However, certain patterns may be indicative of cheating. Look out for consistent and repetitive movements or actions that don't align with typical player behavior. Additionally, sudden changes in behavior, such as an immediate response to an incoming threat after a prolonged period of inactivity, can be a red flag.


AntiBlind is a cheat designed to counteract the blindness effect, giving players an unfair advantage by allowing them to see clearly even when under the influence of the blindness potion. This cheat manipulates the rendering of the game to eliminate the visual impairment caused by the blindness effect, providing an unfair edge in combat situations.

Usage: Players who employ AntiBlind often do so to gain an upper hand in PvP encounters, especially when blindness potions are used strategically during battles. By using AntiBlind, they can maintain full visibility and awareness of their surroundings, allowing them to make informed decisions and respond effectively to opponents. AntiBlind is mostly used in the BedWars gamemode.

Detection: Detecting AntiBlind can be challenging, but there are certain indicators that may suggest its usage. Look out for players who consistently show no signs of impairment when under the blindness effect. Additionally, observe their reactions to unexpected events, as players using AntiBlind may respond more quickly than expected due to their unhindered vision. If you suspect someone is using AntiBlind, try to replicate the conditions under which they were affected by blindness. If the player consistently exhibits abnormal behavior or doesn't display the expected visual impairment, it might be an indication of AntiBlind usage.


Freecam is a popular cheat that allows players to detach their viewpoint from their in-game character, essentially providing them with a free-floating camera. This enables users to explore the game world while remaining invisible and invulnerable. The cheat allows for reconnaissance, finding hidden structures, or gaining an unfair advantage in PvP situations. In most hacked clients or freecam injectable software, the user is only limited to his rendered chunks, before the player's camera is detached.

Usage: Players activate Freecam by using a designated key or command, which varies depending on the hacked client being used. Once activated, the player's camera is detached, and they can move independently of their character. The user can explore terrain, locate bases, and even scout opponents without the risk of being seen or attacked.

Detection: Detecting Freecam can be challenging, but there are certain signs that may indicate its use. Look out for sudden changes in a player's movement pattern, as they might be transitioning from using Freecam to controlling their character. Additionally, pay attention to instances where a player seems to be aware of things they shouldn't know, such as the location of hidden bases or the movements of other players. Unusual and highly precise movements, especially in PvP situations, can be red flags. Keep in mind that detection may not be foolproof in most cases, and most of these reports are getting denied due to lack of evidence.


CaveFinder is a client-side modification that allows players to identify and locate caves, dungeons, and other underground structures without the need for traditional exploration. This cheat takes advantage of certain aspects of the game's rendering engine, making caves and structures visible through solid blocks. It essentially gives players an unfair advantage in finding resources and hidden areas below the surface.

Usage: Players activate CaveFinder by toggling a specific key or command within their hacked client. Once activated, the cheat modifies the rendering process to highlight the outlines or textures of caves and structures through solid blocks. This allows users to easily identify underground features, providing them with a significant advantage in resource gathering, base raiding, and overall gameplay.

Detection: Detecting CaveFinder is primarily based on abnormal player behavior and movement patterns. While the cheat operates client-side, its effects can be observed server-side through the player's actions. Staff members can look for sudden and precise digging towards hidden underground structures, or players consistently navigating directly to caves without any apparent indication. Additionally, watch for players who seem to be aware of nearby caves without proper exploration, or success to walk through dark places without lighting, unfaced.


FastBuild is a common Minecraft cheat that allows players to quickly place blocks without the usual delay. It's particularly advantageous in building situations where speed is crucial, giving users the ability to construct structures rapidly. This cheat essentially bypasses the normal placement cooldown, making building processes much more efficient.

Usage: Players activate FastBuild by binding it to a specific key or using a command provided by the cheat client. Once activated, the player can start placing blocks rapidly without the usual delays. This can be especially useful in situations where quick fortifications or structures are necessary, such as during combat or base building.

Detection: Detecting FastBuild without server-side capabilities can be challenging, but there are certain indicators that players can observe. Look out for unusually rapid block placement, especially if it seems unnatural for a player's typical building speed. Additionally, pay attention to the consistency of block placement intervals. Legitimate players usually have some degree of variation in their building speed, whereas FastBuild will consistently bypass the placement cooldown. If you suspect someone is using FastBuild, try to observe their building patterns and speed over an extended period. Pay attention to sudden changes in building behavior, as this can be a strong indicator of cheat usage. While this method may not be foolproof, it provides a practical approach for players to identify potential cheaters.


FastEat is a cheat designed to exploit the eating mechanics in Minecraft, allowing players to consume food at an accelerated rate. In a typical scenario, when a player eats, there is a cooldown period before they can consume another piece of food. FastEat eliminates or significantly reduces this cooldown, enabling players to eat much faster than intended.

Usage: Players employing FastEat will often be able to regenerate their health and hunger bars rapidly during combat situations or while evading threats. This can provide a significant advantage in battles, as it allows players to recover quickly without the usual delays associated with eating.

Detection: Detecting FastEat can be challenging due to its subtle nature. Look out for abnormally rapid eating animations and inconsistent hunger bar behavior. If a player is consistently consuming food at a pace that seems impossible under normal circumstances, it may indicate the use of FastEat. Additionally, pay attention to combat scenarios where players exhibit unusually swift health and hunger recovery.


FastLadder is a movement-enhancing cheat that allows players to climb ladders at an abnormally fast speed. It manipulates the player's movement mechanics, giving them a significant advantage in scaling structures or escaping from opponents.

Usage: Players activate FastLadder by toggling the cheat through their hacked client. Once activated, it boosts the player's climbing speed on ladders, making it challenging for opponents to keep up or react in time. This cheat is often utilized in PvP situations to gain a strategic advantage or to outmaneuver other players during chases.

Detection: Detecting FastLadder can be tricky, but there are observable patterns that can be recognized. Look out for players climbing ladders at an unnatural speed, which may appear as if they are teleporting or moving too quickly. Additionally, pay attention to sudden changes in vertical movement that go beyond the standard ladder climbing speed. Keep an eye on player behavior, especially during PvP encounters, and be suspicious if someone seems to be effortlessly navigating ladders with superhuman speed. Remember, the effectiveness of detecting FastLadder relies on keen observation and an understanding of normal gameplay mechanics.


Glide is a cheat that manipulates the player's movement, allowing them to gracefully glide through the air. It takes advantage of various movement exploits to achieve this effect. Essentially, it overrides the normal physics of the game, enabling the player to fly without the use of legitimate means such creative mode.

Usage: Players activating Glide often initiate it with a specific keybind or command. Once activated, the cheat alters the player's movement mechanics, enabling them to stay airborne for extended periods. Users can control their direction and speed during the glide, making it a versatile and discreet method of travel. Glide is commonly employed in PvP situations to gain a tactical advantage, allowing players to avoid ground-based attacks and reach vantage points quickly.

Detection: Identifying Glide involves observing abnormal player movements. Look out for players effortlessly gliding through the air without the use of legitimate flight items. Pay attention to sudden changes in elevation or unusual mid-air maneuvers. Additionally, Glide cheats may cause irregularities in player hitboxes, making it difficult for opponents to land hits. Keep an eye on players who exhibit suspiciously smooth and controlled aerial movements.


Jetpack is a Minecraft cheat that primarily focuses on enhancing movement capabilities, allowing players to navigate the game world more efficiently. This cheat grants the user the ability to fly, essentially providing them with a form of creative mode without the typical restrictions. It is crucial to understand that this cheat takes advantage of the game mechanics to manipulate the player's movement.

Usage: Players employing the Jetpack cheat will experience unrestricted flight, enabling them to travel through the air at will. This can be exploited for various purposes, such as escaping combat situations, reaching difficult-to-access areas, or simply gaining an unfair advantage in PvP encounters. Users may activate and deactivate the Jetpack feature through a specific keybind or command, making it a discreet but potent tool for those seeking an edge in gameplay.

Detection: Detecting Jetpack cheats can be challenging due to their nature of manipulating movement rather than directly modifying player attributes. However, there are some telltale signs that may indicate the use of a Jetpack cheat. Look out for players who exhibit unnatural flight patterns, sudden changes in elevation, or swift movements that seem inconsistent with standard gameplay. Additionally, observe for instances where players evade obstacles effortlessly or engage in combat from unconventional angles.


Nuker is a Minecraft cheat designed to expedite block destruction, allowing players to break multiple blocks simultaneously. This is achieved by sending multiple block-breaking packets to the server, tricking it into thinking the player is breaking blocks at an inhuman speed.

Usage: Players activate Nuker to quickly clear out large areas, mine resources, or gain a strategic advantage in PvP situations. It's often used in conjunction with fast movement hacks to maximize efficiency. Primarily used in Lifesteal, Survival, and Prison.

Detection: Identifying Nuker activity involves monitoring the rapid succession of block break packets from a player. The cheat typically displays abnormal block-breaking patterns, with blocks disappearing almost instantly. Keep an eye out for players who seem to dismantle structures or mine at an unnatural speed, especially when combined with suspicious movement. Additionally, be cautious of sudden changes in direction during mining or building activities, as this may indicate the use of Nuker.


Scaffold is a Minecraft cheat that assists players in building structures quickly and efficiently. The cheat automatically places blocks beneath the player as they move, eliminating the need for manual placement. It significantly speeds up the building process and provides an unfair advantage in both creative and survival modes.

Usage: Players activate Scaffold by running a client modification that includes the cheat. Once activated, the cheat will automatically place blocks below the player as they move, allowing them to build structures rapidly without the need for manual block placement. Users can control the speed and behavior of the Scaffold through the cheat's settings, making it a versatile tool for builders looking to expedite their construction projects.

Detection: Detecting Scaffold can be challenging due to its automated and non-intrusive nature. However, there are telltale signs that can help players identify its usage. Watch for unusually fast building speeds, especially in situations where precise block placement is crucial. Additionally, observe for instant and perfectly aligned block placements, as Scaffold tends to operate with high precision. Keep an eye out for unnatural building patterns, such as floating structures or structures that lack proper scaffolding.


Safewalk is a client-side modification that alters the player's movement mechanics to prevent them from falling off edges, even if they walk over air. Essentially, it eliminates the need for the player to sneak while navigating dangerous terrain or structures. The cheat manipulates the client's movement packets to create a false sense of solid ground, making it appear as if the player is walking on invisible blocks.

Usage: Players often use Safewalk to gain an advantage in PvP situations by allowing them to move freely without the risk of falling. It can be particularly effective in bridging or traversing structures during combat. Users activate Safewalk through their hacked clients, usually by toggling it on and off using a hotkey or a command.

Detection: Detecting Safewalk can be challenging since it primarily involves client-side manipulation. However, there are certain patterns and anomalies in player movement that can indicate the use of Safewalk. Watch for sudden changes in movement direction, especially when approaching edges or navigating through challenging terrain. Additionally, monitor for instances where a player seems to defy gravity by walking over air.


Functionality: Sprint cheats manipulate your character's movement speed to provide a constant sprinting effect without the need to press the sprint key. This gives users a significant advantage in PvP situations, as they can maintain maximum speed while engaging in combat.

Usage: Sprint cheats are typically activated through hacked clients or mods. Once activated, the cheat ensures that the player's movement speed is always set to sprinting, regardless of whether they are holding down the sprint key or not. This allows players to move swiftly without the usual drawbacks, such as hunger depletion.

Detection: Detecting sprint cheats involves monitoring player movement patterns. Legitimate players will experience periodic speed fluctuations due to the need to stop sprinting to regain hunger. On the other hand, sprint cheats provide a consistent speed boost without such interruptions. Anticheat systems can flag abnormal movement behavior, such as maintaining a constant sprint speed without the associated sprint key inputs.


V-Clip is a cheat that allows players to bypass solid blocks, effectively "clipping" through walls and terrain. This gives them the ability to move through structures, underground, or even inside bedrock, gaining a significant advantage over other players.

Usage: Players activate V-Clip to navigate through obstructions by exploiting vulnerabilities in the game's collision detection system. This cheat is often utilized during raids, PVP encounters, or to gain unauthorized access to restricted areas. It is crucial to understand that using V-Clip is a clear violation of server rules and undermines the fair play environment.

Detection: Detecting V-Clip can be challenging due to its nature of manipulating the player's position in the game world. However, there are telltale signs that can help identify potential cheaters. Look out for sudden, unexpected movements through walls or terrain, as well as players appearing in prohibited areas. Additionally, abnormal interactions with blocks or entities may indicate the use of V-Clip.



Velocity is a hack that manipulates player movement in the game. It allows players to alter their speed and jump height, gaining an unfair advantage over others. This cheat works by modifying the velocity packets sent to the server, tricking it into believing the player is moving differently than they actually are.

Players exploiting Velocity typically experience increased movement speed and higher jump heights. This can make them more difficult to hit during combat, giving them a significant advantage in PvP situations. Velocity is often used by those seeking to gain an edge in competitive gameplay, especially in 1.8 PvP where quick movements are crucial.

Detecting Velocity can be challenging, as it primarily involves analyzing player movement patterns. Look for instances where a player consistently moves at unnatural speeds or performs unusually high jumps. Pay attention to sudden changes in velocity or erratic movements that deviate from standard player behavior.


Jesus is a cheat designed to manipulate player movement, allowing them to walk on water as if it were solid ground. This gives the player a significant advantage, especially in PvP situations near bodies of water. The cheat essentially overrides the normal physics of the game, allowing the player to move freely on water surfaces.

Usage: Players activate Jesus to gain a tactical advantage during battles, as it allows them to traverse water obstacles without the usual speed and vulnerability associated with swimming. This cheat can be particularly effective in 1.8 PvP, where movement and positioning are crucial for success. To activate Jesus, players typically bind the cheat to a specific key, enabling or disabling it as needed. The ease of use makes it a popular choice among those looking to exploit the game environment to their advantage.

Detection: Detecting Jesus involves observing abnormal player movement on water surfaces. Keep an eye out for players walking on water without any form of boat or potion effects. While the cheat itself may not always trigger other suspicious activities, the unusual movement pattern is a clear indicator. Additionally, watch for sudden changes in vertical position or odd player behavior when near water. In some cases, Jesus may also interfere with other movement-related cheats, causing unexpected interactions.


Ping-spoofing is a deceptive technique employed by some players to manipulate their network latency artificially. In the context of Minecraft PvP, lower ping is often associated with faster response times and better combat performance. Ping-spoofing cheats aim to exploit this by falsifying the player's connection information to the server, making it appear as though they have a significantly lower ping than they actually do.

Usage: Players using ping-spoofing cheats seek to gain an unfair advantage in PvP situations, allowing them to react faster to opponents' movements, land hits more accurately, and generally outmaneuver others. This gives them a significant edge in battles, making it difficult for opponents to predict and counter their actions.

Detection: Detecting ping-spoofing cheats can be challenging, but there are telltale signs that players should be aware of. Keep an eye out for sudden, drastic changes in a player's movement patterns, especially if they seem to be reacting unusually quickly to stimuli. Additionally, pay attention to inconsistencies in their hit registration and the speed of their actions. If a player consistently exhibits performance that seems too good to be true, it might be an indication of ping-spoofing.


Baritone is an advanced Minecraft automation tool primarily designed for pathfinding and movement. It's not your typical hack, but its functionalities can be abused to gain unfair advantages. Baritone allows automated navigation through the game world, automated mining, and building. While it wasn't initially intended for malicious use, it has been repurposed by some players for unethical advantages.

Usage: Players can utilize Baritone to automate various tasks, such as gathering resources, exploring the world, or even constructing structures. The bot is capable of handling complex tasks like navigating mazes, bridging across gaps, and even using items like water buckets and ender pearls for movement. Essentially, Baritone allows for highly efficient and precise movements that would be challenging or impossible for a human player to replicate consistently.

Detection: Baritone is notoriously difficult to detect due to its advanced pathfinding algorithms and the lack of blatant visual cues. However, there are certain signs that might indicate its usage. Look out for unusually precise movements, especially in situations where a human player would struggle. For instance, if a player consistently executes flawless jumps or perfectly bridges across gaps without hesitation, it could be a sign of Baritone usage. Another potential indicator is the lack of typical human errors, such as misjudging distances or falling from heights. Keep an eye on player behavior that deviates from the expected norms in terms of movement patterns and decision-making.

For further explanations or addition of hacks/cheats leave a reply.
Sprint is not a hack, it is not bannable


Staff Member
Nov 1, 2021
Really? Toggle it and let Polar decide
What do you mean that Sprint is bannable. In my knowledge, it’s a vanilla feature and in clients, it isn’t considered an illegal modification.


The Pika
Jun 17, 2021
What do you mean that Sprint is bannable. In my knowledge, it’s a vanilla feature and in clients, it isn’t considered an illegal modification.
By sprint I don't mean the ghost client sprint (the auto-sprint, similar to the one being on popular clients like lunar), I mean the hacked client one. The one where you don't need to sprint reset.


The Pika
Jun 17, 2021
I have used it many times, even while playing against staff members like @DrRedDragon, @Subvalent and @Regretfull and they didn't ban me so it is not bannable I think. Along with that Toggle Sprint is a vanilla feature in Minecraft 1.16 and above
By sprint I don't mean the ghost client sprint (the auto-sprint, similar to the one being on popular clients like lunar), I mean the hacked client one. The one where you don't need to sprint reset.


Staff Member
Nov 1, 2021
Ah I understand now. Although I have never seen this type of cheat.