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Ultimate Legendary Pika
Mar 3, 2022
I got on for some ranked on practice today and i queued this helper rank named Ungluecklicher when i lagged out three times resulting to him critting me out, as i was winning i obviously got annoyed. Anyways my ping got back to normal so i proceed to beat him like 5-6 times even 10 potting him like 3 of them so i type in chat LMFAO cause it was rly funny and then he proceeds to mute me for 30 days LOL im posting this cuz i wanna hear other peoples opinions on who is on the right here :D #freeglorpseView attachment 85998 @Ungluecklicher

I do believe that unglue might have punished you because he couldn't handle the loss

But I also believe that your punishment is valid
3 same msgs even if they short asf are punishable
But u sent 2 msgs which were very long and repetitive
I don't think u should get such a long punishment (idk much cuz I ain't staff) but considering its 5th offense I would say it's fair

For anyone saying this is a private chat
Private chat is not punishable as there requires a to consent to join the chat with the other person. example: u /p inv someone and to join the p they have to accept the invite then only they can see your /p chat messages
Here it was a random queue so I do not see how this is a private chat

If u think this is a private in game chat then all minigames modes like sw and bw are private chat as it only affects 8-16 players