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Survival Guide- Captain Ka11zen


Great Reporter
Jan 28, 2021
Are you a new player Struggling to understand what to do? There are multiple ways you play Survival In. It could be either grinding levels, or trying to make Money via selling stuff to the Auction House or the Black Market. So first I will be Giving an list of all the Player quests.

Player Quests
Level 1
Break x16 Oak Log
Break x16 Spruce Log
Kill 8 Cows
Kill 8 Sheep

Level 2
Break x32 Stone
Break x16 Coal Ore
Craft 32 Torches
Craft 1 Bed

Level 3
Break x24 Oak Log
Break x64 Sand
Harvest x32 Wheat
Kill 8 Cows
Smelt 16 Steak

Level 4
Break x24 Coal Ore Block
Break x24 Copper Ore Block
Break x24 Iron Ore Block
Kill 5 Zombies
Kill 5 Skeletons

Level 5
Smelt 24 Iron Ingot
Craft 1 Iron Helmet
Craft 1 Iron Chestplate
Craft 1 Iron Leggings
Craft 1 Iron Boots

Level 6
Craft 1 Fishing Rod
Fish 16 Items
Kill 8 Chicken
Kill 8 Pigs
Smelt 8 Cooked Chicken
Smelt 8 Cooked Porkchop

Level 7
Break x64 Stone
Break x16 Iron Ore
Kill x10 Zombies
Kill x5 Skeletons
Kill x5 Spiders
Kill x1 Creepers

Level 8
Craft 1 Iron Pickaxe
Craft 1 Iron Axe
Craft 1 Iron Shovel
Craft 1 Iron Hoe
Craft 1 Shears

Level 9
Break x32 Birch Log
Break x64 Sand
Harvest x48 Carrot
Kill 16 Pigs
Smelt 16 Cooked Porkchop

Level 10
List 5 items on the Auction House
Have a total of 5 votes
Open 5 Crate Keys
Have 4 hours of playtime
Level 11
Harvest x64 Wheat
Craft x16 Bread
Give Hay Bales x12
Give x16 Bread

Level 12
Break x32 Spruce Logs
Break x32 Jungle Logs
Harvest x48 Potato
Kill 24 Cows
Kill 12 Pigs

Level 13
Break x24 Gold Ore Block
Break x24 Redstone Ore Block
Break x24 Lapis Ore Block
Break x4 Diamond Ore Block
Break x1 Emerald Ore Block

Level 14
Fish 25 items
Smelt 10 Cooked Cod
Kill 16 Sheep
Kill 16 Chicken

Level 15
Kill 25 Zombies
Kill 20 Skeletons
Kill 15 Spiders
Kill 15 Cave Spiders
Kill 5 Creepers

Level 16
Break x64 Coal Ore Block
Break x64 Copper Ore Block
Break x48 Iron Ore Block
Break x24 Gold Ore Block

Level 17
Harvest x128 Wheat
Harvest x128 Potato
Harvest x128 Carrot
Kill x25 Cows
Kill x25 Pigs

Level 18
Sell $5,000 worth of items in the blackmarket
Kill 10 Players

Level 19
Break 250 Blocks
Place 250 Blocks
Give x64 Coal
Give x64 Copper Ingot
Give x64 Iron Ingot

Level 20
Sell 10 items on the Auction House
Have 8 hours of playtime
Have a total of 20 votes
Open 10 crate keys
Level 21
Break x128 Gold Ore Block
Break x64 Redstone Ore Block
Break x32 Lapis Ore Block
Break x8 Diamond Ore Block
Break x3 Emerald Ore Block

Level 22
Craft 1 Diamond Helmet
Craft 1 Diamond Chestplate
Craft 1 Diamond Leggings
Craft 1 Diamond Boots

Level 23
Kill x100 Zombies
Kill x100 Skeletons
Kill x50 Spiders
Kill x50 Cave Spider
Kill x25 Creepers

Level 24
Break x32 Obsidian
Consume x1 Totem of Undying
Craft x1 Anvil
Craft x1 Enchanting Table

Level 25
Craft 1 Diamond Pickaxe
Craft 1 Diamond Axe
Craft 1 Diamond Sword
Craft 1 Diamond Shovel
Craft 1 Diamond Hoe

Level 26
Enchant x15 Items
Break x16 Lapis Lazuli Ore
Give x8 Lapis Lazuli Blocks
Give x32 Blue Dye

Level 27
Sell worth $1500 in black market
Break 64 Copper Ore Blocks
Give Copper Ingot
Give x64 Iron Ingot

Level 28
Harvest x128 Nether wart
Harvest x256 Potatoes
Harvest x256 Carrots
Harvest x256 Wheat

Level 29
Have a total of 14 votes
Kill x50 Cows
Kill x30 Pigs
Kill x10 Chickens

Level 30
Give x32 Gold Blocks
Kill x5 Ghasts
Kill x30 Blazes
Kill x15 Hoglin
Level 31
Craft x30 Crafting Tables
Craft x64 Hay Bale
Craft x64 Blue Stained Glass
Craft x64 Green Stained Glass

Level 32
Kill x25 Creepers
Kill x50 Zombies
Kill x50 Skeletons
Kill x50 Spiders

Level 33
Give x128 Bone
Give x64 Raw Cod
Give x64 Poppy
Give x128 Arrow

Level 34
Break x64 Nether Gold Ore
Break 500 Netherrack
Give x128 Nether Brick
Give x64 Glow stone

Level 35
Sell x25 Items on the Auction House
Have a total of 20 Votes
Open 10 Crate Keys
Have 10 hours playtime

Level 36
Break x750 Blocks
Place x 250 Blocks
Give x128 Glass
Break x128 Sand

Level 37
Give x128 Raw Beef
Give x64 Wool
Give x128 Arrows
Give x64 Raw Porkchop

Level 38
Kill 25 Players (0/25)
Sell $3,000 worth of Items in the blackmarket
Use x1 Totem of Undying (0/1)
Give x3 Totem of Undying

Level 39
Mine 4 Ancient Debris
Give x16 Diamond Blocks
Give x32 Gold Blocks
Mine x1,000 Netherrack

Level 40
Give x64 Green Dye
Give x64 Yellow Dye
Give x64 Brown Dye
Give x64 Red Dye
Level 41
Farm x1,000 Wheat
Farm x1,000 Carrot
Farm x500 Nether Warts
Farm x500 Potatoes

Level 42
Break x256 Crimson Log Block
Break x256 Warped Log Block
Break x256 Basalt
Break x256 Blackstone
Break x256 Nether Brick
Break x64 Magma Block
Break x16 Crying Obsidian

Level 43

Brew 32 potions (0/32)

Level 44
Sell $20,000 worth of items in the blackmarket
Give x512 Nether Wart
Give x512 Glowstone Dust
Give x64 Gold Blocks
Give x1 Netherite Block

Level 45
Harvest x512 Wheat
Harvest x512 Carrot
Harvest x512 Potato
Harvest x256 Beetroot
Harvest x256 Melon
Harvest x256 Pumpkin

Level 46
Kill x500 Zombies
Kill x500 Skeletons
Kill x250 Spiders
Kill x250 Cave Spiders
Kill x50 Creepers

Level 47
Harvest x500 Pumpkins
Craft x16 Pumpkin Pie
Give x128 Hay Bales
Give x64 Melons

Level 48
Kill x250 Blaze
Kill x250 Zombies
Kill x250 Skeletons
Give x3 Wither Skeleton Skulls

Level 49
Kill x128 Guardians
Kill x1 Ravager
Give x128 Prismarine Shards
Give x64 Prismarine Crystals.

Level 50
Harvest x1,000 Netherwarts
Harvest x750 Sugarcane
Harvest x1,500 Potatoes
Harvest x1,500 Wheat
Level 51
Kill x256 Enderman
Kill x5 Endermite
Break x1024 Endstone
Give x256 Ender Pearl

Level 52
Fish x100 Items
Kill x100 Squid
Smelt x128 Cooked Cod
Smelt x64 Cooked Salmon
Give x128 Ink Sac

Level 53
Break x250 Obsidian
Kill x50 Slime
Craft x64 Piston
Craft x64 Sticky Piston

Level 54
Sell $25,000 worth of items in the Black Market
Give x256 Rose Bush
Give x256 Peony
Give x256 Lilac
Give x256 Sunflower.

Level 55
Have 50 Votes
Have a total of 30 Hours of Playtime
Open x25 Crate Keys
Kill x500 Cows

Level 56
Break x1024 Oak Log
Break x1024 Birch Log
Break x1024 Jungle Log
Break x1024 Dark Oak Log
Break x1024 Mangrove Log
Break x512 Acacia Log
Break x512 Cherry Log
Break x512 Crimson Log
Break x512 Warped Log.

Level 57
Break x256 Gold Ore
Break x256 Redstone Ore
Break x256 Lapis Ore
Break x48 Diamond Ore
Break x24 Emerald Ore
Give x512 Coal
Give x512 Copper Ingots
Give x512 Iron Ingots

Level 58
Kill x100 Snow Golem
Break x320 Ice
Break x320 Packed Ice
Break x128 Blue Ice
Give x256 Snow Block
Give x256 Blue Ice

Level 59
Trade 100 items with Villagers
Enchant 50 items
Give x64 Bookshelf
Give x64 Emerald Block
Give x64 Clock
Give x64 Compass
Give x64 Lantern.

Level 60
Kill x100 Guardian
Kill x100 Drowned
Kill x25 Iron Golems
Kill x10 Wither Skeleton
Level 61
Kill x1,024 Enderman
Break x2,048 Endstone
Give 1 Elytra
Give x1024 Ender Pearl

Level 62
Smelt x256 Brick
Craft 256 Black Terracotta
Craft 256 Blue Terracotta
Craft 256 Brown Terracotta
Craft 256 Cyan Terracotta
Craft 256 Gray Terracotta
Craft 256 Green Terracotta
Craft 256 Light Blue Terracotta
Craft 256 Lime Terracotta
Craft 256 Purple Terracotta

Level 63
Kill 2,500 Zombies
Kill 2,500 Skeletons
Kill 1,500 Spiders
Kill 1,500 Cave Spiders
Kill 1,500 Creepers
Kill 50 Witches

Level 64
Kill x250 Pigs
Kill x250 Sheep
Kill x250 Chicken
Kill x250 Horse
Kill x50 Rabbits

Level 65
Harvest x2,000 Wheat
Harvest x2,000 Potato
Harvest x2,000 Carrot
Harvest x1,000 Beetroot
Harvest x1,000 Melon
Harvest x1,000 Pumpkin

Level 66
Break 512 Copper Ore
Smelt 512 Raw Copper
Give Block of Copper (x64)
Give Exposed Copper (x64)
Give Weathered Copper (x64)
Give Oxidised Copper (x64)

Level 67
Kill x2,500 Blaze
Kill x2,500 Pigman
Harvest 2,500 Netherwart
Give x2,304 Blaze Rod

Level 68
Kill x512 Hoglin
Smelt x512 Cooked Porkchop
Give Cooked Porkchop (x512)
Give Magma Cream (x256)
Give Saddle (x5)

Level 69
Craft x1024 Cookie
Craft x256 Pumpkin Pie
Craft x64 Cake
Give x256 Hay Bale
Give x256 Leather
Give x5 Wither Skeleton Skull

Level 70
Sell $50,000 worth of items in the Black Market
Craft x256 Yellow Stained Glass
Craft x256 Blue Stained Glass
Craft x256 Green Stained Glass
Craft x256 Red Stained Glass
Craft x256 Purple Stained Glass
Level 71
Kill 500 Magma Cubes
Kill 250 Piglins
Kill 50 Pillagers
Kill 25 Ghasts
Use 10 Totems of Undying

Level 72
Fish 200 items
Give 16x Bucket of Cod
Give 16x Bucket of Salmon
Give 16x Bucket of Tropical Fish
Give 4x Bucket of Axolotl

Level 73
Trade 200 items with villagers
Enchant 150 items
Kill 50 Players
Give x128 Emerald Blocks

Level 74
Craft 64 Targets
Craft 64 Observers
Craft 64 Pistons
Craft 64 Hoppers
Craft 64 Dispensers
Craft 64 Droppers
Craft 64 Repeaters
Craft 64 Comparators
Craft 64 Redstone Lamps

Level 75
Have a total of 70 Votes
Open 35 Crate Keys
Have a total of 48 hours Playtime
Craft x256 Orange Stained Glass
Craft x256 Magenta Stained Glass
Craft x256 Lime Stained Glass
Craft x256 Pink Stained Glass

Level 76
Break 15,000 Netherrack
Break 2,500 Basalt
Break 2,500 Blackstone
Break 16 Ancient Debris

Level 77
Harvest 1,000 Bamboo
Harvest 1,000 Cocoa Beans
Craft 768 Cookies
Craft 256 Scaffolding
Give Bamboo

Level 78
Give x128 Gold blocks
Give x128 Diamonds Blocks
Give x128 Iron Blocks
Give x128 Emerald Blocks

Level 79
Break 10,000 Dirt
Break 25,000 Stone
Break 5,000 Sand
Break 5,000 Grave

Level 80
Have a Total of 80 votes
Have a total of 52 hours Playtime
Open 45 Crate Keys
Craft x256 Crafting Tables
Level 81
Kill 500 Blazes
Kill 500 Wither Skeletons
Kill 2,000 Zombified Piglins
Kill 750 Magma Cube

Level 82
Give Netherite Helmet
Give Netherite Chestplate
Give Netherite Leggings
Give Netherite Boots

Level 83
Enchant 150 Items
Gather 2500 Experience Levels
Give x64 Lapis Lazuli Blocks
Give x256 Blue Dye

Level 84
Brew 100 Potions
Harvest x3,000 Netherwarts
Kill 1500 Blazes
Kill 1500 Enderman

Level 85
Break 20,000 Netherrack
Break 3,000 Endstone
Craft x64 Honey Blocks
Give x64 Honey Blocks

Level 86
Kill x3 Warden
Give Skulk x128
Give Skulk Catalysts x64
Give Skulk Sensors x64
Give Skulk Shriekers x64

Level 87
Kill 1,000 Wither Skeletons
Craft x15 Anvil
Give x15 Anvil
Give x10 Wither Skeleton Skull

Level 88
Break x1,000 Magma Block
Break x500 Obsidian
Break x5 Reinforced Deepslate
Craft x64 Enchanting tables

Level 89
Fish 750 Items
Smelt 500 Raw Cod
Smelt 500 Raw Salmon
Smelt 500 Kelp

Level 90
Have a total of 100 Votes
Open 100 Crate Keys
Have 58 Hours Playtime
Give 5000 Experience Levels
Level 91
Break 2048 Oak Logs
Break 2048 Birch Logs
Break 2048 Spruce Logs
Break 2048 Jungle Logs
Break 2048 Dark Oak Logs

Level 92
Craft x192 Golden Apples
Craft x250 Gold Blocks
Craft x64 Diamond Blocks
Craft x64 Emerald Blocks
Craft x8 Netherite Blocks

Level 93
Kill 1,000 Cows
Kill 1,000 Pigs
Kill 1,000 Sheep
Kill 500 Frogs

Level 94
Break x2,500 Redstone Ore
Break x2,500 Lapis Lazuli Ore
Break x192 Diamond Ore
Break x64 Emerald Ore
Smelt x1,000 Raw Copper
Smelt x1,000 Raw Iron
Smelt x500 Raw Gold

Level 95
Kill x1,000 Enderman
Kill x250 Iron Golems
Kill x250 Glow Squids
Give x196 Glow Ink Sac

Level 96
Harvest x2,500 Beetroot
Harvest x2,500 Potatoes
Harvest x2,500 Carrots
Harvest x2,500 Sweet Berries
Harvest x2,500 Glow Berries

Level 97
Kill x25 Elder Guardians
Kill x1,000 Guardians
Smelt x2,500 Kelp
Give x256 Dried Kelp Block

Level 98
Sell x50 Items on the Auction House
Sell $75,000 worth of items in the Black Market
Give x50 Wither Skeleton Skulls
Use 10 Totems of Undying

Level 99
Craft x1,000 Black Concrete Powder
Craft x1,000 Blue Concrete Powder
Craft x1,000 Brown Concrete Powder
Craft x1,000 Cyan Concrete Powder
Craft x1,000 Gray Concrete Powder
Craft x1,000 Green Concrete Powder
Craft x1,000 Light Blue Concrete Powder
Craft x1,000 Lime Concrete Powder
Craft x1,000 Purple Concrete Powder

Level 100
Have a total of 125 Votes
Open 125 Crate Keys
Have a total of 72 hours of Playtime
Kill x5,000 Ghast
Kill x5,000 Blaze
Kill x5,000 Enderman
Level 101
Kill x250 Horse
Kill x50 Axolotl
Kill x200 Fox
Kill x200 Bee
Kill x50 Panda
Kill x50 Parrot

Level 102
Break x2,500 Sculk
Give x256 Sculk
Give x128 Sculk Catalyst
Give x128 Sculk Sensor
Give x128 Sculk Shrieker
Kill x5 Wardens

Level 103
Break x3000 Oak Log Block
Break x3000 Birch Log Block
Break x3000 Jungle Log Block
Break x3000 Dark Oak Log Block
Break x3000 Mangrove Log Block
Break x1500 Acacia Log Block
Break x1500 Cherry Log Block
Break x1500 Crimson Log Block
Break x1500 Warped Log Block

Level 104
Fish x750 Items
Kill x150 Tropical Fish
Kill x15 Pufferfish
Smelt x1,500 Dried Kelp
Craft x250 Dried Kelp Blocks

Level 105
Craft x5 Conduit
Give x256 Tube Coral
Give x256 Brain Coral
Give x256 Bubble Coral
Give x256 Fire Coral
Give x256 Horn Coral

Level 106
Kill 3,000 Zombies
Kill 3,000 Skeletons
Kill 500 Creepers
Kill 3,000 Spiders
Kill 1,500 Cave Spiders
Kill 100 Witches

Level 107
Kill x500 Squid
Kill x500 Glow Squid
Break x512 Tube Coral Block
Break x512 Brain Coral Block
Break x512 Bubble Coral Block
Break x512 Fire Coral Block
Break x512 Horn Coral Block

Level 108
Kill x500 Camel
Kill x500 Donkey
Kill x500 Goat
Kill x500 Llama
Kill x500 Panda

Level 109
Enchant x250 items
Trade x200 items with villagers
Kill x250 Villagers
Give x512 Emerald Blocks
Give 25,000 XP

Level 110
Craft x256 Targets
Craft x256 Observers
Craft x256 Pistons
Craft x256 Hoppers
Craft x256 Dispensers
Craft x256 Droppers
Craft x256 Repeaters
Craft x256 Comparators
Craft x256 Redstone Lamps
Craft x256 Daylight Detector
Give x256 Redstone Blocks
Level 121
Give x256 Block of Quartz
Give x256 Quartz Pillar
Give x256 Chiselled Quartz Block
Give x256 Smooth Quartz Blocks

Level 122
Kill 7,500 Zombies
Kill 7,500 Skeletons
Kill 1,500 Creepers
Kill 7,500 Spiders
Kill 5,000 Cave Spiders
Kill 150 Witches

Level 123
Smelt x1000 Cooked Cod
Smelt x750 Cooked Salmon
Kill x500 Tropical Fish
Give x16 Bucket of Axolotl

Level 124
Craft x3,000 Spectral Arrows
Give x512 Chorus Fruit
Give x128 End Rods
Give x512 Shroomlight

Level 125
Give x512 Copper Blocks
Give x512 Iron Blocks
Give x512 Gold Blocks
Give x512 Diamond Blocks

Level 126
Kill x8,000 Blaze
Kill x500 Piglin
Kill x3,000 Magma Cube
Kill x250 Strider
Give x1,536 Blaze Rods
Give x384 Magma Cream
Give x384 String

Level 127
Craft x2,500 Magma Block
Craft x2,500 Bone Block
Craft x1,000 TNT
Craft x750 Slime Block
Craft x256 Nether Brick
Craft x1,250 Nether Wart Blocks
Craft x256 Soul CampFire

Level 128
Give x576 Packed Ice
Give x576 Ice
Give x576 Blue Ice
Craft x500 Honey Block
Craft x500 Honeycomb Block
Give x256 Honey Bottles

Level 129
Break x10,000 Stone
Break x5,000 Cobble Stone
Break x1,000 Moss Stone
Give x1,000 Coal Blocks
Give x512 Mycelium
Give x512 Clay Blocks
Give x256 Amethyst Blocks

Level 130
Fish x1,000 Items
Kill x500 Tropical Fish
Kill x500 Cod
Kill x500 Salmon
Smelt x384 Raw Salmon
Smelt x384 Raw Cod
Give x16 Bucket of Axolotl
Level 121
Give x256 Block of Quartz
Give x256 Quartz Pillar
Give x256 Chiselled Quartz Block
Give x256 Smooth Quartz Blocks

Level 122
Kill 7,500 Zombies
Kill 7,500 Skeletons
Kill 1,500 Creepers
Kill 7,500 Spiders
Kill 5,000 Cave Spiders
Kill 150 Witches

Level 123
Smelt x1000 Cooked Cod
Smelt x750 Cooked Salmon
Kill x500 Tropical Fish
Give x16 Bucket of Axolotl

Level 124
Craft x3,000 Spectral Arrows
Give x512 Chorus Fruit
Give x128 End Rods
Give x512 Shroomlight

Level 125
Give x512 Copper Blocks
Give x512 Iron Blocks
Give x512 Gold Blocks
Give x512 Diamond Blocks

Level 126
Kill x8,000 Blaze
Kill x500 Piglin
Kill x3,000 Magma Cube
Kill x250 Strider
Give x1,536 Blaze Rods
Give x384 Magma Cream
Give x384 String

Level 127
Craft x2,500 Magma Block
Craft x2,500 Bone Block
Craft x1,000 TNT
Craft x750 Slime Block
Craft x256 Nether Brick
Craft x1,250 Nether Wart Blocks
Craft x256 Soul CampFire

Level 128
Give x576 Packed Ice
Give x576 Ice
Give x576 Blue Ice
Craft x500 Honey Block
Craft x500 Honeycomb Block
Give x256 Honey Bottles

Level 129
Break x10,000 Stone
Break x5,000 Cobble Stone
Break x1,000 Moss Stone
Give x1,000 Coal Blocks
Give x512 Mycelium
Give x512 Clay Blocks
Give x256 Amethyst Blocks

Level 130
Fish x1,000 Items
Kill x500 Tropical Fish
Kill x500 Cod
Kill x500 Salmon
Smelt x384 Raw Salmon
Smelt x384 Raw Cod
Give x16 Bucket of Axolotl
Level 131
Kill x500 Ghast
Kill x750 Wither Skeleton
Kill x500 Hoglin
Kill x32 Piglin Brute
Give x448 Gold Blocks
Give x16 Ancient Debris
Give x1,000 Bone Blocks

Level 132
Break x5,000 Endstone
Kill x64 Shulkers
Give x320 Chorus Flower
Give x3 Elytra
Craft 128 Ender Chest
Give x288 Ender Pearls
Give x640 Purpur Block

Level 133
Kill x15 Warden
Break x1,000 Skulk Vein
Break x128 Skulk Catalyst
Break x250 Skulk Shrieker
Break x250 Sculk Sensor

Level 134
Craft x2,500 Paper
Craft x1,000 Target Block
Craft x768 End Rod
Craft x500 End Crystals
Break x500 Dripstone Block
Break x256 Dripleaf
Give x256 Candle

Level 135
Break x1,000 Black Concrete Block
Break x1,000 Blue Concrete Block
Break x1,000 Brown Concrete Block
Break x1,000 Cyan Concrete Block
Break x1,000 Gray Concrete Block
Break x1,000 Green Concrete Block
Break x1,000 Light Blue Concrete Block
Break x1,000 Lime Concrete block

Level 136
Kill x8,000 Zombie
Kill x8,000 Skeleton
Kill x5,000 Spiders
Kill x2,500 Creeper
Kill x250 Witch

Level 137
Harvest x2,500 Cocoa Beans
Break x1,000 Red Mushroom
Break x1,000 Brown Mushroom
Break x512 Mushroom Stem
Give x512 Red Mushroom
Give x512 Brown Mushroom

Level 138
Craft 2,000 Soul Torch
Craft 2,000 Torch
Craft 500 Campfire
Craft 500 Soul Campfire
Craft x128 Respawn Anchor
Craft x64 Lodestone
Sell $150,000 worth of items in /blackmarket

Level 139
Give 2,304 Sandstone block
Break x6,000 Red Sand
Have 128 hours of playtime
Have a total of 78 votes
Open 50 crate keys

Level 140
Kill 50,000 Mobs
Sell $200,000 worth of items in /blackmarket
Kill x500 Villagers
Kill x500 Pillagers
Kill x250 Sniffer
Kill x10 Wandering Trader
Kill x250 Llama
Level 141
Harvest x8,000 Wheat
Harvest x7,500 Potato
Harvest x7,500 Carrot
Harvest x7,500 Watermelon
Harvest x7,000 Pumpkin
Give 2,176 Baked Potato
Give 128 Poisonous Potato

Level 142
Fish 1,500 Items
Kill 2,500 Guardian
Kill 2,500 Drowned
Kill 250 Frog

Level 143
Break 35,000 Netherack
Break 12,500 CobbleStone
Break 15,000 Stone
Break x8,000 Dirt
Break 7,000 Endstone
Break 2,500 Basalt Block
Break 2,500 Endstone Brick

Level 144
Give x384 Calcite Block
Give x128 Amethyst Cluster
Give x128 Glow Item Frame
Give x256 Sea Pickle
Give x384 Lead
Give x384 Dried Kelp Block

Level 145
Kill 75,000 Mobs
Kill x9,000 Zombie
Kill x9,000 Skeleton
Kill x5,500 Spiders
Kill 5,500 Cave Spiders
Kill x2,500 Creeper
Craft x3,000 Arrows

Level 146
Sell $300,000 worth of items in /blackmarket
Harvest x10,000 Wheat
Harvest x8,500 Potato
Harvest x8,500 Carrot
Harvest x8,500 Watermelon
Harvest x8,000 Pumpkin
Harvest x8,000 Nether Wart

Level 147
Craft x3,000 Black Concrete Powder
Craft x3,000 Blue Concrete Powder
Craft x3,000 Brown Concrete Powder
Craft x3,000 Cyan Concrete Powder
Craft x3,000 Red Concrete Powder
Craft x3,000 Green Concrete Powder
Craft x3,000 Light Blue Concrete Powder
Craft x3,000 Lime Concrete Powder
Craft x3,000 Purple Concrete Powder

Level 148
Sell $400,000 worth of items in /blackmarket
Have a total of 112 Votes
Kill x10,000 Enderman
Kill x10,000 Blaze
Kill x8,000 Zombified Piglin
Kill x5,500 Magma Cube
Kill x500 Strider

Level 149
Give x320 Iron Blocks
Give x320 Gold Blocks
Give x320 Diamond Blocks
Give x320 Copper Blocks
Give x320 Emerald Blocks
Give x640 Coal Blocks
Give x16 Netherite Blocks

Level 150
Sell $500,000 worth of items in /blackmarket
Craft x5,000 Nether Wart Blocks
Give x32 Anvils
Give x32 Nautilus Shell.
Give x25 Wither Skeleton Skill
Give x3 Trident
Kill x25 Wardens
Kill x20,000 Enderman
Kill x15,000 Blaze
Harvest x20,000 Nether Wart

The List above will show you all the existing quests. So if you want to prepare yourself for all the tasks in-advance, take a sneak peak.

Level Skips - Is there a challenge to hard for you to complete? Is the challenge taking to long? Then you may want to consider redeeming a Level Skip Voucher. These vouchers will skip a challenge withing one of your levels. For example;
Level 1 - Break x16 Oak Log, Break x16 Spruce Log, Kill 8 Cows, Kill 8 Sheep.
If you were struggling to find 8 cows, you could redeem a level skip and it will complete the challenge of 'Kill 8 cows'.

Premium Level Pass - Not liking your rewards you're getting? Wanting more rewards for completing your level? You then may want to consider claiming a premium pass. This pass grants you extra rewards whilst completing challenges.

Levels are an great way to get loot as a beginner.

Captain ka11zen's Tips to finish level fasters-

  • To Finish your mobkills you can use /pw (playerwarps). From here you can select an warp corresponding to the mob you want to kill.
  • For Ore/Give Levels you can buy stuff from /pshops
  • Sometimes Crafting all the stuff at once doesnt count, so craft 1 by 1.
Black Market

Now we will look into the Blackmarket. Black Market can be accessed by either typing /bm or /pw bm or /warps. The blackmarket is an NPC where you can sell 4 new items each day. These items cycle in every 24 Hours. Take advantage of unlimited trades, maximizing your gains by farming and selling as much as you want.
Stone - $0.5

Netherrack - $0.5

Cobblestone - $1.0

Dirt - $1.0

Prismarine - $1.0

Sand - $1.0

Diorite - $1.5

Gravel - $1.5

Andesite - $1.5

Granite - $1.5

Tuff - $1.5

Prismarine Bricks - $2.25

Acacia Log - $2.5

Basalt - $2.5

Birch Log - $2.5

Blackstone - $2.5

Crimson Stem - $2.5

Dark Oak Log - $2.5

Jungle Log - $2.5

Mossy Cobblestone - $2.5

Mud - $2.5

Nether Bricks - $2.5

Oak Log - $2.5

Cherry Log - $3.0

Spruce Log - $2.5

Warped Stem - $2.5

Blue Ice - $3.0

Bricks - $3.0

Cobbled Deepslate - $3.0

Deepslate - $3.0

Ice - $3.0

Magma Block - $3.0

Mangrove Log - $3.0

Packed Ice - $3.0

Warped Wart Block - $3.0

Nether Wart Block - $3.0

End Stone - $3.5

Calcite - $3.5

Dark Prismarine - $3.5

Dripstone Block - $3.5

Packed Mud - $5.0

Purpur Block - $5.0

Bone Block - $8.0

Glowstone - $10.0

Ochre Froglight - $10.0

Pearlscent Froglight - $10.0

Sea Lantern - $10.0

Verdant Froglight - $10.0

Dried Kelp Block - $14.0

Red Nether Bricks - $15.0

Shroomlight - $15.0

Gilded Blackstone - $0.0

Obsidian - $20.0

Honeycomb Block - $20.0

Hay Block - $23.0

Honey Block - $25.0

Tinted Glass - $40.0

Crying Obsidian - $50.0

Slime Block - $90.0

Melon Seeds - $0.75

Pumpkin Seeds - $0.75

Wheat Seeds - $0.75

Beetroot Seeds - $1.0

Kelp - $1.0

Dried Kelp - $1.5

Cactus - $2.0

Nether Wart - $2.0

Bamboo - $2.0

Wheat - $2.5

Pumpkin - $3.0

Sugar Cane - $3.0

Beetroot - $3.0

Carrot - $3.0

Potato - $3.0

Brown Mushroom - $4.0

Red Mushroom - $5.0

Melon - $5.0

Cocoa Beans - $5.0

Vine - $7.0

Lily Pad - $10.0

Melon Slice - $0.5

Cod - $2.0

Chorus Fruit - $2.0

Mutton - $2.5

Porkchop - $2.5

Beef - $2.5

Chicken - $2.5

Cooked Cod - $3.5

Baked Potato - $3.5

Cooked Chicken - $4.0

Cooked Mutton - $4.0

Cooked Porkchop - $4.0

Cookie - $4.0

Glow Berries - $4.0

Honey Bottle - $4.0

Cooked Beef - $4.0

Sweet Berries - $4.0

Rabbit - $5.0

Salmon - $5.0

Apple - $5.0

Bread - $5.0

Cooked Rabbit - $7.5

Cooked Salmon - $7.5

Pumpkin Pie - $7.5

Tropical Fish - $10.0

Milk Bucket - $12.0

Pufferfish - $25.0

Cake - $35.0

Golden Apple - $38.0

String - $0.5

Arrow - $0.5

Rotten Flesh - $0.5

Prismarine Shard - $0.25

Prismarine Crystals - $0.75

Spider Eye - $2.5

Bone - $2.5

Ender Pearl - $3.5

Blaze Rod - $3.5

Gunpowder - $5.0

Ink Sac - $5.0

Leather - $5.0

Feather - $5.0

Glow Ink Sac - $5.0

Honeycomb - $5.0

Egg - $7.5

Slimeball - $10.0

Scute - $15.0

Rabbit Hide - $15.0

Turtle Egg - $15.0

Dragon Breath - $25.0

Wither Rose - $25.0

Ghast Tear - $50.0

Rabbit Foot - $50.0

Nautilus Shell - $50.0

Skeleton Head - $100.0

Zombie Head - $100.0

Piglin Head - $250.0

Totem of Undying - $250.0

Coal - $2.0

Copper Ingot - $4.0

Iron Ingot - $4.0

Gold Ingot - $5.0

Raw Copper - $3.0

Raw Iron - $3.0

Quartz - $5.0

Lapis Lazuli - $5.0

Raw Gold - $4.0

Redstone - $5.0

Emerald - $16.0

Coal Block - $18.0

Quartz Block - $20.0

Copper Block - $36.0

Iron Block - $36.0

Diamond - $32.0

Gold Block - $45.0

Raw Copper Block - $27.0

Raw Iron Block - $27.0

Lapis Block - $45.0

Raw Gold Block - $36.0

Redstone Block - $45.0

Emerald Block - $144.0

Diamond Block - $288.0

Netherite Ingot - $250.0

Netherite Block - $2250.0

White Dye - $0.8

Clay Ball - $1.0

Red Dye - $1.0

Yellow Dye - $1.0

Magenta Dye - $1.0

Pink Dye - $1.0

Orange Dye - $1.25

Lime Dye - $1.5

Light Gray Dye - $2.0

Green Dye - $2.25

Gray Dye - $3.0

Light Blue Dye - $3.0

Purple Dye - $3.0

Cyan Dye - $3.5

Black Dye - $5.0

Blue Dye - $5.0

Brown Dye - $5.0


Pink Petals - $0.25

Torchflower - $1.0

Cherry Leaves - $1.0

Pitcher Pod - $3.0

Torchflower Seeds - $3.0

Bamboo Mosaic - $5.0

Pitcher Plant - $5.0

Calibrated Sculk Sensor - $25.0

Sniffer Egg - $250.0

Saddle - $150.0

Book - $5.0

Sculk Sensor - $8.0

Sculk Catalyst - $15.0

Sculk Shrieker - $88.0

Sculk - $4.0

Sculk Vein - $5.0

Lava Bucket - $15.0

Bookshelf - $15.0

Compass - $20.0

Amethyst Shard - $20.0

Clock - $24.0

TNT - $25.0

Paper - $1.0

Flint - $1.0

Beacon - $2500.0

Elytra - $15000.0

Enchanted Golden Apple= $1000
By click on the spoilers above you can find the prices of the items you wish to. Many of these items can be farmed, or acquired through the Rank Kits.
For Ex. You can make a pumpkin farm, Each pumpkin sells for 3$ on the Black Market. Also many of these items can be traded with villagers for emeralds. Like an cured farner gives 1 Emerald for 1 Pumpkin, so now instead of selling your Pumpkin for just 3$ you can sell it for 16$, Damn thats crazy!

The black market is a great way of making money. Also many players buy these items at a price higher than the black market, This is because they have a high trader skill or an Rabbit Pet. We will talk about that in my Tips. So instead of selling to the BM you could sell it to these players also.

Captain ka11zen's Tips to make more money from the Black -

  • Sell 1 by 1 to gain more trader exp (its very tiring). Trader Skill Allows the players to sell their items at a 1.25x price.
  • You could also try to Obtain a Rabbit pet from the zookeeper or crates (kings bundle). Their are 3 rarities Common, Rare, Legendary. Common Rarity Multipies your money earned from BM by 2x, Rare Does 2.5x and Legendary does 3x.
  • If you arent able to obtain a rabbit pet, then you could ask someone with it to sell it for you (PS: trust others carefully).

Now using and following these tips you can collect items in advance to sell to the BM and be the next millionaire of survival!

Player Shops

Next we will move on to another way of making money that is Player Shops.
As I mentioned within the section above, player shops are a great way to make money, as you chose how much you want to sell your items for. Creating a play-shop is very easy and I'll go over step by step;

1. You'll first need to find a location (preferably within your claim) to place a chest. Then you will need to place a sign on that chest and type [shop] on the first line. You will know if you have done it correctly, as it will say in chat ->
[!] You created a new player shop.

2. Now that you have a shop up, you will need to select an item you wish to sell. For this example I will use a diamond. Click onto the sign -> Click onto the first option -> and finally click an item that is in your inventory. You follow the same steps if you wish to remove and change the item(s) you are trying to sell.
Clip of how to do this part.

3. Now that you have set your shop up with an item of your choice, you are now going to decide what you want to buy or sell it for. To-do this, click onto your shop sign -> click onto shop prices -> if you are trying to sell items to players, you need to left click -> if you want to buy items from players, you need to right click -> in chat it will say [!] Type your new price in chat to set the price! Type stop to cancel the price change. -> when you see that message in chat, you need to type your price, for example '100', which will make your sell/buy price $100.
Clip of how to do this part.

4. You should now have a fully functioning shop, but you might be wondering now, how will I get players to purchase things from it without telling them to teleport to me? Well that's where Advertisement Gems come into play. When you click the sign, the click last sign which says advertisement gem -> then click the gem that you have in your inventory and you should be all good. Your chest shop will now show in /shop for other players to warp to your chest. Beware, your shop will only show for as long as your gem is active - so always use your highest length gems.

Auction House; Similar to player shops, however with the difference of, you don't need any chest or players teleporting to your land. You will be able to auction your items straight away, where then people will be able to to purchase it.

To auction items onto the Auction House is very simple. All you need to do;

  1. Hold the item
  2. Type; /ah sell [price]
  3. Wait until someone purchases your item.
Playtime Rewards; You can earn rewards by simply being online, and these rewards earn you a decent amount of cash. They also give you alot of keys which you can open for cash, also other items which you could sell on the Auction House.

You can view your claimable rewards by typing /playtimerewards.

Note: Sometimes your items will not be purchased by anyone, and will no longer be listed up, but don't worry - your items are not lost. To retrieve your items back, you will need to go into your expired bin by type /ah expired - You must collect your items within 10 days of it expiring, otherwise they will be lost forever.

Captain ka11zen's Tips to make more money from the Auction House and Playershops -

  • PvP is an important aspect of the survival economy, this is what you can use to your advantage. You can create an villager trading hall from which you can get items which can be sold to PvPers. These items could be such Enchanted Armour, Sword, Axe, Bow, Crossbow, Bottle o' enchantment and many more things. (However you can sell mutliple of these only in shulker or have a donator rank.
  • Since newer players tend to be of the member rank, You could always setup playershops and advertise them in the chat (Be careful to not spam).
  • You can also sell items such as ores and ingots on a playershop as people tend to buy them.

Now using and following these tips you can collect items in advance to sell to the BM and be the next millionaire of survival!

If you have read it this far thanks for reading it all, if you like it give an thumbs up and get on your survival journey :yaychu:.
so captain game is over with 2 bans :D


Legendary Pika
Nov 25, 2023
level 58 quests update , (kill snow golem has been removed)


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