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Denied OP Factions Op faction reset new possible changes

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Pika Lover
Oct 3, 2021

Op faction reset new possible changes

Detailed description:
Adding a darkzone that you can farm mobs that are better then villagers (pvp is enabled so it’s risky). Not allowing commands in darkzone. Including selling your backpack.

Backpacks that hold the item that this mob drops

Bows disabled but leave pearls

1.1x damage from darkzone outpost

Max 1 ally to create fights more equal and you have to choose your team wisely

Armor break faster for quicker fights, more quick drops which adheres to the bad and good players.

Fishing where you can win anything such as spawners, ssnl ranks, mcmmo etc..

Darkzone Koth that has different loot (koth crate keys)? Top 3 players get rewards (5 keys, 3 keys, 1 key). No koth starters for this only happens once a day at a certain time to create more pvp.

Darkzone, FPS, and soccer Deathban because those places are supposed to be hard to get out of but it is nearly impossible if your opponent can insta tp back with full sets in no time.

Duels (can choose winners loot like money xp, weapons)

Darkzone mob top payouts

Koth top payouts - player not faction

Adding fishing that is at another warp with not nearly as good loot as darkzone but pvp is disabled

Supply crate that happens every 6 hours with good loot and it drops coordinates at warp envoy (can also be where envoys drop). Fly and bows are disabled so that every player has fair chance to get the loot).

Raiding- After being raided you lose your value on ftop at a % instead of all at once. This is just something I have seen before and I don’t know if players will like it here.

I think this adheres to the good players as well as the not as good players so it makes it more balanced and more fun for everyone
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Discord Developer
Oct 9, 2019
Hello LittleHersh,

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Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

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