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Issue with Plot merge and Gang vaults in OP prison


New Member
Aug 6, 2020

firstly I would like to apologies if I'm posting this thread into wrong section.
If it's in wrong section, please move it to right one. Thanks.

Plot merge
Currently there is an issue with command /plot merge.
My friend and I have plots next to each other and use command /plot merge west (since he is west of me) to merge our plots.
He receives request and has to type /plot confirm. Once he confirms with mentioned command it says merging was successful but nothing happens.
We added and trusted each other on our plots but issue persists.

Coordinates of plots we are trying to merge are 14; 33 and 15; 33.

Gang vaults
My gang leader bought perk Gang Vaults (Level 1).
However, if he (Leader) or I (Co-Leader) try to open it with command /gang vault or /g vault we get chat message "You are not allowed to use this command!"
Our gang name is "abc".

We would be really grateful if you could look into mentioned issues.

KiseliKupus and DarKillerPT