I've been playing prison for about a week. I've used my own pickaxe to mine and grinding felt kinda easy to be exact. I wanted to get keys so after hours of looking i found the perfect pickaxe for a perfect price (100k tokens). Its a very good pick, it has key finder 4 explosive 1300, fortune 100 and jackhammer 1000. Blocks are so easy (with new pick) compared to old one (exlposive 60, fortune 100) to get but i just don't see the point much of getting money by selling blocks. But i realized that getting tokens feels about the same with new pick and old pick. Does this mean that explosive doesn't get you tokens and that its just for blocks. Is it meant to be this way or is this a bug? Also is keyfinder supposed to get me this much keys, like 1 rankup/epic every 15 minutes?
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