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  1. MEF_E

    the staff team

    I don't understand the people who say the staff team doesn't care about the server. How do you use your brains?. Right now, while am posting this thread, bedwars is glitched, when you try to join a quad match it sends you to an old game's map, and you can't break anything, basically it is...
  2. obaid

    Unban Me!

    I got Permanente ban from pika for last 2 year , i just want to get unban , i apologize from staff i have done some mistake in past will you guys please unban me , that's your pleasure if you unban me. Regards: OBEDโœจ
  3. K

    Find my old account request

    Hello Pika, I have a request. Is there any chances ya'll can find/give me my old and lost Pika account is there any chances yall can find my username or email? i want to play again OP skyblock. I can give some information if needed. Thank you
  4. lopsko

    Staff Tier List V2 (Simplified & Up-to-date)

    I've made an updated version of the PikaNetwork Staff Tier List (originally based on how good their IGNs are, but feel free to base it off of other things such as overall personality, behavior, helpfulness, etc.) To create your own version of the tier list, CLICK HERE. This version of the...
  5. JamGamer632

    Bug in /timeplayrewards Skymines

    The total hours played for the season are not accumulated and only the daily hours are saved and it makes it impossible for me to advance 12 hours in the /playtimerewards So I can't claim more since the total time played does not fit within this section.
  6. L

    Why can I not join minigames?

    Hi I am not able to join Skyblock minigames, when i click on maze minigame some network protocol error comes up, what should I do to fix this?
  7. M


    Ban for nothing nice staff
  8. CqmeronO

    Next admin member?

    I personally think it is one of the 4 xDeleted Aeqlian Thijme01 or Ungluecklicher. I'd love for it to be Aeqlian or Thijme01 but I think it will be Ungluecklicher or xDeleted (Routing for xDeleted)
  9. Felixx

    I got banned and it was for no reason.

    So recently after targeting for titan rank I started voting a LOT. Now I have 30+vote crate keys left. But I got banned. Reason: Discrimination. I never used any accounts other than Felixx835 and Fenixx835. But in the ban reason there was an image link. In there was a guy named bobrtxxxxx who...
  10. Solofire

    Q: N Season, Votes, and Claim Losses.

    Dear Server Staff, I hope this message finds you well. I have a few questions and concerns regarding the server that I hope you can address: New Survival Season: I'm very excited about the next season of Survival and was wondering if you could provide an estimated time for when it will begin...
  11. WalliBearSubFan

    DEAR Staff i dunno waat error going on

    ok first thing first DEAR STAFF, in the beggining of may i got VIP 31 days in crate okand after voting for 1000 iron i still had 16 days of the vip and with that i bought perma vip but still it shows only for 16 day wtf error is this pleaase staff can u refund my iron or make my vip perma i beg...
  12. D

    yxay boosting

    I have screen shots of yxay boosting kills, killing the same person to complete a legendary quest. He killled the ign" dthang" 3 times. His ign is "yxay".
  13. NotCadet


    INTRODUCTION :gold: : Roses are Red, Violets are Blue Name's NotCadet I am such a noob. BORING INFO BOUT ME (SARCASTIC): I am from India ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ and I can even sacrifice my life for it (no sarcasm), I like to play Bedwars but I am too bad in this game that even a unflavored potato chip is better...
  14. D

    I got ddos threatened

    Context: We trapped him in our trap and he was really mad.
  15. D

    I got banned for nothing

    I just got banned for nothing on pika. I was making a party and and I got banned for 5 days by console. Ign: rvgovo
  16. BlueBoy42

    Health potion??!

    Alright, so i was just AFK and stuff, and i randomly recieved a health potion. I looked up the name that said on the health potion, it said "Not Found", So, I drank the health potion and it said "Revenge1812: Cheers everyone! " Was this staff or something? Sadly, the screenshot of Revenge1812...
  17. J


    during a Bedwars game i found a hacker blatantly hacking, its just a shame that the server dosen't ban them and bans other useres for using a client but not the hackers. I have attached a proof that the player was hacking you can check it the players ign was TaylorSwif6967 i hope that the...
  18. Schiqo_


    Can i get unmute please staff team, im muted 4 sesons and pleae im gonan be good boy <3
  19. MrSpeedy35

    Forum Ranks & Titles

    โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” PIKANETWORK FORUM RANKS & TITLES โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” CraftiGames Employee Ranks โžค These ranks are given to CraftiGames employees. Owner This rank is reserved for the owners of CraftiGames, so this rank is unobtainable. Max...
  20. AspectPlayedX

    About getting ssed by staff.

    So I've been wondering, I don't have any minecraft cheats installed on my computer but I have roblox expolites, If a staff were'd to ss me would the roblox expolites count as cheats? Please let me know down below in the forum comments, Thanks.