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scam report

  1. W

    tricked me to do /ci

    scammed and tricked me to clear my inv which got like 10 special sets
  2. D


    I bought a key and thought I would trade it with someone. So I wrote in the chat and the player _Lined wrote to me that he would trade it for a good pickaxe. so i told him yes and when i gave him the key he disconnected from the server and gave me nothing. Is there anything you can do about it...
  3. GamingSankalpYt

    AuctionHouse scamming

    I was just looking for some items in auction house and i found a thing but i misclicked and bought EISA_GAMING shulker for 50k i know that its my fault i misclicked it but when i asked him can u return the money he was swearing and he was like haha u got scammed i i didnt wanna even buy that he...
  4. S


    I found a guy on op prison and he is breaking so many rules first of all he is trading with players for items for pika gold it means he is breaking rule no trading for in game items for money second I decided to trade with him he gave me the stuff and I went to pika shop to give him gold but I...
  5. D


    Ya so i sell my vote keys for the keys of opskyblock so i sold the keys to the GUY named 'DeusLowkey' so i sold him keys he i think he /ignored me and i was spamming him but he was not listening at all am pasting that video link of youtube View: https://youtu.be/1x8aLUH1J6M
  6. D

    Shulker box scam By samurai ranked player

    He even openly admits that the shulker box is a scam and i also changed the language just to confirm and the items didnt change language which means its a scam.
  7. Yoru3000

    i got scam by ProZinc12

    He said he have a rank voucher in the classic skyblock but when i traded him my keys when i said "go to classic skyblock" he said no pls ban him
  8. K

    Nether Pig spawner mover scam

    A user named Andejko123123 volunteered to silk touch pig spawners in nether after I've asked ~StoPizza if he could help me with his silk touch in public chat. User Andrejko123123 private messaged me about his ability to help me, which seeing that he is quite involved with the community I...
  9. KouTanaka122

    got scammed...

    we talked about trading 2 opfacs keys for 2 opsb keys.. but he only gave me 1 one key and i gave 2 keys video during the transaction: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q0TGwncpyPfpRkV-EjdPTuyHKFIW6Brx/view?usp=sharing
  10. O


    So Breeu is a scammer scamming people of their money with a supposed maze. he says u end the maze u win and when u click the chest u lose money. he is a scammer please ban. i got scammed i had 16M and now i have 360K
  11. Sunoichii

    TbrWolf Scam

    In the chat he said that he was selling epic keys for 3mil, i thought to myself "hey maybe i could open up some crates, maybe something good will happen. When i warped to his island, i was going through banners that he put in the passage. When i got to the chest, i pressed to buy the keys but...
  12. Najakmk123

    Some guy scam me 7b HELP !

    Guys some guy on Prison told me that he maked one big shop and i go down and i fall when i fall down he was having huge nether portals and he told me that if i dont pay he will not let me out of there and i right click the chest and he took me 7b :( If someone can help me .. my in game name is...
  13. AdmirmentMC

    TheMidnightRekt Scammed 2 Op pickaxes

    People.. Have you ever wondering how Op Pickaxe feels? Its like a dream! And worth 5 EUROS An Op Prison Player (Prestige:G:TheMidnightRekt) Scammed 2 Op Pickaxe. from (Unknown) and Redstone_ninja21. The Pickaxe owner worked hard for the Pickaxe. Most people scam for money in op prison but few...