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  1. KawaiiTheNexus

    Item Frames Protest! :O

    Add Item Frames Back Please ;~:, They Are Excellent Wall Decorations and not to mention VERY useful for Furniture,I Would Like To Start A Case About It.(P.S. If You Have The Files Of Old Creative Please Inform Me,Thanks For Reading I Appreciate It Thnx)
  2. Shanan

    Creative - Build

    What Should I Build?? What should I build???? I dont have a single idea of what to make..... So I would like my Pikastic Creative friends/Players to give me their wonderful suggestion and kindly some pictures of their ideas and builds!!!! Thank you Pika Player Shane AKA TooShanIsBack
  3. Fanta

    New Topic?

    I suggest a new Topic where people from Creative can post their plots and wait for them to be rated.