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  1. S

    Csrystal points

    first of all hello! secondly, csrystal points on my island had been dissapeared. We had almost 5k crystal point and were wighting for 3rd place with one island which was our competitor as 3rd island. I dont know what happened, I have no idea how did it dissapeared but just one thing that i know...
  2. Redmario

    Vanishing shulker

    Hi Staff member, I was just online on Skyblock and did a trade to buy a sellwand from Rainer RainierVince. To do this i needed to grab my money that was on a voucher from my shulker box. I placed the shulker box. toke the money out, did the trade and put the wand in the shulker. After this is...
  3. _DreamHunter_


    Currently problem with badwars and skywars. No one can play.
  4. N

    Gravestone glitch

    Hello, Ive been a victim of the gravestone glitch, once you die and a gravestone spawns in they can kill a random person with a gravestone ontop of you which will disable the gravestone from being opened by the owner, I have tons of really good loot in there and id hope of you guys can come...
  5. O

    SUPER HIGH PING in pikanetwork

    Hi my name is omni_clement9ksn 2 months ago i started having sudden time out problems ( like suddenly got time out in middle of pvp ) or ( got time out when going to new warps / places ) And now 2 - 3 weeks my time out problem solved BUT EVERY TIME I TRY TO JOIN PIKA NETWORK I GET SUPER...
  6. LuoKai

    Bug god mode in kitpvp

    There is a bug in kitpvp where players can turn full invis and be untargeteable and still hit you, can a developer get on and fix this? Players that got this happened leave a comment so it gains visibility.
  7. iusehacklol

    Infinite Chest

    The Infinite Chest Sell Multiplier does not work please fix it it has been like that from the beginning of the SEASON!
  8. R

    Still banned from world

    Recently players got banned from their worlds, for some sort of "spam" while noone was actualy spamming, I banned for 2 days rn, but there is some people that are banned for 5+ days, we were told to be patient, but for how long do we have to be patient? there is bunch of other bugs that are...
  9. R

    LVL 43 issue

    Harvesting beetroot for level is impossible it always stays on 0, can I know if developers are working to fix this issue?
  10. T

    Infinite chests bugged ??

    Idk if it happens to me only but in my base i have a farm and a inf chest to collect the items but when the chest gets like 30k items it stops picking up items and my max storage is at 100k like ?? it may be a bug or smth
  11. J

    I am stuck at someone's island

    I was grinding in someone's island and suddenly my minecraft crashed now if i go to opsb my minecraft just closes.it is happening only if i am in that island.so plz some staff tp me to spawn.IGN johnsonboss69
  12. Drion_

    I found a bug

    In the Bedwars Quests I selected Bedwars win but once i completed the quest it said that i didnt start the Quest? Is this bc i I took more than 1 game or is it a bug
  13. Drion_

    I found a bug

    In the Bedwars Quests I selected Bedwars win but once i completed the quest it said that i didnt start the Quest? Is this bc i I took more than 1 game or is it a bug
  14. S

    OPSkyblock Boss Despawning issue

    So I am at level 16 on OPSkyblock after the new reset. And I need to kill 1 boss to proceed to level 17. The issue? Well you see, the bosses apparently get so scared of the attacks that they magically DESPAWN when they're at 50% or less hp. The issue has been on for the last 4-5 days and it is...
  15. D

    Shulker box scam By samurai ranked player

    He even openly admits that the shulker box is a scam and i also changed the language just to confirm and the items didnt change language which means its a scam.
  16. itszme

    PikaNetwork Survival Bug Report

    Hello, pika network’s survival players so there is a bug in the pika network survival that the villager's freeze every 10 to 20 seconds if you right-click or hit the villager it will unfreeze for 10 to 20 seconds and the developers are saying that they were working fine but the thing is they...
  17. N

    Many people lost their money including me

    i was randomly flying around with my trident with 20k in my balance suddenly i got teleported to spawn. when i check my balance it was 697$ this happened to almost all players [almlost] players i asked the Trial CandyOP he/she told me to make this thread so yeah pls fix this bug and if possible...
  18. A

    Shop bug

    There is a bug in the shop i cant make new shop or interact with the existing currents ones and i think its a bug for me only as i can interact with other's shops. I have broken the sign and chest but i still see the shop GUI without the shop and no one can interact with the shops. please fix it...
  19. R

    Shulkers got bugged somehow

    I wanted to place a shulker then it just said, that I cant place it. I hope this get fixed soon. This didnt happend only to me.