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  1. Broke_boi

    Accepted OP SkyBlock Auction House exp sell

    Just get ingame rank dude it ain't that hard
  2. Broke_boi

    Denied SkyBlock All transfer irems have 64 stock

    Username: Phanleanhkhoi Suggestion: All transfer irems have 64 stock Detailed description: All items have stock of 64 Reason(s): This will make transfer player level less painful. Since I'm a kid I can hardly wake up at 2AM for transfer to reset so I can buy things. By the time I can...
  3. Broke_boi

    Denied Global Iron does nnot have expire rate

    Username: Phanleanhkhoi Suggestion: Iron does nnot have expire rate Detailed description: Iron can not expire I do not have anything to do with my iron but I don't want it to expire please Reason(s): I'm waiting for goldshop in csb so I can buy ranks there
  4. Broke_boi

    Some kid said something is bannable.

    Blackmail is threatening something terrible if you don't do something for them But on pika, something terrible as in I'll kill you ( in game because i don't think they know of your address irl). If they do, just get better pvp skillz dood
  5. Broke_boi

    What the hell I always lose gambles I tried 7 times give me my 5k mobcoins back

    It had 40% chance and I lost 7 times. That's too dumb even for my luck GIVE ME BACK MY MOBCOINS
  6. Broke_boi

    Denied SkyBlock Zookeeper actually does something

    Username: Phanleanhkhoi Suggestion: Zookeeper actually does something Detailed description: Someone got a pet spider, i don't know how they got it but the npc zoo keeper just says unknown command every time you click on him Reason(s): I want pets but I have no money irl
  7. Broke_boi

    Denied Global Add goldshop to every gamemode that does not have it already

    Username: Phanleanhkhoi Suggestion: Add goldshop to every gamemode that does not have it already Detailed description: Add goldshop Reason(s): I don't know where to spend my iron please
  8. Broke_boi


    If you have speed when climbing a ladder, you climb like the flash himself
  9. Broke_boi

    staff help me please

    You can't get rank upgrade from ssnl rank
  10. Broke_boi

    Pet in PvP / Strenght Potions

    Strength pot does nothing to a prot 25 person. Just remove the pet's hitbox
  11. Broke_boi


    No, you just got to suck it and grind more heads
  12. Broke_boi


    Kill them are you kidding me
  13. Broke_boi

    Denied Survival Changes for PvP

    About the same as my suggestion +1 https://www.pika-network.net/threads/pvp-world.236322/
  14. Broke_boi

    Denied SkyBlock Greatest suggestion in all of classic skyblock

    Username: Phanleanhkhoi Suggestion: Greatest suggestion in all of classic skyblock Detailed description: Relaunch the server , this is the best suggestion please upvote Reason(s): I can't play csb it says cannot connect to default or fallback server
  15. Broke_boi

    Can you get banned due to high ping?

    I don't play on my own pc anymore bcuz I'm paranoid i'm gonna get banned. Ping always on1k+ when I have mc on
  16. Broke_boi

    Can't connect to csb

    Can't connect to csb please help
  17. Broke_boi

    How to deal with stupid noobs that go invis in pvp

    Drink invis pot. DOne . you put a fermented spider eye in to a night vision pot. Brew night vision from golden carot+akward pot. Akward pot is water bottle + netherwart
  18. Broke_boi

    How to deal with stupid noobs that go invis in pvp

    Their name tags don't show. Or is it jusst my pc that's made out of 90% potatoes?
  19. Broke_boi

    OPFactions, selling perm lord rank voucher for 1.2k pika gold

    sell it for 999b , get some ingame money , then trade it for pika giftcard to not get banned for irl trading
  20. Broke_boi

    How to deal with stupid noobs that go invis in pvp

    @Minecraft_leg please pin this as helpful