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- May 30, 2016
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Greetings PikaCrafters,
We’re here to announce our Skyblock Classic reset and brand new start of Classic Skyblock. This post will cover some of the new features you’ll be able to play on the new classic skyblock server, which includes a new spawn and of course a release date! The current map will be ending and the new map will start on Saturday 28th July at around 5 PM.
We were aware of the bugs that are currently going, and we tried to fix it all and add some new features. If you still do encounter any further bugs or any issues be sure to make a bug report ticket as we shall be closely looking at that section to fix things as soon as possible on the new reset!
We hope to see you there!

We also are trying out IS-TOP rewards for this new ClassicSkyblock Season
- #1 Island - $350 Buycraft Voucher
- #2 Island - $200 Buycraft Voucher
- #3 Island - $125 Buycraft Voucher
You have 120 days (Until 25 November) to get the best island.

The upcoming information in this thread contains a summary of changes that we've implemented for this reset! Most of those suggestions are taken from the suggestions you guys have made;
- Economy revamped
- Bigger island size
- Balance withdrawal
- Exp Withdrawal
- New combat plugin
- New & updated permissions
- Fly at spawn for everyone
- Improved mob stacker
- Supply drops
- Public nether
- New island commands
- /is who
- /is banlist
- Permission for /island settings
[*]Brand new spawn
[*]Player Vaults
[*]Island top
[*]Skyblock Island Levels
- Tweaked the island block values
- Different spawners will have different island top values
[*]Sell wands added
[*]Shop in a Gui & at spawn
[*]New announcements
[*]Updated webstore
[*]New scoreboard
[*]Fixed voteparty
[*]New permissions + donater permissions updated
[*]Clearlag will not clear spawners, hoppers, armor, and tools
[*]entities get directly in a one stack
[*]Added new announcements
[*]You can now type /tps to see the current tps
[*]Recoded anvils to a custom anvil system to prevent any dupe glitches.
[*]Disabled crafting god apples
[*]Changed voting & rewards
[*]Added mobstacker
[*]Added a New PVP arena
[*]Limited the amount & items on /auctionhouse
[*]Updated island top
[*]trade plugin
[*]Added /anvil permission for donaters
[*]Spawner Levels
[*]Improved performance
[*]Redid the crates
[*]Removed any island limits
[*]New chat hover effect
[*]You can no longer click signs thru lava to prevent shop scamming
[*]Everyone has permission to have an island warp
[*]Re-balanced oregen (Cobblestone generators)
[*] Sellwand
And many more changes that are not listed.
If you have any other suggestions, any questions or any concerns discuss in this thread.

Voodootje0 & Gunfire
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