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Gyus good luck with your school. (if you have xD)
Dude... thanks for this i think after hearing this i will be able to complete all my notebook work (probably 100+ pages i have only made 3 notebooks and completed those i havent started a single word on like 5) that is left and the pt 1 exam assignment that due at 25th september and the pt 2 exams coming at 1st october
I fell bad for that, but I wish to you good luck 💯♥️
Prepare for trouble, or make it double, to protect the world from devestation, to unite all people within our nation, to denounce the evils of truth and love, to extend our reach to the stars above, Jessie James, team rocket blasts off at the speed of light, surrender now or prepare for a fight, meowth thats right WAABBAAFFET