This is a predifined message to bypass the chat filter, please ignore this.Finally The End And Nether would be Playable Lol
Well, all of my grining for like 5 full enchanted netheirte will go to waste![]()
Survival - PikaNetwork 2021
January 23 2021, 18:00 GMT / 13:00 EST / 12:00 CST / 11:00 MT / 10:00 PST
Greetings PikaCrafters,
We are here to announce, what we believe, is a much-needed reset for survival. The reset will happen on January 23rd, 2021 at 7PM CET.
Ever since we released survival back in May it has been underperforming the performance we wanted it to give. This reset we will change that and we make sure it is performing to the level that we expected to give from now on. Please find, within this thread, all the information about changes and the major change, the new system, we will be using with this survival reset.
When we released survival back in May, we quickly realized how much of a hassle it was to hold hundreds of players on a single server. During the month, we went through many different possibilities to resolve this, but with 1.16.4 it simply wasn’t viable.
After some deliberation, we soon realized that with our current setup we are not able to give the performance we would like to give. So we got to plan and started working on a new system, with this system we will host multiple survival servers, all interconnected to each other. This would also allow us to scale the amount of worlds available up depending on the player count. This wasn’t as easy as we thought, however, with a couple of weeks' work, we are able to present to you this new survival reset!
We do believe that we have a solid and well-tested version ready and are confident enough to release this. However, please understand that we are in the early stages of this new system and that we have never created it before. This will mean that we maybe will find some bugs and you may experience some lag or other issues in the early stages (We of course hope not). This being said, if you find anything that isn’t working as it has done, please report it so that we can get on it and have it fixed as soon as possible for you!
Despite the performance and the backend system being the main focus of this reset, we have also added some further updates and changes to this season!
Anyway, enough of the talk before! Let's get into the details you are interested in; once again, we'll be launching January 23rd, 2021 at 7PM CET, we hope to see you then!
When planning the introduction of the new season, we thought what better way to grab your attention than some store credit, or a rank giveaway?
If you want to enter this giveaway please head over to the official post on our Instagram page!
Minecraft Server on Instagram: "📅 Survival reset - 𝟳𝗣𝗠 𝗖𝗘𝗧 𝗦𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗱𝗮𝘆, 𝗝𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝟮𝟯𝗿𝗱 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭 We are here to announce, what we believe, is a much-needed reset for survival. The reset is planned to happen on Saturday, 23rd January at 7 PM CET. This reset th
528 likes, 274 comments - on January 15, 2021: "📅 Survival reset - 𝟳𝗣𝗠 𝗖𝗘𝗧 𝗦𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗱𝗮𝘆, 𝗝𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝟮𝟯𝗿𝗱 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭 We are here to announce, what we believe, is a much-needed reset for survival. The reset is planned to happen on Saturday, 23rd January at 7 PM CET. This reset the
The release of the brand new Survival server is scheduled on January 23, 2021, we are expecting the release around 7 PM CET.
Saturday January 23, 2021
18:00 GMT / 13:00 EST / 12:00 CST / 11:00 MT / 10:00 PST
Please note: The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 7 PM CET.
Survival reset is a snazzy free countdown tool designed and developed by Type/Code. Create and share your own countdown to
| Events
We have decided to run a build competition! This will take place from the survival release on Saturday right through until Saturday, February 20th at 5 PM CET. All users will be able to participate in this build competition. There won’t be any set theme for this so there are no limits to your creativity. However, you must not break any of our server rules in the process so think outside the box.
You can build in the overworld or the nether and the build can be as big or small as you want. The competition will be enabled with the reset. We will review all of the entries to find our winner. For more information and where to submit your entries, follow this link;
1st Prize: €75 PayPal Money
2nd Prize: $50 Store Coupon for Survival
3rd Prize: $25 Store Coupon for Survival
Among other things, the following has been changed/updated:![]()
| The New System
Let us start by briefly explaining the current system, the one which will be replaced. We currently hold all of the worlds on one server, this includes: Spawn, End, Nether, Red, Blue and Resource world. Using one server to contain all of these worlds means that all of the mobs/chunks are all on one server which makes it very hard to provide good performance with the version 1.16.4, the version which is already known to be terrible for server performance.
The new reset will see this old system change, we will be moving away from the single server system so now the Spawn world will be on a completely separate server to say, the Red / Blue / Resource world(s). This way we can allow each server to handle mobs, chunks and other performance related factors separately, so they deal with 1 world rather than the 6 we mentioned previously. For example, if the Red world does, unfortunately, start to lag then this will mean that the other worlds shouldn’t experience the lag being created in the Red world. Of course, we aim to have all of our servers performing at their peak and don’t expect lag but it could happen.
The downside of having multiple different servers is that a lot of our plugins have had to be recreated from scratch as teleporting or warping between servers wouldn’t be possible and the chat and tablist wouldn’t have been global. We are pleased to announce that, after weeks of work, this has all been made possible and a lot of the commands we have been able to work between servers! Please note that some commands may no longer work or they may work differently than before. We have tried to keep as many commands as similar to the commands from the current season.
Think of the new system like a network, the spawn will be the main hub of survival and from this you can enter any of the other worlds but from the server you enter, you will still be able to talk with anyone within the other worlds, teleport to your friends on the other servers, message your friends, warp between the servers, use shops between servers and many more features!
The idea sounds very simple, but a lot of work had to be put into this to make it all possible, so hope that you appreciate the effort we put into this new reset.
| Version Drop
With the new season, we have also decided to drop any support for any versions below 1.12. Based on statistics over the last couple of months we see that 87% of the server already plays on the latest version.
We can also see that 9% of players use any version between 1.12 and 1.16 and only 4% of players use a version less than 1.12. This is the reason that we have decided to drop the versions below 1.12. Those statistics are only for survival! The majority of our players on other game modes still play on 1.8.
| Plugins & Gameplay
Even though you cannot directly see this, we still think that it is worth mentioning as we have spent a lot of time to make sure that each plugin is connected between the servers to make sure it functions as it should do.
No need to worry though, we have made sure that the changing of the plugins didn’t affect the gameplay of this season. We have done our best to ensure that we keep as many of the current features as possible. Nothing has changed to claiming, you can still use the golden shovel and clans hasn't changed and still works how it used to work.
| Clans
Even though not much has changed for clans this reset, it is still worth mentioning some smaller changes.
Since we are now operating with multiple servers, you will now be able to have a clan on each server. We sadly enough couldn't make clans work properly between servers, at least for right now. This could maybe also been seen as a good thing since you are now able to have 2 or even 3 clans depending on the number of worlds we decide to add later.
| The Worlds
We have a total of 5 servers running to make all of this possible. If we are ever in need of adding a new world, this can be done simply with the new system without being worried about performance and without putting all of survival into maintenance to preload chunks.
For now, the worlds below will be the ones we will have for this reset.
Here are some tips to help you:
- Spawnworld - This will be the central place of the server, this is the server where everyone will join for the first time. Here you will be able to find the crates, shop NPCs, the black market, and much more.
- Blue world & Red world - This is a Vanilla 1.16 generated world where you can start your survival journey. Within this world you can claim, build, make shops and much more without being worried about it getting destroyed. Each server will also have its own nether that can be entered by making a nether portal, this means there will be a red nether and blue nether.
- The world border is 15,000 for the overworld and 7000 for the nether. Please note this is both positive and negative X.- Resourceworld - This world will reset every seven days. Claiming inside this world is disabled, and building in this world is not recommended since it will be resetting often. As the name suggests, this world can be used for resources only.
- End world - We have disabled the use of end portals within worlds. You can enter the end world through a portal located in the spawn. However, there is a catch... you must meet the requirements to enter!
❖ This on the tablist / chat messages indicates you're in the Spawnworld
⬤ This on the tablist / chat messages indicates you're in the Redworld
⬤ This on the tablist / chat messages indicates you're in the Blueworld
❁ This on the tablist / chat messages indicates you're in the Resourceworld
❖ This on the tablist / chat messages indicates you're in the Endworld
| New Spawn
We’ve taken the opportunity to give the spawn a brand new, refreshing look! A change in the season means a change in builds. Therefore, a full new spawn has been made and implemented, it has become a lot more user friendly, with more information displayed.
Based on your feedback, we have also added some new changes including:
- A new PVP Area located within the spawn
- Certain commands and elytra use have been disabled within the spawn
- Increased the amount of information displayed
- Used more 1.16 blocks to give a more refreshing look
The current state of the spawn;
| Miscellaneous Updates & Changes
Here is a list of some of the other, smaller changes that have been added with this update.
- Updated all vouchers, and their layouts.
- Added a leaderboard for the blackmarket.
- New items and prices have been updated for the blackmarket.
- Fixed current server crash methods that have been happening this week, this will no longer be possible next reset.
- Claims will now be from sky to bottom.
- Auctionhouse improvements
- Clearlagg timer fixed
- Itemrename has been updated and you can now use it on the following items;
[*]Turtle Helmet
[*]Fishing Rod
[*]Shulker Box (all colors)
[*]All Netherite tools and armor- Combat log has been added for the spawnworld.
- Disabled /tpa, /tpahere, /etpa, /etpahere, /tpask, /fly, /god, /speed within the pvp arena.
- Fixed bug with being able to place private signs within claims.
- Added a ton of new help commands.
- Fixed player count placeholders within the tablist.
- Changed it so that the auction house will only work within the spawnworld.
- Added a guide book.
- Updated all broadcasts.
- Disabled phantoms.
- Pay command has been disabled.
- And much more..
If you encounter any bugs, be sure to make a bug report HERE. We will be checking this section regularly in order to fix things as soon as possible.
Make sure to let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions. We are always open for it as we are always looking for ways to improve our server.
| Questions & Answers
Why did survival reset?
Survival just needed a reset, it wasn't updated for months and the performance was terrible. So to make survival working again was a reset required. So here it is a fresh new survival with updates!
This means all claims, items, money and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. Of course, all purchases will be reissued so nobody will be out of pocket in that regard. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features, and updates the different kind of gameplay and style being provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!
Below you can find what you will lose and one for what you will keep
What will I lose?
What will I keep?
- Your claims and builds.
- All items in your inventory and ender chest
- Any currencies such as money and exp
- Chatcolor permissions.
- Purchased Ranks & Rank Upgrades
- Purchased Perks
- Won out of crates commands/ranks
We hope to see you in our new Survival server soon!
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
Agreed fr.. end should be resetted time to time so people can actually get the elytras. Also removing /fly in the end would be really good since donators take all the elytras away from non-ranked playersBring back emerald eco@_ItsToby25 @0Mad0Max0 @_mankwrld
Also, nametags should be allowed to be /renamed
*And please remove "your message was similar to the previous one" for donators... I understand that this is a thing to prevent spam, but sometimes the message isn't that similar and yet it gets caught on that filter, so imo it should be disabled for donators, and if they do spam, or such, they can always be reported.
And make the end world much larger! Or to have resets from time to time.
Wait we can fly in the end. POGGERS imma grab a million elytras.Agreed fr.. end should be resetted time to time so people can actually get the elytras. Also removing /fly in the end would be really good since donators take all the elytras away from non-ranked players
Well that line is like a "maybe" or "depends"reset that we been waiting for too long lol
;-; I just want reset and its happens lolWell that line is like a "maybe" or "depends"
Who tf asked ?ernest i can ewww chat filterrr
Theres nothing new only resetAhh finally something new lets gooo
PikaNetwork is one of the largest Minecraft servers!
Since the day PikaNetwork was formed, back in 2014, we have focused on bringing joy to
the community. We offer many game modes, these being BedWars, SkyBlock, KitPvP,
Lifesteal, OP Factions, OP Lifesteal, OP Prison, OP SkyBlock, Practice, SkyPvP, Survival and SkyMines!
Come play at:
Have you had a fun time here? Support us by purchasing packages such as ranks, commands, crate keys, and more!