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Survival competition-Enter for prizes

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Mar 21, 2016
Hello all of you Survival players and Pika-crafters as you know Survival has just reset if you dont know well it has. And of course everyone starts with nothing however i want to change that and give you guys some cool free stuff in this giveaway. Now im far from rich but i have some gifts you may want

1. 1x Premium Key or 1x Adventuerer key
2. 10 diamond blocks + 10 gold + 5 iron blocks
3. 2 spawn eggs of your choice + 1 stack of quartz block

4. Skeleton mob head and kit alchemist

How to Enter :
Well its reasonably simple if you can read
1. Like this post (this one to enter but can you like any)
2. Write your IGN
3 . Write a number between 1-100
And Thats all

The Winner will be chosen on Friday 13th May 2016 (and i know its meant to be an unlucky day but for some of you not)
It doesnt matter how many times you like or how many times you enter or if you comment first or last the three things are the important things . If you win you can give it to your friend .

I will pick from this website on the date if we have enough entries depending on how many entries the number you chose might have an effect(so think about the number carefully)

You will only win one prize(if you win at all) i will do it in order of winners eg . 3rd Player x 2nd player z 1st player y
So i will post a video of me picking the names so there isnt any unfair things and keep playing survival ;)
Check out the new update made better prizes and 1 more chance.
73 :)


New Member
May 7, 2016
Hello all of you Survival players and Pika-crafters as you know Survival has just reset if you dont know well it has. And of course everyone starts with nothing however i want to change that and give you guys some cool free stuff in this giveaway. Now im far from rich but i have some gifts you may want

1. 1x Premium Key or 1x Adventuerer key
2. 10 diamond blocks + 10 gold + 5 iron blocks
3. 2 spawn eggs of your choice + 1 stack of quartz block

4. Skeleton mob head and kit alchemist

How to Enter :
Well its reasonably simple if you can read
1. Like this post (this one to enter but can you like any)
2. Write your IGN
3 . Write a number between 1-100
And Thats all

The Winner will be chosen on Friday 13th May 2016 (and i know its meant to be an unlucky day but for some of you not)
It doesnt matter how many times you like or how many times you enter or if you comment first or last the three things are the important things . If you win you can give it to your friend .

I will pick from this website on the date if we have enough entries depending on how many entries the number you chose might have an effect(so think about the number carefully)

You will only win one prize(if you win at all) i will do it in order of winners eg . 3rd Player x 2nd player z 1st player y
So i will post a video of me picking the names so there isnt any unfair things and keep playing survival ;)
Check out the new update made better prizes and 1 more chance.


New Member
May 7, 2016
Hello all of you Survival players and Pika-crafters as you know Survival has just reset if you dont know well it has. And of course everyone starts with nothing however i want to change that and give you guys some cool free stuff in this giveaway. Now im far from rich but i have some gifts you may want

1. 1x Premium Key or 1x Adventuerer key
2. 10 diamond blocks + 10 gold + 5 iron blocks
3. 2 spawn eggs of your choice + 1 stack of quartz block

4. Skeleton mob head and kit alchemist

How to Enter :
Well its reasonably simple if you can read
1. Like this post (this one to enter but can you like any)
2. Write your IGN
3 . Write a number between 1-100
And Thats all

The Winner will be chosen on Friday 13th May 2016 (and i know its meant to be an unlucky day but for some of you not)
It doesnt matter how many times you like or how many times you enter or if you comment first or last the three things are the important things . If you win you can give it to your friend .

I will pick from this website on the date if we have enough entries depending on how many entries the number you chose might have an effect(so think about the number carefully)

You will only win one prize(if you win at all) i will do it in order of winners eg . 3rd Player x 2nd player z 1st player y
So i will post a video of me picking the names so there isnt any unfair things and keep playing survival ;)
Check out the new update made better prizes and 1 more chance.


Feb 26, 2016
Wow the competition is doing very well
a few things
1) thanks for the support
2) i will add another prize(nether star) if the post reaches over 20 different entries (which at the time of this is only 4 more now)
3) remember to like the post your not officially entered if you dont like it so at the time of writing @CzesioPL8 and @EzCowHD need to do that
4) @pinto60 numbers must be between 1 and 100
Vote for the two options
how i decide who wins the prizes
1) name generator -really just luck
2) number -guess the number closest to my faviourte number (only 2 people on the whole server know it but they probably forgot and i wont let them win so dw,)
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