Title says all, last thread about it was from around two months ago but it wasn't really mentioned at all. People need incentive to catch hackers, most of the people who do it for free don't want to do it at all because it takes way too much effort, and time only to get something so little.
Support this thread please, I don't honestly see any negative impacts at all if done right.
Edit: like all replies, good criticism. Therefore I made a mega edit, please reply again to check for any errors on this system.
its okay if we dont do kits, just some reward can do, as for the system though, it should never be based off a system where we have now where it's not based off plugin assistance, infact it NEEDs to be based off a plugin system, holding the player data manually is not even possible.
This is my theoretical system, I never mentioned it before because other people should have the opportunity to show their own methods on approaching the problem.
Currency System:
The currency should be not only balanced, but verstile on ALL servers. This would mean using a ratio to convert pika's main currency(EUR) into HackerToken.
1 hacker caught = 10 hacker token.
Theortically, 10 hacker token would equal to 0.10 EUR(you cant convert hackertokens into actual money)
100 hackers caught would equal to 1000 HackerTokens, which would equal to a worth of a VIP kit.
This would also allow any of the buycraft items to be perfectly possible; Since the token can be converted to EUR, every single item should be possible to obtain without any confusion.
If you would like to know how many hackers you need to catch on video, just multiple the amount by 10.
As for other currencies besides EUR, that is fine because the other currency is simply converted from the orginial EUR price.
VIP Kit is 10 euro. The worth of 10 euro is 11.10 in USD. Coincidentally, the USD amount for VIP Kit is exactly 11.10.
One concept is to use a menu like so:
it allows access to get anything with hackertokens at any time, which can streamline the process.
The googy bad part:
Sadly fully automating the process is impossible. Simply put, machines aren't humans; You can't get a machine to watch a hacker video, confirm to see if it is legit, and then manually give out the hackertokens to that one player.
Staff has to do more steps when it comes to recordings of hackers(find the username that wants the token, manually enter the command to give tokens)
Required updated report format(to avoid confusion, 99% certain it will need a minor update to make this process more efficient)
Possibly require coders that can work with bungeecord (may need money too!)
All in all completely possible but extremely difficult.
Support this thread please, I don't honestly see any negative impacts at all if done right.
Edit: like all replies, good criticism. Therefore I made a mega edit, please reply again to check for any errors on this system.
its okay if we dont do kits, just some reward can do, as for the system though, it should never be based off a system where we have now where it's not based off plugin assistance, infact it NEEDs to be based off a plugin system, holding the player data manually is not even possible.
This is my theoretical system, I never mentioned it before because other people should have the opportunity to show their own methods on approaching the problem.
Currency System:
The currency should be not only balanced, but verstile on ALL servers. This would mean using a ratio to convert pika's main currency(EUR) into HackerToken.
1 hacker caught = 10 hacker token.
Theortically, 10 hacker token would equal to 0.10 EUR(you cant convert hackertokens into actual money)
100 hackers caught would equal to 1000 HackerTokens, which would equal to a worth of a VIP kit.
This would also allow any of the buycraft items to be perfectly possible; Since the token can be converted to EUR, every single item should be possible to obtain without any confusion.
If you would like to know how many hackers you need to catch on video, just multiple the amount by 10.
As for other currencies besides EUR, that is fine because the other currency is simply converted from the orginial EUR price.
VIP Kit is 10 euro. The worth of 10 euro is 11.10 in USD. Coincidentally, the USD amount for VIP Kit is exactly 11.10.
One concept is to use a menu like so:

it allows access to get anything with hackertokens at any time, which can streamline the process.
The googy bad part:
Sadly fully automating the process is impossible. Simply put, machines aren't humans; You can't get a machine to watch a hacker video, confirm to see if it is legit, and then manually give out the hackertokens to that one player.
Staff has to do more steps when it comes to recordings of hackers(find the username that wants the token, manually enter the command to give tokens)
Required updated report format(to avoid confusion, 99% certain it will need a minor update to make this process more efficient)
Possibly require coders that can work with bungeecord (may need money too!)
All in all completely possible but extremely difficult.
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