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Global [RULE] Doxing Offenses


Pika Member
Apr 15, 2022
Minecraft username:

[RULE] Doxing Offenses​

Detailed description:
Doxing is a criminal offense, I am here suggesting to modify the rule offense. I am not sure if it is a good idea to go for a perm ban, or maybe a year's ban. I understand that PikaNetwork does not allow appealing (unless the ban is false), so I can understand if the management team is hesitant on perm bans, however there is good reasons (listed below) on why it should be more strict.

So ideally either a 1 year ban, or a perm ban.​

Doxing is not a fun experience, not many go through it but those who do, do not wish to stay in the community. People usually dox to either make fun of people, or to intimidate them. People tend to use the online world to escape reality, whilst it may not be the ideal way, their wishes should still be respected and for their information to be released instantly for the whole world to see.

People tend to leave communities due to doxing, meaning it causes an issue directly to the Network. Being apart of a community that can contain many doxers is not a healthy thing, and is highly discouraged by those of sane mind. People often get away with doxing offenses, as it is quite difficult to prove at times (as people do it anonymously), but not only that but people tend to not enjoy reporting doxers (as you also need to send that information to staff members, which causes issues as well)

Furthermore, having a community that can dox and come back within 3 months is not a healthy community. Thinking that you can cheat and have the same offense to doxing, which by the way is a criminal offense, is.. well not ideal in my opinion! So yes. Doxing itself cannot be taken back.

Simple reasoning, without all that text, is:

keep in mind doxing is a criminal offense
keep in mind doxing makes people leave communities
keep in mind doxing does not make a good community
keep in mind doxing cannot be taken back​

You can either change it to a year ban, or perm ban. I'd prefer a perm ban.

^ Example of offenses, not sure what other examples are needed.​


Pika Member
Apr 15, 2022
What about the discord aspect though? Lets put someone as the doxxer, you got them banned, don't you think they will go around on discord with more alts doxxing the same person (though maybe the staff members could extend the bans ingame to the second or third degree if that happens)
Thats fair. It does become an issue, but the likelihood someone ban evading on Discord? It's unlikely, 1 in 50 probably, and the chances that it occurs more than 3-4 chance? Probably 1 in 100. (Not legit statistics, just guesses, from personal experience of banning ban evaders)
because they left their username on the IG/Twitter giveaways with their personal instagram
In my opinion, if they said "my ign is iflyyt" and had their social media name as their full name, that is not doxing.
they are a pain to go through
Youd be surprised

RyanDoesPvP for example is not my account to this day
Same here.
just because you are or used to be a Jartex player
Ehh I don't really play Jartex, but I guess you could say I'm used to Jartex, seeing how I'm apart of their management team. Though I do not plan to suggest Pika rules turn to Jartex rules, I realistically think doxing should be much more severe. The examples you gave, I would not consider doxing.

I see your point though, I'm still going to keep this suggestion up, but I can see why you put -1 despite me disagreeing to it.


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Mar 3, 2022
Youre welcome to your own opinion, though I completely disagree with it.

That is not doxing... doxing depends on specific elements. For example lets say I shared my full name with my dear friend @MrEpiko. MrEpiko can joke around about my full name but the second he mentions it to @Arrly, MrEpiko has doxed as I would've mentioned it in a private environment. But if I sent the message in public chat, on the PikaNetwork Discord, and someone shared that? Now that's not doxing! As you declared it publicly. My name is Liam, I'm not going to get you banned if you tell someone else that iFlyYT's name is Liam. That would be ridiculous.

I honestly believe you do have some good points, I like the fact you suggested to have a page that assists people in being safe online. I'm not sure if you completely grasp what doxing is though. For example if someone searched your (public) email up in a databreach, and found your full name, I'd consider that doxing because even whilst it was public, it was intended to be private and secure. If you however made a website called RyanDoesPvP (having your IGN) and then shown a picture of yourself on that website, it was you who made that connection to the site (by using your Minecraft username), and doxed yourself.

I do agree that if your definition of doxing was the correct one, my suggestion would sound completely stupid. I'd actually suggest doxing to be removed instead if that was the definition of doxing.

Speaking from experience, those who dox have some community standing, and with that in mind, it is stupidly easy to find those people. There is a small category of people, who are new to a server and dox immediately after getting upset, whilst admittedly a bit harder to find, still quite easy. We've got basic methods such as IPs, pikaseen and such but there is also a few other methods, which I can't specifically say here, but I do expect Pika to know how to find such a person evading with 100% accuracy.
I would like to point out that doxing sometimes might just not be on purpose and might just be a mistake

Like if let's say A said B's info in public chat and b has no issue with this because they are friends ... How ever a 3rd party reported it person A would get a ban

Another scenario is where A gave his info to b and b gave it to c saying that it is public info ... And now c thinks that this info is public and mentions the info in public chat . C gets perm banned?

Similarly here the example you gave of Ryan website scenario
Let's say i see someone's info on a website which came up pretty easily with a simple Google search of the persons ign and shares the info or website link itself thinking ofc it must not be considered doxing as 1. Very easily accessible 2. Might just be that the person himself uploaded his info

I do agree with @RyanDoesPvP that instead of increasing the severity of the ban we need to educate people on how not to get doxxed
Especially the insta giveaways because I still get friend requests of pika players on my irl Instagram because I entered giveaways with that account

What I want to say it I believe we should give 1 or 2 chances by giving only temp ban as mistakes can happen. But if it is repeated more times we can perm ban.
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