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Denied Survival Readdition of speed effects and water in Survival

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Jan 1, 2022

Readdition of speed effects and water in Survival​

Detailed description:
Survival PVP - 16/02/22

Survival is a very competitive gamemode and alot of players, more than 40% of all players end up playing PVP in Survival. Knowing that alot of people play survival, why not make it a fun experience for all? Right now, the PVP scene is very toxic, and the only way people can actually PVP is.. Well they can't.

Issues about Pika Survival PVP

There are lots of issues here. The overall experience of playing PVP in Survival is not enjoyable anymore. The addition of the long watching stadium, made PVP less enjoyable and "wars" - (term used as a fight, usually more than 7v7), futile. Everyone in PVP now either are bored or, want some quick and easy loot. The feeling and sense of pvp is gone. There's no way to escape, that ruins the fun of pvp. PVP is meant to be player choiced, whether to use a trident to run, or to use speed to enhance pvp. What's the point of removing essential pvp strategies from people, it will just make PVP less fun. I believe that PVP should be fun and that it shouldn't be so toxic and PVP based. If you jump in pvp and there's 10 people there in the opposing team, you are dead. No matter what, To kill a person using the best possible armor in pika, you will need atleast, 50+ hits, which is around 5 minutes or more. Why, just why. People who have grinded their ass off, for days and weeks, for a protection 5 set, just to be killed with it under 5 minutes because of the following reasons: pressure plate doors disabled/bug abused to break doors, people spamming fishing rods to pull people forward and backwards, PVPers who have gained an advantage by the removal of speed, and finally, the huge but clear PVP arena, there are barely any places to hide.

What can be done to solve and help this issue

Alot of things. The readdition of speed will make PVP x10 more fun to play and will give everyone a chance, even nee players to get better at survival and pvp. The removal of speed and tridents, I mean its literally called survival, why bother survive if 75% of players who pvp, can't use speed, and how are you meant to survive, when XP is limited, armor is limited, healing is limited, running is limited, effects are limited. Survival is meant for people to survive and pvp, build, grind or whatever, but how are people meant to survive, if you literally cannot.

I strongly suggest doing the following things:

Re addition of speed - Improves aspect and ways for people to pvp and survive.

Actual ways to survive - The gamemode is called survival, aren't you meant to survive?

Make more PVP hiding places - Gives players a chance to hide

Readdition of tridents - Gives more players freedom.

What's wrong with these things added, or removed?

Alot of things, the removal of the speed effect in PVP, made pvpers like me quit or stop pvping generally in survival. The aura around PVP is supposed to be fair, balanced, and fun. Why is it people who have been using speed for PVP for years have to be putting up with no speed pvp arenas. It's just unfair. People like me and others rely on movement, speed, timing, and accuracy to pvp, and to be honest, speed generally makes PVPing easier, and more fun. This means that anyone can use speed which is a normal effect in minecraft to have fun and PVP fairly in PVP. An example is, people only being and using strength 2, and a shield to pvp. This ruins PVP because that's the only style of pvp everyone uses. If you come to pvp without a shield or fishing rod, it's over for you. Additionally, because people can't use speed, people are going to have to practice harder and harder to get better at using shield, which takes months and months and even years. People who are generally just playing normally and everyday have to put up with people who just shield spam, and don't bother saying "you can just break their shield" You can't. Why? Because there's a immortal scroll which makes items unbreakable. So now we have a problem. People can't PVP properly without having to put up with people who use strength etc. And we can't even stop people using shield because they use immortal scrolls. Another thing that makes PVP unfair is the removal of tridents, and doors which are the key to escaping pvp. This gives PVP another aspect, running and tanking for other players. This gives pvp a wider range of things to do, other than to just jump in pvp and get shield spammed by 1000 people. The removal of tridents and doors lead people to find and use and abuse combat log bugs. In the last few seasons, when speed and trident was allowed, there was not a single combat log bug. This season when all aspects of pvp was removed, over 5 combat log bugs have been found, and not been patched. Let me ask you something , is this really fair, for everyone


Pika Member
Oct 13, 2021
+1 i do Agree Bc as 1.16 pvper its Fun to Cheese ppl wee need it


Epic Pika
Jan 28, 2021
Gunfire dont listen to these mfs, add speed and water in Pvp. Every1 msging on this is from the “Winning” team and doesnt want us to have a chance. Goran u mentally burned kid, listen. U did even tell banned ppls to msg on this. And ur not even playing anymore. I actually want to complain! Before the Survival reset. Minecraftlegend did ask our enemy teams what they would like. But No1 asked us and we were the biggest team on the server. How Can some1 ask 20 of our enemys what Pvp should be like and then its just like that. What about asking every1 instead? Gunfire look dms Cuz we need to fix this and add speed and water!
Who dp you think you're to boss people around staff looks through peoples suggestions and not ours they look through every single suggestion and if they denied ur suggestion it means that alot of people have been suggesting that thing be removed or they were already planning on to bb8 this isnt about u staff listen to the majority of what players want them they add and remove the stuff they deem good if they removed some stuff theres a valid reason they wouldve added it back if it wasnt. Dont go running off ur mouth like you know everything you're just like this cause you said last szn that you're dominating pvp and then you failed again and since then you've been very toxic and breakinh rules for example you just joined and chat was having fun and you just popped out of nowhere and told a pvper "bro imagine not having p5" "bro who asked ?" Who do you think you're?" "You're trash stfu kid" "go touch some grass" "bro stupid kid" and you keep telling people to f off and whem they reply tp what you said you always say "who asked ? No one" you're legit so toxic pika community hates you the only thing keeping everyone from hating you is your money you control people with your money u buy stuff and give it to them thats legit the only thing keeping people to like u or maybe some are just even using you we dont know but if there is a problem its you and your team before you guyz came everything was chill everyone could pvp and then when u guyz came you started trashtalking to people u killed like "ez" "bro such a noob" "get better" when you aint even that good though to be honest if aggourak and mutekid isnt in your team it would already be dead those 2 are the only people who knows how to pvp. And then u call us "some mfs" who tf are u and say gunfire look dms cause we need to fix speed and water damn who tf are u to boss gunfire around.
Jan 1, 2022
Adding speed back is good in my option , but water nahhh it makes it too long just to kill p4
But i also like survival the way it is rn
I wont mind it if they made changes at pvp
Eh yeah well i only want water back so people can run, but i really just want speed,
Jan 1, 2022
Who dp you think you're to boss people around staff looks through peoples suggestions and not ours they look through every single suggestion and if they denied ur suggestion it means that alot of people have been suggesting that thing be removed or they were already planning on to bb8 this isnt about u staff listen to the majority of what players want them they add and remove the stuff they deem good if they removed some stuff theres a valid reason they wouldve added it back if it wasnt. Dont go running off ur mouth like you know everything you're just like this cause you said last szn that you're dominating pvp and then you failed again and since then you've been very toxic and breakinh rules for example you just joined and chat was having fun and you just popped out of nowhere and told a pvper "bro imagine not having p5" "bro who asked ?" Who do you think you're?" "You're trash stfu kid" "go touch some grass" "bro stupid kid" and you keep telling people to f off and whem they reply tp what you said you always say "who asked ? No one" you're legit so toxic pika community hates you the only thing keeping everyone from hating you is your money you control people with your money u buy stuff and give it to them thats legit the only thing keeping people to like u or maybe some are just even using you we dont know but if there is a problem its you and your team before you guyz came everything was chill everyone could pvp and then when u guyz came you started trashtalking to people u killed like "ez" "bro such a noob" "get better" when you aint even that good though to be honest if aggourak and mutekid isnt in your team it would already be dead those 2 are the only people who knows how to pvp. And then u call us "some mfs" who tf are u and say gunfire look dms cause we need to fix speed and water damn who tf are u to boss gunfire around.
i did beat agg like 4-1 and last 1v1 with Lucato we be gapped thrice,??


Legendary Pika
Feb 14, 2022
-1 because you can block players using blocks making them slower no need.

But nice suggestion indeed.


Epic Pika
Aug 15, 2021
Tbh they should make a sperate world jus tlike others just smaller that has pvp enabled with all the vanilla things u can have in a single player world If u guys want this then make a suggestion thread on it cause I am too lazy


New Member
Feb 6, 2022
I agree with you bro bc how can i warp with out speed imagine someone chasing you with corss bow how can i warp good idea broo get the speed back


Pika Lover
Dec 3, 2021
HAHHAHA CYG, mental burned kid. I have never Said any of these things😂imagine lying on freaking Discord too BHAHAHHA😂Well cya j soon :) Will be funny to destroy u again. All u Can say is something about my money and ppls useing me for money. Ur lit stupid asf. Cant i have friends bc im Rich? Little broke dog. And wdym mutekid and agg? They are both banned on j. We litteraly won without em EASY. So now stfu boi. Imagine Winning a server for 5 month and then i join and u lose the whole season in 1 day. BHAHAH just talk trash kid, i Will enjoy destroying u again.
Last edited:


Legendary Pika
Feb 14, 2022
HAHHAHA CYG, mental burned kid. I have never Said any if these things😂imagine lying on freaking Discord too BHAHAHHA😂Well cya j soon :) Will be funny to destroy u again. All u Can say is something about my money and ppls useing me for money. Ur lit stupid asf. Cant i have friends bc im Rich? Little broke dog. And wdym mutekid and agg? They are both banned on j. We litteraly won without em EASY. So now stfu boi. Imagine Winning a server for 5 month and then i join and u lose the whole season in 1 day. BHAHAH just talk trash kid, i Will enjoy destroying u again.
What do you mean bro what???


Sep 26, 2021
Who dp you think you're to boss people around staff looks through peoples suggestions and not ours they look through every single suggestion and if they denied ur suggestion it means that alot of people have been suggesting that thing be removed or they were already planning on to bb8 this isnt about u staff listen to the majority of what players want them they add and remove the stuff they deem good if they removed some stuff theres a valid reason they wouldve added it back if it wasnt. Dont go running off ur mouth like you know everything you're just like this cause you said last szn that you're dominating pvp and then you failed again and since then you've been very toxic and breakinh rules for example you just joined and chat was having fun and you just popped out of nowhere and told a pvper "bro imagine not having p5" "bro who asked ?" Who do you think you're?" "You're trash stfu kid" "go touch some grass" "bro stupid kid" and you keep telling people to f off and whem they reply tp what you said you always say "who asked ? No one" you're legit so toxic pika community hates you the only thing keeping everyone from hating you is your money you control people with your money u buy stuff and give it to them thats legit the only thing keeping people to like u or maybe some are just even using you we dont know but if there is a problem its you and your team before you guyz came everything was chill everyone could pvp and then when u guyz came you started trashtalking to people u killed like "ez" "bro such a noob" "get better" when you aint even that good though to be honest if aggourak and mutekid isnt in your team it would already be dead those 2 are the only people who knows how to pvp. And then u call us "some mfs" who tf are u and say gunfire look dms cause we need to fix speed and water damn who tf are u to boss gunfire around.
wait ik how to pvp? im kinda happy of hearing that <3


Great Reporter
Nov 9, 2020
Hello SayByeToYourBed,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • Speed has been removed.
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.
Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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