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Quick Tips for Newbies! Part-1 OpPrison


Epic Pika
Jul 12, 2021
As you all guys know OpPrison is already up for long time and players are sweaty now a days lot.
So I will introduce tips for newbies.
So let's start with no problems! :thumbs_up:
1. Voting-Voting has been all time a efficient way to earn money and rare rewards.you can get keys from mining too and trading from one gamemode to another gamemode which is efficient for getting keys easily.
You can sell vote keys or open them but at season starting I would recommend to open them and if you lucky enough you all can get seasonal ranks, perks etc. from keys.

2. Mining-Mining is also a good way but it is not too good cause you need to be almost in W mine to get good money but you still mine till you rankup to W mine and get some cash in.

3. Drugs-Drugs are also good way you can use them for lots of money. But I don't recommends drugs method.

So Part-1 has been done soon part 2 on 100 views.
