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Update OpSkyBlock - Reset | February The 10th 2023

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Lead Developer
Mar 11, 2018

OpSkyblock - PikaNetwork 2023
February 10th, 2023, 18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 11:00 PST

Hello, players of PikaNetwork.

It is that time again, time for a new OpSkyBlock reset! We are excited to announce that the new OpSkyBlock reset is right around the corner filled with features to further enhance your experience at our OpSkyBlock server.

We've got some exciting changes in store for you. As the holiday season comes to an end, we'll be removing all the festive Christmas features to make way for new and improved ones. This reset will bring fresh experiences and challenges to the OpSkyBlock world, so get ready for another great season

Below you can find most of the changes we have made and what has been added, I’m sure I forgot to mention it all but I’m sure giving it a good read over you will be familiar with most you're going to see. If there is however still something you want to change, feel free to mention it on this thread before its release, we can still consider making the change.

Are you ready to hop into a new season?! Say no more. The update will be released at:

February 10th, 2023
18:00 GMT / 13:00 EST / 12:00 CST / 10:00 PST

Please note: The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 7 PM CET.

If you would like to start the season on the right track, we've got you covered! We are running a giveaway that includes ranks and store coupons! If you would like to enter the giveaways, go ahead and visit our official post!

🕰️ End of the world
To celebrate the end of the season, we will be hosting an end-of-season event. At around 3 days before the release, we will be placing reset signs at spawn which you can click and claim a number of rewards; Free items, Free gkits, Millions of in-game money, Tons of free experience to level up your overpowered armor. Everyone will be able to finish their rank-ups because you can get everything for free. You can fight with everyone without the fear of losing your gear you have weeks to gather. So clearly this is the event everyone should participate in! Hop on OpSkyBlock and have fun!


The following are the most important features/modifications implemented towards this season's map and features.

🏆 Payouts! Island Top Rewards
In this new season of OpSkyBlock, we will have bi-weekly rewards for the top islands!
This will continue until the end of the season which will last exactly 6 weeks or 42 days and end with the final payout.
View all the dates in the /payouts menu.
End-of-the-season rewards
🥇 First place: €500 worth of Iron currency.
🥈 Second place: €350 worth of Iron currency.
🥉 Third place: €200 worth of Iron currency.
Bi-weekly rewards
🥇First place: €75 worth of Iron currency.
🥈 Second place: €50 worth of Iron currency.
🥉 Third place: €25 worth of Iron currency.

🏛️ New! Spawn
What is a better way to get into a new season than with a brand-new spawn?
Experience the grandeur of ancient Rome with our new Roman-themed spawn! From towering columns to intricate mosaics, the spawn is now a masterpiece of Roman architecture. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer, you'll feel like a Caesar exploring the glory of the Roman Empire.
🏛️ A new spawn with a roman theme.
⛰️ The spawn contains an outpost again.
❓ Looking for some help? There are plenty of NPCs explaining all the features.
📦 The PVP arena is filled with supply drops that you can capture.
🔑 A new seasonal crate has been added again.
🎲New! Chat Games
Get ready to put your vocabulary and math skills to the test with our newest addition to the OpSkyBlock server.
Chat Games will now be running every 30 minutes and each win earns you a Chat Games Point which can be redeemed in the new /chatgames shop.
So, come on and give it a try! Show off your knowledge and get a fun boost in the process.
The Chat Games will consist of two exciting challenges: Unscramble and Math.

✏️ Unscramble
In the Unscramble game, players will need to unscramble a Minecraft-related word within 20 seconds.
🧮 Math
In the Math game, players will be given a mathematical equation to solve within 20 seconds.
The fastest player to correctly answer each game will win a Chat Games Point and earn their place on the leaderboard.
Don't let this opportunity slip by, test your skills and have a blast competing against other players!
🧑 New! Player Profiles
Introducing the all-new Player Profiles feature!
Say goodbye to the old /stats menu and hello to a wealth of information about every player on OpSkyBlock.
With Player Profiles, you can view an array of statistics, including your wins and losses, points earned, and more.
Additionally, you can filter these profiles by weekly, lifetime, and monthly stats. To access your own profile or someone else's, simply run /profile or /profile <playername>.
This is your chance to see how you stack up against the competition and track your progress over time.
So, get ready to dive into the new Player Profiles and see where you stand in the world of OpSkyBlock!
🐮 New! Pet Skins
Ever wanted to give your pet a fresh new look? With these new pet skins, you can. Pet skins can be obtained in-game, or from the store and gold shop.
Each season new skins will be added and the previous skins will become unavailable.
This means these pet skins will gain value over time, as you can no longer obtain them.

You can always take off a Pet Skin and trade it with others when you want to, which makes these skins an essential part of becoming the #1 trader at OpSkyBlock, with your pets having a fresh look.
All of these Pet Skins are pure cosmetical and will not change your pet's abilities or strength.

⚽ New! Soccer PvP Arena

Get ready to test your PvP skills with the introduction of the new PvP arena, /warp soccer! Inspired by the popular soccer arena from OpFactions,
Warp Soccer is a flat arena designed for non-stop action. Although smaller in size compared to /warp fps.

The Soccer warp offers players the chance to engage in battles in multiple locations, doubling the excitement and intensity.
So, grab your weapons and gear, and join the fight in this fast-paced and thrilling arena. Show off your skills, and conquer your enemies!

🗡️ New! Bounties

Have you already made enemies? That was quick! This Bounty system is a great feature for all of you guys looking to get your worst enemies slaughtered by the bravest warriors at our OpSkyBlock server.
Put a bounty on someone's head and make it profitable to kill that person. You can choose any amount of money you want to put on that player as a bounty.
Let's say you want Gunfire to be killed, all you have to do is put a big bounty on his head and the bounty hunters on the server will start looking for him for money.
Once you have placed the bounty using /bounty Gunfire 1000 then the server will take away $1,000 from your balance and will give it to the player that manages to kill Gunfire first.

👮 Updated! Anti Cheat
After extensive testing, we are confident that this new anti-cheat is a huge improvement over its predecessor. With the updated system, you can expect a more fair and more enjoyable experience.

The anti-cheat will be working more effectively and efficiently, ensuring that all players are playing on an even field.
This means that cheating and exploiting will be a thing of the past, and you'll be able to enjoy the game as it is meant to be played.
✨ Updated! Runes
This season, we will be doing minor tweaks to the Runes to make them all a bit more balanced. We will be moving some runes in tiers and we have added another new rune for our players that love fighting others with their axes, and for those explorers in the Mine World.
📜 New runes
Looter (I-VIII) - A new rune that you can apply to your weapons. Gives you a chance to loot double the drops from Mine World mobs.
Ice Aspect (I-III) - A new rune that you can apply to your axe. Gives you a chance to slow your victims when you hit them.
📊 Rune tier changes
Panzer - Moved to Godly Tier
Endurance - Moved to Godly Tier
Swiftness - Moved to Crazy Tier
Runed - Moved to Crazy Tier
War - This soul enchant has been removed from the game.
💽 Updated! Infinite Chest
The Infinite Chest is currently dominating the economy of OpSkyBlock. We are always looking to reward players who grind hard and play a lot to make their Island the number one Island, so that is why we will be tuning down the Infinite Chest by a lot.
📉 Lowering the sell multiplier.
Previously your Infinite Chest would always scale with your sell multiplier, this season we will be lowering that number and making players have to unlock the ability to sell with a sell multiplier from the Infinite Chest. The maximum possible sell multiplier for Infinite Chests will be capped to x4, and can not go above this in any way.
🔓 Upgrade the maximum sell multiplier.
Your Infinite Chest will have a new upgrade, the Sell Multiplier Cap. This multiplier starts at 1 and can be upgraded 3 times, to 4. Once you have reached Level 4 of the upgrade your infinite chest will have reached the maximum amount of the sell multiplier cap.
❓ What does this mean?
This means, boosters, and other things boosting your money from the Infinite Chest at the start will not be affected at all. In order to unlock the ability to enjoy the boost from a one-click-sell from the Infinite Chest you will need to do some grinding. This makes the Infinite Chest a more fair tool to help you out, but not boost you from day one.

🔫 Updated! Skills

The Skills feature has received a major update to make PvP even more fair and enjoyable.
🪓 Axes Skill
The Axe Skills have been nerfed to do less damage to armor, creating a more balanced playing field.
In addition, we've fixed the issue with the Axe Ability activating while using a Sword, ensuring that each skill operates as intended.
These changes are designed to enhance the PvP experience and ensure that every battle is a fair and exciting contest.
🏅 Skills Top
With the changes to the Skills feature, we're excited to announce a new command, /skillstop <skill>.
This command allows you to easily view the leaderboards for each skill, see where you stand, and track your progress over time.
Whether you're looking to see who's the best at Axes, Swords, or any other skill, /skillstop <skill> has got you covered.

🏆 Updated! Leaderboards

Keep track of your progress and see where you stand among the competition with this exciting new feature.
With /leaderboards, you can view an array of leaderboards for a variety of statistics.
The leaderboards are updated in real-time, allowing you to see your exact position among every player, and who is above and below you.
Whether you're looking to compete with friends or simply track your own progress, /leaderboards is the perfect tool for you.
This new command will give you a proper overview of all the leaderboards within a nicely organized menu.

🥢 Updated! Sell Wands

Sellwands are a beloved tool used by many players, and we're excited to announce that we've made them even better!
From merging Sellwands to updating the visual display, here's a rundown of the latest improvements to the Sellwand experience on OpSkyBlock:
🤏 Merging Sellwands
Good news for Sellwand fans! You can now merge Sellwands with the same multiplier to combine their uses into one Sellwand. Simply drag them on top of each other for an easier and more convenient experience. Make the most out of your Sellwands and streamline your inventory with this new feature.
🤩 Visual Display
The visual display of Sellwands has been updated to a golden hoe to make them stand out more when you're searching for them in chests or vaults. With this new design, you'll never have to search for your Sellwands again.
⛔ Uses Warning
We've added a new low-uses warning for Sellwands to keep you informed when your Sellwand is low on uses. This feature can be easily toggled in /settings, giving you greater control over your Sellwand experience.
📄 Sell Summary
Another new setting has been added to disable the sell summary of a Sellwand when it's used. This gives you the option to use Sellwands without the distracting sell summaries, allowing for a smoother and more efficient experience.

⚙️Fixed! Bugs
We did our best to polish and fix as many existing bugs inside the OpSkyBlock server. We have looked through all the bug reports and managed to fix them. If you come across any bugs with the new release, make sure to report them at our forums under the bug reports section.
Here are a few of the bugs we squished out:
  • Fixed receiving skill experience from blocks you can not mine.
  • Fixed SkyMaster display name sometimes showing placeholders.
  • Fixed boosters from booster package.
  • Fixed player shops despawning on reboot.
  • Fixed a pokemon kill message displaying wrong.
  • Fixed chests and hoppers picking up runes.
  • Fixed masks giving an effect as a mask item themselves.
  • Fixed crate keys from the Keys Class not giving glowing keys.
  • Fixed /island top not displaying zombie and skeleton spawners.
  • Fixed outpost loot.
  • Fixed mobsuits shop, the mobs will drop their fragments again.
  • Fixed the playershops advertisement shop.
  • Fixed bracket colors from premium level pass.
  • Fixed typo showing enchantments instead of runes in player level.
  • Fixed some player level requirements.
  • Fixed /sell for SkyGods.
  • Fixed miner mask effects staying after taking it off.
  • and many more.
📑 Misc. Updates and changes.
After receiving some suggestions about modifying a couple of things, we have decided to make the following modifications in order to make everyone's OpSkyBlock experience much better. We have modified a few features which were present on the previous map, and here is the list including those modifications, along with a justification for the majority:
  • Updated all plugins.​
  • Updated /payouts menu.​
  • Added a shop to upgrade your playershop limit.​
  • Added the maximum amount of shops you have when you have reached the limit.​
  • Updated crate rewards.​

Please note: Any suggestions for changes feel free to leave them in the comments.

❓Question and Answers

Why does OpSkyBlock reset?

OpSkyBlock is already up for some time. A reset has to happen to change and improve with new features, to make the game more exciting for you all! This then allows you players to have a fresh start and new players can begin to play without any significant disadvantage.
This means all items, money, and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features and updates the different kinds of gameplay, and style is provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!
Below you can find what you will lose and one for what you will keep
What will I lose?
  • Your island
  • Player level & premium reward pass
  • All items in your inventory and ender chest
  • Any currencies such as money and exp
  • Chatcolor permissions.
  • Seasonal ranks and perks
What will I keep?
  • Purchased Ranks & Rank Upgrades
  • Purchased Perks
  • Won out of crates commands/ranks

We hope to see you on our new OpSkyBlock server soon!

If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.


Legendary Pika
Sep 23, 2022
bruh why when i suggest chat game in survival they denied it and said " people would fight for rewards" ;-;


Legendary Pika
Aug 13, 2022

OpSkyblock - PikaNetwork 2023
February 10th, 2023, 18:00 GMT / 14:00 EST / 13:00 CST / 11:00 PST

Hello, players of PikaNetwork.

It is that time again, time for a new OpSkyBlock reset! We are excited to announce that the new OpSkyBlock reset is right around the corner filled with features to further enhance your experience at our OpSkyBlock server.

We've got some exciting changes in store for you. As the holiday season comes to an end, we'll be removing all the festive Christmas features to make way for new and improved ones. This reset will bring fresh experiences and challenges to the OpSkyBlock world, so get ready for another great season

Below you can find most of the changes we have made and what has been added, I’m sure I forgot to mention it all but I’m sure giving it a good read over you will be familiar with most you're going to see. If there is however still something you want to change, feel free to mention it on this thread before its release, we can still consider making the change.

Are you ready to hop into a new season?! Say no more. The update will be released at:

February 10th, 2023
18:00 GMT / 13:00 EST / 12:00 CST / 10:00 PST

Please note: The release time can be a couple of minutes later, we are trying to reach 7 PM CET.

If you would like to start the season on the right track, we've got you covered! We are running a giveaway that includes ranks and store coupons! If you would like to enter the giveaways, go ahead and visit our official post!

🕰️ End of the world
To celebrate the end of the season, we will be hosting an end-of-season event. At around 3 days before the release, we will be placing reset signs at spawn which you can click and claim a number of rewards; Free items, Free gkits, Millions of in-game money, Tons of free experience to level up your overpowered armor. Everyone will be able to finish their rank-ups because you can get everything for free. You can fight with everyone without the fear of losing your gear you have weeks to gather. So clearly this is the event everyone should participate in! Hop on OpSkyBlock and have fun!


The following are the most important features/modifications implemented towards this season's map and features.

🏆 Payouts! Island Top Rewards
In this new season of OpSkyBlock, we will have bi-weekly rewards for the top islands!
This will continue until the end of the season which will last exactly 6 weeks or 42 days and end with the final payout.
View all the dates in the /payouts menu.
End-of-the-season rewards
🥇 First place: €500 worth of Iron currency.
🥈 Second place: €350 worth of Iron currency.
🥉 Third place: €200 worth of Iron currency.
Bi-weekly rewards
🥇First place: €75 worth of Iron currency.
🥈 Second place: €50 worth of Iron currency.
🥉 Third place: €25 worth of Iron currency.

🏛️ New! Spawn
What is a better way to get into a new season than with a brand-new spawn?
Experience the grandeur of ancient Rome with our new Roman-themed spawn! From towering columns to intricate mosaics, the spawn is now a masterpiece of Roman architecture. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer, you'll feel like a Caesar exploring the glory of the Roman Empire.
🏛️ A new spawn with a roman theme.
⛰️ The spawn contains an outpost again.
❓ Looking for some help? There are plenty of NPCs explaining all the features.
📦 The PVP arena is filled with supply drops that you can capture.
🔑 A new seasonal crate has been added again.
🎲New! Chat Games
Get ready to put your vocabulary and math skills to the test with our newest addition to the OpSkyBlock server.
Chat Games will now be running every 30 minutes and each win earns you a Chat Games Point which can be redeemed in the new /chatgames shop.
So, come on and give it a try! Show off your knowledge and get a fun boost in the process.
The Chat Games will consist of two exciting challenges: Unscramble and Math.

✏️ Unscramble
In the Unscramble game, players will need to unscramble a Minecraft-related word within 20 seconds.
🧮 Math
In the Math game, players will be given a mathematical equation to solve within 20 seconds.
The fastest player to correctly answer each game will win a Chat Games Point and earn their place on the leaderboard.
Don't let this opportunity slip by, test your skills and have a blast competing against other players!
🧑 New! Player Profiles
Introducing the all-new Player Profiles feature!
Say goodbye to the old /stats menu and hello to a wealth of information about every player on OpSkyBlock.
With Player Profiles, you can view an array of statistics, including your wins and losses, points earned, and more.
Additionally, you can filter these profiles by weekly, lifetime, and monthly stats. To access your own profile or someone else's, simply run /profile or /profile <playername>.
This is your chance to see how you stack up against the competition and track your progress over time.
So, get ready to dive into the new Player Profiles and see where you stand in the world of OpSkyBlock!
🐮 New! Pet Skins
Ever wanted to give your pet a fresh new look? With these new pet skins, you can. Pet skins can be obtained in-game, or from the store and gold shop.
Each season new skins will be added and the previous skins will become unavailable.
This means these pet skins will gain value over time, as you can no longer obtain them.

You can always take off a Pet Skin and trade it with others when you want to, which makes these skins an essential part of becoming the #1 trader at OpSkyBlock, with your pets having a fresh look.
All of these Pet Skins are pure cosmetical and will not change your pet's abilities or strength.

⚽ New! Soccer PvP Arena

Get ready to test your PvP skills with the introduction of the new PvP arena, /warp soccer! Inspired by the popular soccer arena from OpFactions,
Warp Soccer is a flat arena designed for non-stop action. Although smaller in size compared to /warp fps.

The Soccer warp offers players the chance to engage in battles in multiple locations, doubling the excitement and intensity.
So, grab your weapons and gear, and join the fight in this fast-paced and thrilling arena. Show off your skills, and conquer your enemies!

🗡️ New! Bounties

Have you already made enemies? That was quick! This Bounty system is a great feature for all of you guys looking to get your worst enemies slaughtered by the bravest warriors at our OpSkyBlock server.
Put a bounty on someone's head and make it profitable to kill that person. You can choose any amount of money you want to put on that player as a bounty.
Let's say you want Gunfire to be killed, all you have to do is put a big bounty on his head and the bounty hunters on the server will start looking for him for money.
Once you have placed the bounty using /bounty Gunfire 1000 then the server will take away $1,000 from your balance and will give it to the player that manages to kill Gunfire first.

👮 Updated! Anti Cheat
After extensive testing, we are confident that this new anti-cheat is a huge improvement over its predecessor. With the updated system, you can expect a more fair and more enjoyable experience.

The anti-cheat will be working more effectively and efficiently, ensuring that all players are playing on an even field.
This means that cheating and exploiting will be a thing of the past, and you'll be able to enjoy the game as it is meant to be played.
✨ Updated! Runes
This season, we will be doing minor tweaks to the Runes to make them all a bit more balanced. We will be moving some runes in tiers and we have added another new rune for our players that love fighting others with their axes, and for those explorers in the Mine World.
📜 New runes
Looter (I-VIII) - A new rune that you can apply to your weapons. Gives you a chance to loot double the drops from Mine World mobs.
Ice Aspect (I-III) - A new rune that you can apply to your axe. Gives you a chance to slow your victims when you hit them.
📊 Rune tier changes
Panzer - Moved to Godly Tier
Endurance - Moved to Godly Tier
Swiftness - Moved to Crazy Tier
Runed - Moved to Crazy Tier
War - This soul enchant has been removed from the game.
💽 Updated! Infinite Chest
The Infinite Chest is currently dominating the economy of OpSkyBlock. We are always looking to reward players who grind hard and play a lot to make their Island the number one Island, so that is why we will be tuning down the Infinite Chest by a lot.
📉 Lowering the sell multiplier.
Previously your Infinite Chest would always scale with your sell multiplier, this season we will be lowering that number and making players have to unlock the ability to sell with a sell multiplier from the Infinite Chest. The maximum possible sell multiplier for Infinite Chests will be capped to x4, and can not go above this in any way.
🔓 Upgrade the maximum sell multiplier.
Your Infinite Chest will have a new upgrade, the Sell Multiplier Cap. This multiplier starts at 1 and can be upgraded 3 times, to 4. Once you have reached Level 4 of the upgrade your infinite chest will have reached the maximum amount of the sell multiplier cap.
❓ What does this mean?
This means, boosters, and other things boosting your money from the Infinite Chest at the start will not be affected at all. In order to unlock the ability to enjoy the boost from a one-click-sell from the Infinite Chest you will need to do some grinding. This makes the Infinite Chest a more fair tool to help you out, but not boost you from day one.

🔫 Updated! Skills

The Skills feature has received a major update to make PvP even more fair and enjoyable.
🪓 Axes Skill
The Axe Skills have been nerfed to do less damage to armor, creating a more balanced playing field.
In addition, we've fixed the issue with the Axe Ability activating while using a Sword, ensuring that each skill operates as intended.
These changes are designed to enhance the PvP experience and ensure that every battle is a fair and exciting contest.
🏅 Skills Top
With the changes to the Skills feature, we're excited to announce a new command, /skillstop <skill>.
This command allows you to easily view the leaderboards for each skill, see where you stand, and track your progress over time.
Whether you're looking to see who's the best at Axes, Swords, or any other skill, /skillstop <skill> has got you covered.

🏆 Updated! Leaderboards

Keep track of your progress and see where you stand among the competition with this exciting new feature.
With /leaderboards, you can view an array of leaderboards for a variety of statistics.
The leaderboards are updated in real-time, allowing you to see your exact position among every player, and who is above and below you.
Whether you're looking to compete with friends or simply track your own progress, /leaderboards is the perfect tool for you.
This new command will give you a proper overview of all the leaderboards within a nicely organized menu.

🥢 Updated! Sell Wands

Sellwands are a beloved tool used by many players, and we're excited to announce that we've made them even better!
From merging Sellwands to updating the visual display, here's a rundown of the latest improvements to the Sellwand experience on OpSkyBlock:
🤏 Merging Sellwands
Good news for Sellwand fans! You can now merge Sellwands with the same multiplier to combine their uses into one Sellwand. Simply drag them on top of each other for an easier and more convenient experience. Make the most out of your Sellwands and streamline your inventory with this new feature.
🤩 Visual Display
The visual display of Sellwands has been updated to a golden hoe to make them stand out more when you're searching for them in chests or vaults. With this new design, you'll never have to search for your Sellwands again.
⛔ Uses Warning
We've added a new low-uses warning for Sellwands to keep you informed when your Sellwand is low on uses. This feature can be easily toggled in /settings, giving you greater control over your Sellwand experience.
📄 Sell Summary
Another new setting has been added to disable the sell summary of a Sellwand when it's used. This gives you the option to use Sellwands without the distracting sell summaries, allowing for a smoother and more efficient experience.

⚙️Fixed! Bugs
We did our best to polish and fix as many existing bugs inside the OpSkyBlock server. We have looked through all the bug reports and managed to fix them. If you come across any bugs with the new release, make sure to report them at our forums under the bug reports section.
Here are a few of the bugs we squished out:
  • Fixed receiving skill experience from blocks you can not mine.
  • Fixed SkyMaster display name sometimes showing placeholders.
  • Fixed boosters from booster package.
  • Fixed player shops despawning on reboot.
  • Fixed a pokemon kill message displaying wrong.
  • Fixed chests and hoppers picking up runes.
  • Fixed masks giving an effect as a mask item themselves.
  • Fixed crate keys from the Keys Class not giving glowing keys.
  • Fixed /island top not displaying zombie and skeleton spawners.
  • Fixed outpost loot.
  • Fixed mobsuits shop, the mobs will drop their fragments again.
  • Fixed the playershops advertisement shop.
  • Fixed bracket colors from premium level pass.
  • Fixed typo showing enchantments instead of runes in player level.
  • Fixed some player level requirements.
  • Fixed /sell for SkyGods.
  • Fixed miner mask effects staying after taking it off.
  • and many more.
📑 Misc. Updates and changes.
After receiving some suggestions about modifying a couple of things, we have decided to make the following modifications in order to make everyone's OpSkyBlock experience much better. We have modified a few features which were present on the previous map, and here is the list including those modifications, along with a justification for the majority:
  • Updated all plugins.​
  • Updated /payouts menu.​
  • Added a shop to upgrade your playershop limit.​
  • Added the maximum amount of shops you have when you have reached the limit.​
  • Updated crate rewards.​

Please note: Any suggestions for changes feel free to leave them in the comments.

❓Question and Answers

Why does OpSkyBlock reset?

OpSkyBlock is already up for some time. A reset has to happen to change and improve with new features, to make the game more exciting for you all! This then allows you players to have a fresh start and new players can begin to play without any significant disadvantage.
This means all items, money, and the map will be reset. Nothing will be kept leftover from the previous map. I know this must be a disappointing revelation for a lot of you, but think about the exciting new changes, the new alliances you can forge, the new map, the new features and updates the different kinds of gameplay, and style is provided with this update will surely make it a worth-while and exciting reset!
Below you can find what you will lose and one for what you will keep
What will I lose?
  • Your island
  • Player level & premium reward pass
  • All items in your inventory and ender chest
  • Any currencies such as money and exp
  • Chatcolor permissions.
  • Seasonal ranks and perks
What will I keep?
  • Purchased Ranks & Rank Upgrades
  • Purchased Perks
  • Won out of crates commands/ranks

We hope to see you on our new OpSkyBlock server soon!

If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.
Awesome Update!


Sr Mod & SS Manager
Staff Member
Sr Mod
Apr 19, 2021
+1 love it


Jun 23, 2022
Why Pika network why my laptop I don't have and shit I'm playing cracked tlanture then my exam is coming so they take my laptop where I play that game minecraft server Pika opskyblock I bring in this to much make gets and sword then an ssnl VIP rank but can use this all shit cos they take my laptop on jan 19 and returning back 20march wow now OPSkyBlock is resting and I lose my all stuff and if I join back at 20march the I'm 40days late then I'm at the bottom my request is that only that pls get some mercy on me and do not take my all stuff in under chest and my ssnl Rank typing from my mom's mobil and I know this is gonna decline and I leave Pika forever and thanks all for lisning my crying reality...


Legendary Pika
Aug 21, 2020
fix reroll tokens it doesn't work
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Legendary Pika
Feb 26, 2022
Why Pika network why my laptop I don't have and shit I'm playing cracked tlanture then my exam is coming so they take my laptop where I play that game minecraft server Pika opskyblock I bring in this to much make gets and sword then an ssnl VIP rank but can use this all shit cos they take my laptop on jan 19 and returning back 20march wow now OPSkyBlock is resting and I lose my all stuff and if I join back at 20march the I'm 40days late then I'm at the bottom my request is that only that pls get some mercy on me and do not take my all stuff in under chest and my ssnl Rank typing from my mom's mobil and I know this is gonna decline and I leave Pika forever and thanks all for lisning my crying reality...
happened to me TOO!
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