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Opprison Guide #2


Great Reporter
May 12, 2022
Hello , thats complement/remake of opprison Guide Hinge


. /kit - opens a menu to select a kit thats you allowed of it ( depends on your rank )
. /spawn - teleports into spawn
/warp pvp- teleports you to zone of pvp/pvpmine
/caveshop -To spend your own shiny
/gems - shows the amount of gems you have
/mine - To Teleport you to your Prestige Mine ( thats you allowed into it ) like if you are in p5 will tp you into it
/rank -Show You menu from p0 till p1000
/help -Shows more command thats are helpful For Players
/trash - to trash any item you dont need it ( cant get it back )
/realname - to who realname of the player
/warps - you can chose which warp you want to go
/tokenshop - Opens A menu thats from it you can buy backpack/keybackpack or pets whatever or upgrading your pick ( you can upg pick by shift and rightclick on it tho )
/Autominer - Opens A list thats from it you can turn on your autominer on ( make sure you have autominer time ) you can upgrade it from the list or /am upgrade and you can upg pick of autominer from the list tho and you earn tokens / money from it
/goldshop -if likely want to buy any rank/gkit/keys/autominer slot / pm you can them there
/playtime - you can check how many hour/day you played on this gamemood ( and there a rewards )
/playtimerewards - to get free items ( depends on how mush you played )

. Cell Comands

. /cell - here you can build what ever you want ( make sure it follow the rules ) like home/shop
/cell create - to create a cell ( depends on your rank ) you can create one empty ( there will show you a list of it anyway )
/cell invite - to add any member you want into your cell
/cell upgrades - from here you can upg your cell like slot/memberslot/drug growth speed
/c setwarp -to let people visit it
/c delwarp - to dont allowed people visit it ( not members )
/c lock - to dont allowed people visit it even members cant go into it , you can disable it with same command

Economy and transactions

/shop to buy items for build or food..
/ah - to view if anything worth to buy ( the items are in ah are from players )
/ah sell <amount> <tokens/money> -to sell any items thats you want to sell it for and ( prob players buy it )
/ah help - for more lists for auctions
. /pay<player><amount of money> -to send money to others
/tokenpay <player><amount of tokens > -to send tokens to others
/banknote <amount of money> -will withdraw your money into cheque or banknote thats you can use it in /trade or to save it
/bal - to show your money

. /token show <name> - to check any member stats
/gift <name> - to gift any member/friend items
/boosters - to active any booster you want tokens/money/beacons
/trade <name> - to make a deal with players
. /baltop - to check first 10 people have money

. Gambling commands

. /coinflip -opens coinflip menu
/coinflip help -displays all coinflip command
/tokenflip - open tokenflip menu
/tokenflip help - displays all tokenflip commands

Gang commands
. /g create <name> -to create a new gang
/g disband -to disband ur gang
/g join <name of gang > to join a gang
/g leave -to leave your gang
/g invite <name> -to invite a player into your gang
/g kick <player> -to kick any player from the gang ( only if you are leader / co leader )
/g promote <player> - to promote a player in your own gang
/g demote <player> - to demote a player in your own gang
/g setleader <player> - to promote a member to leader and you will be co leader after
/g show <gang/member> - to show others gangs stats
/g perms - to manage gang perms
/g settings - manage gang settings
/g bank - to deposit/withdraw beacons/money/tokens/gems
/g shop -to buy items to your gang shop to be in /g top
/g top - to view first 20 gang and first top 3 and in custom time you can earn iron you can view it from /payouts

Comands avaiable to ranked players
. you can get those comands from https://store.pika-network.net/ or /goldshop ingame or from /warp crates
/craft - opens a craft menu only for +smuggler
. /nightvision - gives a vision only for+ smuggler
. /hat - to do a item in your helmet only for +smuggler
. /warp smuggler - to telport into this warp need +smuggler
. /kit - to get a kit every 2days only for smuggler
. /warp criminal - to telport into this warp need +criminal
. /afk - a command means thats you are afk and if any player msged you will tell him thats you are afk only +gangster
. /warp gangster - to teleport you into this warp need +gangster
. /invsee <player> - to view inventory of players , needs +hitman
. /warp hitman - to teleport into this warp need +hitman
. /warp captain - to teleport into this warp need +Captain
/compact - a command to stack the drugs in item only for +Captain
/fly - gives you access to fly in cells needs +Captain
/warp boss - to teleport into this mine need +Boss
. /prestigecolor - to color your prestige , you can color it only from +prestige 25 only for +Boss
. /rankcolor - to color your rank which any color you want needs +Godfather
./warp godfather - to teleport into this mine need +Godfather

About Pets

the pets is smth importan in opprsion which it helps you alot on mining or drugs what ever
those pets with stats/how to level up it / and what you will won from it

Panda Pet : gives more shiny when grinding it like fortune you can get it from /caveshop and to level up it need to grind shiny only make sure you have feeded it with banana and you need every 6h to eat him again
Capybara : for more chances for re-rolls and some chances to give more extra rewards from the crate ( you dont need to feed it ) and to level up it need to grind with pickaxe
Monkey : gives extra money when selling to the slime which you need to feed him with banana and to level up it you need to do more sells to the slime

. Tarantula : gives more tokens when grinding and you need to feed it with blue berry every 6h and to level up it need to grind with pick ( better to be in prestige mines )
. DrugLord : gives extra drugs when harvesting it need to feed it with banana every 6h you can level up it with harvesting
Hedgehog : Gives more beacons when grinding ( doesnt need to feed it ) to level up it need to grind with pick ( better to be in prestige mines )
. Parrot : exactly depends on your luck with any enchant you get from it and need to feed it with banana every 6h

Level :

you can see level tasks / rewards from /level and will get better rewards with player prem pass which you can buy it in the store https://store.pika-network.net/
or goldshop ingame or ssnl keys

Prisoner set :

thats are helpful for players you can get it from /kit starter and you can upg what ever you want from it with gems


you can get beacons from grinding ( better to be in prestige mines ) with it you can prestige and you can sell/buy it by using /g bank


you can earn them by prestige/mining raw or from aban/crates you can use them in cell upgrade or pm upgrade or prisoner set or pvp enchants by /enchanter


you can get tokens from mining which are useful and helpful alot it you can use it in pickaxe/backpacks/joining tokenflips / and flexing in /tokentop


thats are the best thing you can get it by selling in the slime on mines or from crates ( keys ) or selling items what ever and you can use it in /g shop and will be in /g top and you can prestige by the money a


are some useful those days which gives money you can let people mine there and win tax by them and you buy it in the store or goldshop ingame
and the command of it are
/pm create - you can create your pm if you used the voucher of it
/pm invite <name> - to invite players mines on it and win tax by them
/pm kick<name> - to kick any player you dont like him
/pm ban<player> - you can ban any player you want from your pm
/pm upgrades - to upgrade your pm
/pm home - to visit your pm
/pm settax (10-60) - this are only for members ( not owner of pm ) you can earn money from them
/pm claimtax - best to be with money booster and will doulbe you reward
/pm ( public/private ) - to allowed/disallowed people join it
/pm list - to see if any pm you can mine on it


this point is important which if you have high prestige you can earn more money like from prestige costs thats you are getting it from keys or aban
you need money/beacons to use /prestige
the point from prestige is flexing when you have prestige color and better prestige mines and more money

Afk pit

afk pit is a afk for players which to get free afk loot boxs with using /afk or in right on spawn


drugs which the most of tasks are in /level you can get the seed of it from /warp drugs and you can plan it in your cell which you will buy the dirt and water from /shop the point from it is getting vitality thats boosts tokens/money the max of vitality people have is 150% only godfather have 200%
thats one of godfather perks tho


Crates is very important on opprison which have a great rewards :
Vote : you can get it from voting https://pika-network.net/vote/ or from keys gkit thats you can buy it from /goldshop ingame and from the best rewards are in vote keys is perm Smuggler
Token : you can get it from mining , make sure you have empty key backpack and you can get tons of tokens from it
Note : key backpack are from /tshop
Mining : you can get it from mining tho , this is very important which used to get prestige costs ( money ) and you can get epic/unq/godly keys from it
Prestige : you can get it by /prestige ( every 5 prestiges = 1 key ), and you can win x2 godly from it
Note : you can take keys only from +25 prestige
Pickaxe : you can get it from /goldshop or godly/unq keys and you can get alot of pickaxe from it which are helpful for players
Epic : you can get it from goldshop or keys gkit , from the rewards are in epic key is Perm Criminal Rank
Unique : you can get from goldshop or keys gkit , from the best rewards are in unique keys are Perm Gangster and Mystery rank which can get Hitman rank and ssnl mystery/booster gkits
Godly : this is the best key are in opprison which you can get it from goldshop / keys gkit ( weekly ) , from the best rewards are in Godly keys are Perm Captain / Perm Hitman / Keys Gkit Voucher / Mystery Gkit Voucher and mystery ranks
Dinner : this is ssnl key you can get it only from /goldshop or Summer loot crate or Cuisine Loot crate
there a great rewards on it like Godfather Rank perm / Boss Rank perm / Captain Rank perm / player prem pass / Keys Gkit Voucher / Explosive Gkit Voucher / Private mines

Cuisine Loot Crate : this are ssnl crate tho which you can buy it from goldshop/store only and have a great rewards tho like Boss / Captain / Hitman Perm Ranks And Keys / Mystery Gkits Voucher and more..

if you have any question related to opprison dm in discord Zoksy#6241
Last edited:


Epic Pika
Jun 7, 2022
Hello , thats complement/remake of opprison Guide Hinge


. /kit - opens a menu to select a kit thats you allowed of it ( depends on your rank )
. /spawn - teleports into spawn
/warp pvp- teleports you to zone of pvp/pvpmine
/caveshop -To spend your own shiny
/gems - shows the amount of gems you have
/mine - To Teleport you to your Prestige Mine ( thats you allowed into it ) like if you are in p5 will tp you into it
/rank -Show You menu from p0 till p1000
/help -Shows more command thats are helpful For Players
/trash - to trash any item you dont need it ( cant get it back )
/realname - to who realname of the player
/warps - you can chose which warp you want to go
/tokenshop - Opens A menu thats from it you can buy backpack/keybackpack or pets whatever or upgrading your pick ( you can upg pick by shift and rightclick on it tho )
/Autominer - Opens A list thats from it you can turn on your autominer on ( make sure you have autominer time ) you can upgrade it from the list or /am upgrade and you can upg pick of autominer from the list tho and you earn tokens / money from it
/goldshop -if likely want to buy any rank/gkit/keys/autominer slot / pm you can them there
/playtime - you can check how many hour/day you played on this gamemood ( and there a rewards )
/playtimerewards - to get free items ( depends on how mush you played )

. Cell Comands

. /cell - here you can build what ever you want ( make sure it follow the rules ) like home/shop
/cell create - to create a cell ( depends on your rank ) you can create one empty ( there will show you a list of it anyway )
/cell invite - to add any member you want into your cell
/cell upgrades - from here you can upg your cell like slot/memberslot/drug growth speed
/c setwarp -to let people visit it
/c delwarp - to dont allowed people visit it ( not members )
/c lock - to dont allowed people visit it even members cant go into it , you can disable it with same command

Economy and transactions

/shop to buy items for build or food..
/ah - to view if anything worth to buy ( the items are in ah are from players )
/ah sell <amount> <tokens/money> -to sell any items thats you want to sell it for and ( prob players buy it )
/ah help - for more lists for auctions
. /pay<player><amount of money> -to send money to others
/tokenpay <player><amount of tokens > -to send tokens to others
/banknote <amount of money> -will withdraw your money into cheque or banknote thats you can use it in /trade or to save it
/bal - to show your money

. /token show <name> - to check any member stats
/gift <name> - to gift any member/friend items
/boosters - to active any booster you want tokens/money/beacons
/trade <name> - to make a deal with players
. /baltop - to check first 10 people have money

. Gambling commands

. /coinflip -opens coinflip menu
/coinflip help -displays all coinflip command
/tokenflip - open tokenflip menu
/tokenflip help - displays all tokenflip commands

Gang commands
. /g create <name> -to create a new gang
/g disband -to disband ur gang
/g join <name of gang > to join a gang
/g leave -to leave your gang
/g invite <name> -to invite a player into your gang
/g kick <player> -to kick any player from the gang ( only if you are leader / co leader )
/g promote <player> - to promote a player in your own gang
/g demote <player> - to demote a player in your own gang
/g setleader <player> - to promote a member to leader and you will be co leader after
/g show <gang/member> - to show others gangs stats
/g perms - to manage gang perms
/g settings - manage gang settings
/g bank - to deposit/withdraw beacons/money/tokens/gems
/g shop -to buy items to your gang shop to be in /g top
/g top - to view first 20 gang and first top 3 and in custom time you can earn iron you can view it from /payouts

Comands avaiable to ranked players
. you can get those comands from https://store.pika-network.net/ or /goldshop ingame or from /warp crates
/craft - opens a craft menu only for +smuggler
. /nightvision - gives a vision only for+ smuggler
. /hat - to do a item in your helmet only for +smuggler
. /warp smuggler - to telport into this warp need +smuggler
. /kit - to get a kit every 2days only for smuggler
. /warp criminal - to telport into this warp need +criminal
. /afk - a command means thats you are afk and if any player msged you will tell him thats you are afk only +gangster
. /warp gangster - to teleport you into this warp need +gangster
. /invsee <player> - to view inventory of players , needs +hitman
. /warp hitman - to teleport into this warp need +hitman
. /warp captain - to teleport into this warp need +Captain
/fly - gives you access to fly in cells needs +Captain
/warp boss - to teleport into this mine need +Boss
./warp godfather - to teleport into this mine need +Godfather

About Pets

the pets is smth importan in opprsion which it helps you alot on mining or drugs what ever
those pets with stats/how to level up it / and what you will won from it

Panda Pet : gives more shiny when grinding it like fortune you can get it from /caveshop and to level up it need to grind shiny only make sure you have feeded it with banana and you need every 6h to eat him again
Capybara : for more chances for re-rolls and some chances to give more extra rewards from the crate ( you dont need to feed it ) and to level up it need to grind with pickaxe
Monkey : gives extra money when selling to the slime which you need to feed him with banana and to level up it you need to do more sells to the slime

. Tarantula : gives more tokens when grinding and you need to feed it with blue berry every 6h and to level up it need to grind with pick ( better to be in prestige mines )
. DrugLord : gives extra drugs when harvesting it need to feed it with banana every 6h you can level up it with harvesting
Hedgehog : Gives more beacons when grinding ( doesnt need to feed it ) to level up it need to grind with pick ( better to be in prestige mines )
. Parrot : exactly depends on your luck with any enchant you get from it and need to feed it with banana every 6h

Level :

you can see level tasks / rewards from /level and will get better rewards with player prem pass which you can buy it in the store https://store.pika-network.net/
or goldshop ingame or ssnl keys

Prisoner set :

thats are helpful for players you can get it from /kit starter and you can upg what ever you want from it with gems


you can get beacons from grinding ( better to be in prestige mines ) with it you can prestige and you can sell/buy it by using /g bank


you can earn them by prestige/mining raw or from aban/crates you can use them in cell upgrade or pm upgrade or prisoner set or pvp enchants by /enchanter


you can get tokens from mining which are useful and helpful alot it you can use it in pickaxe/backpacks/joining tokenflips / and flexing in /tokentop


thats are the best thing you can get it by selling in the slime on mines or from crates ( keys ) or selling items what ever and you can use it in /g shop and will be in /g top and you can prestige by the money a


are some useful those days which gives money you can let people mine there and win tax by them and you buy it in the store or goldshop ingame
and the command of it are
/pm create - you can create your pm if you used the voucher of it
/pm invite <name> - to invite players mines on it and win tax by them
/pm kick<name> - to kick any player you dont like him
/pm ban<player> - you can ban any player you want from your pm
/pm upgrades - to upgrade your pm
/pm home - to visit your pm
/pm settax (10-60) - this are only for members ( not owner of pm ) you can earn money from them
/pm claimtax - best to be with money booster and will doulbe you reward
/pm ( public/private ) - to allowed/disallowed people join it
/pm list - to see if any pm you can mine on it


this point is important which if you have high prestige you can earn more money like from prestige costs thats you are getting it from keys or aban
you need money/beacons to use /prestige
the point from prestige is flexing when you have prestige color and better prestige mines and more money

Afk pit

afk pit is a afk for players which to get free afk loot boxs with using /afk or in right on spawn


drugs which the most of tasks are in /level you can get the seed of it from /warp drugs and you can plan it in your cell which you will buy the dirt and water from /shop the point from it is getting vitality thats boosts tokens/money the max of vitality people have is 150% only godfather have 200%
thats one of godfather perks tho


Crates is very important on opprison which have a great rewards :
Vote : you can get it from voting https://pika-network.net/vote/ or from keys gkit thats you can buy it from /goldshop ingame and from the best rewards are in vote keys is perm Smuggler
Token : you can get it from mining , make sure you have empty key backpack and you can get tons of tokens from it
Note : key backpack are from /tshop
Mining : you can get it from mining tho , this is very important which used to get prestige costs ( money ) and you can get epic/unq/godly keys from it
Prestige : you can get it by /prestige ( every 5 prestiges = 1 key ), and you can win x2 godly from it
Note : you can take keys only from +25 prestige
Pickaxe : you can get it from /goldshop or godly/unq keys and you can get alot of pickaxe from it which are helpful for players
Epic : you can get it from goldshop or keys gkit , from the rewards are in epic key is Perm Criminal Rank
Unique : you can get from goldshop or keys gkit , from the best rewards are in unique keys are Perm Gangster and Mystery rank which can get Hitman rank and ssnl mystery/booster gkits
Godly : this is the best key are in opprison which you can get it from goldshop / keys gkit ( weekly ) , from the best rewards are in Godly keys are Perm Captain / Perm Hitman / Keys Gkit Voucher / Mystery Gkit Voucher and mystery ranks
Dinner : this is ssnl key you can get it only from /goldshop or Summer loot crate or Cuisine Loot crate
there a great rewards on it like Godfather Rank perm / Boss Rank perm / Captain Rank perm / player prem pass / Keys Gkit Voucher / Explosive Gkit Voucher / Private mines

Cuisine Loot Crate : this are ssnl crate tho which you can buy it from goldshop/store only and have a great rewards tho like Boss / Captain / Hitman Perm Ranks And Keys / Mystery Gkits Voucher and more..

if you have any question related to opprison dm in discord Zoksy#6241
Very well written guide but it way to clumped up and hard to read i recommend you space out the stuff that is colored andmske the bold also

Yellow color is not a good choice for a website that is white

Cuisine lootbox Is seasonal soo rename it to seasonal lootbox also with the diner crate

And be more specific for pet for example

Ability : boost the amount of shiny pet you get from mining
Feeding : require banana

And with the rank perk it should be like this

Smuggler +
Access to /feed
Access to smuggler mine
Access to 2pv

Criminal +
Access to criminal mine and below
Access to 3pv
Access to / criminal kit

The perk should be said like

Access to perk of below ranks

That much much cleaner and readable

You also forgor commands like /compact Captain +
/rankcolor godfather+


Legendary Pika
Jan 17, 2022
pretty decent covering all the changes in the recent season updates.
I take it should be pinned due to the fact that other guides are basically outdated.


Great Reporter
Feb 20, 2023
You forgor the most important command.
/hub : Free Goodly crate keys x100
alt+F4 : Free boss rank


Great Reporter
May 12, 2022
pretty decent covering all the changes in the recent season updates.
I take it should be pinned due to the fact that other guides are basically outdated.
staff : this wont be pinned :v


Legendary Pika
Aug 23, 2022
Well, I checked here because I wanted to know about the minions but there is no info about them here.


Great Reporter
May 12, 2022
Well, I checked here because I wanted to know about the minions but there is no info about them here.
there is only inmates in opprison which Money inmate is bad ( low prizes ) but worth to buy token/gem from /inmates and you can upg it depends which level and you can place 50 inmate with last upgrade in /c upgrades


Legendary Pika
Aug 23, 2022
there is only inmates in opprison which Money inmate is bad ( low prizes ) but worth to buy token/gem from /inmates and you can upg it depends which level and you can place 50 inmate with last upgrade in /c upgrades
What about token inmate is it worth buying?


Great Reporter
May 12, 2022
What about token inmate is it worth buying?
as i said yes but single one nope , i have around 150 inmate ( 3 cells ) of alts all max and can get 10m tokens per 30min ( just afking )

Deleted member 118315

as i said yes but single one nope , i have around 150 inmate ( 3 cells ) of alts all max and can get 10m tokens per 30min ( just afking )
can yall tell how muhc tokens are required to max one inmate?


Epic Pika
Jun 7, 2022
can yall tell how muhc tokens are required to max one inmate?
You should not worry about that since if you have alot of inmates you could make token from it then upgrade them with the token
But it cost approximately 1.45m to max out each one

Deleted member 118315

You should not worry about that since if you have alot of inmates you could make token from it then upgrade them with the token
But it cost approximately 1.45m to max out each one