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Update OpFactions - Help us with next the update! | September the 13th 2020

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Aug 28, 2017
Greetings, my suggestion is really different from anyone else here. I don't even know you can make it possible or not. Let me describe my idea.

Capture Point
Faction fight for control over certain chunk on the map. A faction gets score-points when the point is under their control.

Score points will be used for faction benefits. Maybe upgrade items or faction power.

Why should I add this?
Faction server players will be always excited to attract/defend capture point. It will bring something new to faction game mode.

Conclusion: I agree with all the suggested changes and I will be not sad if my suggestion does not get implement because it can be hard to write this code. Thank you.

after a little bit of google search I found plugin name, it may help somehow:

Ace Outposts Lite v2

I like the idea of adding something new, however, there are already koths, usually every 6 hours. Mixed with maxing spawners, competing for F-Top, and also checking buffers to make sure you aren't getting raided is already enough. I don't think we need something more at the moment.

Best Regards
` moxxy17


Aug 28, 2017
* Definitely enhance the cannon jar. Test it well and to do that i would suggest to invite some players with good cannon-skills into your testing environment to help you with that. It's been since forever that there has been a decent cannon jar in op factions.
* Re-design the Gkits. Since the server becoming more OP and OP, the Gkits becoming a bit 'poorish'. heroNot so "G" anymore.
* Get clarity about yes or no raiding with shield, like last season it was announced that it would be not possible, but then it was, but would be punishable, and then it wasn't and then it was again....
* Train staff about faction rules before the new season opens. A lot of staff does not know about factions and it would be a good staff quality upgrade if they would know more about 'how factions works' in general.
* remove herobrine.

I definitely agree with the part of the training of staff. On Jartex there is a lot of staff that know a lot about Factions. I just wish the staff would give more attention to factions, not just with the hacker aspect, but also with the fact that /f warns aren't even punishable at this point, because staff don't know the rules there, therefore players can just break faction rules and nothing will happen.


Aug 1, 2020
Put in all donor kits depth strider 3 bcuz we cant patch while being raided without it, expand tnt bank on 5m for example. Its op factions tho


The Pika
Oct 16, 2019
Also do drops every 1-3 hours on the map which contains good stuff.
last time you did that, the chests contained gapples but gapples is the easiest item to get in opfac so i suggest put good weapons/armor/mcmmo,etc in it,


The Pika
Oct 16, 2019
Also do drops every 1-3 hours on the map which contains good stuff.
last time you did that, the chests contained gapples but gapples is the easiest item to get in opfac so i suggest put good weapons/armor/mcmmo,etc in it,
Drops = Loot Crates


Legendary Pika
Jul 27, 2020
To can mine with Shockwave Pickaxes and to water walls


The Pika
Oct 16, 2019
Put in all donor kits depth strider 3 bcuz we cant patch while being raided without it, expand tnt bank on 5m for example. Its op factions tho
+1 It is hard to patch without Depth


The Pika
Oct 16, 2019
Put in all donor kits depth strider 3 bcuz we cant patch while being raided without it, expand tnt bank on 5m for example. Its op factions tho
Yea and TNT Bank is hel low. Increase it to like 5-10M.


The Pika
Oct 16, 2019
Greetings, my suggestion is really different from anyone else here. I don't even know you can make it possible or not. Let me describe my idea.

Capture Point
Faction fight for control over certain chunk on the map. A faction gets score-points when the point is under their control.

Score points will be used for faction benefits. Maybe upgrade items or faction power.

Why should I add this?
Faction server players will be always excited to attract/defend capture point. It will bring something new to faction game mode.

Conclusion: I agree with all the suggested changes and I will be not sad if my suggestion does not get implement because it can be hard to write this code. Thank you.

after a little bit of google search I found plugin name, it may help somehow:

Ace Outposts Lite v2
Good one but we already got koths. But we could ALSO circulate Koths and "Capture Points" simultaneously.


The Pika
Oct 16, 2019
ally can help
Depends.... Last season we were getting raided by 4-5 factions - one was cannoning and others were preventing us from patching. Can't do anything then.


Rare Pika
Jan 28, 2020
Let the Gen bucket icon bet turned in to diamond blocks or something so we can print the because after a while u get tired from thoughs


The Pika
Oct 16, 2019
Hello everyone,

- Enable ender pearls in combat but set a height limit for those in /spawn so players can't run and sit on trees then warp out. Disable ender pearls in /warp soccer.
- Add the Depth Strider enchantment in Donor Kits because it is hard to patch without it.
- Drop Loot Crates containing stuff like weapons/armor/mcmmo/etc in /spawn so that people often go in spawn and there is some goal to overcome for the players. (Koth is every 6 hours so it is a bit boring.)
- Ask staff to be present at koth (whichever staff available) because there are a LOT of hackers on koth and after reset more are going to come.
^ Simple method to do that is to make a schedule where different staff are online for different koths at different days.
- Upgrade the anti cheat because it is not that good.
- Allow only one faction to raid another at a time because last season, we were getting raided by 4-5 factions at a time. One was cannoning and others preventing us from patching.
- Reduce the mcmmo to 500 - 2k because 5k is too much OP and newbies get rekt easily and lose their stuff and thus, lost interest in the server.
- REMOVE THE NEW CHAT PLUGIN which prevents us from spamming/capitals. It is Factions, of course we will spam if we are getting raided/need help.
^You could enable it in /f c p but disable it in all other chats.
^ Getting an Anti Swear plugin would be cool too because most of the Factions community is toxic and thus is will help a LOT to both you and staff so staff could save time and efforts.
- Allow players to buy Mob Hoppers/Chests/etc to buy in bulk because it is annoying to keep typing the command.
- Teach staff about Factions.
^Not being rude but MOST of the staff don't know much about Factions so a quick 1-3 day training would be AWESOME and it would also bring all the staff together.
- +1 to the spawner crate suggested by someone and you could add the spawner keys in the Donor Kits/Keys Crates/etc.
- GET A BETTER CANNON JAR because if i blow 5 stacks tnt here, server tps goes down to less than half. Then what is going to happen during cannoning and trenching? The server will get clapped and many factions at once are going to raid others after grace period so I suggest to get good cannon jar before reset.
- Add /warp Fps back as many people want it and like it. (FPS drops in soccer are awful.)
- Buff the vote and epic crates.
^To be honest votes and epics are useless.
^ You get nothing except Money, Armor, etc (thing which are useless).
- Buff the Once Kits.
^ You could increase the number of spawners and keys in the once kits as they can be claimed once a season and they aren't that OP for OP Factions.
- (Not necessary) Add enderman spawners.
- +1 to /printer suggested by others because it will be easy and it will help TONNES for the cannoneers.
- +1 to /roam as it is hard to see where you HAVE to hit and it will be nice.
- Make the map shorter because long maps are BOOOOORING.
- If possible, reset OPFAC like under one month after payouts because its been more than 2 months since payouts and it is BOOORING.
- (Not Necessary as you guys are going to reduce mcmmo.) /warp nomcmmo.
- +1 to two kits in the donor/champion kits as suggested by secretsunday.
- Raid claims.
- Make the staff focus less on self-grinding..
^2-3 staffs on OP Prison and 2 on Minigames and others on CSB/Kit-Pvp EVERYDAY.
^ I know staffs also have the right to play but whenever we call them they just ignore us. E.g.- MANY TIMES it happened that there were hackers in opfac and I went OP PRIS to call xINoLImit (its his home now) or tlang who was there to come and help us. xINoLimit was prolly afk (as he is 4/5 times i call him) and tlang straight ignored me and once I made a big fuss about he ignoring me, he said "Bruh I can't ban hackers, call others." Don't think that is the behaviour a staff should have.
- (Not Necessary) Rewards for /baltop and /mctop.
^ If /mctop rewards going to be added, then just please tell Gunfire to stop giving himself mcmmo because it is unfair for others to overtake. (Old_Prophet spent a BIG time overtaking LOL.)
- Some changes in /f warns.
- Add tntwands to /shop.
- Change obsidian durability to 5.
- +1 to custom enchants ONLY FOR MOB GRINDING.
- Buff koth loot.
^Koth loot is worst of all because you sit there in one corner while fighting other factions for 5 MINUTES and you get - shockwave pick, creeper eggs, etc. (The best UNO Reverse Card ever.)
^5 minutes may sound less to someone but believe me, 5 minutes are like 50 when you are fighting 3 factions to cap koths.
- Make koths every 6 hours so we got 4 koths/day.
^Make them on different maps too if possible.
- Disallow raiding with /f shield and punish the faction who does that as it will be too easy.
^Adding raid claims would do that as you will not be able to use shield in raid claims.
- +1 to disallow hiding value as suggested by iq420.
^ Make a rule so that you need to place all of your spawners 1-2 weeks before payouts THEN ONLY they will be counted or else nope.
- +1 to disallowing mining spawners as said by iq420 because it will then be a total waste to build a cannon then aim then shoot,etc and a lot of time will be wasted.
- +1 --->Add quests so players can complete the simple/small quests. (Suggested by iq420).

That's all I could spare my time to write>




Lead Developer
Mar 11, 2018
- REMOVE THE NEW CHAT PLUGIN which prevents us from spamming/capitals. It is Factions, of course we will spam if we are getting raided/need help.
The faction, & ally chat will not contain this cooldown anymore. This wasn't intended and in the next reset this will be gone. Spam and caps in public chat will still be disallowed and thus this feature will stay enabled.
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