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Jul 1, 2021
Hello everyone, hopefully everyone reading this is having a good day today, I was thinking over some things and came up with some possibly outlandish, some possibly decent ideas that could be implemented into the game-mode(OP Skyblock). I will try my best to describe what I mean but feel free to add or adjust some things I say in regards to some of these.

P.S- I understand some of these may be horrible ideas, but hey, you never know if it's really bad until you recommend it right?

Suggestion/Idea 1: Create a Vault search bar section to search through vaults. At this point in the game I have over 300 vaults, sometimes in a rush, I tend to chuck things anywhere I can find space and then forget where I placed them and honestly do not wanna spend the time looking through 300+ vaults for the item. I know many do not or may not have that many vaults but everyone will get there eventually so I feel it might be a good thing to have. As for the complications that may arise from this, I am unsure, hence why its only a suggestion and not a demand haha.

Suggestion/Idea 2: Larger spawner Capacity. I won't lie, as much as I love playing for hours on end every day because I have no life, I would really like to play rather than spend hours placing 500 at a time. Now the current 500 is a doubled increase from last season if I remember correctly, but to be honest, I feel having to place so many really makes me lose my mind, especially when it comes to a max spawner limit of 450,000. I would honestly like to see it increased to 1000, 5000 give or take.

Suggestion/Idea 3: Stacked Spawners in Inventory. Branching off of my last suggestion(#2), I would like to suggest the ability to buy/move spawners as one spawner but it is stacked. For example, the ability to buy Individual stacks, for early game, but also the ability to buy a single spawner that counts as a larger amount. I found myself going a tad crazy when having to buy 500 inventories of spawners and then proceeding to place all of them. So this suggestion if you have not understood it this far is meant to negate the need later on in the game's season to need to place all of those spawners. I would say the ability to buy 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500 etc etc as a single spawner that you can place that is already stacked as one of the given amounts would really help prevent me and many others' brains from going numb from it. This would also mean the ability to pick up the spawner and it still be functioning as the original amount.

Suggestion/Idea 4: Increase the max spawners per island. Now this is a personal one that most likely will not be well received by many people in the top islands, or it may, who knows. I feel the meta of ores controlling the end game can be kind of, how do I say, annoying in a sense. I do not wanna see ores have NO meta usage, but I want there to be a tad more factors that make it a bit more fun than having to sit in the mines 100 hours a day(I know, there is only 24 hours a day, its an exaggeration) in order to get the ores. I feel that possibly increasing the limit of spawners or having them have more of an effect on island standings might be a bit better. Don't smite me now, I know many of you other top island leaders or members might love your mining and all.

Suggestion/Idea 5: Increase the size of the mines, or increase the ore spawn rate, or maybe even both. If ores are gonna be an end-game factor that no doubt controls who wins or loses, I feel increasing the size, or increasing the spawn rate or even both will allow it to be closer and allow all islands to still be in the game at every moment of the season. I find that islands that have people nonstop mining for hours on end have a large advantage and when people who are not on at the same time as they come on, and see the top island has 200k points or more, more than them, it can really make people not wanna keep playing and give up. Having this increase and having the ability for all islands to constantly be able to surpass one another will keep people more on top of playing and more active till the very last moment. Now I know for a fact this would for sure not sit well with top island members or top island leaders as for the most part, the top islands sit comfortably and not having to worry about competition, but lets be honest, is it really fair?

Suggestion/Idea 6: Add more colors to the rank colors and chat colors, I really love the ones currently but I would love to see more colors!


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Apr 6, 2020
Useless and more spawners will be sht as it was already increased


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Jan 21, 2023
Hello everyone, hopefully everyone reading this is having a good day today, I was thinking over some things and came up with some possibly outlandish, some possibly decent ideas that could be implemented into the game-mode(OP Skyblock). I will try my best to describe what I mean but feel free to add or adjust some things I say in regards to some of these.

P.S- I understand some of these may be horrible ideas, but hey, you never know if it's really bad until you recommend it right?

Suggestion/Idea 1: Create a Vault search bar section to search through vaults. At this point in the game I have over 300 vaults, sometimes in a rush, I tend to chuck things anywhere I can find space and then forget where I placed them and honestly do not wanna spend the time looking through 300+ vaults for the item. I know many do not or may not have that many vaults but everyone will get there eventually so I feel it might be a good thing to have. As for the complications that may arise from this, I am unsure, hence why its only a suggestion and not a demand haha.

Suggestion/Idea 2: Larger spawner Capacity. I won't lie, as much as I love playing for hours on end every day because I have no life, I would really like to play rather than spend hours placing 500 at a time. Now the current 500 is a doubled increase from last season if I remember correctly, but to be honest, I feel having to place so many really makes me lose my mind, especially when it comes to a max spawner limit of 450,000. I would honestly like to see it increased to 1000, 5000 give or take.

Suggestion/Idea 3: Stacked Spawners in Inventory. Branching off of my last suggestion(#2), I would like to suggest the ability to buy/move spawners as one spawner but it is stacked. For example, the ability to buy Individual stacks, for early game, but also the ability to buy a single spawner that counts as a larger amount. I found myself going a tad crazy when having to buy 500 inventories of spawners and then proceeding to place all of them. So this suggestion if you have not understood it this far is meant to negate the need later on in the game's season to need to place all of those spawners. I would say the ability to buy 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500 etc etc as a single spawner that you can place that is already stacked as one of the given amounts would really help prevent me and many others' brains from going numb from it. This would also mean the ability to pick up the spawner and it still be functioning as the original amount.

Suggestion/Idea 4: Increase the max spawners per island. Now this is a personal one that most likely will not be well received by many people in the top islands, or it may, who knows. I feel the meta of ores controlling the end game can be kind of, how do I say, annoying in a sense. I do not wanna see ores have NO meta usage, but I want there to be a tad more factors that make it a bit more fun than having to sit in the mines 100 hours a day(I know, there is only 24 hours a day, its an exaggeration) in order to get the ores. I feel that possibly increasing the limit of spawners or having them have more of an effect on island standings might be a bit better. Don't smite me now, I know many of you other top island leaders or members might love your mining and all.

Suggestion/Idea 5: Increase the size of the mines, or increase the ore spawn rate, or maybe even both. If ores are gonna be an end-game factor that no doubt controls who wins or loses, I feel increasing the size, or increasing the spawn rate or even both will allow it to be closer and allow all islands to still be in the game at every moment of the season. I find that islands that have people nonstop mining for hours on end have a large advantage and when people who are not on at the same time as they come on, and see the top island has 200k points or more, more than them, it can really make people not wanna keep playing and give up. Having this increase and having the ability for all islands to constantly be able to surpass one another will keep people more on top of playing and more active till the very last moment. Now I know for a fact this would for sure not sit well with top island members or top island leaders as for the most part, the top islands sit comfortably and not having to worry about competition, but lets be honest, is it really fair?

Suggestion/Idea 6: Add more colors to the rank colors and chat colors, I really love the ones currently but I would love to see more colors!

Hello LordAmeno, @LordAmeno

First of all there is a specific subforum called Suggestions whicha are made specifically for this type of messeges. It is better to post there as people can downvote/upvote your ideas and give personal opinons about your suggestions. As if you post it here there is no chance that they would change something here as it is not the correct forum. Also if you are going to post it in the Suggestion forum please do post all of you ideas seperatly as if its denied you will not know which of the suggetion is denied plus it will make the staff team life easier.

Idea 1
Great idea but it could lead to new dupe glitches or server crashes. Also client mods or mods can do the same thing if they are made specificaly for this gamemode. (Do not know if there are any being made or already made)

Idea 2 + 3
I do think they should change that as it does get tedius doing that and takes alot of time. Also it will make it more productive and easier to do as there is not need to redo all of your work if you want to change your spawner layout.

Idea 4
Do agree but I have never been a top player or being very active in Op SkyBlock.

Idea 5
It will make a good alternative for end-game metas and it will make the gameplay more varied.

Idea 6
It will be great as in most games there are little color to choose so it will add more viarity. But also it will make the chat even more chaotic that it is now.

Kind regards
- cOdEx567 -

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me through Discord [ c0d3__ ] or the Convestation page on the PikaNetwork webpage.


Oct 11, 2023
i genuinely agree, with every here.

Every idea given here is essential for a smooth experience.. and it can help new players do levels and tasks more easily.. the colors can make the game more attractive and vibrant
