Detailed description:
make valid bans appealable
Detailed description:
So i'm not going to suggest to change the rules because I know that's not allowed, however you guys should really make a actual appeals team that doesn't only remove false bans, but valid ones too. Jartex does this, you can literally appeal a valid ban on jartex and get it shortened/removed if your appeal is good. Pika only removes false bans, which actually WAS fine, up until to the point where you added these new rules a while back, the new rules are harsh AF and should be appealable rather then having to wait a long time to get unbanned. I was banned for soft advertising, second offence, 1 month and it should really be appealable because it's a really light offence with a really harsh punishment.
Because more people will have a chance at being unbanned so the server can be more active. This should apply to mutes too.
Let's say you get banned for discrimination, you should have a chance at appealing it even if it is valid.