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Joined once, banned? BAN APPEAL

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New Member
Jul 20, 2018
So basically I only play OP Skyblock with my mate, we were building castles and whatnot, XP farms etc. Minding out own business, voting every day for the keys... then one day my lad goes on Factions, tells me that we get keys there and that we can open crates there. Im hyped ofc, so I go there, open some crates, got some sick stuff.. basically Im happy. As I'm about to leave, to continue making giant diamond block dildo's on my island, I get banned, while in the Faction server... its a perma ban, for 'Inappropriate Name'. Now thats where I'm confused. I, am a paying customer, I paid for Minecraft and I had the chance to choose my name ONCE. I chose what I found funny, appealing. I chose AlQaeda, no other intentions, just to have some uniqueness, rather than being 'Enderman69' or 'Strongdude557'. Most people found my name funny, some just didnt care. Now because of this one mod, I dont know if he is insecure, has family problems or whatever the problem is, decides to ban me because of personal preference. In my opinion, that is not OK. With the ban, all my progress, my island, everything my friend and I built is gone, inaccessible, and that is not right. I cannot change my name, but if you have a problem, censor it out for all i care, you have the /nick function... I have been loyal to the server since Minecraft 1.4.7, the Redstone update and just giving a ban like that out of nowhere is not OK in my opinion. I didnt offend anyone, I was just passing by, opening some crates. So to conclude my statement, I think that I do not deserve this ban, it was not right, some might be offended, but still not worth a ban. Its not racist, its not fascist. Its just a statement in another language, a sentence meaning 'The Base'... quite ironic it being in Minecraft I think. So could you please unban me? I meant no harm. I just want to finish expanding my island with my lad over here and mind my own business.
Thank you, hope you approve,


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