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English supermacy forced by the staff...

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The Pika
Sep 14, 2019
Dear player, why can't you just call the government and let them remove the rule, than causing arguments between the players?


Great Reporter
Feb 27, 2016
Everyone's here talking if it's allowed or not, he took the EULA for REALMS. We are talking about a multiplayer server here not realms. The fact that Voodoo & gunfire made the server / yoeri made this server allows them to add ANY rule they wish for. The only thing that EULA forces them to do is follow certain sales rules which means they aren't allowed to sell content that is unfair toward the other players that aren't able to buy ranks. So ya'll talking about minecraft rules are wasting your times and Mohjang won't involve itself over this.


The Pika
Dec 23, 2016
Non-discussion. Kids thinking they know about law and and international regulations better than the people that set up this server and have been running it for years and years. SMH. Don't wanna speak English in public ? Find a server where you don't have to. Good Luck With That. Don't want to be punished for bad behavior ? Go play on 2b2t or some other hell hole. But don't play here. Bye bye.


Pika Member
Oct 12, 2019
While I agree that the argument the person has made is flawed , aren't we being a bit harsh on him , some of the responses from people here are quite rude , the guy is just trying to make an argument .


The Pika
Dec 23, 2016
but it is discrimination

Yes, it is discrimination, but there is no law in the world against discrimination. There are laws against NEGATIVE treatment based on discrimination. Discrimination does mean nothing else but "making a difference" a you may have learned in math. The world is full of differences. Old and Young, boy and girl, red and green, big and small. And these differences exist. There is nothing wrong with it.

People that speak another language than English are also not treated differently than other people in this server. IN FACT: i am 100% convinced that the majority of players on Pika network does NOT have English as their first language, as most of the players are European or asian. And the only country in Europe where people speak English as a native language is Great Britain, only responsible for a very small percentage of the players on pika netword. The majority is Dutch, French, Balkan, Russian, Spanish, and Philipino. Ergo: neither of them speak native English.

English is just a choice of language in public, because most people speak it more or less sufficient to understand each other. Nobody is disallowed to speak their own language (like the employee) but what use is it to speak your own language in public when others cannot understand you. SO you speak your language in private, as you will have to do in an English speaking company. (did any of you ever actually work for such company, or are you just digging up theoretical information from the net ?) Speaking Dutch to your also Dutch speaking coworker where others are possibly disturbed by your conversation will REALLY not be appreciated. Trust me, I had this conversation with my Taiwanese CEO several times in the past. (of course he could speak Chinese when ever he wanted, he was the CEO after all )
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Mar 6, 2016
Hello PikaNetwork people, hope you doing well with this pandemy wich is the very known Covid-19.
Beacause of that, I decided to play in your wonderful server with my long time friend Nizarh (we play here since 06/2016) and while we were playing and speaking in our mother language, we got warned about talking Portuguese (check attachements for the details and the dialog between the staff). I am really feeling offended and attacked by this illegal action, I know it's forbiden but I have the right of speech, everyone knows that (I think).
The Minecraft EULA says:

And this is addmited a illegal and unlawful act by the Portuguese legislation The act above mentioned as we can see it's a discriminatory practise based on our national and ethnic origin because we are forced to not talk our language, and also, the Mojang EULA mentions too and I quote: (account.mojang.com/documents/minecraft_eula).
After this I did a bit of research on your bans list and I noticed you have warned many people for this act, and for that, I searched on some sites and I found some interesting stuff like: (from https://legalaidatwork.org/factsheet/language-discrimination/ it's a really interesting page to read), and: (from https://calltherightattorney.com/20...ish-at-work-can-he-do-that-best-lawyer-reply/).

I don't have the itention to harm or make someone unconfortable by any way, I just want to expose this unrightful situation on your Network, I hope that this situation gets solved peacefully and fast with a simple dialog from both of us. If not I am forced to take this to a higher level, and I'm talking to open an inquiry with Mojang. This is not at any way, shape or form, a threat directly/indirectly to someone/anyone in this Network, it is just a call for attencion on this very delicated situation. With that said, hope wishes to all of the members from PikaNetwork and a good day!
This post was written in collaboration with Senator32 also known as Nizarh, you can check his profile by here.
Thanks for reading this!
Ok, so what you say doesn't really make sense.
People which their mother language isn't english aren't treated in a different way than the others? Why?
The foreign languages rule applies to EVERYONE. NOONE can speak non-english languages in main chat and that's not breaking any rule or law because we don't treat them differently from other people as they are free to speak whatever language they want on /msg, /p chat, faction chat etc.
I too speak portuguese, yet I play in a server which has rules, and you have to follow the rules otherwise you get punished.
What about the 9/14 kids that play and can't speak english properly? They can use a basic command like /msg easly so it isn't really a problem.
Now stop complaining about it, the server has rules, you follow them. We do not discriminate anyone, speaking with other people your mother language is always nice so it is promoted to be done but just not in the public chat.



Pika Member
Dec 1, 2016
Hello Pika Network players and staff involved in this argument.
I quited this because it's a lost cause playing in this server for me. The minigames I enjoyed are all broken and the OPPrison won't be as good as it was (I know, but it's just an opinion).
So, for all you that are going to say so why are you even trying if you won't play here, shut up kid, don't bother say that.
This argument was just me trying to made a difference in the staff to be a bit less strict, and as always, there are people that will attack, and I replied to them politely, but they couldn't see what I was trying to show them (it can be my fault) and for that they decided to be a bit more agressive.
When that happened I just quited because nobody would listen if they don't agree with me (shoutout to UpperGround for understanding our point of view and the kindness to think about how rude they were, and Senator32 for covering my back in the trenches), and now I see this whole stuff and god damn the Internet doesn't forgive!
Well I don't want to talk anymore here because my point is proved if you believe it or not and I don't wan't to force anything to anyone here (I left also because I was forcing to understand me).
If you want to debate here, be my guest, but don't be those who say shut up kid or you don't like, leave and don't be a crybaby it's just childish. I will be reading the things but won't reply. It's not a victory or a defeat, it's a friendly talk about this situation. This is not ended and won't be.
With all the love and respect for you all.
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