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English supermacy forced by the staff...

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Apr 29, 2017
When you play on Pika Network, it means you agree and must obey their rules. It is stated clearly that, "Speaking in a non-English language (outside PMs) " is against the rules. The reason why they only allow English in public chat is so that everyone understands each other. You can speak in any language you would like, in
. Anything not public. Next time, read and review the rules carefully. https://pika-network.net/rules/
Dude you pop out of nowhere, did you read the whole thread? We knew this was in the rules and we are trying to remove it. If you can't read a thread please don't even bother yourself replying.

As your signature says, your reply(event) is a total failure. Next time don't even bother reply.


Dec 1, 2019
Dude you pop out of nowhere, did you read the whole thread? We knew this was in the rules and we are trying to remove it. If you can't read a thread please don't even bother yourself replying.

As your signature says, your reply(event) is a total failure. Next time don't even bother reply.
It's the forums. Anyone can reply.
Also, Read my signature carefully
Alright, have a great day/night

P.S there are tons of servers that have the "English only (outside PMs)" rule. Good luck! ;)
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Ok this escalated quickly, let me clear everything you tought I said.


I just want to say it is illegal in some countries, if not most of them. Also if it needs to take this far I won't think twice.


It took some time to write my thread, read better. I only mentioned TWICE the word "racist" and I used it to quote the Minecraft EULA.


I'm giving half a point because when you say:
It clearly shows you didn't check the Minecraft EULA.


Theres a lot of stuff wrong there. Let me clear. You in order to start any type of Minecraft server you are forced to agree the Minecraft EULA and as I mentioned before it is discrimination.


Thats an example, the definition is and I quote:

Last one:

It breaks the rules.

In conclusion, you shouldn't reply to a post without reading all of it and understanding it (it's my point of view, but of corse I can be wrong). The things you said about what I wrote are off context. And again:

With that said I hope you understand my point of view and others too.
1. While it is illegal in the EU (where pika is based), laws doesn’t affect minecraft servers, mojangs Eula does.
2. Yes i mentioned racist because I thought you thought they were being racist, I guess I shouldn’t assume things.
3. The Eula you mentioned : “Content[BGCOLOR=rgb(245, 245, 245)] If you are going to make something available on or through our Game, it must not be offensive to people or illegal, it must be honest, and it must be your own creation. Some examples of the types of things you must not make available using our Game include: posts that include racist or homophobic language; posts that are bullying or trolling; posts that are offensive or that damage our or another person's reputation; posts that include porn or someone else's creation or image; or posts that impersonate a moderator or try to trick or exploit people.[/BGCOLOR]

You don’t have a right to use the server unless you comply by the rules. “It must not be offensive” I said already. Anything can be offensive. Hackers can be offended that they are banned, spammers can be offended they are muted. Spammers can also say you violated their freedom of speech. But, that’s a law, not affecting minecraft servers. Every single server has to break one part of their EULA to keep running. It is impossible to not offend anyone while still keeping rules in place.

4. It is discrimination, BUT, you can’t say everything is discrimination even thought it is in reality. Hackers will say its discrimination etc. Don’t get offended by everything. And I said above, it’s impossible to keep running their server.
5. You are treated the exact same if you don’t break rules. It’s only that other players don’t break the rules and speak languages other than English. You got warned because you did something that they didn’t do. And if you say “I got treated differently because I got warned” well to bad, you broke a rule, you did something different, you get treated differently.

Last: it breaks the rules? You broke pikas rules. Don’t be offended over little things like this


Ofc the portugueses laws have no effect on this.
But for sure, I can garentee you that being punished by staff for speaking in our mother-language is pretty unlawful.

Like said before, if the staff does not take any action, we will try opening an inquiry with Mojang. Breaking some Mojang's EULA rules.

Of course not! If you can read you should check the whole EULA where it says specifically this: from "CONTENT" https://account.mojang.com/documents/minecraft_eula
They already affirm this, you are not allowed to be offensive and swear on the server(your creation/server). So yeah the rule matches the Minecraft EULA
Ok I did jump outta nowhere but this post is dumb.

No it’s not unlawful to stop you from speaking non English languages, it’s their server their laws.

“You are not allowed to be offensive and swear on the server”

Anything, and I say ANYTHING can be offensive. Swearing isn’t offensive for some people, so maybe not speaking English is offensive for them? Then that’s breaking minecraft Eula. Being banned is offensive, being muted is offensive. So do you want pika to keep rules that match the Eula then break others?


The problem isn't the main language, it's the punition about talking your language, like my example.

This phrase got me triggered. Where in the world would you think that? The Minecraft players are mostly kids playing (9-14 years old, more or less) and not all know how to formulate a english sentece right (I'm 24 and it's far from perfect), I don't know if making people not talk in public chats because their language is right...

We have the right to choose our language in public or private social space.
From Language rights

Thanks to say treat me as a "Sir", I really appreciate it but I ain't here for it I am here to say I am a fighter for my and your rights around the world and expose anything that seems any type of discrimination.
CPT brought up a good point, the chat is easier to keep clean without people speaking their languages. They do have to punish you for speaking languages they don’t speak, otherwise you will continue. And if that happens people can start swearing in their own languages and offending everyone who speaks that language and the moderator doesn’t know what it means. So basically if you stop that rule which fixes one part of the EULA, you’ll break another. “The minecraft players are mostly kids playing (9-14)” at that age if your native language is English then your sentence making should be proper. And I don’t really see your point in that sentence. Hackers also have rights to hack, but did you bring up that point? Did you make a thread called: “Legit supremacy forced by staff...” no you didn’t. This isn’t for the better of the server, or the making pika more aligned with minecraft EULA, it’s just for your own benefit. I am sure you don’t like hackers spoiling your gameplay.


Pika Member
Dec 1, 2016
It's the forums. Anyone can reply.
Also, Read my signature carefully
Alright, have a great day/night

P.S there are tons of servers that have the "English only (outside PMs)" rule. Good luck! ;)

How can I reply to you? You popped in and just assumed 2-3 things I mentioned but weren't the intention of the post.
Go read again EVERYTHING I said in order to reply and say something with feet, body and head, please.

With all respect for you:
I don't have the itention to harm or make someone unconfortable by any way, I just want to expose this unrightful situation on your Network, I hope that this situation gets solved peacefully and fast with a simple dialog from both of us. If not I am forced to take this to a higher level, and I'm talking to open an inquiry with Mojang. This is not at any way, shape or form, a threat/offense directly/indirectly to someone/anyone in this Network, it is just a call for attencion on this very delicated situation.


Pika Member
Dec 1, 2016
1. While it is illegal in the EU (where pika is based), laws doesn’t affect minecraft servers, mojangs Eula does.
2. Yes i mentioned racist because I thought you thought they were being racist, I guess I shouldn’t assume things.
3. The Eula you mentioned : “Content[BGCOLOR=rgb(245, 245, 245)] If you are going to make something available on or through our Game, it must not be offensive to people or illegal, it must be honest, and it must be your own creation. Some examples of the types of things you must not make available using our Game include: posts that include racist or homophobic language; posts that are bullying or trolling; posts that are offensive or that damage our or another person's reputation; posts that include porn or someone else's creation or image; or posts that impersonate a moderator or try to trick or exploit people.[/BGCOLOR]

You don’t have a right to use the server unless you comply by the rules. “It must not be offensive” I said already. Anything can be offensive. Hackers can be offended that they are banned, spammers can be offended they are muted. Spammers can also say you violated their freedom of speech. But, that’s a law, not affecting minecraft servers. Every single server has to break one part of their EULA to keep running. It is impossible to not offend anyone while still keeping rules in place.

4. It is discrimination, BUT, you can’t say everything is discrimination even thought it is in reality. Hackers will say its discrimination etc. Don’t get offended by everything. And I said above, it’s impossible to keep running their server.
5. You are treated the exact same if you don’t break rules. It’s only that other players don’t break the rules and speak languages other than English. You got warned because you did something that they didn’t do. And if you say “I got treated differently because I got warned” well to bad, you broke a rule, you did something different, you get treated differently.

Last: it breaks the rules? You broke pikas rules. Don’t be offended over little things like this

I don't like to write all of this but it's for a good cause... Let's go...

1. While it is illegal in the EU (where pika is based), laws doesn’t affect minecraft servers, mojangs Eula does.
I will forget you mentioned this:
3. The Eula you mentioned : “Content[BGCOLOR=rgb(245, 245, 245)] If you are going to make something available on or through our Game, it must not be offensive to people or illegal[/BGCOLOR]
And say that is illegal in EU (as you mentioned) so go and read Minecraft EULA, where it says you cant do anything illegal. With that everything you said in this part is wrong.

2. Yes i mentioned racist because I thought you thought they were being racist, I guess I shouldn’t assume things.
I'm happy for you understanding that you can't assume things such delicate as this situation. Good...

3. The Eula you mentioned : “Content[BGCOLOR=rgb(245, 245, 245)] If you are going to make something available on or through our Game, it must not be offensive to people or illegal, it must be honest, and it must be your own creation. Some examples of the types of things you must not make available using our Game include: posts that include racist or homophobic language; posts that are bullying or trolling; posts that are offensive or that damage our or another person's reputation; posts that include porn or someone else's creation or image; or posts that impersonate a moderator or try to trick or exploit people.[/BGCOLOR]

You don’t have a right to use the server unless you comply by the rules. “It must not be offensive” I said already. Anything can be offensive. Hackers can be offended that they are banned, spammers can be offended they are muted. Spammers can also say you violated their freedom of speech. But, that’s a law, not affecting minecraft servers. Every single server has to break one part of their EULA to keep running. It is impossible to not offend anyone while still keeping rules in place.

A challange, finally...

You don’t have a right to use the server unless you comply by the rules. “It must not be offensive” I said already.
Ok... What is this? I said in every post (and this one) I wrote I don't want to be offensive. I kinda know what you mean in the other reply you wrote. We will see that when I go there.
Anything can be offensive. Hackers can be offended that they are banned, spammers can be offended they are muted. Spammers can also say you violated their freedom of speech. But, that’s a law, not affecting minecraft servers. Every single server has to break one part of their EULA to keep running. It is impossible to not offend anyone while still keeping rules in place.
Alright you are getting better in this... Sure it can be offensive but they broke the Minecraft EULA and your server rule that agrees with it (Minecraft EULA). Eveything you mentioned was wrong acts that it clearly are in Minecraft EULA as wrong and agaisnt the rules. Talking in my mother language isn't a bad action, it's a very good one actually, and getting punished for that is wrong. I hope you understand this...

4. It is discrimination, BUT, you can’t say everything is discrimination even thought it is in reality. Hackers will say its discrimination etc. Don’t get offended by everything. And I said above, it’s impossible to keep running their server.
As I said in this reply hackers are doing bad things. The last sentence I will say it later.

5. You are treated the exact same if you don’t break rules. It’s only that other players don’t break the rules and speak languages other than English. You got warned because you did something that they didn’t do. And if you say “I got treated differently because I got warned” well to bad, you broke a rule, you did something different, you get treated differently.
Ok... It seems you didn't see this let me show you again, ok?
you will most likely get a verbal warning to move to /msg before getting actually warned.
And the rules I only will say this, again, go check everything I wrote.

Last one:
Last: it breaks the rules? You broke pikas rules. Don’t be offended over little things like this
The thing is that you are forcing the players to speak a language that they can't express themselves very well, as I mentioned before (check it again), and most importantly It's a HUMAN RIGHT no discrimination. I am just a guy defending my rights and other ones right.

Don't forget!
I don't have the itention to harm or make someone unconfortable by any way, I just want to expose this unrightful situation on your Network, I hope that this situation gets solved peacefully and fast with a simple dialog from both of us. If not I am forced to take this to a higher level, and I'm talking to open an inquiry with Mojang. This is not at any way, shape or form, a threat/offense directly/indirectly to someone/anyone in this Network, it is just a call for attencion on this very delicated situation.

Oh and also, I covered almost everything you said on the other posts, if you want me to clear them just tell me and I will do it.


I don't like to write all of this but it's for a good cause... Let's go...


I will forget you mentioned this:

And say that is illegal in EU (as you mentioned) so go and read Minecraft EULA, where it says you cant do anything illegal. With that everything you said in this part is wrong.


I'm happy for you understanding that you can't assume things such delicate as this situation. Good...


A challange, finally...

Ok... What is this? I said in every post (and this one) I wrote I don't want to be offensive. I kinda know what you mean in the other reply you wrote. We will see that when I go there.

Alright you are getting better in this... Sure it can be offensive but they broke the Minecraft EULA and your server rule that agrees with it (Minecraft EULA). Eveything you mentioned was wrong acts that it clearly are in Minecraft EULA as wrong and agaisnt the rules. Talking in my mother language isn't a bad action, it's a very good one actually, and getting punished for that is wrong. I hope you understand this...


As I said in this reply hackers are doing bad things. The last sentence I will say it later.


Ok... It seems you didn't see this let me show you again, ok?

And the rules I only will say this, again, go check everything I wrote.

Last one:

The thing is that you are forcing the players to speak a language that they can't express themselves very well, as I mentioned before (check it again), and most importantly It's a HUMAN RIGHT no discrimination. I am just a guy defending my rights and other ones right.

Don't forget!

Oh and also, I covered almost everything you said on the other posts, if you want me to clear them just tell me and I will do it.
1. I said later that mojang EULA does. Seems pretty ironic that you are telling people to read your whole post, but you don’t.
2. Ok
3. 1. I never said you were offensive, you took it out of conetext. Also there I never said anything about you being offensive. I just said anything could be 2. The Eula said you can’t DISTRIBUTE hacked clients, never said anything about using it, also people could say kill aura or anti knockback are mods, so yeah. People will still take it as offensive. Also talking in your mother language is bad for the server, I explained in my post.
4. They are doing bad things, but they can be offended and they aren’t breaking the EULA
5. I don’t get your point. You got treated differently because you broke a rule, how does his comment have to do anything with this?
6. It’s a human right. It’s a human right to do anything you want. Don’t use that BS excuse.


I don't like to write all of this but it's for a good cause... Let's go...


I will forget you mentioned this:

And say that is illegal in EU (as you mentioned) so go and read Minecraft EULA, where it says you cant do anything illegal. With that everything you said in this part is wrong.


I'm happy for you understanding that you can't assume things such delicate as this situation. Good...


A challange, finally...

Ok... What is this? I said in every post (and this one) I wrote I don't want to be offensive. I kinda know what you mean in the other reply you wrote. We will see that when I go there.

Alright you are getting better in this... Sure it can be offensive but they broke the Minecraft EULA and your server rule that agrees with it (Minecraft EULA). Eveything you mentioned was wrong acts that it clearly are in Minecraft EULA as wrong and agaisnt the rules. Talking in my mother language isn't a bad action, it's a very good one actually, and getting punished for that is wrong. I hope you understand this...


As I said in this reply hackers are doing bad things. The last sentence I will say it later.


Ok... It seems you didn't see this let me show you again, ok?

And the rules I only will say this, again, go check everything I wrote.

Last one:

The thing is that you are forcing the players to speak a language that they can't express themselves very well, as I mentioned before (check it again), and most importantly It's a HUMAN RIGHT no discrimination. I am just a guy defending my rights and other ones right.

Don't forget!

Oh and also, I covered almost everything you said on the other posts, if you want me to clear them just tell me and I will do it.
And yeah you didn’t cover everything on my other post please clear it up


Epic Pika
Sep 15, 2019
I am Brazilian.
I've never been punished for a foreign language or anything like that, but I think the English Only rule in the chat is a little unfair, I don't think this is a xenophobic or discriminatory attitude.


nope I'm sure a lot of people agrees

i just said but it's discrimination does that makes me a little shit? isn't it true?
Little shits don’t know how to take a bit of discrimination where the discrimination helps monitor rule breakers. If the rule was allowed people could break chat rules spamming in their language while the staff don’t know what’s going on


The Pika
Dec 8, 2018
Fact #1: Staffs are not that kind to warn you by speaking english to you and non of the rules will aply to the server and even if it does, well you know, will jsut be forced to remove his staff rank but totally will not happen.

Fact #2: You are told to only speak English in this server. Ok? Get it? Totally not language discrimination. They have their own rules.

Fact #3: /msg should be a thing in bedwars.
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