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Could we get more items?


Jun 26, 2021
I will not be suprised if I will be turned down so any answer will do!

I have seen my friends (who play on Hypixel.net) flexing their weekly new items and stuff like that and so could we get more unique items?
For example for every season of the year we get an item we get to use only in that specific time of the year.
My ideas:
Winter - Snow bow (I guess could freeze other players and turn them into ice cubes that slide if the player tries to move for a few seconds.
Spring - Sakura flower potion? Since in Asia spring is the time of the sakura flowers so it theoretically should fit. For example the potion could give 2x health but its user would be stuck with wooden tools and sword until death.
Summer - a at least 2x stronger fireball because I imagine that the heat of the sun charges the fireball hence giving it more power. I think this would be a suitable idea because it would make things interesting.
Autumn - idk sorry

P.S Again these are just random ideas of mine that actually don't make any sence 🙄