I don't see the point of clearing anyone's stats if they're "permanently" banned, anyone can appeal 6 months after their ban and continue with their progress they had, this would also include people being permanently banned for Encouraging suicide for example, it doesn't make sense. Now comes the next part - wiping stats for those who cheated. This sure does seem like a great idea to some people but in reality it isn't. Your stats gets wiped if you elo boost, that's a thing no matter if it actually was or wasn't. If we're only going to be wiping stats for the leaderboard players, it's no use as then we should also wipe stats for every other cheater to only make it fair, which doesn't make sense as this is most likely going to be done manually and that will take a long time. Hence, this is unnecessary effort the staff team needs to put into.
Just try hard and get yourself up there if you really want to be unless they're some crazy stats. Afterall, it's only impressive if you're beating a cheater, isn't it?