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Denied Lobby add ./report command, so we dont need to go here and report

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Jun 16, 2020
Minecraft Username

add ./report command, so we dont need to go here and report

Detailed description:
add /report command to the pika network server or even jartex if they dont have /report command​

few of our players doesnt have account on this network​

/report [name] [reason like : kill aura,fly hacks,anti reach,scaffhold,etc]


Moderator & Event Manager
Staff Member
Dec 28, 2016
They already have /report cmd in some pvp servers but I don't think it works. Haven't tried using it.


Ultimate Legendary Pika
Apr 19, 2020
cuz mostly of the kids may spam this /report command and staff will having a hard time to determine if its true violating the rules or no. I still gonna stick report on forum and provide proof.

Deleted member 23559

There should always be a way of reporting someone in-game for any reason, whether it's breaking chat rules, usage of unfair modifications etc, Players shouldn't have to sign up on forums to report someone. Reporting someone should be quick, easy, and accessible. Yes, sometimes it will be used and spammed incorrectly by some, but a very simple yet impactful could be made to tackle that problem. Therefore:



Pika Member
Apr 12, 2020
pika have /report cmd in old days but its useless, staff didnt check that


Feb 26, 2016
Well the problem is,
We couldn't punish the player without proof and if we see you've /report someone but then they are offline , they just won't get punished
The forums is much better as it means people know to record the player and staff are guranateed to see the report


Great Reporter
Jul 1, 2019
Trust me reporting on forums is WAY easier to handle than just tons of people spamming /report


Legendary Pika
Feb 26, 2016
I've been staff on a server with /report and it is not as good as you think. For one, the amount of reports you get on a server of this size is upwards of 5 a minute. Multiple people will report the same person, burying other reports. Another issue is people are more flippant about using a report command than a forums report. Instead of, "I should need video proof that I'm playing against a hacker", more often it's "That guy beat me/seemed a little fishy, no harm in /report right?". The issue then is that near half the reports are false, and even if you've checked someone once, that doesn't mean they can't hack later on, so you're always checking a bunch of the same people. It ends up being more harm than good because staff are constantly bouncing around for reports instead of patrolling the server or watching pvp zones.

Deleted member 23559

Well the problem is,
We couldn't punish the player without proof and if we see you've /report someone but then they are offline , they just won't get punished
The forums is much better as it means people know to record the player and staff are guranateed to see the report
When you report someone, it's usually because of blatant cheating or breaking chat rules, your argument on "no proof" doesn't work here, yes they can go offline, but if they do that then forums will work, there should always be a way of quickly reporting someone in-game.

Deleted member 23559

I've been staff on a server with /report and it is not as good as you think. For one, the amount of reports you get on a server of this size is upwards of 5 a minute. Multiple people will report the same person, burying other reports. Another issue is people are more flippant about using a report command than a forums report. Instead of, "I should need video proof that I'm playing against a hacker", more often it's "That guy beat me/seemed a little fishy, no harm in /report right?". The issue then is that near half the reports are false, and even if you've checked someone once, that doesn't mean they can't hack later on, so you're always checking a bunch of the same people. It ends up being more harm than good because staff are constantly bouncing around for reports instead of patrolling the server or watching pvp zones.
Staff members are meant to try and multi-task in-game PVP zones, reports, forums, and discord. Yes, a lot of people will spam it and might end up wasting staff members' time, but a simple yet effective system could be easily made to tackle that problem. If someone was already reported more than 3 times, they can't get reported again for the next 5 minutes because the staff will most likely check him very soon. Staff members can also communicate properly for each of them to handle a set amount of reports so it's not all a big cluster of reports and 2 staff members checking the same one, which would be wasting time.


Legendary Pika
Feb 26, 2016
Staff members are meant to try and multi-task in-game PVP zones, reports, forums, and discord. Yes, a lot of people will spam it and might end up wasting staff members' time, but a simple yet effective system could be easily made to tackle that problem. If someone was already reported more than 3 times, they can't get reported again for the next 5 minutes because the staff will most likely check him very soon. Staff members can also communicate properly for each of them to handle a set amount of reports so it's not all a big cluster of reports and 2 staff members checking the same one, which would be wasting time.

You have a very warped understanding of how easy it is to be a staff member and how many staff members are on Pika at one time


Staff Member
May 1, 2019
-1 I don't think / report is & was a good function. What I see when I am online to practice is that at least 50% of hackusates are simply better pvpers.
If you add / report, do / report every time they lose because you lost to a better user. Or when a hacker hacks in some matches and then removes his hack or stops hacking. If you record and upload the fight with a hacker, you have proof that he was hackin so we can punish the player

Deleted member 23559

You have a very warped understanding of how easy it is to be a staff member and how many staff members are on Pika at one time
I have a lot of experience as a staff member? There isn't a difference between "Don't add /report, too many false reports" and "I'm too lazy to check them all" And in very rare cases will 1 staff member have to check all reports, but I don't know how many staff members are on at once at pika.


Legendary Pika
Feb 26, 2016
There isn't a difference between "Don't add /report, too many false reports" and "I'm too lazy to check them all".

There is a difference, and the difference is time management. The reports flood in and are simply not able to be kept up with, especially since around 50% or more will be false. Checking someone for hacks can take upwards of 5 minutes if it isn't immediately obvious, and as far as I'm aware, staff on Pika rn are recording hackers before they ban. Just think about that for a second. It will take 2-3 minutes to look at each report, at which point 15 more reports will have come in. People will be just as annoyed, if not more so than before. "I reported someone, why have no staff looked at him yet?". It's much better for staff and players overall to get players involved in recording and reporting hackers/rule breakers on the forums rather than just /report'ing someone and moving on.

Deleted member 23559

There is a difference, and the difference is time management. The reports flood in and are simply not able to be kept up with, especially since around 50% or more will be false. Checking someone for hacks can take upwards of 5 minutes if it isn't immediately obvious, and as far as I'm aware, staff on Pika rn are recording hackers before they ban. Just think about that for a second. It will take 2-3 minutes to look at each report, at which point 15 more reports will have come in. People will be just as annoyed, if not more so than before. "I reported someone, why have no staff looked at him yet?". It's much better for staff and players overall to get players involved in recording and reporting hackers/rule breakers on the forums rather than just /report'ing someone and moving on.
I am fully aware of /report not always being effective, yes you are right in the sense of recording and posting on forums will prevail /report, but /report is a tool that won't always work, we can't guarantee it to always work, but at the times that it would've worked, we don't lose anything. And you also have to realize that you're assuming near the worst here. In my experience staffing it doesn't take 2-3 minutes to figure out whether someone is cheating or not, and it's not always going to be "more than 50% of reports will be false", and if the server management team puts a limitation/system on the report system, that 100% won't happen, if it does after a system is implemented, then the system could be improved, but I doubt it will fail. Yes, it makes the server look worse if someone gets reported more than 3 times and nothing happens due to a flood of reports, but again, a simple yet effective system could be put into place to solve all of that, Pika isn't a small server and has more than enough resources to put together a proper report system that can't be easily flooded, and prioritizes notifying the players who were reported more than once, and first-time reportees will be prioritized less than the ones who were reported multiple times. I hope my point was clear and if you have anything else to say, go ahead I'm willing to discuss this.


Legendary Pika
Feb 26, 2016
it doesn't take 2-3 minutes to figure out whether someone is cheating or not,

You are assuming the best in all scenarios. There's a reason this suggestion gets shot down when its suggested every month. It's more harmful overall than it is helpful.

Also, while rage hacking and some kill auras are fairly obvious, that doesn't mean all hacks are clearly obvious. The other issue is if someone /report's, and you only look for ten seconds and give up after that, you aren't really doing your job. You'd have to watch them for a good minute or two to make sure they aren't toggling or something. If it is a hacker, you've got to record and file the recording before banning because that's what the staff here do, unlike wherever you were staff. Doing your due diligence takes more than a couple seconds to decide if someone is hacking or not
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